Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 952: ?Breakthrough

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hōng hōng!

In golden light barrier, the violent fluctuations are condensing, golden light is surging, and there is a faint echo of thunder.

A shocking power, gradually in appear(ance).

Zhou Yuan was also aware of this power. Immediately his pupils shrank slightly. He stared at the deepest part of golden light barrier and said to himself: “It turns out that, deliberately brought me into the depths, and then defeated by one blow?”

“Will you please enter the urn…”

Zhou Yuan looked at glittering, and immediately he smiled and said, “It’s a good strategy, but… aren’t you afraid to lead a wolf into the room?”

He took a deep breath, ignoring the tumbling golden light barrier directly, suddenly began to issue a series of offensive commands, the rhythm of the attack quickly accelerated at this time.

Boom! Bang!

The results of this attack are far more effective than before.

Then Jiu Gong obviously intends to give up these nodes, because she is gathering all forces to prepare for the most terrifying attack. The kind of counterattack is definitely not something that the Zhou Yuan team can bear.

That is enough to reverse the situation completely.

Zhou Yuan seems to be unaware of this, and still occupies constantly, breaking up various nodes.

The top of the iceberg.

Senior Sister Jiu Gong, they are attacking nodes faster and faster!” Rapid voices came from everywhere and into Jiu Gong‘s ears.

Jiu Gong was unmoved, saying: “Don’t pay attention, gather all the power of barrier to the core node, this victory and defeat is at this time.”


A lot of voices should be heard, and then golden light barrier began to shrink, but at the same time that kind of shrinking, the power that was gathered was also more and more scary and amazing.

Besides the iceberg, Yuan Kun and Yi Qiushui‘s complexion have become extremely dignified, because they also noticed that the power in golden light barrier is becoming more and more powerful.

“This intensity, even me, will be heavy injury once firmly resists.” Yuan Kun slowly said.

This Meridian Golden Light Barrier is a good show for Jiu Gong. When it completely explodes, that kind of power is certainly not trivial.

“This is really troublesome, I am afraid that the current Zhou Yuan will have some dilemmas…”

Normally speaking, there is a destructive offensive cohesion ahead. Now Zhou Yuan should lead the team back, but once back, those nodes will be quickly taken back by Jiu Gong, then golden light barrier will be completely restored.

And Zhou Yuan‘s previous efforts will also vanish.

This breakout is even more difficult to talk about.

So, in the eyes of Yuan Kun, the current Zhou Yuan is really caught in an extremely embarrassing situation.

Yuan Kun sighed in his heart. The source Destiny in the body turned up and was ready to rescue at any time.

In golden light barrier, Zhou Yuan is indifferent to the horror power that barrier is condensing. He is still commanding the team, constantly occupying the nodes, and advancing step by step.

However, with the further progress, the teams in the two domains also began to show fear, because they can already clearly feel the destructive power surging forward.

Once that kind of power breaks out, the team here will suffer a huge loss.

Zhou Yuan was also aware of their fear, and the voice came immediately: “It’s too late to retreat at this time. If you don’t want to go out in vain, then follow my orders.”

The harshness in his voice actually caused the teams to slightly suppress some fear of the power in front, gritted their teeth, and pushed forward again.

However, at this moment, the violent thunder in the depths of barrier suddenly became quiet at this time.

The quietness of precisely makes all people’s panic suddenly increase, because they all know that this instantaneous silence is just the prelude to the next destruction and counterattack…

The counterattack from Jiu Gong is finally taking shape.

At the top of the iceberg, Jiu Gong‘s red lips slightly opened, and she spit out a scent of blue light. Her eyes were staring at the light curtain in front of her eyes, her hands closed, and there was a low voice with a chilling sound, and it sounded above the iceberg.



“Fly dance…”


This instant, the deepest part of golden light barrier, the thunder sounded, and the golden thunder of hiding the sky and covering the earth, roaring like giant python, directly poured into the Zhou Yuan and other teams in it with the hiding the sky and covering the earth trend.

The golden thunder rushed through, and the void was turbulent.

WXue Jingtao in a certain kind of barrier is looking at this offensive, and there is also a look of ecstasy in his eyes. This kind of counterattack, even if that Zhou Yuan is bound to fail!

“Look how you are proud!” He gritted his teeth and looked uplifted.

