Silver Overlord Chapter 751: Distress

Because Rong Guifei and others did not want to spend the night in Luming Pass, Yan Liqiang had to take the team as far as possible in the first half of the night, and then prepared to find a place to camp in the second half of the night.

It did n’t take long before we left Lumingguan, the sun was completely set, and the sky slowly became completely dark. Yan Liqiang ’s horses and horses in their team were skilled at lighting the lanterns and continued to hurry. Before leaving Lumingguan, everyone They were all ready to rush through the night, everyone ate, the horses rested for an afternoon, and the grass and water were enough to feed them, but they were also energetic, and the pedestrians walked on the official road nonstop.

The weather has been pretty good these days. The sky is bright at night, and with the horse lights in the team, it ’s no problem to hurry.

In the first three hours after leaving Luming Pass, the official road was fairly flat and easy to walk, but after leaving Luming Pass for three hours, the mountains on both sides of the road became higher and higher, and the terrain became more and more dangerous. When the horse enters the mountain area, the so-called official road becomes bumpy. There are still a lot of gravel on the road. The entire official road is dug on the mountain wall. Under the mountain wall, the deep trench is rugged, not deep. Seeing the bottom, a turbulent river was tightly next to the official road, roaring and roaring like a dragon in the high mountains, and a huge roar at the foot of Yan Liqiang, which was daunting.

In this official way, horseback riding is okay, but there is no way for a four-wheeled carriage to run too fast on such a road. The four-wheeled carriage is fast, and after passing through potholes or wheels that rushed onto the stone, The entire carriage will be turned upside down, and the people sitting in it will be bumpy and uncomfortable. The vehicle is also easily damaged. If you are not careful, the four-wheeled carriage may be damaged by the tipping and then rush down from the road. In the mountains or rivers.

In this case, the speed of the entire team suddenly slowed down, and it slowly traveled through the mountains at a speed not much faster than pedestrians walking.

The time has come late at night, and no pedestrians can be seen on the road. Walking on such an official road, in addition to the sound of horseshoes and the sound of wheels, the sound of living creatures that can be heard throughout the mountains Only the owls, forest owls, chestnuts and other birds that cut through the night sky, and occasionally the cry of tigers, wolf and apes echoed in the valley.

“How come the official roads in Gaoyi County are so potholes and the situation is too bad, how long is this road?”

Originally, Yan Liqiang thought that this kind of officialdom was just a short period of time. I did n’t expect that it would be endless as soon as I walked up. I walked for four or five hours and almost finished in the middle of the night. In this way, the team he was carrying could only slowly hover on such a road, there was not even a coaching house on the roadside, and some impatient, he could not help asking the Sima T-shirt next to him.

“The roads for the next few days are almost the same!” Sima Qingshan replied.

“Is there no one to fix the official road in Gaoyi County?”

Hearing Yan Liqiang ’s question, Sima Qingshan came to the spirit all at once, and began to say like many families, “Adults may not know the situation in this Gaoyi County. This Gaoyi County has many mountains and dense forests and a sparse population. Even the population of the county town of Gaoyi County is only more than 200,000 people. The tax revenue collected in the entire Gaoyi County is less than one-eighth of Luquan County. According to the system of the Han Dynasty, this official way In Gaoyi County, it is natural for the Gaoyi County to be responsible for repairing and keeping the official roads smooth and intact. However, because there is really no money in Gaoyi County, the usual repair and maintenance will be much worse. The Gaoyi County is basically in the mountains, and torrential rocks and the like occur from time to time, which is more likely to be damaged, and the road conditions are worse. If you encounter a bad year, this Gaoyi County even repairs the official road. All the money is inadequate, and you need to ask for payment from Guzhou Shishifu. In the entire Guzhou area, if an adult sees the clothes worn by officials and tolerances, he must be from Gaoyi County. On the state officialdom, officials in Gaoyi County were often laughed at by people, and they all became a joke. I heard that Lord Shishi went to Gaoyi County for a visit in the previous year. As a result, most of the officials who were greeted, even including their county guards The mansion he wore has patches, but even Lord Shishi ca n’t stand it anymore. Since the beginning of the previous year, every year at the end of the year, he will specially let the Shishifu allocate a sum of money to the officials in Gaoyi County, called Xinfuyin. The entire state of Guzhou is unique. Copies. “

“Since Guzhou is so poor, how can the people of Guzhou live a life?”

“Of course, it depends on the mountains to eat the mountains and the water to eat the water. There are many mountains in Guzhou, there are more medicinal herbs in this mountain, and some medicinal herbs are relatively rare and expensive. The people of Guzhou are almost relying on the medicinal herbs in this mountain. To subsidize life, from June to winter before each year, there are more people who enter the mountain herbs. Many pharmacies in Guzhou and Jinju will go to Gaoyi County to collect medicines. The main tax bank is the customs clearance of these drug dealers! “

“I didn’t expect that there would be such a poor county in the Han Empire. It was really unexpected!” Yan Liqiang shook his head and said with sigh.

