Ultimate Teacher Chapter 77: , admit defeat!

Chapter 77, Confess!

We often say that water and fire are incompatible, but in the tea ceremony techniques, water and fire are properly coordinated, and harmony and unity can exert the most power.

The water in the copper furnace was boiling, and bubbles were booming.

Qin Yitian left the seat and walked over to open the lid of the copper pot and carefully observed the boiling water in the pot.

When it boils, it boils like a fish head, with a slight sound.

Second boiling, the edge is like a rush of water.

Three boiling, vine waves raging.

After three boiling, Qin Yitian immediately lifted the pot handle to keep the copper pot away from the charcoal fire.

The copper pot is large, but when Qin Yitian lifts it, she feels that she is effortless and understates. This woman is really small and fresh, acting like an iron man.

“Seal the furnace.” Qin Yitian said.

The class 9 boy behind him immediately sealed the furnace mouth with a piece of iron, and then several people carried the carbon furnace away again.

The boiling degree of water used to order tea is the key to success.

If it is a bud hair tip, you need to use a lower degree of boiling water. Avoid hurting the leaf quality and destroying the taste.

However, today’s tea is aged Pu’er tea, so the water used needs to be boiled three times.

There is also a record in the “Cha Jing”: when the water is just three times boiled, the tea will be cooked, and then boiled, the water is old and inedible.

Qin Yitian pours the water from the copper pot into the cup and rinses it. This is called Xianzhan. If the tea is hot, the tea will not float if it cools.

There is a small teapot on the coffee table in front of him, but Qin Yitian did not pour the water from the copper pot into the small pot for ease of use. Because she knew that once the water was over, the boiling water would contact the air once more. If the vessel is replaced once more, the taste may be added once more. Both the temperature and the quality of the water will change slightly.

Such as jade ladies, slim jade hands, but carrying a simple copper pot of more than ten pounds. This scene makes people feel weird and beautiful.

The most amazing thing is that she held the pot with one hand and poured water into the tea cup without spraying out. This alone is not something ordinary people can do.

According to Fang Yan’s vision, Qin Yitian should wait for a while. First of all, the players on the Wuren inspection team brewed the tea, everyone tasted it, and then greatly appreciated.

Until this time, Qin Yitian performed the tea ceremony with his hands and feet, and delivered his carefully brewed tea soup to the public. Just smelling its fragrance, it has been intoxicated. Waiting for a sip, I realized that this tea should only be available in the sky and I heard it a few times. As a result, Qin Yitian was better at becoming a champion in this match.

Repress and then raise, let everyone’s mood soar from the bottom to the peak.

First let everyone worry, and then surprise everyone. In this case, this surprise is even more memorable.

Anyway, isn’t the latecomer more advantageous in any competition?

Drink the tea of ​​future generations, what is the taste of the previous cup of tea, do you remember clearly?

Unless the taste of the two cups of tea is very different, if it is of the same standard, then the second cup of tea is definitely more advantageous.

However, Qin Yitian apparently did not experience the pains of Teacher Fang Yan and did not play cards according to the Teacher Fang Yan set routines. She didn’t mean to wait for her opponent at all.

After the water boils, a series of actions such as cleaning utensils, waiting for water, and pouring cups are like flowing clouds and flowing water.

After receiving tea, place the tea cake on a piece of white silk, break it up finely, and remove all the thick leaves and fine foam. It wasn’t until this time that the priority tea was put into the pot.

Handle with care and never let the tea block the spout.

Pour the tea in the portable copper pot, and immediately pour out the tea after three shakes. This is called tea washing.

After washing the tea, you can only make it. Brewing tea is the most important part, and don’t go straight to the heart. Punch the corner first, then the corners. The mouth of the copper pot is improved, strictly following the principle of high flushing and low sprinkling. Gao Chong can make the boiling water impact the tea leaves effectively, so that the flavor and essence of the tea can evaporate more quickly, but the tannin is too late to dissolve.

The flush must be full. Whether the teapot is ‘San Shan Qi’, at this time is extremely skillful. I saw Qin Yitian’s expression relaxed, but his eyes were serious. The tea was quickly filled with tea, and the tea foam floated, but there was no overflow. A style of master.

After completing this tedious but necessary process, cover the pot and pour it on the pot with boiling water. That’s the shower pot.

After the cup is hot, you can sprinkle tea to serve guests.

Qin Yitian only poured four cups of a pot of tea.

Long sleeves flicked and said, “Please.”

Lu Chaoge walked over and picked up a cup of tea to savor.

Matsushima also walked over, picked up a second cup of tea and looked at the color of the tea soup.

Duan Youjun sighed deeply, walked in front of Lu Chaoge and bowed deeply. Then he carefully picked up the third cup of tea soup.

Qin Yitian picked up a fourth cup of tea, and took it to Fang Yan. He smiled and said, “Fang Yan, this cup of tea is for you.”

“You guy—–” Fang Yan pretended to be angry, but he was happy in his heart. If you look at it, there are only four cups of tea. Except for the three judges, Qin Yitian will not give it to anyone, not to the vice principal, to the teaching director, or to the leader of the Chinese language group.

