Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 201: Old Ancestor Cang Xuan

When Zhou Yuan was about to cry without tears because of differential treatment, Yao Yao was the mysterious exist(ence) with the appearance of youngster in front of looks at who was slightly picked by Liu Mei, saying: “Do you know me?”

The beautiful youngster smiled and didn’t answer, just said: “I know Cang Yuan.”

“Do you know Master Cang Yuan?” Zhou Yuan was also shocked, and some amazed looked at this one in front of him and said, “What is the senior?”

The youngster in front of him seems to be about the same age as them, but from his vicissitudes and deep eyes, it can be seen that it must be an old monster-like exist(ence).

Junmei youngster thought about it and laughed: “I am the legendary Saint of die…you can call me, Old Ancestor Cang Xuan.”

The Zhou Yuan heart secretly thought is sure enough, this youngster is the Saint of the legendary die.

“Now I am, of course, just a little bit of spiritual light, my body is already die.” At this point, the Old Ancestor Cang Xuan smiled and looked calm.

“Why is Cang Yuan not by your side?” Old Ancestor Cang Xuan asked Yao Yao when he looked at it.

Yao Yao charming face is slightly sad, saying: “Grandpa Black has been pursued by a mysterious enemy, so he left.”

Old Ancestor Cang Xuan‘s eyes are slightly condensed.

“Senior, do you know where should I go to find Grandpa Black?” Yao Yao looked at Old Ancestor Cang Xuan, she grew up dependent on Cang Yuan and regarded him like a grandpa. Now that Blue Profound (Cang Xuan) is missing, she is worried, but she doesn’t know what to do How to find it.

Old Ancestor Cang Xuan shook his head and said, “You don’t have to worry about him. The old guy is not small. When he feels safe, he will come to you naturally.”

Yao Yao hearing this, a glance of disappointment passed through my eyes, and said again: “Which senior can know my life experience?”

She has lived with Cang Yuan in that isolated space since she was a child. She has never been in contact with the outside world, and she has no idea of ​​her origin.

At least, she should always have parents? And these, Cang Yuan never talked to her, although Yao Yao didn’t care much about it.

Moreover, where did the mysterious enemies who even fear Grandpa Black come from? She felt that those people should have come towards her.

Old Ancestor Cang Xuan was silent for a while before saying: “I can’t say these things well. If you have a chance in the future, you will know it yourself.”

In his speech, he obviously avoided the Yao Yao’s problem.

So Yao Yao will not ask more.

“Oh, you guys are here, but looking for Old Ancestor‘s fortune?” Old Ancestor Cang Xuan smiled and quickly shifted the topic.

Yao Yao has nothing to say, so Zhou Yuan only has to say: “We are also in accordance with the Saint Tablet guidelines, all the way through here…”

Old Ancestor Cang Xuan smiled and said: “Then do you want to know Old Ancestor my story?”

However, before the two of them answered, he sat at the white jade table, his sleeve robe waved, the cloud turned into two stools, and said enthusiastically: “Come and sit.”

Zhou Yuan and Yao Yao looked at each other, and they could only sit down.

Old Ancestor Cang Xuan smiled at Zhou Yuan and said, “Cang Yuan‘s vision is not bad, and he has received a good disciple. For the first time in these years, Old Ancestor I saw people with such poor strength come here for the first time.”

Zhou Yuan has a dark face. Does this praise him or hurt him?

Old Ancestor Cang Xuan smiled, with a palm of his hand, and suddenly clouds and mist gathered, shrouded in the surroundings, and the clouds and mist rolled between them, forming the picture.

In the picture, a figure stood high up in the sky, looks like it, it is Old Ancestor Cang Xuan.

Old Ancestor Cang Xuan has a vast source of gas surging overhead, covering the sun and the sky, making it impossible to imagine what kind of source gas is formidable.

