Ultimate Teacher Chapter 514: , the death is coming!

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Chapter 514, the death is coming!

On both sides, the blue wolf took a few confidants to protect Du Qing and Li Ya on a black 6 tiger, then drilled into the cab, and drove the car towards the outside.

Seeing this steel monster rolling towards the battlefield, the two of them quickly flashed a passage. Someone hit the 6 Tiger with a knife in his hand, but he was rebounded by the tough body.

The sound of ping-pong and ping-pong was endless, the swords and clubs were flying, and the scene was a mess.

After the 6 Tiger Car fled, the team quickly entangled again. The swords and sticks waved, and the fighting rekindled.

Until the Qingyun Building was drilled out, Li Ya took a break from the thrilling scene just now and said angrily: “Unexpectedly, Liu San’s misfortune, I always thought he was the most trustworthy in Qinghong People — “

Du Qing looked solemn and said, “History proves that most of the rebels are the most promising people to win the crown-”

Li Ya nodded and said, “It is true. If there is an accident with his uncle, Liu Shisan can take over the green and red brothers and industry naturally-the surface is loyal and the treacherous in his bones. . “

“He just didn’t want to meet the status quo.” Du Qing sighed softly. “Thirteen worked with me to fight for the world, blood came from the sword, and made great achievements. But, the general is going to fight, and what kind of general is the general who does not fight? Now the traces of green and red are getting weaker and weaker, instead It is a modern Qingyun Group that is widely known in the sky-the thirteenth chamber of blood without spraying, when there is no force to use. He is hidden in the huge shadow of Qingyun, and even some newly recruited talents can be big in it. Spread your fists, get flowers and applause-Thirteen is about to be forgotten by people. It is understandable that he has resentment in his heart. “

Li Ya sighed and said, “If you ca n’t keep up with the pulse of the times, you can only be abandoned by the times. As a child, my uncle told me the story of the brave and the clown. The enemy soldiers attacked, and the brave wielded a spear to kill the enemy. , The clown hid behind the crowd and laughed, pointing at the warrior who was bloodied on the battlefield shouting-a thorn was pierced on his footboard. The brave charge in the front, the clown stabs in the back-Liu Shisan is the stab Earth clown. “

“He could n’t integrate into this society by himself, and it was difficult for him to balance his achievements. For so many years, his uncle had never treated them badly and regarded them as his true brothers-but how did they treat his uncle? What? Gathered against the uncle and murdered the uncle. If the uncle suffered tonight, Qingyun Group was taken over by them-what would they do to Qingyun Group? Are they capable of controlling such a modern company? “

“Li Ya, you remember, do n’t think we are too smart, or do n’t think our opponents are too stupid. The reason why they can become our opponents, at least they have IQs that match us-” Du Qing said with a serious face: “Now are we also facing the same crisis?”

“Uncle, I see.” Li Ya nodded and taught.

The car headed westward. After entering the main road, the traffic gradually increased.

Just when Li Ya thought they were out of danger, the blue wolf in front suddenly reported aloud, saying, “Master Qing, we have been followed.”

Du Qing frowned and asked, “Do you know who it is?”

“It’s unclear for now.” Blue Wolf said. “However, they tracked very secretly. They just hung from a distance, and didn’t mean close to-”

Du Qing ’s eyes flashed a fierce light, and said: “The reason why the wolf is not in a hurry to approach the prey is because it is waiting for the most suitable opportunity to utter its mouth-these people think we are already prey in their mouths Follow behind without any hassle. They know we ca n’t run. ”

“Master Qing, do you want to get rid of them?” asked the blue wolf.

“Try it.” Du Qing said. “Fight against fakes, maybe our friends?”

The Blue Wolf received the order and suddenly added the car.

6 The Tiger ’s ground motor roared, and the wheels slammed against the ground.

Du Qingdi looked through the rear-view mirror, and a black Toyota car behind him also followed. A posture that bit the tail and refused to let go.

Qingrui added again, crossing the cars in front of them one by one.

Behind the black Toyota is not to be outdone, likewise, his opponent. Even their degree and driving skills are much better than the Blue Wolf.

The Toyota car is getting tighter and tighter, and soon the two cars are already running side by side.

Du Qing looked through the window glass, and the opposite window was painted black, and the figure inside could not be seen.

“Add it again.” Du Qing said.

The blue wolf slammed on the accelerator, and the 6 Tiger Car was like a crazy bull rushing towards the front.

The body shakes more and more, and the blue wolf grips the steering wheel tightly. If you are a little careless and the steering wheel floats, the front of the car may hit the railings on both sides of the road.

