Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 818: Chief Pavilion Lord battle

When the Chi Jing’s sound fell, it was like pouring cold water into the pan, which caused a tumult.

The members of four pavilions are all shocked, even Lu Xiao and Han Yuan are shocked for a moment, and then they are ecstatic.

“Are you finally going to start the Chief Pavilion Lord battle?”

Lu Xiao was in a deep heart, he coveted the position of Chief Pavilion Lord for a long time, but in the past Chi Jing always delayed Chief Pavilion Lord competition on the grounds that Wind Pavilion did not have Pavilion Lord, which made him quite depressed, but who can think of it, at this moment, Chi Jing would Announced the start of Chief Pavilion Lord competition!

Compared with the position of this Chief Pavilion Lord, what is a Wind Pavilion Pavilion Lord?

Becoming Chief Pavilion Lord, the entire four pavilions will be put under control in a justified manner, instead of only controlling one cabinet as it is today, and Chief Pavilion Lord‘s status or treatment in Heaven Abyss Territory is far from being comparable to that of the chief of the cabinet.

Lu Xiao looked at the two figures at the highest point with fiery eyes. In his view, Chi Jing will give way this time, I am afraid it should be Sect Master Xuan Kun‘s plan.

After all, the reason why the previous Chi Jing dispute Chief Pavilion Lord was that Wind Pavilion did not have Pavilion Lord, but now Wind Pavilion Pavilion Lord also has it, then this reason is not true.

“Master Chi Jing this time, I am afraid he picked sesame seeds and lost the watermelon.” Lu Xiao sneered in his heart. He was still a little depressed for the failure of Chen Beifeng. But now, it is still Sect Master Xuan Kun.

“And…this time Chief Pavilion Lord will even reward a volume of Lesser Saint Technique!”

Lu Xiao‘s eyes are getting hotter and hotter. Although Lesser Saint Technique brings a small character, but after all, it still barely reaches the category of holy source surgery, and this level of source surgery, even in Primordial Heaven, it is definitely Relatively rare things are difficult to obtain if they are not great performers.

So let alone their Divine Palace Realm, even expert of Heavenly Sun Realm, facing Lesser Saint Technique is difficult to contain their inner desires and salivation.

The Lin Pavilion is located, and at that time, Mu Liu’s face became dignified, and he sighed: “This time four pavilions will not be calm.”

The location of Chief Pavilion Lord, plus a Lesser Saint Technique, this bait was dropped, and no one was jealous of four pavilions.

Compared to this kind of competition, today’s Zhou Yuan, the position of Wind Pavilion Pavilion Lord, is instantly dimmed.

On the Wind Pavilion side, Ye Bingling, Yi Qiushui, they were also shocked by this shocking news for a while, and they didn’t get back.

didn’t expect hasn’t been moving Chief Pavilion Lord for many years, and now it’s finally starting to compete.”

Ye Bingling is gradually sober, and then looks at Zhou Yuan with a complicated eye, and smiles bitterly: “You crow mouth.”

Zhou Yuan laughed: “Isn’t this a good thing?”

“Good for you.” Ye Bingling closed her eyebrows and said: “Sad Chi Jing has always blocked the Chief Pavilion Lord competition because she knows that once opened, that position will fall into their hands at Sky Spirit Sect, but now she Suddenly let go, presumably because of Sect Master Xuan Kun‘s pressure.”

Worry on her cheeks

Lust, if Lu Xiao really becomes Chief Pavilion Lord, then even if Zhou Yuan becomes Wind Pavilion Pavilion Lord, it will still be controlled by Lu Xiao, which is probably not a good thing for them. After all, both parties are so unhappy now. .

Zhou Yuan hearing this, he smiled. In fact, he didn’t think that the Chi Jing Chief Pavilion Lord dispute was a compromise to Sect Master Xuan Kun, because she also knew that his goal was not the location of Wind Pavilion Pavilion Lord and Chief Pavilion Lord, which was his ultimate goal.

Maybe that Sect Master Xuan Kun is indeed intentionally close, but Senior Sister Chi Jing is probably her own idea, and her idea may be that he also has the ability to compete to the position of Chief Pavilion Lord.

“Is Senior Sister Chi Jing so optimistic about mine…”

In the face of the trust and importance of Chi Jing’s, Zhou Yuan feels that the pressure is not small, it seems that he can’t think of anything good because of the victory over Chen Beifeng. proud, after all, as Ye Bingling said, Chen Beifeng and Lu Xiao Compared with the top ones of Han Yuan, there is still a big gap.

At least Zhou Yuan understands that if he is allowed to play against Lu Xiao now, I am afraid that the probability of losing is greater than winning. It is not a shame to admit this, but this is only now, because Zhou Yuan is in Divine Palace Realm The potential is stronger than Lu Xiao.

Now, 9-layer Divine Palace only polished through 5-layer. If he waits for him to pass through the remaining 4-layer Divine Palace, then his source gas background will inevitably reach a quite amazing point, far from the current Lu Xiao.

