Ultimate Teacher Chapter 146: Is this a date?

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Chapter 146 Is this a date?

“Where did this come from?” Zheng Tiancheng asked hoarsely, as if he was stuck in the neck while talking. ,.,

“What’s the point of asking these?” Fang Yan asked with a smile. Pick up the tea in front of you and sip it leisurely. The ending is doomed, he does not want to waste this delicious tea soup.

Taste tea when you win, do n’t have a taste.

Zheng Tiancheng is upset and more shocked.

He pushed away the chair and stood up. His face became firm and hateful. He said: “At that time, only five of them were present. That girl can be ruled out. Zhu Jian is the victim. If he has this video in his hand, I ’m afraid I ’ll have to rescue myself. ”

Zheng Tiancheng ’s voice became murderous and said, “So, is it Li Mingqiang ’s son or Chen Tao ’s son? The answer to this question is really obvious.”

“Why must they be both? Li Yang and Chen Tao are Zheng Guodong’s followers. How could he betray him? Why can’t he be the sixth person?” Fang Yan asked with a smile. “It happened that someone was walking through the woods and happened to see the shameful scene. He didn’t have the courage to step forward, but he took a video that caught you off guard-it’s also possible.”

Zheng Tiancheng sneered and said, “You have spoken so hard to help the two children, haven’t you proven many things? Why? Are you afraid that I will retaliate against them?”

“Cheng Xiaodong is certainly not that kind of person.” Fang Yan said with a smile. “Besides, you have more important things to deal with than revenge them?”

“Open a price.” Zheng Tiancheng said. “Your price, and Zhu Jian’s price.”

“What Zhu Jian needs, he will talk to you. But I do n’t need money, not a penny.” Fang Yan said very seriously: “I want to punish the bad guys. This is my only request . “

“I can’t agree on this point.” Zheng Tiancheng said.

“So, I will hand over this video to the school and the police station.” Fang Yan said. “Of course, for security reasons, I will also publish it on the Internet.”

“Are you afraid of my revenge?”

“Afraid.” Fang Yan said. “But you are not afraid of my revenge?”


“Do what I said just now. First, I want to wash the shame on Zhu Jian. He is a good person. He should not carry such a heavy burden all his life. Second, I want Zhuque to hire him. Come back to teach and take the initiative to send him an invitation. Whether he refuses that is his freedom. Third, compensate him for his physical and financial losses. This is what you owe him and Suzaku owes him. Fourth, the real bad guy should Be punished. Otherwise, everything I do is meaningless. “

“Can this be the case —–” Zheng Tiancheng sat opposite Fang Yan and said, “I promised you the first three. No, I promised you twice. I will find a way to wash Zhu Jian Shame, I will give him a chance to be a new person. Second, I will hire Zhu Jian to return to Suzaku to teach, starting from the position of deputy director of teaching? Third, he said a reasonable amount of money, I double the compensation Give it to him. But, let Zheng Guodong pass once, he is still a child-I can let him leave. Leave Suzaku, leave China. Let him get away. “

“If I promise you, is this considered to be a fellow of you?” Fang Yan asked back.


Fang Yan put down the teacup and said, “Zheng Xiaodong, you are a man of great wisdom. I believe that you can do this kind of thing. So I will give you three days. I believe You can make smart choices. If Zheng Guodong ran away accidentally during these three days, then I will make this video public regardless of the consequences —- Zheng Dong’s family is great, be careful. “


Fang Yan took out his mobile phone from his pocket and looked at the time. He said embarrassedly: “Oh, it’s been more than five minutes to meet. It’s a crime to delay the meeting of the school director.”

“——” Zheng Tiancheng was full of powerlessness. This guy is really vengeful.



Vermillion Bird High school has several major events in recent days.

The first big thing, naturally, is the boss Zheng Guodong, who is called the “campus duo trio”, dropped out of school. He did not greet anyone and left the school suddenly, but Zheng Guodong’s secretary issued an application for withdrawal from the school.

Why did Zheng Guodong drop out? Where did Zheng Guodong go?

This has become a topic that many students are talking about. Of course, it is also a puzzle that is difficult to peek into the truth.

Fang Yan knows where Zheng Guodong has gone. He entered the juvenile school and was about to start a new life that he had never experienced before.

Zheng Guodong made a wise choice after all. His family was big and dared not to affect his reputation because of this, nor did he dare to cause any loss to the company ’s reputation.

With the permission of Fang Yan, he kept Zheng Guodong ’s withdrawal from school and the education received by the young management within his control, without causing any big waves, not even a small wave. Rippling. He has the strength to do it.