What is this behavior? Respect for teachers.

What does this mean? Explain that this teacher is qualified and excellent and respected by students.

Fang Yan took the tea, tasted it carefully, and said, “Good tea.”

Qin Yitian’s tea ceremony was over and the tea was already in his hands. Therefore, the three judges naturally need to give some comments.

After drinking a cup of tea, Lu Chaoge carefully felt the sweet and moist feeling in his throat. He first said, “I don’t understand tea. But I still know that it is good tea. Good tea, good water, and good tea ceremony are amazing. .”

Matsushima held the tea soup and smelled it first, then tasted it, and then tasted it bit by bit, said, “The soup is green and white, and the soup is thin and even. It is a premium tea.”

Brown tea is white, green is better than yellow. The soup flower needs to be fine and well-proportioned, with Ruo Leng Porridge Noodles. This effect is best if you can bite the edge of the cup and stay together for a long time. It’s called ‘Bite Cup’.

Matsushima also likes to drink tea, and has a little research on tea. It is precisely because of this that she knows how perfect and profound the tea ceremony skill of the girl in front is.

Without more than ten years of immersion, I am afraid that this kind of master’s level cannot be reached?

Duan Youjun only drank half of the cup of tea in his hand, and the other half tarried at the entrance. He praised, “The tea fairy reincarnates. The tea fairy reincarnates. Seeing this tea ceremony today, I will never fight tea with others again. Ashamed. Difficult.”

When everyone was appreciating the tea soaked in Qin Yitian, Chiba Kaoru’s tea ceremony performance had just reached the stage of high tea.

She was expressionless, and her heart was waterless. Only focus on the actions on hand, completely free from interference from external factors.

Even when Qin Yitian carried the tea soup to Fang Yan, she never distracted. It seems that everything around here has nothing to do with her.

Heart is tea, tea is heart. Xincha Heyi, completely forgetful.

Four tea cups are placed on each tea tray, but Chiba Kaoru chooses only one for ironing.

After hot cups, sprinkle tea to honor guests.

Qianye Xun picked up the only cup of tea in front of him, but walked to Qin Yitian and said, “This cup of tea represents my respect. Please accept it.”

Qin Yitian thoughtfully looked at Qianye Xun. Until this time, she really began to respect the girl from Toyo.

“Chiba Kaoru, quickly send a cup to each judge.” Fujino Sanrou hurriedly urged. What’s going on with this child? The judges haven’t drank tea yet, how can they give tea to their opponents first? Besides, the judges have not tasted your tea, how do you know how beautiful and beautiful your tea soup is?

Chiba Kaoru didn’t answer Fujino Michiro’s question, and her beautiful eyes stared at Qin Yitian who stood taller than her in the blink of an eye.

Qin Yitian picked up the fine tea, one bite was shallow, the other was deep, and the third was drunk directly.

She looked at Chiba Kaori and whispered, “Good tea.”

“Thank you.” Chiba Kaoru’s tight face stretched out suddenly. She bowed to Qin Yitian ninety degrees and said gratefully, “Thank you.”

Fujino Michiro couldn’t hold back, quickly ran to Chiba Kaoru, grabbed Chiba Kaoru’s shoulder, and said, “Chiba Kaoru, what are you doing? Do you know what you are doing? Can you do this? How can you give up? Do you know~IndoMTL.com~ You give up not just yourself-but also us, and the pride of our Wu Ren, and the face of our Toyo— -How can you give up?”

Chiba Kaoru turned to look at Fujino Saburo, with a sweet smile on his face, and said, “Teacher Fujino, I lost. I lost my mind, lost the gas field, and even lost others. Confidence —— She is perfect, and all her performance is impeccable. I thought that as long as I waited, I would be able to find the flaw. But, from beginning to end, she did not give me any chance .”

Chiba Kaoru also thought that Qin Yitian would wait.

Qin Yitian waited for herself to make a good tea, and then she came to surpass herself afterwards.

She thought Qin Yitian would do this. Don’t people all have this kind of psychology?

Her action lags behind Qin Yitian, because she has to re-boil the water, but she also has the heart to make it —– she wants to be the last winner.

Why should she think so? Why should I do this? In the final analysis, I still don’t have enough confidence in myself. You have no confidence in yourself, no confidence in your tea. How can we win others without the tea of ​​the spirit?

However, Qin Yitian did not do that.

She doesn’t argue or wait, simple and straightforward.

She doesn’t care about what she does.

She disdains conspiracy and does not want to engage in conspiracy. She is only herself. She did her best, she did her best.

She is Qin Yitian, and she believes she will win.

An opponent like this, who easily convinced her, deserves her respect.

Chiba Kaoru smiled, but there were tears in the corners of his eyes.

“Teacher, let me admit defeat.” Chiba Kaoru said with a choked voice. “At least this looks dignified.”

(PS: It’s crazy to reward! I admit defeat and be conquered by you!)

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