Ultimate Teacher Chapter 256: Wolfman!

Chapter 256, Wolfman!

If you are not worried about ruining your refined scholar‘s graceful, erudite, gentle and considerate image of a goddess, the muscles on Fang Yan’s face want to shudder a few times.

He was really angry, feeling that his outlook on life and world outlook collapsed in an instant.

Fang hero Fang Haohan, these two greedy and lazy idiot guys, why are they so embarrassed to lie on the ground in front of hundreds of students and raise their hands to surrender?

They are disciples of Fang’s inner disciples, students of old drunkards, shouldering the important tasks of defending their homeland and promoting Fang’s Tai Chi—how can they do this?

Fang Yan’s white face turns black, black face turns purple, and purple face turns white again.

He tried hard to control the muscles on his face, and it was very difficult to put on a gentle smiling expression, saying: “The students have seen it, this is the lack of fighting-because of their There is no dissatisfaction or unwillingness in my heart, so I have failed before actually fighting.”

“A battle without war intentions is no longer a battle. It is a unilateral slaughter.” Fang Yan walked to Fang Hero and placed his foot on his chest, saying, “I just need to lift As soon as I lifted my foot, I was able to step on his sternum, or directly twist his neck-he became my captive, and let me torture him as much as possible.”

Fang Yan clutched the microphone on his collar, squatted down to look at Fang Hero, and said, “Hurry up.”

“I can’t.” Fang hero shook his head desperately.

“I will step on you if you don’t get up.”

“If you trample on me, I won’t get up.” Hero Fang said very firmly. “If I get up, you must insult me ​​first and then trample me to death—–“

“What conditions did you agree to?”

“Don’t hit me.”

“This is impossible.”

“Then there is no need to talk–“

“I can guarantee not to hit your face.”

“That won’t work either,” Fang Hero said. “As long as you hit me, I lost my face in front of these hundreds of students-especially those female students. I used to smile at me when I met me on the road, and once I ate in the school cafeteria, They also poured the teriyaki meat they didn’t finish into my plate. If you hit me, they wouldn’t smile at me anymore, and they wouldn’t give me teriyaki meat—-“

“They just gave it to you?”

“Why not eat it?”

“Are you a pig?”

“I am a pig.” Hero Fang received it smoothly. “Uncle Master, discuss something with you.”


“Will you let me fight?” Fang hero asked cautiously.

“What?” Fang Yan almost jumped up. You haven’t cooperated with me in class yet, now you want to beat me up? Do you still want to talk about seniority?

“Look, you have so many people who like me, Fang Haohan and I are two **** — I am not in a hurry, but the heroes are already so old. Not to mention the distant topic of getting married and having children, is Let’s talk about a love and touch the girl’s small hand. I haven’t touched the opposite **** hand except Fang Haohan’s hand. Fang Haohan is even more pitiful, he only touched my hand– –“

“So I should let you beat meal, and then there are countless little girls clamoring to marry you?”

“Yes.” Fang hero nodded again and again. “Miss Ye beat you up, and she became the queen of Suzaku High School. I have inquired that many boys like her. The last time I walked on the road, there were two more daring fat men who came over and asked me for Miss Ye’s mobile phone. Number —- Your skill is so powerful, if the hero and I can beat you up, can we become the male **** idols of the school?”

“Why are you so naive?” Fang Yan said angrily.

“How am I naive?” Hero Fang asked very unconvinced. He has been thinking about this for a long time. As long as the uncle gave him a meal, he immediately became famous as Suzaku and became the king of Suzaku, the legendary bird king. Think about it and tremble all the excitement.

“You think Ye Wenrou was Queen Suzaku because I beat me? You let Li Xiaoyan beat me, you see if any boys treat her as a queen, you see if anyone runs to you Ask for her mobile phone number-at that time, everyone will say that this woman is unsightly and brutal and violent, whoever marries home will be unlucky—-“

Li Xiaoyan is a woman in the monkey boxing Li family and is the most important person in their circle. One meter and six, with a weight of nearly two hundred catties, walks like a fleshy mountain. Even the fat hero Fang stood in front of her and looked small, not to mention Fang Yan and the telegraph pole hero.

Hang Fang looked dull and said, “Uncle Xiaoshi, what do you mean?”

“If you look good, people will praise you for being lively and add a brutal style when you see someone hitting you. If you are long and ugly, you will hit people-others will say that ugly people are more strange. “

“I’m not ugly —–” Fang hero said sternly.

“That’s what you think.” Fang Yan said angrily.