Of course, the students maintain a happy attitude towards Zheng Guodong’s dropout. Who asked him to be a good man when he was in school, bullying his classmates and not like them at all?

The second thing is that Zhu Jian came back, and the Chinese teacher who was expelled from the school because of a scandal with his students came back. The school received new evidence that Zhu Jian and the girl were only in a normal teacher-student relationship.

In order to make up for Zhu Jian’s unfair treatment and grievances that were difficult to tell people for so long, the school not only recruited him back, but also placed him in the very important position of teaching deputy director. Now, he became Li Mingqiang’s assistant.

It can be said that Zhu Jian ’s return was even more sensational than Zheng Guodong ’s dropout, and was discussed more enthusiastically by the school ’s teachers and students. There are also some smart people speculating whether Zheng Guodong ’s departure has anything to do with Zhu Jian ’s return, but no one has evidence to prove that there is an inevitable connection between the two.

The third big thing is that the Vermillion Bird High school Tea Ceremony was officially established. The first president of the Tea Ceremony Society is the legendary Qin Yitian. Qin Yitian originally refused to take up this position. She did n’t feel that she had the mood and obligation to spend her precious time and energy explaining and demonstrating what is the real tea ceremony to ‘students’ and ’students’.

However, Fang Yan repeatedly asked and even accepted her a condition that only the two of them could know. Qin Yitian agreed.

Sure enough, the power of idols is endless. If you do n’t see it with your own eyes, you will never know how terrifying the girl ’s influence in school is.

With the support and help of Lu Chaoge, the school provided a special venue for the tea ceremony society and renovated the room into a classic tea room.

Qin Yitian stood at the door of the tea room. When the two boys hung the plaque inscribed by Lu Chaoge on the wall, countless students who rushed to the news called for applause.

Then there was a long queue in front of the registration desk, and the first batch of one hundred registration forms were looted. Those students who were unable to sign up protested loudly, but Qin Yitian turned a deaf ear and directly let the people close the tea room door, pulling the first batch of members who had the opportunity to enter the tea room for a meeting.

The popularity of the Tea Ceremony Society made Fang Yan, the honorary president of the Tea Ceremony Society, not happy. He knew that anything with the goddess label would be successful.

Of course, the Tea Ceremony Society was created to promote the Chinese tea ceremony and cultivate the habit of drinking and loving tea for Chinese people. They recruited a hundred people in the first batch, and selected a part of the students who really came for the tea ceremony. Then select the best in batches to turn the tea ceremony society into a real tea ceremony society, rather than another fan support group of Qin Yitian.

Obviously, this process is very difficult.

It is said that men who work hard are the most attractive. In fact, in the eyes of men, women who work hard are equally sexy.

Fang Yan sat opposite Lu Chaoge’s desk, watching her bow her heads on one document after another, quickly reviewing her opinions and signing her name. The glasses hang down to the bridge of the nose, and the long hair spreads and touches the paper. Her nose is round and smooth, and she can’t find even a little black head we often see. The eyes are big and bright, and the long eyelashes protrude forward like a beautiful little fan. Every flicking lightly flicked a note in the man’s heart.

After processing the last document, Lu Zhaoge put the folders together and asked Secretary Xiaomeng to distribute the documents to various departments. This was explained to Fang Yan, saying: “School celebrations, this is the key work of the school during this time. Every department must be mobilized to participate —– Zhu Jian, are you please come back?”

“The school invited him back.” Fang Yan said with a smile. “I am not qualified to send the position of deputy director of teaching to his hands.”

Lu Chaoge took off his glasses, and his beautiful eyes became more sharp and dazzling.

“You understand what I mean.” Lu Chaoge said. “The leaders of the school, including me, even suspected that there will be some shameful shadows in the Zhu Jian case, but because of Zheng Tiancheng’s intervention, no one really thought about going to do it for him. What. A lot of things have passed, and no one will ever think about uncovering him again to find out clearly. Especially things that have nothing to do with his own interests. “

Lu Chaoge looked at Fang Yan and said, “You have not only mentioned Zhu Jian before me, because there have been some misunderstandings between us. I know that Zhu Jian cannot come back without external intervention. It ’s even less likely to be as clean and shameful as this. Fang Yan, you did what I did n’t, and I admire it. ”

> oo

Fang Yan was even more shocked.

“Is this a date?”

(ps: Seeking red tickets, seeking monthly tickets, seeking rice dumplings, seeking everything!)

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