Zhou Yuan is also raised the head, looking into the depths of barrier, where Jin Lei hiding the sky and covering the earth is coming, that mighty power, even his heart is shocked, this kind of offensive, if let him bear alone, I’m afraid I have to exhaust full power It is possible to protect yourself.

Moreover, this is just self-preservation… I am afraid that the other teams will be destroyed.

From this point of view, this Jiu Gong Meridian Golden Light Barrier is indeed extraordinary.

In barrier, the teams in the two domains are also showing fear. If they are not the elite of the two domains, I am afraid they can’t help but retreat and run away.

But even so, they feel a bit desperate. How can they resist this offensive?

However, just as they looked at Jinlei from hiding the sky and covering the earth and became more desperate, the dull voice of Zhou Yuan rang in their ears again: “Everyone, crush jade slip at this time.”

“Relax, since I will bring you in, I will naturally take you all out.”

His voice was not passionate, but that kind of calmness was like some kind of magic, which made the despair in the hearts of the teams calm down a little bit, and then they looked at jade slip in their hands. .

Om! Buzz!

When the jade slip was crushed, I saw a ray of light column rising from the place where they stood.

In the beam of light, there are countless source patterns flying, and those source patterns are transformed into light, intertwined and connected to each other.

Gradually, a huge transparent tortoise shell, appear(ance) is in front.

On top of tortoise shell, countless source lines are flowing, and tortoise shell is reflecting radiance, which is dazzling and dazzling.

After Zhou Yuan stood at tortoise shell, he stared at tortoise shell, and his lips were gently raised with a touch of arc. The tight body finally relaxed slowly at this time.

He looked at the Jin Lei Torrent in close proximity and said softly: “Tortoise Mirror Barrier.”


Jin Lei torrent, heavily‘s bombardment hit the giant turtle mirror, and at that moment, the ground moved.

On the iceberg, Jiu Gong also cast beautiful eyes towards the mountainside, where it was a collision, her hands clenched lightly, winning and losing, at this time.

Next, Jin Lei should be able to destroy everything.

She stared down, where Jin Lei was at wreak havoc.


However, at this moment, Jin Leihong suddenly shook the mountainside. I saw that there was a wave of gold thunder that came back and collided with that Jinlei torrent.

hōng hōng!

The void is torn apart by space at this time.

The pupils of Jiu Gong shrank sharply, and there was a faint color in their eyes, because the golden light was clearly the power of barrier. How could it suddenly counterattack barrier?

“What’s going on?!”

The source lines in her eyes circulated, her eyes penetrated golden light, and finally she saw the huge source line turtle mirror of appear(ance).

Jin Lei bombarded it, and was directly rebounded by the turtle mirror, and finally counterattacked like a tsunami, colliding with Jin Lei torrent.

Tortoise Mirror Barrier?!”

Jiu Gong suddenly changed color: “How is it possible? How could he arrange a Tortoise Mirror Barrier in my barrier?!”

Her eyes looked at the nodes previously occupied by Zhou Yuan, eyes flash: “Is those nodes!”

precisely connects these nodes, Zhou Yuan can arrange a Tortoise Mirror Barrier so quickly, that is to say, Zhou Yuan almost derived a barrier on the basis of her barrier.

This is not a simple thing!

This must have a superb source pattern attainment!

Jiu Gong jade clenched her hands, but her heart sank a little bit at this time. It turned out that this Zhou Yuan had guarded her from the beginning. This Tortoise Mirror Barrier was waiting for her all-out counterattack.

Because of the rebound characteristics of the turtle mirror~IndoMTL.com~ happens to be able to completely restrain golden light barrier!

Next… Jin Lei, who bounced back, will gobble everything up.

“Cunning!” Jiu Gong gritted his silver teeth.

hōng hōng!

In the next moment, there was a golden thunder torrent counterattack on the mountainside. The first to bear the blame is the residual Meridian Golden Light Barrier. Almost in a few short intervals, all the nodes were completely destroyed by Jin Lei Che.

hōng hōng!

Jin Lei whistled past, and the golden light in the sky disappeared.

At this moment, Yuan Kun and others under mountain foot were stunned to see the collapse of the huge barrier that enveloped the iceberg. The original appearance of the iceberg, appear(ance) was in their sight.

On the iceberg, those Purple Firmament Territory and Profound Principle Territory teams are all confused.

Meridian Golden Light Barrier… just broken? !

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