Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1123: ? Saint Pupil

  When the killing atmosphere diffused between Zhou Yuan and Ji Mo, all the forcess in the Grand Canyon began to retreat slowly and inconsistently.

   At this moment, even those proud Saint Race teams have become more cautious.

  Because of the strength shown by Zhou Yuan, they had to get rid of that arrogance.

  Both parties have tacitly understood that they have not started a melee, because they know that once the war is launched, the two sides will inevitably lose a lot. At this time, both sides do not want to pay at this time, because this will only be cheaper than other competitions. opponent.

  Just as all races Five Heavens is in a competitive relationship, then Saint Race Four Heavens is also not like an iron bucket. They are also exist(ence) with many competitions.

   However, the most unwilling person is Li Xuan of Saint Race. Seeing that the Blue Profound Heaven’s big army is about to be annihilated by him, who knows that a roadblocker suddenly came out

Li Xuan’s eyes were gloomy staring at Zhou Yuan’s, and there were some fears in the depths of eyes. When he was in Blue Profound Heaven, he had been sniffing at the Zhou Yuan overwhelming Saint Palace younger generation. He felt that it was only Jiang Taishen that younger generation was too wasteful. When he started to face Zhou Yuan’s, he would understand how unlucky Jiang Taishen and others were.

   is in the same era as this character, it is simply sad.

   And the saddest thing is that now he has also begun to experience this feeling.

   “This guy is so strong that it is better than Senior Brother Ji Mo. With his strength, he can certainly suppress this bastard.”

  Li Xuan’s gaze turned to Ji Mo again, with even more awe in his eyes. As long as Ji Mo can suppress Zhou Yuan, then the morale of Heaven Abyss Territory’s will also be greatly damaged. Today’s situation can still be saved.

  As both sides forces exited the battlefield of the Grand Canyon as much as possible, the countless road line of sight also converged with tension on the two confrontation figures.

  Everyone understands that only the two players can decide the victory or defeat of today’s match.

Under the convergence of countless eyes, Ji Mo’s figure slowly lifted into the sky. He stepped on the void and looked at Zhou Yuan, but now he does not have the previous contempt in his eyes, although he still has the arrogance of being Saint Race, But in the face of this level opponent, he also understood that this arrogance has no effect.

   “Heaven Abyss Territory’s Honored Elder Zhou Yuan, right? If you are willing to return at this time, I can ask you to take those Blue Profound Sect’s forces.” Ji Mo slowly said.

  When his words came out, he immediately caused some commotion in the Blue Profound Heaven’s force. The other non-Blue Profound Sect’s forces are all worried, and their didn’t expect has been arrogant Ji Mo.

   Fortunately, they were relieved that Zhou Yuan faced Ji Mo’s‘s concession and just shook his head calmly.

   “People, I have to take it all away.”

   At this moment, the faces of the parties of Blue Profound Heaven have a deep gratitude on their faces. Presumably, their respect for Zhou Yuan’s has reached the extreme at this time. After all, not everyone has the courage to face Saint Race. When they are willing to keep them.

  Ji Mo hearing this, shook his head regretfully: “Humans are still so ignorant”

   “Since that is the case, then you should die.”

   When the voice fell, Ji Mo‘s eyes were suddenly cold, only to see that his fingertips had saint blood flowing down, and the blood with a light golden light, and then in front of the empty space fierce sketch, just a few counts, it was formed An ancient rune of golden.

   The formation of golden rune is directly transformed into a gap between golden light and Ji Mo.

   “Turn on Saint Pupil!”

  The sound of Ji Mo‘s binge, like thunder.

  hōng hōng!

   The source gas throughout Heaven and Earth seems to be rioting at this moment.

  The teams behind Saint Race are all looking at Ji Mo in awe, Saint Pupil, which is the most obvious sign of Saint Race, and only when they practice bloodline to a very strong point, can they Open it.

   And this Saint Pupil can also be regarded as one of the Innate supernatural powers of Saint Race, mighty energy is infinite.

   In the shocking eyes of the countless road, the vertical lines of the eyebrows of Ji Mo slowly opened at this time, and there was a vertical pupil of glittering with a faint golden light under it, and appear(ance) was in everyone’s sight.

   And when I saw the vertical pupil, whether it was Blue Profound Heaven or Heaven Abyss Territory’s forces, I felt an indescribable sense of fear. The vertical pupil without any emotion was like the eyes of a god. Indifferently watching all the creatures, and the power contained in it seems to be able to destroy any creature.

  The source gas of Heaven and Earth is boiling and turbulent.

   That kind of vision made even the Qin Lian them, all complexion showed shock.

  What kind of power is this to attract the Heaven and Earth vision appear(ance)? ! In the face of this scene, even Qin Lian, who has a lot of confidence in Zhou Yuan, has also expressed some concerns. This Ji Mo is obviously more powerful than the Wei Tuo just now!

   In the void, Ji Mo stood hand in hand. He stared indifferently at Zhou Yuan and said, “You can see my Saint Pupil of Saint Race, you die without regret.”

  Zhou Yuan is also the vertical pupil staring at the eyebrows of Ji Mo. His face is dignified, and he can see faintly. In the vertical pupil, it seems that there are two stars-like light spots moving slowly around the pupil, quite Weird.

   An extreme dangerous aura, rising from the heart of Zhou Yuan’s.

  The power of Saint Pupil is terrible.

  When the Ji Mo sound fell, Heaven and Earth was silent for a few moments, and then the vast source of energy surged wildly, and the two star-like light spots in the vertical pupil suddenly became bright.

   There seems to be some kind of majestic whisper like a god.

  Ji Mo‘s eyes had blood lines of golden slipping down, as if a strange rune was formed on his face, and the next moment, he suddenly sealed.

   “Saint Pupil: All Living Things Destroyer Light!”


  When the imprinting method is formed at that moment~IndoMTL.com~Saint Pupil, a nether black beam violently shoots comes out.

  The ray of light beam was silent, but the moment it shot, the whole sky became darkened, as if all the light was swallowed by the ray of light beam.

   Wherever I went, everything was turned into powder.

  Heaven Abyss Territory and Blue Profound Heaven’s forces are all horrified, so the offensive of mighty energy is unheard of.

   A lot of worried eyes gathered on Zhou Yuan’s. They did not know how to resist Zhou Yuan in the face of this terrible offensive.

   And under that line of sight, Zhou Yuan took a deep breath, his eyes closed slightly.

  In Divine Palace, the bottle gourd light shadow between the real and the illusion jumped a little, and the flowing seven-colored light in it gradually became brighter, and finally, violently shoots came out with a cry.

  Zhou Yuan opened his eyes, he stood with one hand in front of him, and said softly: “Baby please show up.”


   At the moment when the sound fell, a touch of seven-colored light suddenly rose from the sky of Zhou Yuan.

   Although the light is shallow, when it is appear(ance), the dark(ness) that shrouds Heaven and Earth is instantly split.

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