Of course, the potential can’t be turned into strength at this time to fill the gap between the two sides, so in the next four months, he can’t be relaxed, otherwise, if he loses, he’s really ashamed. Right Senior Sister Chi Jing.

Moreover, for the Lesser Saint Technique given, Zhou Yuan is also of great interest.

Today, he has a variety of high rank Heaven Origin Technique, but he has never touched the holy source technique, but he knows that any holy source technique has an unimaginable mighty energy. Once cultivate successfully, his strength is different. Where ringing.

Although he has Blue Profound Seven Techniques, if he repairs Qishu to great accomplishment, it can be merged into holy source surgery, but this is too difficult. Until now, Zhou Yuan can be counted as great accomplishment, I am afraid it is only Extreme Profound Saint Spirit Technique , Profound Saint Body two kinds.

Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique is still a bit short of crucial moment/maturity, not to mention the other high rank Heaven Origin Technique that hasn’t even had time for cultivation.

One day when he merges the seven techniques, it should be a true holy source, not a small holy source.

At the highest point, Chi Jing‘s eye movements, her burgundy hair fluttering in the wind, her gaze glanced in the direction of Zhou Yuan, the eyes of the two were just opposite, and they both smiled with each other.

“You, for the Chief Pavilion Lord battle after April, let’s have cultivation.”

“Compared to today, that is a big deal for my Heaven Abyss Territory’s.”

Chi Jing looked away and looked down at the audience with a loud voice.

“Carefully follow the analogy of adults.”

countless people all bowed to salute, echoing respectfully.

Chi Jing lightly nods, wide in this large area

People, she is not good enough to show too much attention to Zhou Yuan. After all, in her identity, even if Zhou Yuan became Wind Pavilion Pavilion Lord, but the status between the two parties is still a gap, so she waved her hand, slender and delicate. The body is directly reduced to illusion and disappears out of thin air.

And when Chi Jing left, the figure of Sect Master Xuan Kun also faded away, but when disappeared, his eyes seemed to glance at the direction of Zhou Yuan.

The departure of the two honored elder made the faint coercion shrouded in this Heaven and Earth also disappear, and both countless people were relieved in secret.

Yi Qiushui looked at Zhou Yuan with a smile and said slyly: “Pavilion Lord Zhou Yuan, won today, don’t you plan to feast your brothers?”

Zhou Yuan glanced at the many Wind Pavilion members who were staring at him all around. He knew that Yi Qiushui was suggesting that he was the best time to draw people’s hearts at this time, so he did not refuse, smiling nodded: “Tonight Fengyinlou, don’t get drunk, don’t return.”

The surrounding Wind Pavilion members hearing this immediately cheered and the atmosphere was warm.

However, when the atmosphere was hot on their side, a figure suddenly came out of the air. Everyone looked at it, it was actually Fire Pavilion’s Vice Pavilion Lord, Wang Chen.

Ye Bingling Liu Mei frowned, saying: “Is there anything wrong with Vice Pavilion Lord Wang Chen?”

Wang Chen was expressionless, then arched his hand at Zhou Yuan, and said with a smile: “Congratulations Pavilion Lord Zhou Yuan.”

It can be seen that his heart is extremely uncomfortable. After all, when he saw Zhou Yuan before, he still held a dominant position, but now, the status of Zhou Yuan’s is higher than him.

“I came here this time to inform Pavilion Lord Zhou Yuan. Since Wind Pavilion appear(ance) has Pavilion Lord, the four pavilions Pavilion Lord Conference meeting three days later is expected to be absent. After all, the Pavilion Lord Conference meeting has always been hosted by our Pavilion Lord Lu Xiao.” Wang Chen indifferently said.

There is a hint of arrogance between words. From the perspective of Wang Chen, the Wind Pavilion Pavilion Lord of Zhou Yuan still has a huge gap compared with Lu Xiao.

Zhou Yuan narrowed her eyes and said: “four pavilions Pavilion Lord Conference? As far as I know, this should be Chief Pavilion Lord to host?”

This Lu Xiao is really welcome. It is obviously only Fire Pavilion Pavilion Lord, but the hand is too far.

Wang Chen hearing this, the corners of the mouth raised a bit of cynicism, slowly saying: “Is there a difference? That is just a matter of time.”

“The words have been delivered, leave.”

His voice fell~IndoMTL.com~ turned around and left.

Fire Pavilion is so arrogant.”

“It’s almost nobody!”

Many other Wind Pavilion members saw that Wang Chen was so unkind to Zhou Yuan, and it was also a little bit annoying.

Zhou Yuan waved his hand calmly and said, “Don’t be upset by flies, let’s go and celebrate.”

When the crowd cheered again, he was the direction that Wang Chen‘s eyes narrowed away.

This Pavilion Lord Conference discussion, it feels that some comers are not good, but of course he will not be absent, but when the time comes, I am afraid that I will have a real meeting with Lu Xiao…()

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