He pulled the hero Fang from the ground with a sudden effort.

Hang Fang is anxious and wants to lie down like he has rickets.

Fang Yan slapped him on the shoulder, and the hero’s reflex muscle key was pressed, and a palm was slapped on Fang Yan’s chest.

Fang Yan Da Le, said to the students under the stage: “If you see it, the clay figurines will have three points of anger. When a person feels dissatisfied, the strength he exerts is quite amazing-this Even if the final result of the battle is defeat, it has already won my respect.”

Fang Yan said so, he already kicked the Fang hero that he respected behind the curtain of the stage for a long time.

Fang Yan walked towards Fang Haohan. Fang Haohan’s eyes closed and he immediately passed out.

Fang Yan has some regrets. I thought, next time I will take Fang Haohan to the stage alone. As an elder, you must be fair in doing things and keep a bowl of water flat. He played Fang Hero today and didn’t play Fang Hero. That’s not fair enough. Presumably, Fang Hero is also unhappy —-

It’s hard to be a man!



Blue Mountain Clubhouse.

This is one of the more famous clubs in Huacheng, and it is also the first choice for the gathering of the brothers and sisters of Huacheng. There are rumors that this club’s Hou #tai is one of the younger brothers of the four young people in Huacheng, but which one is still a mystery until now. Because no one in Huacheng Sixiu has admitted that he has all relations with the Blue Mountain Club.

“Recently there was a war, have you heard of it?” a young man with ear studs in his ears asked curiously. Armed with a big chest with white skin and white color, LOLI, holding a fork in his hand, is feeding the strawberries on the plate one by one into the ear of the earring man.

“What a battle? Come and listen.” The woman in a black dress with a beautiful collarbone inadvertently asked. She is flirting with a handsome guy from England.

“This is a real battle.” Ear Stud said with a smug face. “Hua Xia Taiji fights against the Eastern Sword God, does that sound a bit interesting? This is not the boxing competition on TV. It is said that the real master of the game is the life and death of the first master—-“

“Huaxia Taiji? Touhou Sword God?” Some people scoffed. “In this day and age, A Mao and A Duo can represent the Chinese Tai Chi? Which big buttocks island in Toyo, where is the sword god? Now the hype is getting more and more limitless. Let’s talk, how much is the ticket One?”

“Do not sell tickets. People are fighting at the top of Jianfeng Mountain.” Ear Stud said a little unhappy. He heard from the mouth of a very important person, the source is absolutely reliable.

“Hey, it’s quite entertaining. Why didn’t they change their names to Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng?”

“You don’t know about this?” A fat man embraced two foreign girls and joined the crowd and said, “If I tell you who is the decisive battle with Toyo Sword God, you won’t say that. .”

“Who is it?” Everyone was curious.

“Fang Yan.” The fat man said.

“Who is that person?” Some people don’t know where Fang Yan is sacred.

“Fang Yan actually has nothing to say, but he is just a middle school teacher—-” The fat man knows how to arouse the emotions of the audience. “However, this little teacher destroyed the willow tree, one of the four young people in Huacheng-it is said that his body was disabled~ IndoMTL.com~ his face was also scratched. You think the name of the foldboy is white That’s it, do you understand that this game is not a play?”

“That Fang Yan—-Why did he play against the Toyoen?”

“It is said that the Toyo people took the initiative to come to the door. Who knows? These guys with developed limbs and simple minds can’t do anything for the first thing in the world?”

“Then let’s go and see?” The women’s curiosity was fully drawn. “When did the game take place? We used to give the foldman a favor – how can we also be a player in our country, we can’t let those Toyos win.”


While everyone was talking enthusiastically about the events of the Sawboy vs. the Eastern Sword God, a stainless steel wheelchair stopped in front of them.

A man wearing a wolf-head mask sits in a wheelchair. His body is nestled in the wheelchair. One hand supports his chin. The two eyes inside the wolf eye gaze at the few guys in front with interest. : “The story is very exciting. What happened to one of the four shows of Huacheng who was beaten by the foldman with his legs and shaved face? He eats a few bowls of rice per meal? Can he go out and pick up girls? By the way, he is alive Right? In the face of such disasters, it doesn’t really make sense to be alive, does it?”


Everyone was silent, looking at the wolfman in front of him with fear.

Although he can’t see his face, everyone present can feel him smiling.

However, he smiled so cruelly.

It seems as if he could stab himself at any time!

(PS: Pray that you are like a brave guard, guarding love without movement —– Which song is it from? The first one gets a reward!)

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