Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 1289: Attack of the Western Mystery

Chapter 128th

Xi Xuan Yu was once one of the four big Xuan Yu, but today this vast area has almost changed its appearance from the past. The earth and the sky are both dark black and viscous. In the air, when the magic energy stays to a certain extent, it turns into a magic cloud on the sky, countless magic rains, and descends overwhelmingly.

In the depths enchanted by the magic, there seemed to be countless roaring sounds, and the roar was filled with ferocity and violence.

Xi Xuanyu, in a mountain range, the original tranquil atmosphere has long been destroyed. In the mountains, countless monsters ran away, and there were still many people hiding in the mountains. At this time, They were mixed together, and those eyes looking backwards were full of fear.


And in their distant rear, the magical air rolled in, and in the magical air, countless evil scarlet eyes appeared, they were almost ghostly, they gave out a sharp, sharp laughter, and the magical gas was rushed out. At the same time, the countless monsters in front of it and the humans in it penetrated through, the thick **** taste accompanied by the scream of screams, permeated.

It’s like a hunt.

It’s just that these creatures have become prey, and those monsters have become relentless hunters.

Although Xixuanyu has been occupied by the magic prison for a long time, after all, this area is too vast. Many humans and other creatures are blocked before they can escape. However, in the face of powerful aliens, they are only like The mice hid carefully, and if found, waiting for them was the cruel ending.

Here, it is close to the edge of Xixuanyu. As long as you can escape, you will be able to enter a safe zone. There and here are like heaven and hell.

Everyone is holding such expectations, desperately restraining the fear in their hearts, but when they see the countless strangers that are getting closer and closer, their hearts still can’t help rising. Feeling a sense of powerlessness, after all, can’t you escape?

Mist of blood came from behind and stained many people’s faces. They wiped off the blood on their faces, but when the despair in their eyes was so intense, suddenly someone stopped and stared blankly into the distance. Sky.

In the distant sky, there was a sudden blast of wind breaking, and then dark clouds swept fast. As the clouds approached, they found out that it was actually a gathering of countless human powers. Into the army!

Countless figures are swept over. They are like locusts, covering the sun. The terrible warfare that clumps together is actually the retreats that is constantly deterred by the terror and magic that pervades this western mysterious area.

“That is”

Everyone who flees in the mountains stops. They look at the overwhelming army, and in despair’s eyes suddenly a thick ecstasy emerges.


They waved their arms frantically, and some screams screamed loudly. The hope that appeared under such despair almost made them have the urge to cry.

The alien forces that chased them behind also stopped at this time. The scarlet eyes looked at the appearing army of the Alliance, which also flashed in shock, and then a sharp sound resounded. The magic was actually Soaring retreats.


However, in their retreats, they only heard a neat drunk sound that almost shook the heavens and the earth. Immediately, there was a riot of elemental power in the heavens and the earth, and countless elements of power practised. Finally fell madly to those alien forces.

Boom boom boom!

The earth trembled violently. However, the extremely fierce alien monster troops were directly blasted out under this covering attack, and even the magic was completely destroyed. Swept away.

“The three coalition forces heard the order, battled out, and the whole army advanced. If you encounter strange monsters along the way, you will immediately shoot and kill without amnesty!” Above the sky, there was a pleasant cold drink wrapped in majestic force, The majesty spread through the air, and finally rang through the world.


Countless voices should be drunk neatly. The sound of thousands of troops converging, as if even the air was buzzing.

Countless armies screamed past, and they obviously formed a battlefield between them. Once they encountered any attack, they were able to respond at any time.

The many figures rescued in time on the mountains, they stared blankly at a wave of locust-like army flying across the sky. The amazing warfare that united them actually made their bodies all Some are hot.

“You quit West Xuanyu quickly!” On the sky, there was a high-ranking three coalition forces evacuated. He looked at these people, waved his palm, screamed, and then stopped and immediately returned to the team.

“That is the army of the three major alliances! They are trying to regain the Western Xuanyu and decisive battle with the magic prison!” Some people obviously also know a lot of situations, they suddenly exclaimed when they saw such a battle. sound.

“Let’s go, too?”

Some people suddenly have a strong hatred pouring out. They clenched their teeth and looked at the magical Xuanyu. They turned around quickly and snarled after the army.

