Ultimate Teacher Chapter 311: , Zheng Jing’s performance!

Chapter 311, Zheng Jing’s Performance!

“Mr. Zhang Zao, the dress Mr. Zhang is wearing today is really spiritual”

“Teacher Li, drink tea? Teacher Qin, I knew the newspaper must be in your hands—-“

When Fang Yan walked into the office, he smiled and greeted every teacher he met. Because Lu Chaoge bought Suzaku and Fang Yan was the spokesperson for Lu Chaoge’s stay in the school, so he has very low qualifications and a high position in the school, and no one will come to attack and expel him. That is self-inflicted.

However, Fang Yan is a good man who can’t win or lose. Although he is now turning over the carp to jump the dragon gate, he will not pose a high posture, no matter which teacher he sees, he will greet him kindly, In the office, I will also do some small work of changing the water and mopping the floor, and even often give everyone the good tea I got from Grandpa and Lu Zhaoge to taste–really respect the elders, unite colleagues, treat others with courtesy and courtesy Tempting.

Because Fang Yan’s low posture and high posture of doing things, colleagues also treat each other with a different attitude. Everyone smiled when they saw him, and people were often asked to attend some dinners. Of course, most of those dinners were pushed away by Fang Yan. Because he does have more important things to do.

“Teacher Fang. I heard that your class students are fighting with the students from Ivy League? Have you also beat the students from Ivy League school into the hospital?” Teacher Zhang, wearing a red woolen coat, held the tea cup in his hand and looked at Asked Fang Yan.

“Mr. Zhang also heard?” Fang Yan asked with a smile.

“I heard that too.” Teacher Li said. “I heard that Chang Qingteng turned upside down and said that it won’t make us feel better-I am a college classmate who is a teacher in the Ivy League key class”

“It’s common for students to have a little friction. Why do they quarrel with each other? Why don’t they make us feel better? When Ivy League students bullied our students, why didn’t they react so much? ?”

“Yes. Their students are babies, and our students are wild grasses? It’s too deceiving.”

Fang Yan felt warm after seeing the office anger. Everyone stood on their side. Whether they are genuine or hypocritical, this feeling is much happier than he used to meet all the storms alone.

Fang Yan said with a smile: “Don’t worry, everyone has solved the problem.”

“Solved?” Teacher Zhang asked with a puzzled face: “Are you apologizing?”


“Also. It’s useless for you to apologize. If they insist on it, it is estimated that Director Li Mingqiang or Vice President Chen will have to deal with it-their eyes are high.”

“Director Li Mingqiang and Vice President Chen should have just learned about this matter”

“Is that principal Zhang?”

Fang Yan waved his hand and said, “Principal Zhang’s work is busy, how can I have time to deal with such small things?”

“No one came forward?” The thin but resourceful teacher Li looked at Fang Yan suspiciously and said, “Ivy I speak so well this time? It used to be like this before.”

Fang Yan laughed and said: “Maybe they may know that they are justified.”

At this time, Zheng Jing, the deputy director of the principal’s office, walked up.

Zheng Jing is the candidate Jiang gradually arranged to assist or monitor Lu Chaoge in the school. After Lu Chaoge left, Zheng Jing became a useless chess piece. Jiang Zhuliu abandoned him, and Lu Chaoge would not take him away, so he became an indispensable little person in the office, and his life was very bleak.

I haven’t seen you in a few days. He looked at Fang Yan with a smile on his face, and said flatly: “Ms. Fang was early. When he came, he thought you were not in the office. He was preparing to run to your house —- I did not expect that Mr. Fang was so early. Came to the office.”

“Teacher Fang never leaves late or leaves early.” Teacher Zhang said aloud.

“That is. We can come, Mr. Fang can’t come at a young age?” Someone made up the knife.

The “speaking like teacher Fang is often out of the office” is even more ruthless.

The sentence of Zheng Jing was originally no problem. If he still has the former deputy director of the office, Wei Feng, even if there is a problem with this sentence, everyone will pretend that he did not see the problem.

However, Zheng Jing, who is now in the school shouting and beating, offended a large group of people because of a word that pleased Fang Yan.

The loophole is magnified indefinitely, and if they are allowed to continue, Zheng Jing will become a wicked person who will pull it out of the pot and go to hell.

Zheng Jing’s chubby face didn’t see anger and embarrassment, but just kept fighting to the teachers and said, “I said the wrong thing, I said the wrong thing. Please make a meal for compensation. One person in this office counts one, so be sure to give me a chance to apologize for the gift—-“

Zheng Jing’s posture is so low that everyone is not good to attack him anymore.

