Ultimate Teacher Chapter 138: , a little tired!

Chapter 138, a little tired!

During the confrontation between men and women, women always revenge and men pretend to be crazy and innocent.

For the first time, Lu Chaoge saw a man shouting in front of a woman and said she wanted revenge. She was amused by Fang Yan’s naked and direct threat.

Holding his full **** around his hands, staring at Fang Yan with playful eyes, he asked, “How is this a way of revenge?”

Fang Yanang thought for a while and said angrily: “Don’t ask such an idiot question, how do I revenge, do you have to tell you in advance? What if you have preparedness?”


Lu Chaoge has always believed that Fang Yan is a tuberculosis, but the difference between tuberculosis and others is that tuberculosis in other words will easily arouse the expression desire of the audience around you. The only thing is that he is constantly talking about words and phrases. When he finishes talking about what he wants to express, you find that you don’t know how to take it.

Such a person has a less positive title at the party: topic terminator.

Lu Chaoge raised his feet and continued to walk forward. Fang Yan also quickly followed her and said with a smile: “Is the mood better now?”

Lu Chaoge glanced at Fang Yan with a sideways look, and her heart twitched slightly. She knew that Fang Yan deliberately used this ‘selfishness’ to relax her nerves.

This guy is still willing to save money to please the woman.

“Thank you.” Lu Chaoge said. The depressed mood that has accumulated in my heart over the years was completely inspired by the three aunts and six wives at the banquet. After such a vent, she really relaxed a lot.

This time, she can play lightly again.

The enemy is not reported, there is more to war.

“If you don’t mind, can you tell me what happened?” Fang Yan said with a smile. “You are too nervous. Maybe you haven’t noticed that no matter when I see you at any time, you are always nervous, and your eyes and body are always vigilant-what a good and confident woman like you is, what is it What are you afraid of?”

“I know why you like flower arrangements. Only then can you relax a bit and let your tired body rest for a moment? I saw your handwritten banner in your office. You wrote two “meditation” Word.”

“There are also problems with these two characters?” Lu Chaoge’s face changed slightly. She had always thought that she was completely disguised, but did not expect that Fang Yan’s eyes were full of flaws.

“These two words are no problem.” Fang Yan smiled and shook his head. “It’s because these two words are too normal. So there is a problem-how much pressure do you bear, how irritable is your emotions, you have to write these two words to remind yourself at all times- To be meditating? The mind is not quiet, so it is necessary to meditate. If the mind is quiet, why do you need to write these two words for self-reflection?”

“Have you ever studied psychology?” Lu Zhaoge’s look at Fang Yan suddenly became alert again. This man is so terrifying, it has deepened her understanding of the other side of inflammation.

“Look, you are like this.” Fang Yan smiled bitterly. “I have never studied psychology, I have learned Tai Chi.”

“Tai Chi?”

“The best state of Tai Chi is that there is nothing and no self. After nothing and no self, the perception of the surrounding environment is more delicate and profound. Who is good to me who is bad to me who is guarded against me who is sincere and sincere I can be more sincere and sincere It’s clear that it is also equivalent to psychology. Psychology is to peep into the inner world of people from their language behavior, and Tai Chi is actually the same. People’s emotions will have a way of expression, an inexplicable word, no A light look—as long as these emotions are collected, you can get the answer you want.”

“Are you researching these every day?” Lu Zhaoge’s look at Fang Yan was even more strange.

“No, no.” Fang Yan waved his hand with a smile. “If you study and think about these things every day, and think about who is not friendly to me and who wants to bully me, it is too tired. Moreover, our tai chi is about letting nature go-nature is the biggest It makes sense. I don’t stay when he leaves, and I’m not afraid when he comes. This is our principle of doing things.”

After thinking for a while, Fang Yan felt that he should still find a way to eliminate Lu Chaoge’s self-warning. After all, only her female leader in Suzaku High School is willing to cover herself.

So, Fang Yan said: “Actually, every boy who learns Tai Chi is an angel falling from the sky. They came to the world with broken wings to protect a certain girl, and the angel with broken wings can never return To heaven. So, they can only practice Tai Chi for a lifetime, and be a **** for life. They are simple and kind, and have no dispute with the world. If you meet, you must cherish it.”


