Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1116: The Battle of the Grand Canyon


   This is a grand canyon with no end in sight. The canyon is vast, and the walls of Wancheng Mountain are as steep as a blade. They are inserted directly into Yunxiao (cloud firmament).

  In the canyon, there are monstrous rivers rolling down like white dragon.

  The river hit the mountain wall, and a loud deafening sound echoed through the canyon like a dragon.

  At this time, in the midair of the Grand Canyon, countless source gas was colliding, and the violent fluctuations caused the valley to tremble.

   That was two huge waves of forces fighting together.

   Both sides are fierce, and the source gas is wreak havoc. From time to time, there is a serious wounded figure falling from the sky and finally submerged by the river below

   The battlefield is terrible.

  The two large forces, precisely Blue Profound Heaven and Saint Palace.

  The two sides were fighting mercilessly, and both were merciless. A large number of casualties were in appear(ance), and blood was scattered, which directly caused the nearby mountain walls to gradually become scarlet.

  In one part of the battlefield, there are three figures gathered in together.

   One of them was burly and armed with giant stick. The whole person exuded a fierce aura. Although he was only the early strength of Heavenly Sun Realm, in this moment, he had smashed several enemies of the same level with that giant stick. Spit blood and retreat.


   Suddenly the sky fluctuates, and there is a gray light enveloping Ling Liyuan violently shoots, pointing directly at the back of the burly man.


   But just at the moment when he was about to be stabbed, a source of black light swept through, just to resist that vicious source.

   The burly man turned his head and grinned: “Zhen Xu, thanks.”

   Behind the burly man, a young man with a sullen face flashed out. He was filled with yin, and the surrounding air became cold.

   He glanced at the burly man, indifferently said: “Ning Zhan, be wary and have to be sensible. If it wasn’t for me to block so many dark arrows, you would have died here.”

  The burly man and the Yinying youth, both of whom are Zhou Yuan’s acquaintances, were Ning Zhan and Zhen Xu who walked out of Boundless Continent together.

   “And, remember our mission, is to protect the blind.”

  Ning Zhan looked to the back position. I saw that there was a young man with a thin body standing quietly, with black cloth wrapped around his eyes, and a rusty iron in his arms. sword.

   He scratched his head and smiled: “Of course I remember!”

   As he was talking, his giant stick swept away with the raging source of anger, and in the void concussion, the two enemies rushed back again.

  Zhen Xu looks at the battle circle not far away, where there is a Saint Palace Heavenly Sun Realm late stage in the crowd wreak havoc, just a short time, there have been dozens of people injured in his hand.

  At this time, their Heavenly Sun Realm late stage cannot be supported for the time being, after all, the battlefield is too huge

   “Blind, can you shoot?” Zhen Xu gloomy Shen asked.

  The man whom they call blind is naturally Li Chunjun. He stretched out his hand to grasp the hilt of the iron sword in his arms, and the blade edge was slowly raised, with a sound of hoarsely said: “Almost.”

   “But you may be asked later.”

  The palm of his hand was raised, and there was blood flowing down his fingertips, which quickly stained the iron sword in his hand.

   And under the infection of blood, the rust spots on the iron sword disappeared a little bit, and the last long sword with endless rims floated in front of it. It is gradually tearing.


  The Li Chunjun produced a sword seal, which was awesome. At the next instant, a flash of sword light came out directly. It was so fast that even Zhen Xu could not see afterimage.

  However, the expert of Heavenly Sun Realm late stage, the Saint Palace in the distance, was suddenly changed at this time complexion, and his figure suddenly collapsed like lightning.


  However, he retreated quickly, but the sword light came faster. I saw the empty waves in front of him, and a sword light flew out, rapidly magnifying in his pupil.

   The Heavenly Sun Realm late stage knew to avoid it, and immediately a roar, the source gas to hold nothing back exploded in the body, shot with a palm, only to see the source gas rolled like a torrent.


