Ultimate Teacher Chapter 325: 、 Why kill me?

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Chapter 325, Why kill me?

In the manor, a beautiful lady dressed in white is driving a crimson lawnmower to cut grass. , Ybdu,

Click and click —-

Every time the blade of the lawnmower is closed, the precious grass is split in two. The grass foam was flying, the grass juice was overflowing, and the smell of grassy fragrance mixed in the cold air filled the whole manor.

The woman is very serious about doing this, driving the lawnmower slowly and leisurely forward, as if doing something extraordinary.

The grazing eagle is on the edge of the grass, which is a path made of raised blue bricks and stone slabs, so as to ensure that he will not step on the lady’s favorite grass.

Click-click —–

The lawnmower passes in front of the grazing eagle, and the lawnmower in white clothes, white hats and white gloves doesn’t mean to stop.

Shepherd called out: “Miss, the tigress appeared at the airport, I failed to bring Fang Yan back.”

“Got it.” The woman responded faintly and continued to drive the lawnmower with a click-and-click cut. The content of the report from Muying is not surprising.

Mu Ying smiled, supported the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, and turned to walk outside the gate of the manor. Miss said that she knew, then it proved that she had expectations for such an answer.

In the old courtyard house, a young man is sitting on a stone chair and playing chess with an old man.

The old man was eaten with a gun and wanted to repent. The man refused to agree on the board, and the two were stalemate and could not convince anyone.

DongDong —-

A slight knock on the door rang. The old leaky wooden door shook gently, but nobody pushed the door in.

The old man pushed the chess piece and said, “When I play chess, I hate to be disturbed by others. Hurry and get out, do n’t bring these broken things to the quietness that disturbs Laozi —–”

“You know you are going to lose, so you deliberately pushed Lai to push the pieces.” The man said with a smile. “Not the first time.”

The old man was holding the teapot and sipping hot tea while drinking hot tea, squinting his eyes and cursing: “You can’t afford to lose as a lao? The size of the battle that Laozi has lost in his life is not one hundred and eighty. The result? Where are the old dogs who have won me now? Dead. A person who will never lose, how much is more jealous? Sometimes, a good loss, a safe one. A long loser Life. Look at Lao Tzu? How old am I this year? I forgot all about it. “

The old man remembered something triumphant and sang with his throat open: “I was originally a person in Wollongong, and I said that yin and yang are like taking control of Baoding and Qiankun. The first emperor went to Nanyang to drive three times, and Liandong Wu destroyed Cao Wei Ding made three points. The official seal went to Wuxiang to take charge of the coach.

The man sat on the stone chair and listened with a smile, until the old man finished the “Empty City Plan” after singing the army coat and turned into the house, he got up and walked out of the courtyard.

“Not brought back?” The man frowned slightly.

The tigress looked at the man and said in a respectful tone: “Shepherd hawks a cross, we two fight, the target is missing —-”

The expression on the man ’s face gradually softened and said, “They know we will do it, and it ’s no surprise. They have secured him for a while, but not his life. This is Yanjing.”

The man walked across the threshold of the small courtyard and walked out. A man in black followed him slowly.

The tigress looked at the man’s back, and his eyes became playful.

Zi Zhi Tong Jian said: “The sage” is full of talent and virtue, and “Fool” is both talent and virtue. Desheng is what is called a “gentleman” and Caisheng is called a “little man”.

Bai Xiucai’s virtue is full, he calls it a sage, and he praises him as a ‘gentleman’, because no one will have an opinion.

For example, in this first attack, he used a sleeve wind to attack the wind, which was the ‘warm-up’ or ‘send-off’ before the martial arts competition. Because the lethality is limited, there is generally not much physical damage to the attacked party.

When others fight, they are trying to bring down people. He will do well, and he will never run out of tricks as soon as he comes up.

Of course, Bai Xiu’s move is not that simple.

The wind is full of sleeves, so angry!

The so-called air knife is a weathered knife, and the knife is invisible.

Bai Xiu just waved his sleeves so casually, so that the wind was countless, and countless cold winds turned into an invisible wind knife, and he split towards Fang Yan’s chest.

The knife is invisible, but the wind is extremely powerful.

Call —–

Fang Yanli Shen Dantian, punched with a punch.

The iron fist is right up to the blade of the wind knife. The wind blade insists on breathing and is unable to collapse, and it is scattered around.

Fang Yan withdrew his fist and looked at Bai Xiu, said: “Everyone is an adult, don’t play this kind of game for children. You know that this kind of duel can’t hurt me, nor try Out of my ability —– If it is for a gentleman’s demeanor, this is really not necessary. You can keep it on others. “

Bai Xiuhan smiled and said, “I know this wind knife can’t hurt you, and I know that this level of attack can’t test your strength. But you just came back, and I will fight you as soon as I come up Life —– I do n’t think it ’s appropriate. I never thought about killing you. “

“There are two more moves.” Fang Yan said. “Hurry up. I will go home after the fight.”