Fang Yan watched Mimi watching Zheng Jing’s performance and asked, “Did Director Zheng have anything to do with me?”

“It is the deputy director. Deputy.” Zheng Jing said seriously. The smile on his face is so thick that he can be said to be a joke or that he is serious about what he says symmetrically. After this incident, Fang Yan really discovered Zheng Jing’s superiority. “Mr. Fang, Principal Zhang asked me to invite you to his office”

“Principal Zhang Shaofeng? Do you know anything?” Fang Yan looked puzzled.

“Good thing.” Zheng Jing said with a smile. “I heard a few words when I went in. Principal Zhong Deyi from Ivy League came to apologize. Principal Zhang thought you should let you show your face—-“

Ivy I apologize?

And I’m going to apologize in person, Ivy League President Zhong Deyi? The crazy principal? The one who said that as long as he stays in the Ivy League for one day, Ivy League will squeeze the Ivy League vines in the high school sector?


The crowd gasped.

The teachers present were full of excitement, and felt that this was a very popular thing.

Fang Yan’s eyes were slightly puzzled, and then he was relieved.

Over the years, Suzaku’s achievements have been crushed by Ivy League, and Ivy League is extremely proud and arrogant. Suzaku’s teachers who have worked for decades or decades feel that humiliation really deeply.

What is more painful that they hurt you and don’t put you in your eyes?

It is not surprising to hear that Ivy League’s mad apprentice personally came to the school to apologize.

“Fang Yan, what happened? How did Zhong Deyi come in person?”

“Yes. That’s Zhong Deyi. Has he ever been to our Suzaku before?”

“I’ve been there, officials of the Ministry of Education asked him to evaluate the competitor Suzaku, he said that Suzaku is not his competitor—-“

Fang Yan smiled and said, “It’s a good thing to come. I’ll check it out.”

“Go quickly. Don’t let Principal Zhang wait.” The teachers urged.

Originally, Zheng Jing led Fang Yan to the headmaster’s administrative building, but after leaving, Zheng Jing habitually fell behind Fang Yan.

Fang Yan didn’t look back and said, “No need, you know I don’t care about this.”

“That’s Teacher Fang Gaoliangliang, I can’t let people say that I don’t know the number of courtesies.” Zheng Jing replied with a smile.

“Zheng Jing, why didn’t you leave?” Fang Yan asked aloud.

Zheng Jing’s face dimmed and said in dismay: “Go. After all, if I go. I know sooner or later there will be the latest chapter in a day. Just a hint of fantasy in my heart-I am the one A dog thrown by a person in a school, he will go wherever he drives me, whoever I let me bite, I have to bite. I understand the truth of the emperor and the courtier. I offended you and betrayed Lu Principal —- Principal Lu paid for the purchase of Suzaku and the news came out that I knew my fate.”

Zheng Jing sighed softly and said, “But, I can’t bear it. I like school, I like the relaxed and comfortable atmosphere of the school. I am really tired of those intrigues, but when I walk out of the school, why not? Need to be intriguing? There are also schools, which are much simpler and simpler after all.”

“Don’t hide from you, everyone thought I was in a state of embarrassment and my life was miserable. But they didn’t know that this time was the most comfortable and enjoyable life I have ever had since I entered Suzaku. Headmaster Lu and that one are in a dilemma. There is no need to worry about what to do with Headmaster Lu today. There is no need to sneak around behind Headmaster Lu all day like being a thief~IndoMTL.com~in Lu Under the headmaster’s gaze, I often feel that I can’t breathe—I’m a spy, I know I’m a spy everywhere I’m undercover. Do you say that life is a human life?”

“Now that President Lu is gone, the other one also feels that I have not used value to kick me away. What is a few jokes by a colleague? What is it to listen to a few cool words? Compared with the previous torture Now it’s almost like living in paradise so I have been waiting. I know that as long as you don’t speak, no one will take the initiative to drive me out. I have been waiting for you to speak, and sometimes I am also praying, hoping you I have long forgotten my little person, so I will eat and die in this Suzaku for a lifetime—-” Zheng Jing looked miserable and said: “Since you spoke today, it seems that I can’t hide it—- I will write a resignation report today.”

Fang Yan stopped long ago, looking at Zheng Jing’s emotionally eloquent performance with strange eyes, and said, “For this day, you must have practiced for a long time?”


Zheng Jing looked at Fang Yan with horror.

Is this guy a goblin? How do you know everything? rg


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