“My brothers, all killed by strangers, where else can we go? Xi Xuan Yu is our home, die, and die here!”

I do n’t know who shouted sternly. Immediately, countless people’s eyes turned red. The next moment, those who had been escaping because of fear seemed to have the courage again. , Following the rush of the Alliance army, only a roar that occasionally remembered, was able to show their pain.

“Captain?” In the sky, a coalition squad looked at the movement below, then looked at their captain.

“Let them follow, they also need revenge. There is a Hegemon command overall situation and the veterans sit in town. Nothing will happen. We just shot the siege!” The captain shook his head and he could feel their This kind of hatred, because his family is the only one left.


Allied troops, like the waves that fill the heavens and the earth, enter from the border of the Western Xuanyu, and then press in a steel-like posture, step by step, passing by along the way, countless strange demons are erased by all, the army passes by At this point, the flames of war were full of mess.

However, in the face of the suppression of the Union Army, the magic prison is still quiet and quiet, but it is increasingly disturbing.

“As far as we know, the real power of the magic prison today is all gathered in Xixuancheng, which was originally the headquarters of Xixuanzong, but now Xixuanzong has been destroyed by the magical prison.” During the advance, in the middle of the army, Tang Xinlian was looking at a distant direction, and her face was covered with coldness.

“Since this time, the magic prison has always been silent. This must be conspiring about something, and I hope everyone is vigilant.”

Ying Huanhuan and Lin Dong also nodded slightly. With the character of magic prison, they would never sit still. In the ancient war, the two sides did not know how many years they had fought, and they have not seen any similar move.

“The reason why they did n’t dare to take the initiative was because they were afraid of fear. After all, it ’s not the same year now. The cracks in the plane were sealed. They have no continuous reinforcements, and there is no strange demon emperor. Compared with us, After all, they are at a disadvantage. “Yan said slowly.

“Anyway, be careful.” The immature face of the Lord of Life and Death now had a deep color. She looked into the distance and murmured: “The master burned the reincarnation before we could have us. The current advantage, so no matter what, we can’t lose this battle. “

The crowd nodded their heads too. This brings together all the power in this heaven and earth. Once they fail, I am afraid that they will no longer be able to resist the pace of the magic prison. At that time, this heaven and earth will all It will be like the Western Mysterious Realm, and all living things will be reduced to the prey of the magic prison.

“According to the speed of our march, two days later, we will be able to reach the Xixuan Desert.”

Tang Xinlian took a deep breath, and her plump **** undulated gently: “We have no retreat, so for all the beings in this world, and for the people who matter to each other.”

“Let’s do our best!”

Xixuan Great Desert.

This is the most expansive area in the Western Mysterious Realm. In the past, the yellow desert was endless, but now those deserts have become dark.

Evil spirits rise from the desert. This once-large desert is also polluted by already.

And in the center of the desert, a towering city stands lonely. It used to be the most prosperous place in the Western Xuanyu, but now, it is not seen in the slightest popularity, and it is enveloped by the viscous magic. Seems to be able to see countless scarlet and ferocious eyes, flashing from the magic mist.

In the center of the city is a dark black tower with a height of about thousands of meters, overlooking the city. Now, on the top of the tower, several black shadows stand, their eyes, They all looked to the north, where they could feel an amazing oppression, approaching slowly.

“It’s finally here”

In the first place, the Tianwangdian in a black robe smiled slightly. His face was white, except for the smile on the corners of his lips, which looked even mild. It was just the black eyes, but there was no trace of it. emotion.

“After so many years, I can finally no longer lurk, I really can’t wait to kill them all” Next to the Temple of Heaven, a thin boy, he held out his scarlet tongue and licked After licking his mouth, he smiled.

“Are you all ready?” Tianwangdian smiled.


Then everyone laughed and nodded. There was endless ferocity in the laughter.

“That’s good.”

Tianwangdian stretched a lazy waist, and the smile on the corner of his lips became milder. He looked to the north, deep in his eyes and pupils, with a pile of crazy sharp tools stacked up, and then he mumbled to himself.

“I’m really looking forward to it.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to recommend it to registered members of Piaotian Literature. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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