Ultimate Teacher Chapter 447: , very silly and unruly!

Chapter 447, Silly and Uninhibited!

Fang Yan looked at Huang Mao with an excited expression, and asked with a smile: “Self-learned the law course of TV University?”

“Yes.” Huang Mao nodded proudly. From a gangster with a **** bloody taste to a knowledgeable and literate night school graduate, it can indeed be called a huge change.

“Can you become a lawyer in another two years?”

“Yes. I have been preparing for a long time, I am confident to get a lawyer’s license in two years.” Huang Mao was more proud.

Fang Yan’s eyes became sharp, as if he was going to see through the yellow hair and five lungs and torn his clothes naked, and said with a slightly ironic tone: “So, you want to Want to tell me that you are now a knowledgeable and cultural gangster?”


Huang Mao was blushing and blushing, unable to speak for a long time.

“When I saw you for the first time three years ago, you followed a bad brother and touched the girl’s **** in the small bar. When I saw you for the second time, you were lying in front of the school with blood on your face Pretend this is our third meeting? You brought a group of you from three years ago to circumvent the school gates-of course, you now have knowledge and culture, and you still learn law-some The legal provisions are even clearer than I know. In this field, you can be my teacher.”

“You will no longer say that you are gangsters who seek to provoke troubles and harass school girls. You package them as victims. You are not here to encircle the school, you say you are negotiating, you are looking for a fair —- Before you hated the media, now you know how to borrow the media. Before you were afraid of the police, now you know how to let the police protect you.”

“You are very proud to tell me that you have studied the TVU course by yourself. You said that you will be able to get a lawyer’s license in two years. You have really grown up and have grown to a level that makes me look at it. You hope I am right What do you say? Encourage you to be aspiring and succeed? Praise your prodigal son for turning back and not changing the gold?”

“Teacher Fang, I don’t mean that, I am” Huang Mao was speechless in shame. He really hoped that Fang Yan could see his growth, and he also longed for Fang Yan to praise him a few words. Even patting his shoulder gave him the strength to move forward.

He also experienced too many things in the past few years. He has fought and hurt people, ate a king’s meal, went to the police station, and took pictures of his young wife who touched the girl’s ass. A wonderful popcorn movie has been burned in the treasure house of life. No traces are left.

At that time, he became the puppet chosen by Brother Wolf, lying on the stretcher with blood on his face, and was pulled up in a hurry by Fang Yan, with his fingers on his face and blood on his face. Add a radical next to the word “Taste”. Countless times that scene was reproduced in his mind, bumping his mind again and again.

The appearance of Fang Yan completely subverted his previous three views. Before encountering Fang Yan, he thought that the wolf brother had a wolf head tattooed on his body. He felt that his companion Zhang Quan egg had a row of lip nails on his lips. He felt that Xiao Bai was always able to be supported by various rich women on his own appearance like Andy Lau. Of course, he still thought Xiao Bai was very powerful until now. Skills are inherently enviable.

However, after knowing Fang Yan, he thought that Fang Yan’s ghosts generally grabbed the glass bottle in his hand and shattered it piece by piece. It was cool, and a step rushed up to pick up the body of Wolf Brother. It is domineering to stand proudly in the face of the confusion of the media and the media. It is very powerful to use your fingers to write blood on your face. The most important thing is that he does not have Andy Lau’s face, but there are many young beautiful girls like .

It’s like a sudden burning candle in a dark room. Fang Yan is the one who sent the candle. He felt that he should change and become a charming man with knowledge and content.

So he began to study hard and became the most outstanding graduate of that year. He loved the law and started to fight hard again towards the lawyer’s license.

All of this stems from the influence of the man in front of him.

He came to Vermillion Bird High school to find Fang Yan several times, but each time he was disappointed and returned.

It was an embarrassing scene to meet each other in surprise today.

Fang Yan looked at the man with yellow hair and said, “If you study hard day and night just to be a cultured hooligan, if you work hard to get a lawyer’s license and just want to defend yourself and your companions, then I I regretted waking you up at the beginning and regretting teaching you to arm yourself with knowledge. It is better to keep you’blood debt blood tasting’. It is also less destructive to society.”

Huang Mao bowed respectfully to Fang Yan and said, “Teacher Fang, I know I was wrong. I learned something on my own and I was proud and complacent. I felt a few drops of ink in my stomach, so I wanted to help My brothers came forward to deflate my mentality, something went wrong with my mental skills. I didn’t apply what I learned to where I should use it. I’m sorry for your education.”

