Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 457: 1 sword

The surroundings of the seven Chief Peaks are full of people and people, and the boiling waves rushed to the sky, even the clouds were scattered by the earthquake…

The seven Chief Peaks at this time, all the contestants have entered the venue, and immediately afterwards, there is a violent source of gas exploding. Obviously the battle is directly heated from the beginning.

Compared with the other six Chief Peaks, the number of candidates on the Shengyuan Peak is obviously the smallest. After all, it is only Three Veins. Looking at the other peaks, the minimum number is the tenth pulse…

However, although the number of people is the smallest, the degree of attention here is one of the best. After all, the location of Shengyuan Peak’s chief is extremely relevant. Even the six giants are paying attention to this from time to time. side.

And because of the relationship between Kong Sheng and Chu Qing, his eyes are far away, and when he saw Shen Taiyuan, Lu Song Two Veins was planning to join forces, he laughed a little.

“This Two Veins is still a bit of a brain.” Kong Sheng indifferently said, Lu Hong One Vein occupy the absolute advantage, if at this time another Two Veins also fight separately, then only one end, is one by one Lu Hong One Vein broken.

Now, when we join hands together, we have some strength to contend.

However, I just have some points…

In the face of the Two Veins team, he didn’t have much worry on his face. Although Two Veins teamed up, the number advantage was smoothed out, but unfortunately…the quality gap is still exist(ence).

His eyes One Revolution, locked on a stone platform, where two silhouettes confronted each other, precisely Wu Hai and Zhou Yuan.

I heard that Wu Hai caught unprepared was defeated by Zhou Yuan, but it should be for the sake of carelessness. This time, it will not be so easy for Zhou Yuan to win again.

And as long as Wu Hai drags Zhou Yuan, the other four should soon be able to defeat the Han brothers and sisters, and the situation will be completely stabilized.

As for Yuan Hong

Kong Sheng laughed lightly. If they thought they could deal with the latter, then they could only say that it was naive.

Anyway, this Holy Source Peak, no matter how you look at it, in addition, Two Veins has no chance at all. chief position must be in Lu Hong One Vein.

Under the convergence of the eyes of the countless road, on the misty stone platform, Zhou Yuan looked at the face of grinning hideously Wu Hai in front of him, but there were not many waves of the look, but the fingers slowly grasped and laughed: “It seems Before that punch, you haven’t suffered enough.”

Wu Hai complexion gloomy, before a month, under caught unprepared, he was beaten by Zhou Yuan, but he lost his face. If he wasn’t worried that the substitutions would hurt his morale, I’m afraid that the angry Lu Hong has replaced him.

This makes Wu Hai hate Zhou Yuan.

So, this time he meets again, he has made up his mind to wash the shame.

“I don’t dare to talk like that when you kneel in front of me.” Wu Hai said no more nonsense. In his body, the powerful source of gas was released like a storm. The torrent of gas surrounds its body, with an amazing distribution of oppression.

Slabs under the feet are all cracked under that kind of pressure.

The source gas surged, and the palm of Wu Hai was grasped again, only to see a dark red giant sword appear(ance) in his hand, the source gas between giant sword one appear(ance), Heaven and Earth was screaming. The source gas of Wu Hai fluctuated throughout the body and climbed up.

That is a Quasi-Heaven Origin Weapon.

Obviously, after eating the previous losses, Wu Hai dared not take the slightest underestimation, and immediately took out the Quasi-Heaven Origin Weapon given to him by Lu Hong, so that he was always at the peak of his combat power.

Feeling the surging source gas in the body, the confidence of Wu Hai is also expanding, looking at Zhou Yuan’s, it is getting colder and colder.

Zhou Yuan, the last time you took advantage of me, let me be defeated, then this time, I want you to try this taste!”

Wu Hai‘s body rose slowly, above the dark red giant sword in his hand, scarlet light gradually thickened, madly absorbing the source gas between Heaven and Earth, and above the blade, dreaded mighty energy.

A surprising source of gas fluctuations began to sweep from his body.

The whole body of Wu Hai seems to have formed a vortex, and the momentum is extremely amazing.

And this scene naturally falls into the eyes of many people who pay attention to it. When even some exclamation sounds, anyone can see that Wu Hai is the strongest offensive. Obviously, he intends to use his own way to restore his own body.

Zhou Yuan defeated him with a boxing before, so this time, he also needs a trick to directly remove Zhou Yuan.

low rank Heaven Origin Technique, Light Slash Technique!”

In the attention of the countless road, thunderous raucous sounds suddenly resounded. The source of Heaven and Earth gathered on the crimson giant sword. The bright and unmatched sword light, in Condensed above the sword.

