Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 1146: Slam Rune

Chapter One hundred and forty-six

The crisis of the Tianxiu Martens, with the retreat of the two alien demon kings, was finally resolved, and this incident obviously caused a great shock within the clan. It became extremely severe for this.

Some of the strong Tianqiu martens form a detection team to go back and forth to explore any place within a thousand miles of the Tianqiu Marsh clan. As long as there is anything contaminated with magic, they are counted by them. It is obvious that they are scared by the eternal fantasy flower species buried in the mountain peaks. After all, this crisis almost made them stunned.

With the passage of a few days, the top sable sable tribe top players who retreat in that cave also gradually awakened. They were also shocked and frightened by the changes in the tribes and the traps in Tiandong. If it weren’t for the emergence of a forest move, perhaps these top retreats in Tiandong would be incapable of dying.

The senior demon mink tribe is undoubtedly very annoyed by this change. Hao Jiuyou, if you want to come, will not have a good end, but this kind of thing is not considered by Lin Dong due to internal injuries. No light, he has been recuperating for almost ten days in the Tianhou Marten clan before he gradually returned to normal.

In this crisis, Lin Dong obviously has a light weight. If he did n’t dive into the Tiandong to rescue the patriarch of the Tianxie Marten, or if he was finally killed by the eternal magic flower in the entire Tianxiu Marsh clan Trapped when unable to free up manpower, struggling with serious injuries to delay Hao Jiuyou, perhaps today’s Tianhou Marten clan. The casualties must be quite serious.

Because of this, during these days of recuperation in the Tianhou Marten clan, he can feel the gratitude and admiration that the surrounding Tianmu Marten people project towards him. arrogant. This can be seen from the little marten. It is not a simple matter to want them to admire a person, especially when this person is a human.

Of course, this is not only the case of ordinary people, but even the top powerhouses who have retreated from the Tiandong cave. When they learned that it was Lin Dong who sneaked into the Tiandong cave to clear the eternal magic flower for them, they were all holding it. Gratitude. This also caused Lin Dong to be annoyed by their visits in these days. In the end, he had to heal behind closed doors in order to be able to relax for a while.

Over time. The stern atmosphere in the Tian Yao Martens, because more and more top powerful players pass through, it is slightly relaxed. Before them, the Tian Yao Martens clan will be forced to such an extent by two alien demon kings. Correct because of the clan Empty inside. Coupled with Hao Jiuyou’s internal response, only then was taken in while taking advantage of this kind of loss, the demon sable tribe obviously will not make this mistake again.

And when the sable tribe really got serious that day. The details that only belong to the four hegemons can also be demonstrated. If this time, the two kings of the King will again commit crimes, I am afraid that they will not be able to eat and walk around …

When the atmosphere of the sable tribe gradually relaxed. Lin Dong’s injury was finally completely healed.

In front of a quiet bamboo house on a mountain peak, Lin Dongpan sits on the edge of a cliff. Looking down here, he can just take the Tian Yao Marten into the field of vision, and at this time on the sky, not only the protection tribe open up Teams of Aura non-weak guards also swept across the sky from time to time, and when they saw the forest moving by the cliff, they would slow down, smile at him and hold fists far away, and then just far away go with.

Lin Dong looked at the patrol guards who were gone, but also smiled, and stretched a lazy waist. He looked at the blue sky, and the fierce battle of ten days ago still echoed in his mind.

“You ca n’t really kill the strong runners in this way …”

Lin Dong looked down at the seemingly white long hands, but he resigned his hands and he almost exhausted all the means in the battle with Hao Jiuyou that day, but even so, he failed in the end. Killing the latter made him sigh a bit. The gap between Dead Realm and Runner Realm really seemed like a gap.

Now he can pose a threat to the strong in the runner world, but he really has to fight for life and death, and it is difficult for him to gain too much advantage. In addition, due to the limitation of strength, he cannot delay the battle too much. For a long time, this was his fatal flaw.

So, you still have to improve your strength.

“Yuan Li’s words, even if we break through to the dead realm now, the gap between them is still difficult to bridge … So, we can only look at this aspect of Divine Strength.” Lin Dong muttered to himself.

Now Lin Dongyuanli cultivation is at the peak of the dead mystery, only one step away from the completion of the dead mystery, but even if this step is stepped out, it is difficult for him to have a real kill immediately. The ability to runner.

Fortunately, Lin Dong has another way to go, which is fine Divine Strength.

His refined Divine Strength has now reached the peak of Xianfu Teachers’ College, which is comparable to the strong one who reached the peak of the Dead Realm. Further, it is the rumored Fuzong realm.

