Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 1127: Tragic

Chapter 121st

The nine-colored light spreads out of the sky like the tide. The light and other places are strangely dissipated away from the sky, and the appearance seems to be turned into nothingness by that light. .

Countless people looked at the sky with a heavy face, and there was a tinge of heart in their eyes. They could feel that this kind of attack by Luo Tong may have to pay a small price even for the strong in the runner world. Lin Dong, but dare to meet directly, is really arrogant.

“I was hit by Jiufeng Huashengguang …”

Feng Feng and others looked at this scene, and there was a surprise and a ruthless appearance on the face. They didn’t know much about the power of Jiufeng’s transformation, which is a unique skill of Jiufeng’s family. This strange light will accompany the birth of the Jiufeng people, and the more pure the blood, the more powerful the Jiufeng Huashengguang is. It is said that in the ancient times, there were Jiufeng One of the most powerful people in the family exerts nine phoenixes and transforms into light, and it is the living that directly converts all living beings within that mile into nothingness.

The Jiufeng Huashengguang does not have pure destructive power, and even a pothole will not appear on the ground, but once it falls on the body with flesh, it will be instantly transformed into nothingness.

This kind of weird stunt has always been the most powerful method of Jiufeng’s family. Among the strong at the same level, all are jealous, and now Lin Dong is hit positively. There is a way to live.

In the surprise of Fujikaze and others, the distant Tianlong Yaoshuai and others were pale. Even with Xiaoyan, his palms clenched suddenly and his eyes were sharp.

Obviously, they have heard about Jiufeng’s power.

The sky is quiet, and countless eyes are all concentrated in the sky with the most intense glory. The result of this encounter. I’m afraid it will appear soon.

Luo Tong stepped in the void, and the huge light behind him floated up and down, and his face was extremely cold. He stared forward, with a faint murmur at the corner of his mouth, he could not believe it. That Lin Dong can really take over his terrible offensive with the level of the runners.

“Student is crazy if you have a little skill, if you have the next life, you can learn …”

Luo Tong sneered and ridiculed, but his voice had not yet completely fallen off, but Karen arrived, and there was a shock of shock on that cold face.


Nine colors of light at this time to vanish with an amazing speed, and with the light to vanish, in the center of that light, a thin figure appeared again in the countless incredible eyes in.


A deep humming noise. As if a locust came, it suddenly spread over the plain. The originally quiet land was directly declared broken.

“How is that possible ?!” Fujikaze and others were stunned at this time.

“Stopped it?” Tianlong Yaoshuai and others murmured to himself.

“But … it still seems to be seriously injured.”

Man Tian’s eyes focused, only to see that thin figure still kept the right palm outstretched. There was no trace of blood on his body, but his right arm had become bare. There was no trace of flesh on it, it was just a bone arm glowing with white jade light!

Obviously, those nine Phoenixes turned into light. Still caused great damage to Lin Dong.

“Simply got rid of this guy’s arm?”

Fengfeng and others have the wrong look. The previous Luotong attack obviously did more than this effect. According to their speculation, the forest movement at this time should have no bones.

Also, they can see very clearly that Lin Dong’s arm is still existence. In other words, Luo Tong’s Jiufeng turned into light, but only the flesh and blood on Lin Dong’s arm was removed.

Although this kind of injury is also tragic, it is not much to the true strong. The anger born in the body can be reborn even if it is broken bones, not to mention some flesh and blood?


Luo Tong’s complexion also changed at this time. Obviously, he didn’t quite believe that Lin Dong had only been removed from the flesh and blood of one arm after bearing the light of nine phoenixes.

“It really hurts …”

Lin Dong’s hoarse voice came out low, and then he slowly raised his head, but his face was filled with astonishing iciness at this time. Although relying on the tyrannity of Honghuang’s keel, he resisted Luo Tong. Killing tricks, but the severe pain of the flesh and blood of one arm is also quite terrible. He knows that if this time is not the existence of the flood keel, Luo Tong’s move will definitely make him completely hurt!

Lin Dong stared at Luo Tong with a complex complexion, among those purple-golden eyes, there was a little fierce climbing and surging.


The fierce puppets in the eyes and pupils suddenly became extremely strong. Lin Dong’s figure was transformed into a storm of light and shadow. The sky’s killing intention caused the temperature in the heavens and the earth to drop sharply.

At this time, he came as if a **** of murder came, and then cooperated with the bone and arm without the slightest flesh, everything seemed so terrible.


The low voice of Dragon Yin also roared from Lin Dong’s body at this time. A looming anger shrouded the world.

That anger, old and proud.

It’s not from Lin Dong, but the flood keel in his body … As the most powerful keel in Dragon Clan, it also has a kind of pride. Although Jiufeng Huashengguang is powerful, it has not yet To the point where it is enough to provoke it!

Luo Tong looked at the amazing and fierce forest movement, and his eyes were gloomy. Immediately, his hands were printed, and the colorful light behind him became more and more dazzling.

“I don’t believe it, why can’t my Jiufeng Huashengguang of the Jiufeng family be a human in you!”