However, the Old Ancestor Cang Xuan in the picture has a very dignified look. In his arms, he still seems to be holding something. Looking closely, it looks like a baby.

The Heaven and Earth in the picture was suddenly torn apart at this time, and the endless thunder ray poured down as if it were destroy the Heaven and exterminate the Earth.

In the endless thunderstorm, three invisible radiances descended from the sky and landed in three directions around Old Ancestor Cang Xuan. In the three ray of light columns, three stood high up in the sky figures were vaguely visible.

They exude holy light all over the body. They are majestic and inviolable. They have an indescribable aloof and remote, just like Divine Mansion.

Zhou Yuan just saw the three faintly discernible figures, but felt a squeeze over him, making his Divine Soul tremble.

In the picture, the battle of heaven shaking broke out, three Divine Mansion-like figures besieged Old Ancestor Cang Xuan, and Old Ancestor Cang Xuan launched a battle with them, but in the end, it was clearly still invincible with Old Ancestor Cang Xuan.

At that last moment, Old Ancestor Cang Xuan Tearing Space, the baby in his arms was sent out, and himself, he was hit by three Divine Mansion-like figures…

The body of Old Ancestor Cang Xuan has shattered and turned into tens of thousands of radiance scattered.

The screen doesn’t end until here.

Beside the white jade table, there was a quiet, Zhou Yuan face shocked. Although there was no sound from the picture, he still felt the indescribable pressure. The battle of that level is really destroy the Heaven and exterminate the Earth

It’s just that, like the figure of Divine Mansion, who is it and why would it besiege Old Ancestor Cang Xuan?

“You know, who is the baby I protect?” Old Ancestor Cang Xuan‘s white face like youngster has a smile on his face, looks at.

Not waiting for the two to answer, he smiled and stopped looking at the beautiful cheek of Yao Yao, saying: “You are the baby.”

The shock of Zhou Yuan‘s face, his ears are buzzing.

The person who was sworn to death by Old Ancestor Cang Xuan would be Yao Yao?

The Yao Yao jade hand on the side was also clenched suddenly, and in the beauty of her eyes, there was a daze. Obviously, she did not have any memory.

“Seniors are joking? If the baby is Sister Yao Yao, time is not right.” Zhou Yuan has some with difficulty said.

Old Ancestor Cang Xuan died for thousands of years, and Yao Yao, according to Master Cang Yuan, followed him for ten years in that isolated space.

Old Ancestor Cang Xuan smiled and said: “She is not ordinary, so don’t treat it with ordinary people’s eyes. Of course, normally, her age is indeed similar to yours.”

Zhou Yuan can’t speak, Yao Yao’s‘s life experience is obviously extremely mysterious, and it also involves a lot. Otherwise, it will not involve the Cang Yuan master, Old Ancestor Cang Xuan these real old monsters.

Behind this, there is a huge entanglement.

“In this way… are you still my life-saving benefactor?” Yao Yao was silent for a while, and said softly.

Old Ancestor Cang Xuan smiled casually~IndoMTL.com~Yao Yao thought about it, suddenly took out the wine glass, and then took out a jade bottle gourd, gently filled a glass of wine, and handed it to Old Ancestor Cang Xuan, said: “This glass of wine, Thank you old mister.”

Although I don’t understand the root cause, no matter what, the person in front of me is die to save her, and Yao Yao can also feel it, he did not lie.

Old Ancestor Cang Xuan stared at the wine glass in front of him, stunned for a while, and then hehe smiled and said, “I like this glass of wine.”

He picked it up and swallowed it, and he still had some meaning.

Yao Yao looked at Old Ancestor Cang Xuan and asked again: “Who are the three figures that besieged old mister? They, they should have come towards me? Grandpa Black’s left, should it also be related to them?”

“They are…”

Old Ancestor Cang Xuan frowned, and after a long silence this time, only a low expression slowly spit out two words that seemed to contain inexplicable coercion.

Saint Race…”

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