This is a watershed stage in the Divine Strength practice. Once you step in, the power of the refined Divine Strength will also be completely unfolded. At that time, the power that a Fu Zong can show is more than ordinary runners. The strong in the realm are only strong but not weak.

And Lin Dong wants to reach a level comparable to that of runners in a short time, and only has the impact of Divine Strength.

“If you want to impact Fu Zong … the eternal fantasy magic flower is essential …” Lin Dong whispered softly.

“Well, here’s what you want.”

Lin Dong’s voice just fell, and behind him came a familiar laugh. He tilted his head, and then saw the little marten who did not know when it appeared behind him.

Small marten’s sleeve robe flew, and there was a Taoyu box flying out of his hand, and then fell heavily to the ground. On these jade boxes, covered with mysterious runes, apparently the contents inside The seals are all over.

“This is the eternal magic flower you want, a total of sixty-nine flowers, I said, do you have to cultivate with this dangerous thing? Do you know how terrible this thing is, even my father likes it Can’t live, you … “Xiao Maru frowned. Although the eternal magic flowers are now sealed, his gaze at the jade box is still extremely frightening.

“Relax, I won’t do stupid things.”

Lin Dong smiled. He looked at the sixty-nine jade boxes with happy eyes, and then grasped the palm of his hand. The ancestral stones flashed out, and the light flashed in, absorbing them as much as possible.

“I told my father that you need to use these eternal magic flowers to retreat. He said that if you go to Tiandong retreat, he will personally lead the elders to sit for you. If the situation is not right, he will rescue you. “Little Marten said.

“Tell me thanks to the patriarch for me.”

Lin moved for a while, but he did not refuse. Although Yan did not speak too clear Chu, but he could feel that using the eternal fantasy magic flower to break through the fine Divine Strength, it must be mixed with no small If there is the help of the patriarch of the Tian Yao Martens, the danger may be more secure.

“You’ve helped us such a big favor from the Tianhou Marten clan, everyone in the clan is grateful to you, it’s nothing to do.”

Xiao Min waved his hand and said, “When are you going to retreat?”

“Now.” Lin Dong thought for a while and replied.

“I knew it.”

Xiao Xiao smiled, but didn’t feel the slightest surprise, but just nodded: “I take you to Tiandong. You don’t have to worry about anything during the retreat. I know that you and Xiao Yan have integrated the forces of the Beast Battlefield into four. Elephant palace, rest assured, I will send someone to help him calm down in the past, and no one who does not want to open his eyes comes to make trouble.

Lin Dong nodded, holding the ancestral stone slowly in the palm of his hand. Whether he can enter the Fuzong realm depends on this.

With the decision, Lin Dong did not delay. The two rushed to the depths of the Tian Yao Marten. After ten minutes, they appeared outside the cave. Today, the guards are becoming more stringent. And here, Lin Dong also saw the patriarch of the Tian Yao Marten and Great Elder Zhu Li waiting here.

“Lindong friends, already in Tiandong has been thoroughly checked once, there will never be any hidden dangers, you can rest in peace with ease.” The celestial sable tribe chief saw Lindong who appeared , Immediately laughed.

“There are patriarchs of labor.” Lin Dong hugged his fists and laughed.

“No matter, you will let the little marten lead you in, and we will guard you inside and outside the Tiandong.”

Lin Dong nodded and didn’t talk nonsense. Looking at Xiao Mart, he just swept into the sky cave.

“It ’s not easy for Lin Dongxiao to not only be the super God Armament ranked second on the ancient God Armament list such as Huai Zushi, but also have a flood keel in his body, that is the only one who has led the demon. Beast World has something that peerless talents have. “Zhu Li looked at Lin Dong’s figure disappearing in the cave, and couldn’t help but praise it.

“It seems that Marten also made a good brother this time.”

The chief of the Tianxiu Mart nodded slightly, then his eyes were a little stunned, and said, “But he should use the eternal magic flower to impact the realm of Fu Zong. The tribe has grace. In case something happens to us, I am afraid that the Tianjue tribe will lose all their faces.

“Oh, the patriarch rest assured, I have reported the one in the deepest part of Tiandong, he will pay attention.” Zhu Li laughed.

The chief of the Tianxiu Marten sighed a sigh of relief, and then waved his hand, and the surrounding Tianxiu Martens strongmen were spreading out, and the Tiandong was surrounded by water.

In Tiandong, in a quiet cave, Lin Dong looked at the exit of the cave and the light curtain rose, and took a deep breath of sandalwood-like air, holding his palm. The ancient ancestral stone flashed out, and then his low voice rang out in this cave.

“Rock, let’s get started.”

(The second one will be a bit late, and I recommend to see it tomorrow.) (To be continued …)

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