Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 1028: Impact

Chapter 128th

A thick beam of light descends from the sky, covering Lin Dong’s body as much as possible, while in the beam of light, he can clearly see everything in the outside world into his eyes.

Tang Xinlian is obviously very cautious in her work. She understands that Lin Dong does not want others to know that he has the ancestor. Therefore, while asking him to shoot, he also cut off all the exposed flaws.

“Lin Dong, we can only trap this strange monster, but if we want to suppress it, we still need the power of the ancestors, you only need to push the power of the ancestors as much as possible. , A large array of energy will help you! “

“Next … it’s up to you.”

Tang Xinlian, with a swift and solemn voice, spread from the beam of light. The strange magic energy is the unique energy of strange magic. This energy is not existence in this world, but it is extremely difficult. And this also created the extremely stubborn vitality of the alien monster. Tang Xinlian’s strength already had some gap with this wolf monster. It is extremely difficult to trap them now.

When Lin Dong heard the words, he nodded slightly, and he didn’t talk nonsense immediately. He sat down cross-legged without any worries that he was aware of. He can no longer have any reservations now.

The first thing that came out of Lin Dongtian Linggai was the deep black light. This black light is similar to the strange magic gas, but the former is mysterious, but the latter is evil and cold, and cannot coexist at all.


The black light diffused and turned into a rotating black hole. A swallowing force emanated. Only the bright beams of light around it were emitted at this time, and then forcibly swallowed into the black hole. in.


A black hole emerged, Lin suddenly shook his palm again, and the bright thunder light gathered from his hands instantly, and countless Thunder snakes roared and surrounded them. At this time he. Like the emperor of that thunder, majestic.

Black Light Rays gather frantically, a terrible wave. Spread out at an alarming rate.

On that sky, Tang Xinlian’s eyes stared at the black light ray condensed in that beam of light, and Yushou could not help holding it tightly.

“Xinlian. Is it really okay to rely on his strength?” An old man in the Yan Temple also bowed his head and couldn’t help but said that although they had all seen Lin Dong’s rather powerful force before, now This wolf demon will be more powerful than that Huachen. Even if they exhausted the power of the Yan Temple, they can only rely on Tang Xinlian’s perfect command before they will be the wolf demon. Tied up.

Some elders of the Yan Temple shook their heads and nodded, with some concerns in their eyes. They worked so hard to trap the wolf monster. If Lin Dong could not complete the last move, their previous actions would be useless.

Tang Xinlian heard the voices of doubt from the many elders around him. The narrow eyes narrowed slightly. Immediately there was a smile on that beautiful cheek: “At the beginning, Master told me that this hegemony match. When I may have to rely on Lin Dong, I did not believe it, but the final fact told me that guy , Always seems to be able to create some miracles … “

“So, I believe him now.”

The elders looked at each other and looked at each other with a strange look. Tang Xinlian saw it, her cheeks were reddish, and she couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed, “What are you thinking?!”

The elders laughed, and quickly turned away from the topic. Although Tang Xinlian in front of her was considered a junior, her status in the Yan Temple was not lower than them.


During their conversation, among the pillars of light, the black light and ray were becoming more and more violent. To that extent, the eyes of the four elders who had stepped into the dead realm were all stared at each other and immediately darkened. Sigh, the power of the ancestors was really overbearing, but compared with Moro, it still seemed to have a big gap.

The black light and trembling waves lingered around the forest. At a certain moment, he suddenly looked up. At this moment, his pair of eyes, one dark as the night sky, which seems to have black holes rotating, engulfing everything in the world, and the other, It was the flash of thunder, it seemed to transform the world of thunder, all kinds of fury, forming in it.


Lin Dong ’s body was madly rushing, and he swung out with two palms, one black and one silver two dragons, howling out of his palm, and then roaring with his teeth, finally rushing into the surrounding area fiercely. Above the huge pillar of energy.


With the infusion of these two majestic forces, the bright beams of energy became furious at this time, and then I saw that the vast array of light that filled the sky also quietly had The two colors of Black Thunder radiated.


In the middle of the big array, the wolf demon is moving the golden wings, gathering monstrous qi and fighting with the spirit of the four elephants. Obviously, as this stalemate continues, he is gradually Has the upper hand.


The wolf blasted out a fierce punch, and the majestic demons turned into countless wolves’ heads, fiercely blasted on the light and shadow of the blue dragon spirit, and the terrible fluctuation directly shocked the blue dragon shadow. Unreal.

“Haha, this is your last resort? It’s unbeatable!” The wolf will laugh at the sky, the wings of the fan will be fanned, carrying the monstrous spirit, and the wave of offensive will be swept out.


However, just when the wolf devil laughed, his eyes suddenly freezed, and the spirit of the four elephants flew again, but this time, it was a black thunder and two colors from their giant mouths. It spurted out, and turned into a huge chain of black lightning, entangled it.