Sima Qingshan looked at Yan Liqiang with admiration, and the light in her eyes flickered, “The condition of Qiyun County under the rule of an adult is naturally thousands of times stronger than that of Gaoyi County. It was created by an adult. With this one strategy, adults can easily make millions of silver every year, monopolize the majority of the wool of the Han empire, and look at the entire Han empire. Just like adults, they will make money No one can find the second one. Even the counties of the Han dynasty that have the advantage of coastal commerce and trade are not as good as adults in terms of making money! “

Yan Liqiang just wanted to say something. Suddenly he moved a little in his heart, and the warning sign suddenly appeared. There was a feeling of being peeped, and he disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Yan Liqiang frowned and looked at the surrounding environment. On the right side of the official road was a steep mountain wall, several hundred meters high. On the left side of the official road was a deep stream. Below is the turbulent river. Here is dangerous Tao, although it was dark around, in Yan Liqiang ’s eyes, he did n’t see any figures. The feeling of being peeped was too slight, and the time was short. There was no such thing as continuous peeping in the dark. The kind of continuous anxiety and vigilance brought by this made Yan Liqiang still puzzled in his heart. If he is a human, he will be regarded as a target, and he will never only look at it. Is it just that there is a hidden hidden in the mountains and forests that want to hunt The beast looked at himself, and then looked away, and felt it by himself, or what a cut-off little hair thief …

Seeing Yan Liqiang’s complexion suddenly became serious, observing the surrounding environment without speaking, Sima Qingshan also became alert and turned his head to look around.

“Is there a hairy thief in this mountain?” Yan Liqiang asked Sima Qingshan.

“Yes, but not many, at most, it is a kind of two or three groups, robbing lone travelers, there were a few more thieves who were invited by Guzhou and Jinju drug dealers Annihilated “

Yan Liqiang nodded. The average little hair thief probably sees the team he is carrying, too late to hide, and dare to show his head.

The feeling of being peeped disappeared for a full two minutes, just when Yan Liqiang thought that there would be no more, suddenly, Yan Liqiang’s warning signs rose again-no!

Yan Liqiang tilted his head, looked at the hillside on the right, his eyes flashed with light, holding the big meteorite gun in his hand, the whole person jumped from Caiyun ’s horse chasing the moon and stepped on the right On the side of the steep and straight mountain wall, the whole person yelled, and with his feet on the steep mountain wall, he rushed towards the middle of the team

Seeing Yan Li’s powerful roar leaping and rushing towards the back, the whole team was shocked, and everyone reacted at once.

Booming …

Jian Liqiang just rushed out more than ten feet away, and there was a loud noise suddenly on the top of the mountain wall. A few huge rocks with great power rumbling down from the highest point of the mountain wall, Below the boulder is Yan Liqiang’s middle position of their team, which is the area of ​​the carriage where Rong Guifei and her ride.

As soon as the people in the line looked up, they saw the huge stones weighing several kilograms of cattle roll down from the height, and everyone changed their faces.

Hearing the sound above the mountain road, the chauffeur waved his whip violently, trying to make the horse rush forward, but Rong Guifei ’s carriage just drove a few meters forward, but the wheel clicked and suddenly fell into the road. In a half-foot deep pothole, the carriage moved twice, and the wheels remained motionless.

Hearing the sudden movement from outside, Rong Guifei lifted the curtain inside the carriage, and saw that under the lamp light, a stone about the size of a carriage rolled down the hillside, facing her The location, the power and impact of the stone, once hit the carriage, the people in the carriage and the carriage must definitely crush the bones, there is no fluke …

Elder Liu had already leapt from the carriage just now, roared, and shattered a few big bullhead stones in the air, but facing the largest stone that rushed down from behind, I saw the carriage Wheels are stuck in the potholes, a huge stone is rushing towards Rong Guifei’s horse and horse, and Elder Liu has changed his complexion.

At the same time that Rong Guifei saw the boulder, Elder Liu who rushed to the front of the boulder to prevent the boulder from rolling down spit out blood, and the whole person flew back, but the boulder rolled down The momentum has not diminished.

Are I going to die, just die on this mountain road … At this moment, Rong Guifei ’s head is blank, the whole person ’s body is completely stiff, and the time seems to start to slow down at this moment, that is rolling down The shadow of the boulder has enveloped Rong Guifei’s carriage.

At this moment, Yan Liqiang’s figure suddenly appeared in front of Rong Guifei’s eyes, blocking the carriage, looking at the boulder that rolled down with great power, Yan Liqiang roared, and the spear in his hand was stabbed. Out.

The spear in Yan Liqiang ’s hand was not stabbed on the boulder, but was stabbed on the mountain wall under the boulder, and then Yan Liqiang vigorously picked it with his gun head. Ten degrees, then a violent shot, the falling boulder slipped on Yan Liqiang’s gunpoint ~ ~ Then he was picked up with a cry, changed direction, and wiped the carriage of Rong Guifei’s carriage The top flew over and rolled down into the river below, making a loud noise, smashing the water in the river so high …

Yan Liqiang grabbed Rong Guifei ’s carriage wagon and lifted the whole carriage out of the pothole with only one hand. “Elder Liu, escorting the mother and the two highnesses …”

Elder Liu, with blood on the corner of his mouth, leaped forward and stood directly on the horseback of the rhinoceros horse pulling the cart, escorting Rong Guifei and the vehicle they were sitting in.

Another boulder rolled down, or was picked up by Yan Liqiang with a spear, and then Yan Liqiang roared again, jumped up, stepped on the steep mountain wall, and rushed straight up, like a figure … …

Yan Liqiang ’s blinking effort rushed to the top of the mountain over a hundred meters high. At a glance, three men in black were holding iron bars and were prying a huge stone together. Those three people Unexpectedly, the following people rushed up so quickly, they were startled, their movements were stiff, and one of them didn’t think about it, their fierce face shuddered a little, and they put the iron rod on their hands toward Yan Liqiang. Smashed over …


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