Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 1284: Dealing the sea of ​​chaos

Beyond the sky, under the huge devil’s palm, a figure stood in the sky, seemingly thin, but it easily resisted the devil’s palm containing extreme terrorist power.

“That’s the veteran Lin Dong?”

Some exclamations erupted in the army of the Chaos Demon Sea Alliance at this time. Since the alliance was established a year ago, Lin Dong has disappeared. It is said that it is a retreat practice. I did not expect to compete at this critical moment. Appeared!

“This guy finally arrived in time.”

Tang Xinlian’s pretty face is also full of joy. Nowadays, there are battlefields everywhere in this area, but in general, in the three main battlefields, there are no strongest players on both sides. The most powerful guys were nailed to the Western Mystery by the ancient master, but correspondingly, the ancient master can no longer help the outside battlefield much. At this time, the emergence of Lin Dong is undoubtedly able to Take an extremely important role.

“Qing Ye, are you okay?” Lin Dong blocked the devil’s palm, then tilted his head to look at Qing Ye behind him and asked.

The blue light flickered on Qingye ’s body, but his shape gradually changed back into shape. He wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and grinned at Lin Dong with a bitter smile, and said, “Are you out of the gate?”

Lin Dong nodded and smiled: “Let me give this big guy.”

There is no objection to Qing Ye. Today’s Lin Dong doesn’t seem to have any fluctuations in his body, but faintly, he can feel an extremely dangerous Aura. Obviously, this year’s retreat, Lin The strength of the movement seems to have risen to a point where he cannot see through.

This change made him a little bit sullen and gratified. When he first met Lin Dong for the first time, the latter was just a teenager who stood out from the little battle of the 100 Dynasties. At that time, he saw The latter seemed to have some endowment, which taught him Qinglong Hualongjue, but who can think that after many years, the former teenager of that year had already surpassed him.

“Be careful, this troll has more than a dozen true kings. Although they may not live long, they are extremely violent at this time.” Qing Yan reminded him, then he fell into shape and was strengthened by many alliances. Those who protect it.

“Is it a fusion of monsters?”

Lin Dong is not a surprise. This is similar to the way the Yuanmen Big Three took, but these guys are obviously more brutal, but this should also be the limit of their integration. If they are strong, I am afraid that Will explode.


The troll also drew back the palm of his hand, the violent demons stared at Lin Dong, and roared angrily, only to see its huge body, and the black blood like spring water burst out, these blood squirmed With the extreme volatility emanating.

“The Realm of Demon Blood!”

In the mouth of the troll, there is a roaring roar, and the black blood spreads quickly, just like a ball of light, shrouding the forest into it, and then the blood cells shrink instantly. The shrinking blood cells, an indescribable and terrible wave, also quickly gathered up.


In the blink of an eye, the blood cell was only a few feet in size. Among them, Lin Dong’s figure had been covered up. The troll’s palm suddenly took hold, and he exploded the blood cells, killing Lin Dong completely.


However, just as soon as his clutch palm was about to be gripped, a slender palm was slammed, directly piercing through the blood cell, and then it was like tearing a thin paper, condensing the horror The blood cells of energy, ripped apart in half.

Lin Dong smiled slightly, and his palm was flipped, and the broken blood cells were sucked into the palm of his hand, and the twirling spinning room turned into a black sè bead the size of a fist.


Lin Dong flicked his fingers, the surface of the black sè beads seemed to pass over a sè of chaos, and then the beads turned into a black light, passing over the horizon, directly shè on the troll’s chest. .


The black light doesn’t seem to have much power. However, in the body of the troll in shè, the latter’s demon body enough to withstand the full attack of the green cricket was directly penetrated by the tiny bead. And finally deep into his body.

“Stupid, use our magic to kill us?”

The bead rushed into the body of the troll, but the latter was making a harsh laughter. Not only did the bead cause no harm to them, but it also caused the magic in their body to skyrocket.

Lin Dong heard the words, but chuckled, holding his palm lightly: “Is it?”


Jia Na, under Lin ’s hands, the troll’s mad laughter suddenly solidified, and his huge body shuddered fiercely, only to be seen in his body. Out.

O Ah!

Under that kind of chaotic beam, the endless magical energy in the troll’s body was transformed into nothingness at an extremely shocking speed. The troll’s body was split and opened at this time, and finally Turned into dozens of magic shadows and shouted out, black blood spurted wildly.

The troll, Jing is the true king who was fused by Lin Dong.