The wolf had a cold look, and the strange spirits swept out, and he wanted to erode the chain, but this time, the strange magic gas that had previously won the upper hand was a harsh squeak, and the bundle Black Thunder’s chains tied to his body seemed to be getting tighter.

This kind of change ultimately caused the wolf to change his face dramatically, but after all, he was also an unusual character. His eyes were cold, and he could only see that the golden wings behind him suddenly fell off. With the shedding of the golden veins, the wolf’s body swelled at an extremely scary rate.


In a short period of time, the body of the wolf devil is almost huge, behind him. The magic is sweeping. Seen from a distance, it is like the demon who destroys the world.


As the wolf expands its body, the huge black thunder chain tied to its body. It even made a crunching sound, apparently at the beginning.

On the sky, Tang Xinlian and others looked at this scene. The eyes are also more dignified. The power of the ancestors urged by Lin Dong will be greatly strengthened after their formation, but even so, it is obviously not easy to suppress the wolf demon. Things, and at this time, they obviously also give any help, everything. It still depends on Lin Dong’s ability.

“Lin Dong … Come on …” Tang Xinlian stared at the figure in the beam of light, and Jade could not help but clenched, although she understood that Lin Dong’s strength was always just a perfect birthplace. . Even if he carries two ancestors. But at this time, he obviously could not fully use the power of the two ancestors.


Lin Dong’s face was expressionless. The palms were shot again, and the two-colored light dragon filled with the power of devouring and the power of thunder whistled out again, and then rushed into the array.

If you can take a closer look, you will find that Lin is moving above his arms, and there is already a blue muscle shaking. Obviously, at this time, he is also doing his best to motivate the power of the two ancestors !!

Along with Lin Dong’s mad urging of the two great ancestors, among the vast array of sky, a chain of black thunder also kept whistling out, like dragons of black thunder, and the thousands of giants Devil entangled.


The wolf monster grabbed the giant hand, and the magic gas surged, which directly broke a huge black thunder chain, and immediately he hurled a huge beam into a distant beam of light. At this time, he finally realized that The black Thunder chains that annoyed him were from there!

“Look for something dead!”

The wolf screamed in anger and was about to launch an offensive, but in the large array, more and more black thunder chains rushed out and tied them up.

“I will take a look, who can last longer?!”

The wolf laughed angrily, and immediately his wings trembled, and the black thunder chain on the body suddenly broke apart.

When the chain was broken, there were also many Black Thunder chains tangled up again. In this way, a strange stalemate was formed.

But looking at that speed, it’s clear that the speed of the chain’s collapse is much faster than the speed of winding up.

“Not enough …” An elder said anxiously, with Lin Dong’s current strength in the realm of life, apparently urging so many Black Thunder chains is the limit, and once the wolf stays there The demon will break away from the bondage, and this array will also face collapse.

The other elders nodded anxiously, but they were helpless.

Tang Xinlian bit her red lips lightly, her eyes staring tightly at the shadowy figure hidden by the majestic black light.

“The strength in his body can’t be supported for too long …” After a long while, an elder suddenly sighed.

“It’s about to run out …”

Everyone is looking at the black and thunder chains that are getting slower and slower from the large array, and their hearts are slightly sinking. Let Lin move a full strength of the mysterious realm to compete with a strange monster. It is obviously a ridiculous thing. Even if there is help from all of them, it is still not a simple matter.

“Yuanli … has dried up again …”

At the very bottom of the beam of light, Lin Dong’s original strength gathered around him has completely dissipated. His face is all pale, and he immediately looks up, looking at the proud roaring sky. The troll immediately smiled, his eyes closed slowly.

“Dry up completely …”

An elder looked at the black Thunder chain that stopped coming out, and immediately smiled bitterly. It seemed that he would fail this time.

Tang Xinlian’s teeth bit her red lips tightly. After a moment, she took a deep breath, her eyes became sharp again, and Jade’s hands clenched her phoenix, she said, “Elders, ready to fight!”

Although they have exhausted their means, no matter what, the wolf will not be able to destroy other battlefields, otherwise the link will cause them a complete defeat.


Many elders heard the words, and they also answered with a deep voice.

Tang Xinlian glanced at the bottom of the beam again, and then turned abruptly. However, just as she was about to announce a complete hands-on command, her pupils suddenly shrank, and she turned her head suddenly, her eyes were full of suspicion and shocked hope. At the end of that beam of light.

There, the original depleted power was actually recovering again at an extremely horrible speed. The level of grandeur was even more overwhelming than before!

Also, in that force, she actually noticed that a real Death Qi fluctuation was starting to be born!


Some of the strong shrines around the Yan Temple also found this scene at this time, and couldn’t help but take a breath of air, and there was a rush of shock in their eyes. The deep voice that suppressed the depression couldn’t bear it. The living spread in mid-air.

“He … is impacting the dead realm? !!!” {PiaoTian Literature www.PiaoTian.com Thanks for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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