Fang Yan looked up at the sky and said, “The snow is getting bigger and bigger.”

It’s getting darker and darker, snowflakes are falling down, dancing in the wind.

“Yeah. The snow is getting bigger and bigger.” Bai Xiufu said in harmony. His body turned 360 degrees in place, as fast as a top without a shadow.

His robe was crackled by the wind and his sleeves were waving towards the sky. It’s like trying to put all the beautiful snowflakes in the sky under the sleeves.

Shoot —–

When his body stopped, countless snowballs flew in the direction of Fang Yan.

The snowballs are the size of fingernails. The snowballs are crystal clear, round and lovely, just like the finished products from the machine production line.

However, countless snowballs are countless silver bullets. Carrying strong wind and murderousness, they whistled towards Fang Yan.

The sky hockey, gathered in a row.

Fang Yan’s body, as well as his possible retreat route, are all blocked.

Fang Yan’s eyes were slightly cold, and finally he became serious.

He knows the power of these ice balls. Each ice ball is a hard steel ball. These ice **** temporarily condensed by Bai Xiu have destructive power, even the iron plate may be hit by them.

Flying flowers picking leaves can hurt people. The wind knife snow arrow is just the same reason.

During the war, the master Li Hanshan encountered dozens of strong enemies. Unarmed, he picked up a pine needle to destroy all the attackers. Later, it was discovered that these people were members of the Toyo Black Dragon Society. Li Hanshan joined the national army in a rage and led his own “moving mountain brigade” to show his might and suppress countless invaders. In particular, he retaliated against the Toyo Black Dragon Association. In the northeast of China, the most powerful area of ​​the Black Dragon Association was almost destroyed by a Li Hanshan.

This is the ultimate effect of dark energy training. Li Hanshan eventually became a master of the generation, nicknamed “Pin King”. Since then, generations of martial arts have aimed at pursuing stronger and pure energy.

Fang Yan and Bai Xiu are both masters of Neijia Kungfu and characters of Neijianghu. When they were very young, they began to practice Qi.

Bai Xiu’s second blow made Fang Yan feel dangerous.

The Heart of Tai Chi automatically rotates, and Tai Chi Boundary also unfolds naturally.

In Tai Chi Boundary, the countless ice hockey **** turned into countless white spots, rushing towards Fang Yan’s vital positions and major positions throughout the body.

Only this point shows that Bai Xiu’s strength is unfathomable. Those ordinary ice hockeys have the ability to recognize and punch holes as if they had eyes in their hands.

Injury to the skin is just the result of lying in bed and resting for three months. However, if it hurts the vital point or the life point, it will die if it is dead.

This Bai Xiu is really fierce.

Of course, the competition was originally designed to defeat the opponent. Always greet your **** or calf, such opponents probably do not look down on him.

Fang Yan’s hands went out.

Just stretched out lightly, and grabbed an ice hockey in his palm.

He threw these ice **** out, and the ice **** hit the other ice balls. One hits the other, and the two ice **** that deviate from the direction hit more ice **** at the same time.

With the help of Tai Chi Boundary, Fang Yan can clearly see the positions of those ice hockey **** and the trajectory of movement. He was like a smart magician, a hockey puck used as a primer, which caused the internal loosening and disintegration of the ice array.


The sound of ice **** hitting the ears keeps coming, and the sound of ice bursts one after another.


The wind stopped and the snow scattered, and Fang Yan’s surroundings returned to tranquility.

The roaring wind stopped, and all the hockey pucks that had jumped up and down disappeared.

They seem to have never been to this world.

They were originally condensed by snowflakes, and were hit by Fang Yan’s dark ice ball, which naturally split into five pieces, and then instantly turned into soft white snow again.

Bai Xiu’s eyes flickered and said, “This is the evolved Tai Chi Boundary? The previous Tai Chi Boundary is not like this, there is no such ability —-”

“This is the evolved Tai Chi Boundary.” Fang Yan said with a smile. “I named it” Starlight “. Every meteor has a trajectory. In my Tai Chi Boundary, all objects move and wind and grass have its trajectory —–”

“Congratulations,” Bai Xiu said.

“If it is heartfelt congratulations —” Fang Yan’s palm appeared a yellowish bamboo slice and said, “Why kill me?”

The bamboo piece has the words on it, which is the first sentence in the “Master of Furong Mountain in Every Snow Place”: the sunset and the mountains.

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