Fang Yan’s face softened slightly, and he looked at Huang Mao and asked, “What’s your name?”

“My name is Hai Sanxian.” Huang Mao said embarrassedly, and he also felt that his name was really not on the table. “My surname is Hai, and my parents used to sell seafood at the ferry, so I named him Hai Sanxian.”

“Hai Sanxian, don’t feel ashamed of your name.” Fang Yan reached out and patted his shoulder, said: “You should try to make your parents proud of this name.”

Haisan Xian nodded again and again and said, “My parents are very proud of me now. They didn’t let me go home a few years ago. Now they call me several times a month to give me time. Go back and see —- they will be more proud in the future.”

Fang Yan smiled and turned his attention to Brother Xiaoxing and the group of fellows he brought.

Fang Yan’s eyes are on, everyone stepped back step by step.

The men who even bow their heads and bow their waists, how dare they compete with him?

Hai Sanxian’s face was extremely embarrassing, and she explained to Fang Yan: “Mr. Fang, this matter is indeed our fault-it’s a penalty, it’s up to you.”

“If you met me today, not someone else from the security department, what are you going to do?”

“Discussion is fair.” Hai Sanxian said frankly.

“How to be fair?”

“To ask them to apologize to the wounded and medical expenses-this is the standard method for the brothers on the road to do things,” said Hai Sanxian. “Otherwise, you will make things worse-ordinary schools are not willing to have negative news to be reported by the media.”

“You guys will count.” Fang Yan said with a smile: “I will not beat you, nor punish you. I will make you remember.”

“Teacher Fang, what do you mean?” Hai Sanxian had a bad hunch in her heart.

He respects Fang Yan and is more afraid of Fang Yan. This fear comes from deep inside. It seems that this man can become a monster by opening his mouth or waving his hand and swallowing them.

Dang Dang Dang

The school bell rings.

First, there was a brief silence, and then the whole earth began to vibrate.

The hustle and bustle, the sound of footsteps, and the students rushing out of the classrooms spread like clusters of sheep around the school, and then gathered at the school entrance.

When they passed by the school entrance, they found a strange and weird scene.

A dozen men lined up in two neat teams. They stood on both sides of the door of the Vermillion Bird High school gate, just like a welcome at the door of the hotel.

These men have scary tattoos, or cheap and dense earrings, and some are dyed with colorful non-mainstream hairstyles. These men who look like bad boys are doing one and theirs. The image is extremely unmatched.

“Learning is hard, please go home safely!” They bowed deeply to the students who came out, and then shouted such slogans together.

“It’s hard to learn, please go home safely!” They got up and then exercised this etiquette against the next wave of students.

It is now the peak period for students to enter and leave the gate. Their bodies have just lifted up, and they have to bow their heads again, reminding the students who passed by them ‘safely home’ over and over again.

“Oh my god, isn’t that earring man a little star brother? He is so powerful, I heard that there are a lot of little brothers under his hand”

“Ah, the big fat man asked me for a hundred bucks, but he hasn’t given it back to me yet. What is his name?”

“The one with a scorpion on his neck is Brother Scorpion. It is said that this is a famous gangster. No one dared to provoke the owner of the student restaurant at that time to quarrel with him. Smashed”

The students were stunned by this scene. These gangsters used to provoke characters who could not escape the scorpion, but now bowed respectfully to them, and asked them to say’to go home safely~ .com~Is the big bad wolf eating grass?

Many students with surprise faces touched their mobile phones out of their pockets to take pictures of this weird scene. Such hilarious scenes are rare.

Fang Yan sat in the security booth drinking tea, and the bald men stood with their heads high above their heads, staring at the gangsters with dignity and disdain. The reason for being so docile and obedient to do such unreasonable things is completely conquered by our king.

The bald man’s face was proud and glorious, and the few hairs above his head fluttered in the autumn wind.

Stupid and unruly!

(ps:Thanks to Ye Wenrou’s small 30,000 rewards, Hainan Group’s request to speed up the update I saw it. Thanks to Xiaoxiaren’s cute and lovely Wanshang, now it’s the guru, and further is our 119th adorable master .Thanks to operatpr local tycoon’s 20,000 rewards, I really read the true confession! Thank you very much!) r1058


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