The sound of anger and laughter also came from Luo Tong’s mouth. In the face of this difficult forest movement, he was obviously excited by the real anger. If he ca n’t even clean the forest today, he still Anyone who claims to be a family of Jiufeng?

“Jiufeng Pilgrimage!”

Luo Tong’s fingerprints changed, and his face was full. It was a gradual devotion, and then he worshipped in the air with countless astonishing glances, and it looked like he was worshipping.


Similarly, the shriek sounded from Luo Tong’s body at this time. The colorful lights behind him stirred up, and the nine splendid huge tails swayed. A huge colorful bird with endless noble Aura flashed out like this.

When the nine-colored giant bird appeared, the nine gorgeous tails were a shock. I can only see the glorious light coming from the sky, and the giant birds fluttered down like this, the light and shadow passed by. Space is ripped apart!

Gorgeous light and shadow permeate the taste of death.

Lin Dong looked up at the looming nine-colored giant bird. Under the nine-colored light of that giant bird, there was a sudden pain in his body, and the blood on the skin surface leaked out. Signs of melting.

But in the face of such changes, Lin Dong has no signs of retreats, and he also understands that at this time, he has no way back. Luo Tong’s move contains the meaning of killing. As long as his will is slightly cowardly, he will have nowhere to go!

So, the only way to survive is to die!


Lin Dong body. The bones creeped strangely under this death-like threat. The jade-colored light burst out of the flesh and blood, and the ancient and domineering dragon chanted. Then, the jade-colored light was moving in the forest. Surface condensation. From a distance, it turned out to be an ancient dragon full of jade light!

The dragon is winding and winding, a kind of unexplainable coercion permeates the sky and the earth, so that everyone’s body is bent a bit, the feeling is like the jade dragon in front of it, the whole demon The king of Beast World is average!

“This coercion …”

The Tianlong Demon looked stunned and looked at Yulong behind Lin Dong, suddenly his body trembled fiercely, and even his voice became a little choked.

“Honghuang Keel?!”

The final voice from his mouth was extremely horrifying and even thrilling. He thought that Lin Dong’s acquisition of the ancient keel had seen it countless times higher, but he couldn’t think of anything. Lin Dong obtained it. Not an ancient keel, but the most powerful flood keel among Dragon Clan!

The keel owned by the super existence who once ruled the demon Beast World!


The jade dragon panned, then meandered and vacated, directly in the countless shocking eyes, and hit the nine-colored giant bird severely together!


The earth-shattering loud noises swayed in the sky, and the nine-colored light and the jade-colored brilliance were entangled with each other, eroding each other, and even the space was distorted between them.

Everyone is staring at this fierce entanglement. No one expected that the two men would be so stubborn.

Luo Tong’s eyes were reddish looking at this entanglement, and he smiled angrily: “Lin Dong, your means are really strong, but no matter what, you are just a dying mystery, want to turn with me The strength of Lunjing is stronger than Yuanli? I don’t know what to live or die! “

The entanglement of two kinds of light is obviously consuming the power of both, and this consumption, the weakness of Correct forest movement, his combat power is indeed very strong, but in some ways, he can not insist Too long, because he is indeed no better than Luo Tong in the strength of Yuanli.

“Then end soon!”

Between the rays of light, a voice containing the icy killing came out suddenly. Immediately, Lin Dong directly grabbed the package of Yulong, and appeared under the shining of the nine colorful lights.


The flesh and blood on the surface of his body melted quickly under the radiance of this light. In a few short breaths, most of the surface of the body was exposed with jade bones.


But for the melting of the flesh and blood, Lin Dong didn’t notice it. The severe pain from the body turned into radon and accumulated in his pupils. His shape was like a ghost and appeared directly in front of Luo Tong. .


Luo Tong saw Lin Dong with a terrible appearance, but his eyes were cold, without any hesitation. He reached out in the palm of his hand, like a giant bird pecking a snake, bringing out the colorful light, facing the heart of Lin Dong. Angrily went away.


Lin Dong’s face was blank. He also did not evade in the slightest, but directly explored the crystal bones of already which were not covered by the slightest flesh and blood.


The bone palm seems to be torn apart in the space. The next moment, the bone palm has collided with Luo Tong’s claw wind.

The nine-colored light that melts the flesh shines on the jade-colored skeleton, but it can no longer achieve the slightest effect, and the bone palm tears the nine-colored glory like a bamboo!

Two figures make a mistake.

The giant bird jade dragon above the sky also suddenly solidified at this time, and then burst with a bang.

Countless eyes focused on those two figures. The heart’s beating speed has accelerated. The previous life and death collision was stubborn and weak?

Two figures stand opposite each other.

A clear breeze blew, blowing the corners of the two men’s clothing, and then, the sound of a burst of bones suddenly sounded, and the pupils of numerous people suddenly tightened at this time.

Because they saw that one of the two’s arms exploded at this time, and their body flew out like a heavy blow, and finally fell directly to the ground, the land , All collapsed in an instant.

This battle will be won. (To be continued …)

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