Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 1040: Beast Battlefield

Chapter 140th

This is a dark-red plain, with occasional mountain peaks, and some sparse trees appear sparsely. In that extremely remote place, it seems that there are some long roars of beasts spreading, which makes this The land has a wild feel.

At this moment, on a small hill north of the plain, a thin figure was looking up at the red sky because of the color of the earth, and then he looked down the end of the plain. Looking down, but can’t see anything …

“Is this the demon domain?” Lin Dong murmured looking at the wild land.

The person in front of you is naturally the forest moving through space. They shuttled in the space passage for nearly five days, before they penetrated the space before they landed in this strange place.

For Lin Dong, who is very unfamiliar here, he obviously doesn’t know if this is his destination. After the failure of Dongxuan domain transmission last time, he still has no idea about this long-distance space transmission.

Lin Dong looked around, then turned around and looked at the girl who was still in a coma on the ground, it seems that the space transmission is not something ordinary people can endure …

Lin Dong squatted down beside Xin Qing, stretched out his fingers, and gently pinched the girl ’s tall jade nose, and then the girl ’s delicate eyebrows gradually clustered, and finally the big closed The eyes also opened, and then, that little face of Qingli suddenly became as red as her, her little hand holding the ground backed up a little, Nana said: “Lin Dong … Master. .. “

Lin Dong smiled awkwardly when he saw such a frightened heart, saying, “That … I don’t think you can wake up all the time … I thought something happened to you …”

“Sorry … I’m sorry.” Xin Qing blushed and apologized.

“It’s okay.” Lin Dong waved his hand. The awe of the girl in front of him made him a little uncomfortable, and his voice was much milder immediately: “We seem to have arrived in the demon realm, you can see where this is What? “

Hearing this, Xin Qing quickly got up from the ground, and her eyes were carefully scanning the red plain. After a long while, she seemed a little relieved, and a smile appeared on her small face: “Master Lin Dong, we should be in the beast battlefield, um … there is no error in transmission, this is what we are going to Direction. “

Lin Dong heard the words, and was relieved as he was relieved, and immediately wondered: “The Beast Battlefield?”


Xin Qing nodded. Then explained: “The demon domain is extremely vast. There are quite a lot of large and small areas, which are roughly divided into the four domains of east, west, south, and north, and the beast warfare area in which we are. And here, it is also known as one of the most chaotic areas in the demon world. “

Oh?” Lin frowned slightly. Why do you hear this, and here comes a headache?

“In some other areas of the Demon Realm, most of the forces are clearly distinguished, and although there is friction between the major races, it must be considered peaceful, but only in this beast battle area, there is constant dispute and it is not The power is divided by race, but by the powerful and powerful rule of each side.

“Well … now this beast battlefield. The top ruler should be the eight demon handsome.” Xin Qing thought for a while, said.

“The eight monsters are handsome?” Lin Dong expressed his confusion again. For this monster domain, he really had his eyes completely dark. Fortunately, Moro had prepared a guide for him.

“The Eight Great Demon Handsomes represent the most powerful Bafang forces in the beast battlefield, and the Eight Great Demon handsomes. At least they all have the strength of the Dead Realm, and at the same time, under their command, they have many strong vassals. It ’s in the entire demon domain that it has a not weak reputation. “

“In addition to the eight demon handsomes. There are many forces, large and small, in the beast battlefield, and here. Because of the competition for the site and resources, it is very normal for the war to break out, and the site will be changed. It is also very easy to appear. It may mean that a force will rule here today. Tomorrow will be taken away and even the other forces will be wiped out.

“Comparatively, the forces of the eight major monsters are more stable.”

Lin Dong nodded his head. This is truly a demon domain. The law of weak meat and strong food is born here.

“Then … how do we find someone?” Lin Dong scratched his head. According to Qing Yan’s words, Xiao Yan should have been teleported to this area, but it is also vast here. People are not simple things.

Xin Qing squinted her mouth and thought for a moment, then looked at Lin Dong with big eyes, with some solicitations: “Why don’t you go to Xin Qing’s clan first? Some information in the clan will surely be better than me. Much more. “

Lin Dong has no opinion on this. He nodded. No matter what, the information that a race can get will always be faster than him alone.

Xin Qing saw Lin Dong nodded, her face was a little happy, and she looked up to identify the direction, and finally her little finger turned to the north, saying: “Our nine-tailed people should be in that direction. It should be available within days. “

“Let’s leave then.”

Lin Dong didn’t grind anything, waved his hand, said.

“Hmm … I’ll show the way to Lord Lin Dong.” I thought maybe it was because I was able to return to the clan. The little girl’s face had a little more excitement, and then she fluttered out of her body and swept straight towards the north. Behind him, Lin Dong followed closely.

“Xin Qing, your nine-tailed tribe should be strong?”