Du Qing saw that the nearby Toyota car was not willing to be outdone, and still bit them tightly.


The body shakes gently.

This feeling is very unclear, or it may be that your heartbeat missed a beat.

However, Du Qing felt danger, and his entire body was covered with sweat.

“Blue Wolf–” Du Qing shouted.

“Green Lord–” The blue wolf gently held the sense of direction with both hands, and kept on driving again and again, not daring to relax. “What did you tell me?”

“Turn towards Haigang Road.” Du Qing said with a deep voice.

“Green Lord–” The Blue Wolf was anxious, reminding and saying: “The Haigang Road is too remote, which is not conducive to our breakthrough.”

“Who said we were about to break through?” Du Qing asked back.


Du Qingbu ordered that the Blue Wolf dare not refute.

At a crossroad in front, he violently hit the steering wheel, and the car rushed towards Haigang Road.

At the end of Haigang Road is the sea, to the east is the Aquatic Wharf, and to the west is the Meixi Scenic Area.

Haigang Road in the early morning is cold and gloomy, except for the pale white street lights above the head, almost no vehicles and pedestrians pass by.

Du Qing asked the blue wolf to drive the car on this road. If it was chased and stopped by the Toyota behind, the two sides could only fight one battle.

The blue wolf had already thought of this possibility, and he drew a long knife from his waist with one hand. If those people dare to lean over, he will cut his head with a knife.

Li Ya did n’t understand the meaning of Du Qing ’s move, but he also pulled out a small silver gun from his waist. There were three bullets in this pistol.

In any case, she hopes to help her uncle relieve some of the burden.

Another black man above the co-pilot is called Xiaodao, one of the eight King Kongs beside Du Qing. In terms of seniority, he should be far ahead of the blue wolf. The blue wolf is a new generation of ‘idol’ in Qinghong, who was accidentally picked up by Du Qing and slowly promoted.

The gauze was tied to the arm of the knife, because the movement was too intense, the wound was torn again, and the gauze and the clothes on the body were also stained with blood.

He turned to look at Du Qing and said, “Ye Qingye, there are a few cubs eating outside. Don’t worry about your old people-how are you doing to the brothers, the brothers are all in their hearts. I will start here Give Qing Qing a special case, if I can’t come back-my family will ask Qing Qing. “

“You can’t die.” Du Qing gritted his teeth and said, “Damn it is them.”

“Qingye–” Xiaozui grinned and said, “It’s my blessing to die for you. My knife has never served others in my life, and only Qingye convinced me Oral-Blue Wolf, stop the car, I block them. “

“Brother Dao-”

“Ye told you to stop the car, are you deaf?” Xiaodao cursed angrily.

“Knife, don’t be impulsive–” Du Qing said in a low voice.

Then Du Qing shouted suddenly: “Blue wolf, stop.”

Ga —

The blue wolf didn’t want to think about it, and stepped on the brakes.


The sour sound of sharp blade cutting iron on the roof, a black man shrouded in black all over the body was inertially thrown onto the windshield glass not in front of the head because of this rapid braking.

The man in black grabs the rearview mirror in one hand and holds a long knife in the other.

He held a long knife and slashed toward the windshield.


This 6 Tiger car is specially customized, and the window glass is built according to bulletproof standards. The man in black has great strength, but the long knife in his hand has no way to pierce the glass.

Even so, under the blow of him, the whole body vibrated.

The blue wolf was shocked with cold sweat. He didn’t expect a black monster to be hidden on the roof. They didn’t even know when he climbed up.

If he stopped the car and let the knife out of the car just now, I am afraid that the knife would just push the door of the car and he would be cut off by the black man above.

The knife is even more terrified. After he settled his mind, he was angered and opened his mouth to curse: “This little miscellaneous debris, see Lao Tzu cut you out-”

He pushed the car door violently, and he slashed towards the man in black lying on the windshield of the car.

The man in black is as flexible as a swallow, and a roll will disappear from under everyone’s eyelids.

“Blue wolf, be careful–” Du Qing shouted anxiously as he threw himself forward.

Click —

A crisp sound came.

The door was pierced by a long knife.

Also pierced by the blue wolf’s flanks.

The head of the man in black emerges from the edge of the car window, and the two exposed eyes reveal the bloodthirsty light.

As he held a long knife in his hand and was about to stab it in again, Li Ya fired a gun at him.

“Go to die-”

Li Ya desperately pulled the trigger and shot out the three bullets in the silver gun at once.

However, the man in black disappeared again.

Come invisible, go nowhere, he is a Toyogi.

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