The real kings were blasted out, all of them were pale, looking at Lin Dong’s eyes with a strong sense of fear, but they haven’t waited for them to take any action. .


A thunder dragon crossed the horizon. This thunder dragon is lifelike. On the huge body, the thunder flashes. Compared with the thunder dragon that used to be concentrated in the past, this one is like a real living thing. It’s quite intrusive.


Thunder Dragon rushed down, passing along the way, the strange monster of the true king level was directly blasted out in the scream of scream, the power of the thunder was permeated, and the magic Elimination of exhaustion.

The real kings saw Lin Dong as fierce and immediately fled.

When Lin Dong saw this, his sleeves waved, and he could only see the huge black holes spreading out behind the true kings. The black holes were rotating, like giant mouths, and they swallowed them in.

In a short period of time, the ten monsters of the true king level have been cleared by Lin Dong.

In this scene, I can see the countless stuns in the battlefield below.

Lin Dong resolved those true kings, and then his indifferent dark eyes were looking down at the battlefield. This was the first time he saw such a huge battlefield. This battlefield almost permeated the entire North Sea. Wherever possible, it’s all the confrontation between magical energy and elemental force.

I am afraid that this number of aliens is at least millions, and the number of the Alliance Army is not less than that, and these Army are not ordinary troops. Each of them is owned by With quite not weak strength.

When Lin Dong was moving, in the sky, countless thunderclouds gathered, the rumbling noises rang out loudly, and the eloquence of the killing sound was covered up.

“This place is not a place where you should come.”

Thunder surges, Lin Dong steps on the void, he looks at the countless strange demons lightly, and there is a cold sè in his eyes: “So, be purified, maybe, you should be your soul. Where to go. “


The ground shivered at this moment, only to see the thunder cloud swell, countless roads containing thunderous thunder. At this moment, madness came down, the thunder swept across, and countless strange monsters didn’t even scream. It is evaporating away.

Suddenly receiving such a horrible attack, the original fierce momentum of the alien army was also stagnant. In the eyes of some aliens, they finally passed the fear and lost the control of the true kings. They obviously no longer Before the majesty.


Tang Xinlian’s beautiful eyes flashed, and immediately caught the moment when the strength of the alien army weakened, and a cold drink, the alliance army broke out in a panic Murderous Qi, surging strength, swept out, and suddenly will be different The demon army rushed a little bit.

But these aliens are indeed fierce. Even in this situation, they follow 1

i resisted hard, and also caused some casualties to the Alliance army, such blood, stained the Red Sea.

But this kind of desperate resistance will obviously not play a big role when the general situation is gone. In the end, the alien army, the resistance will become more and more.


It seems to be aware that there will be no doubt. Among the strange army, the howling sounds suddenly broke out, and then countless strange monsters suddenly rushed towards the surface of the sea, apparently they wanted to enter the sea floor and temporarily retreat.

These monsters are extremely tenacious, as long as they can escape, follow 1

i is trouble.

But in the face of their retreat, Tang Xinlian’s face flashed a sneer, a sneer, and it sounded: “Sea monster army, all strangers, no one is allowed to let go!”


The sea below suddenly set off numerous waves, only to see that the sea seemed to be divided and opened. Numerous sea monster army riding various sea beasts stormed out from the bottom. There is an extremely large array of light forming on the ocean floor, blocking the retreat of the ocean floor.

Up in the sky, Lin Dong looked at the strange monster army that was blocked from the front and back, up, down, and down. He also slowly released his palm and gave thumbs up to Tang Xinlian in the distance. She Still so powerful, all retreats are set up properly, and there is no way for these alien army to have any way to go.

In those thousands of troops, Tang Xinlian also saw the action of Lin Dong, and her rosy Xing lips suddenly evoked a touch of pride, and the stare stared at Lin Dong with no escape. The softness and charmingness of De Lin made her eyes blinking, and then she laughed and shivered.

Lin Dong sighed softly. As long as the next killing is completed, the war in the Chaos Demon Sea will be calmed down. As long as the demon realm and the western mysterious realm are calm, maybe it should be with that. Hell, the final battle is on.

“Are they staring at the top of the magic prison?” Lin Dongwang murmured in the direction of Si Xuan Yu.

At this time, on a mountain peak where the distant East Xuanyu and West Xuanyu meet, an ice blue sèqian shadow sitting on the top of the mountain suddenly opened her eyes slowly, she also felt something Looking at the direction of the sea of ​​chaos, the little hand with snow-white gloves clenched slowly.

Is he out of customs?

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