Lin Dong, Lin Dong looked around and immediately retracted, looking at Xin Qing who was seriously recognizing the road beside him, and asked with a smile.

Xin Qing in the course of acknowledging heard this, but he froze slightly. The big eyes seemed to be dimmed, and then he was embarrassed and said, “No, Jiuwei are very weak now. We The patriarch, my mother, also died in the power of the mysterious realm. In this beast battlefield, only the nine-tailed tribe can barely protect themselves. “

“We have previously trusted a large force to ensure security, but the other party asked us to provide ten girl clan members each year. We were unwilling to agree, and finally separated and far away from where we are now. But We also paid a great price for this. Seventy-eight men in the clan, including my father, were killed in resistance. “

Lin started to take a look. He looked at the girl who had a lot of red eyes and bit her lip, and said apologetically, “Sorry.”

Xin Qing shook her head. Road: “That’s the way in the demon realm … I’m not far away to go to the Yan Temple, I just want to make myself strong, come back later, and shelter my people.”

“You will succeed.” Lin Dong slightly moved. The young girl looked timid and weak, but deep inside, she had the strength that belonged to her, and immediately he felt some sighs. In order to become strong that year. Isn’t he trying to protect his family?

Xin Qing said slightly, “Xin Qing is not as powerful as Master Lin Dong. He died at a young age of already. He can also defeat that sister Li Xinlian and Master Zhou Ze by one enemy and two. Enemies that can’t be dealt with. “

Lin Dong scratched his head. Immediately laughed and said, “Are they all saying that I am a pervert …”

Xin Qing Puchi smiled, she was obviously amused by Lin Dong, and those red eye circles were also lightened. Immediately with a big eye, Lin Dong glanced at it, only to find that the latter did not seem to be as severe and inaccessible as the other powerful ones in the imagination.

“Master Lin Dong has a friend, is it from the Tian Yao Marten clan?”

“Yes.” Lin Dong nodded and smiled: “They are all my brothers.”

“Master Lin Dong is so powerful that he can still be a brother to the people of the Tianhou Marten clan, but they are very fierce. In this demon domain, even if Dragon Clan people see them, they have some fears …” Qing marveled.

“It’s so powerful …” Lin Dong was also a little surprised, but he knew that the Tianxiu Marten clan was strong in the demon Beast World. But I didn’t expect to reach this level.

“Well, the Tian Yao Marten clan is one of the only four hegemons remaining in the monster Beast World today.” Xin Qing nodded again and again.

“Four hegemons?” Lin Dong was a little helpless. It seems that he is completely strange to the demon Beast World.

“Today’s demon Beast World has four hegemons and eight kings. The four hegemons are Dragon Clan, Jiufeng, Kunpeng, and Tianxiu. They are the most powerful race in the demon Beast World. “

“Jiufeng tribe. Kunpeng tribe …” Lin Dongnian stunned these two names, this is the first time I heard about them.

“In fact, our nine-tailed family was also very strong long ago … At that time, our nine-tailed family had fought against the Kunpeng family, and there was not much downside.” Xin Qing said with pride.


Lin Dong was really surprised this time. I didn’t expect that the cowardly Jiuwei people now have such a glorious history.

“Because of a great calamity in ancient times. Our Jiuwei tribe suffered heavy casualties, and the top powers were all fallen. And in the later years, few ethnic groups were able to reach the height of Jiuwei, which led to the decline of the race and finally arrived This level now. “Xin Qingdao.

“This way …” Lin Dong was surprised, it seems that the nine-tailed tribe practiced more and more tails.

“How many tails do you have in Xinqing?” Lin Dong held back his curiosity towards the girl’s hips, and then asked with a smile.

“There are three in your heart.”

Xin Qing hesitated for a moment, and her body flickered red, and three furry tails flashed from behind her.

Lin Dong looked curiously at the three furry and lovely tails behind Xin Qing, and couldn’t help but approached it, grabbed a tail in the palm, and the touch was surprisingly comfortable.

“Lin … Lin Donglin.”

However, when he grasped the tail with the palm of his hand, the little girl’s face turned red instantly like a cloud of fire, and even her voice shook slightly.

Lin Dong looked at Xin Qing with such a response, his face still a little dazed.

“Tail … can’t be touched …” Xin Qing’s face was like dripping blood, said trembling.

Seeing her appearance, Lin Dong seemed to understand something. It was because of the thickness of his skin. At this time, the old face couldn’t help but he let his palms loose, and he shouted: “Ah … hehe, such a big moon, that … let’s hurry up. “

His voice fell, and he rushed out quickly, thinking that his old face was really lost, how could he not be so calm today …

Xin Qing looked at Lin Dong who fled out, but she also froze, and then the girl couldn’t help but cover her mouth and laughed, and then hurriedly lowered her head and chased up with red face. {PiaoTian Literature www.PiaoTian.com Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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