That sword is enough to cut off the mountains.

Wu Hai‘s eyes are fierce, and the giant sword in his hand is suddenly cut off.


A magnificent sword light of more than eight hundred feet suddenly emerged from the Heaven and Earth, and then slashed down, with an amazing momentum, straight down against the Zhou Yuan below.


Besides Chief Peak, countless disciple uttered an outcry, complexion moved, and everyone who shot didn’t expect Wu Hai was a killing move… He not only sacrificed Quasi-Heaven Origin Weapon, but even Heaven Origin Technique was displayed.

With such an offensive, even the opponent of the same level will not dare to regret it.

The disciples of Shen Taiyuan One Vein were all worried about complexion. Even Shen Taiyuan and the old face became more tense, obviously there were also some concerns.

This Wu Hai came out with a grudge, there is no intention of any temptation at all.

And on the Lu Hong One Vein side, Lu Hong is a micro nodded head, this Wu Hai is not stupid, then Zhou Yuan Since cultivation has the skill of outer refinement, don’t get entangled with it.

“This Light Slash Technique, in my Sword Peak One Vein, can be regarded as a well-known Heaven Origin Technique. It is amazingly powerful, and with the increase of the red spirit sword, the Zhou Yuan is bound to have no resistance.” Lu Hong indifferently said.

Other disciples hearing this and nods are also one after another, so it seems that this Zhou Yuan is probably the first person to play.


The huge sword light roared down, and the stone platform began to crack.

Zhou Yuan is also raised the head, looking at the screaming sword light, his eyes narrowed slightly, this Wu Hai, it is indeed a bit smarter to learn…

He held the palm of his hand, Heaven Primal Brush flashed out, turned into a martial form, the source gas between Heaven and Earth also roared, poured into Heaven Primal Brush, his own source gas was also rapidly climbing.

Origin Break.”

He didn’t look like waves, but his hair was shaken by the strong wind brought by the screaming sword light. mouth moved slightly and spit out softly.

Heaven Primal Brush‘s snow-white brush bristles nib gradually turns into nether black color, shaped like a lotus bud, and it seems mysterious.

Lesser Profound Saint Body, jade skin!”

His whole body began to bloom jade light, jade light flow.

The huge sword light rapidly magnified in the pupils, and the sharp sword meaning has already fallen, which directly caused the stone slab to crack, and the hole was full of holes.

Myriad Whale Pattern!”

Zhou Yuan’s clasped Heaven Primal Brush with both palms, and in the next moment, there was also a low-smelling voice in the throat.

Heaven Primal Brush in his hand, slammed out suddenly.

nether black nib pointed directly at the falling giant great sword light.

And around Heaven Primal Brush, there are giant whale phantom, faintly discernible, whale chanting sound.

The huge sword light falls, and the pen tip of nether black is also in the gaze of the eyes of countless, and it collides with the tip of giant great sword and heavily.


The huge shock wave wreak havoc opened, the sword light swept through, and the clouds around stone platform were completely swept away at this time, and the smoke on the stone platform rose ~IndoMTL.com~ A crack spread.

The whole stone platform was actually broken open at this time. The destructive power can be imagined.

When many disciples saw this scene, they couldn’t help but slap their tongues. The sword Wu Hai was extremely fierce, but the Zhou Yuan could not only hide, but dare to resist it.

I am really looking for death!

A ridiculous smile appeared on the corner of the mouth of Lu Hong’s. The first player, finally appear(ance).

countless said with regretful eyes, staring at the smoke-filled stone platform.

Wu Hai is also stood high up in the sky. Looking down from the top, there is a sneer on the face.

The smoke on stone platform gradually dissipated.

Then, the scene on stone platform becomes clear.

A figure holding black brush stood quietly in the field. His body had jade light circulation, golden light source gas roared around him, and imposing manner was amazing.


Looking at the almost unscathed figure, outside Chief Peak, there was a sudden uproar, and many disciples were incredible.

If you look closely, you may even find that the footsteps of Zhou Yuan’s have hardly moved at all.

That is to say, he not only resisted the strongest blow of Wu Hai, but also appeared extremely relaxed.

The gird at the corner of Lu Hong‘s mouth solidified.

The expression on Wu Hai‘s face in mid-air is also a little bit stiff.

“How is it possible…”

On stone platform, Zhou Yuan clenched the palm of Heaven Primal Brush’s slightly loosely, his expression was not surprised, raised the head came, looking at the Wu Hai, his brows lightly wrinkled.

“This is your strongest blow?”

He shook his head, his tone indifferent.

“Let’s go…don’t waste my time.”

(One more today.)

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