   However, as soon as the two touched, the expert of Heavenly Sun Realm late stage was a scream, the whole arm was broken by sword gas, and its figure was shot out of embarrassment. Apparently it was heavy injury.

   The nearby Blue Profound Heaven coalition forces saw this, and immediately burst into cheers.

  ”A pity”

  Ning Zhan shook his head, and some regrets, that Heavenly Sun Realm late stage is really cunning, and finally cut off his arm at the last moment, otherwise, the sword of Li Chunjun should be able to beheaded.

   But even so, with the initial strength of Heavenly Sun Realm heavy injury Heavenly Sun Realm late stage, this is already a miracle.

   And in the back, after sending out that sword, Li Chunjun‘s body was trembling violently, there were blood stains pouring out under the shirt, and even a rift on the palm of appear(ance).

   That was too strong sword energy, which directly made fleshly body unbearable.

  Li Chunjun trembles his palm and withdraws the iron sword. At this time, the source of his body becomes extremely weak. That sword will not only put a great load on his body, but this day, only This sword is over

   The sword of that sword was extremely sharp, but Li Chunjun also paid a great price for it.

  Ning Zhan and Zhen Xu are also aware that Li Chunjun at this time is the weakest, and both immediately returned to their sides and protected them.

  Ning Zhan is now sweeping the tiger’s eyes. He looked at the battlefield of the Grand Canyon, his voice became low: “The situation is very deadlocked, but the Saint Race team has not even participated in the battle yet”

  Speaking of Saint Race, Zhen Xu and Li Chunjun were also silent for a while. The strength displayed by the Saint Race team before was too amazing. It was just a moment, and the coalition forces were a little difficult to resist.

   “I feel this time, the other party may not let us easily retreat.” Li Chunjun said suddenly.

   The eyes of Zhen Xu and Ning Zhan are all narrowed, and the look becomes extraordinarily dignified. If this is the case, I am afraid that today’s war will be particularly tragic.

   “Qingyu and Lu Luo have never come back and don’t know what happened to them there?” Zhen Xu slowly said.

  Li Chunjun shook his head and said: “I heard that other people who went out for help did not bring back any good news. This disaster may only rely on us Blue Profound Heaven itself.”

   “We should also think about retreating.” Zhen Xu indifferently said.

  Ning Zhan sneered. The touch of the iron rod heavily in the hand directly smashed the ground: “I Ning Zhan can die on the battlefield, but I don’t want to be a deserter.”

  Zhen Xu frowned, saying: “You are just a needless sacrifice, why can’t you retreat temporarily and wait until the strength formidable revenge?”

  Ning Zhan didn’t speak anymore~IndoMTL.com~ But the firmness in his eyes revealed his thoughts, he didn’t want to escape, just wanted to fight.

   Seeing Zhen Xu, I felt very irritable. This **** full of muscles in his brain did not know the circuitousness at all, only knew that it was hard to confront people positively, either you died or I lived.

   But now, even if they fight for their lives, what can they change? But there was just one more cold body.

  Li Chunjun didn’t join their dispute, he just came from raised the head. In the battle circle higher in the Grand Canyon, the battle there was more intense, because the ones who can join that battle circle are basically the top battles of both sides. force.

   And he also saw Chu Qing at the forefront.

  The latter has a light shuttle going back and forth throughout the body. When each ray of light shuttle roars out, there will be a Heavenly Sun Realm expert.

  He has already become a flag on the Blue Profound Heaven side, as long as he is still there, he can maintain the morale of Blue Profound Heaven’s.

   Unfortunately, Li Chunjun knows that even if it is Chu Qing, there is no way to really pull the tide with one’s own strength.

   Their Blue Profound Heaven journey on this Ancient Origin Heaven’s, could it be that today, in a tragic and desperate way, is this the end?

  Li Chunjun shook the hilt slightly.

   Really, not reconciled.

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