The topic terminator once again ended the topic.

“I think I still need to explain it to you.” Fang Yan said. “I remember the three chapters of our covenant, and I am very grateful for the help you gave me when I was the most difficult. I promised you would take care of the flowers and plants in the yard of the house, and I did so. I wake up every morning The first thing is to water them and weed them, and they will trim their branches and leaves before going to bed every night. I will hold them outside to absorb the sunlight. I am afraid that they will be blown down by the sudden rainstorm and they will be smashed so be careful.” /

“Today is an exception. Because there are guests, he accidentally kicked the pot of Phalaenopsis when he was fighting with people-I should remind him again before the competition. This is indeed mine. Error. I apologize to you.”

“I also promised you to clean the house, but you also know that in the past two days I have led the students in my class to travel to Xiaxia Mountain. Only my two nephews live in the house. In other words, as long as the pants are zipped up, it means that the dress is neatly —— I apologize to you. And I assure you that as long as I am at home, the accumulation of garbage will not happen again.”

“There is also the rule of accepting strangers–seriously, it is difficult for me to do this. Because some people are strange to you, but they are very familiar to me. They are mine My friends are my family. They came to me thousands of miles away, and I couldn’t keep them out.”

“Now the employment pressure is increasing, and it is more and more difficult for migrant workers to go out to find a job. My two nephews have no skills, and until now they have been idle at home, with no penny income per month. —-I can’t let them sleep on the street, I can’t make them starve and freeze. I can’t turn a blind eye to their difficulties—-“

“So, I can only let them live with me. I know that I did something in violation of the rules and did not safely fulfill our original agreement. However, I believe you must be able to understand and accept.”


“Are you willing to accept them?” Fang Yan asked.

“Don’t rush to answer. Don’t look at my face to force your own heart-if you don’t agree, I will immediately drive them out and let them go to sleep bridge hole.” Fang Yan continued. “After all, that house is yours. You have 100% decision-making power.”

Lu Chaoge wanted to hit someone.

She really wanted to beat the man in front of him hard.

You are all talking about this. I still strongly urge you to get rid of people. Who am I?

“Since they have lived in——” Lu Chaoge said with a gritted teeth: “Then live first. But, I reiterate again, you must–Anfen. I don’t want to be disturbed because of your movements Was complained by the neighbor’s rest.”

“I knew you would agree.” Fang Yan said happily. “Because you are a kind person like me. Don’t deny that I have seen it in your eyes.”

Lu Chaoge would like to ask him, do you see from my eyes that I want to beat you up?

“My mood is not very good tonight—-” Lu Chaoge apologized to Fang Yan~IndoMTL.com~ So, my attitude was too fierce at the time, and I might have surprised your friends and told them on my behalf Sorry. “

“It doesn’t matter. A great man said that the beauty loses her temper, and God will forgive him.” Fang Yan waved his hand. This is not a thing at all.

“Some things can’t tell you, and I don’t know how to tell you—-” Lu Chaoge stopped and looked at the moon in the sky, said: “Maybe as you said, it will be said Relax yourself and feel that someone else will help. But in that case, if you cause unnecessary trouble to the other party, you can only continue to keep this secret. Some pressure is a person’s pressure, some wars are also a Human war. It has nothing to do with you.”

Lu Chaoge looked at Fang Yanxiu’s face and said, “However, I still want to thank you for your company.”

“What are you doing so politely?” Fang Yan laughed. Usually Lu Chaoge always likes to hold a straight face. She suddenly is so gentle and considerate and apologizes to herself. Fang Yan is really not used to it. “This is what I should do. It’s my honor to serve the leader.”

“Is it?” Lu Chaoge’s eyes looked at the corner of the courtyard not far away. “Suddenly feeling a little tired.”

“Tired?” Fang Yan’s brain was still unable to respond. “Go back and rest if you are tired.”

Look at how this answer is so dignified.

When he wanted to land, why was Chao Song tired, Lu Chaoge suddenly came over, reached for Fang Yan’s neck, and put his head gently on Fang Yan’s shoulder, just like those Intimate lovers in general.

It’s so easy and casual, like they have rehearsed thousands of times for this action.

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