Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 820: Renyuanzi

Chapter eighty-two Ren Yuanzi

Chapter eighty-two

On the sky, the space is distorted, and a figure walks out of it slowly, and then stands up in the air. On his body, there are no fluctuations in the strength of the force, but the kind that emanates from it Coercion, it seems that even the air can freeze. & *. . com the fastest update **

The figure, dressed in a purple gold robe, with silver hair, permeates the vicissitudes of his eyes, but his skin is as pale as a baby, which makes him feel slightly strange.

The whole city is almost silent at this moment. No matter where the master is, his face is strained at this moment, and the figure in the sky is staring with dignity and horror …

“Human Yuanzi …”

Deadly quietness lasted for a long time, and finally there were some quiet voices suppressing the vibration. No one expected that this was almost the top powerful man on the East Xuanyu. …

The three masters of Yuanmen teach. It is said that in the Eastern Xuanyu, even if you look at the world, it is definitely a first-class powerhouse. On weekdays, most of them are in retreat. dragon sees first. No end, many people in this strange domain have only heard of its prestige, but have never really seen the deity …

On the sky, the faces of the four Qi Lei became extremely difficult to look at this moment. Their eyes were facing each other, and there were some uneasy colors in their eyes. In the face of the strong man of the level of Ren Yuanzi, even they Are feeling quite weak.

Many Daozong disciples are also slightly flustered at this moment. The existence such as Ren Yuanzi almost heard the story to them, and now they can see it with their own eyes. It is inevitable that there is some panic in their hearts.

I can hear some commotion from the back, and Ying Xiaoxiao’s face is slightly ugly. Jade hands hold tightly, and there is a deep anxiety in his heart. This person has a respected status and will never come out easily. , But if it appeared, that is to say, some things, I am afraid there is no way to easily get better …


Ying Xiao smiled and tilted his head, looking at Ying Huanhuan beside him. At this time, the latter had an unconcealable worry on his small face, and apparently felt the same uneasiness.

“It’s okay …” Ying Xiaoxiao shook his head gently, only to comfort him.

“At a glance, you can see through the identity of the mink …” Lin Dong’s fist also clenched tightly when the man Yuanzi appeared, and then took a deep breath, his eyes were slightly gloomy. //.com 小说 网 //

Beside Lin Dong, Xiaoyan’s eyes stared at the distant figure, and the hair on his body was upright like acupuncture. From that figure, he felt an inability. Describe the sense of danger …

“Renyuanzi … I didn’t expect that even the old demon ran out …” The smile on Xiao Min’s handsome face also disappeared at this moment, he stared at the road wearing a purple gold robe The silver-haired figure slowly said.

“Teacher, I can’t wait until I can’t complete the task.” Shi Dong and others, after seeing Ren Yuanzi appeared, hurriedly kneeling down in the sky, showing a little panic.

“Hehe, when you meet Tian Yao Marten, you are indeed not opponents.”

Ren Yuanzi waved his hand with a smile, and stared at Xiao Min, and said, “You should know the grudge between the Tian Yao Mart family and my Yuan Men, so I’m curious, why do you still have Courage, want to kill my Yuanmen in this Dongxuan domain? “

“Kill and kill, what is there to dare? You can only dare to dwell in this Dongxuan Realm. If you are out of here, see what kind of prestige you can show.” Xiao Mart sneered.

“Oh, you really are true. Even me, I won’t go to the demon domain easily, but … here, but Dongxuan domain …”

Ren Yuanzi chuckled. He stared at the little marten, and in his eyes seemed to have a faint coldness that caused the temperature in the world to drop sharply: “Since you appeared in this Eastern Xuanyu, then Don’t leave … “

Xiao’er’s eyes are cold and his body is moving slightly, which is a black and purple flame permeating.

“I can feel that your strength should be more than that, but your strength shouldn’t be fully recovered yet … now you are not my opponent.” Ren Yuanzi laughed.

However, in the face of Ren Yuanzi, Xiao Mart is surprisingly uncontested. He is also very clear, unless he returns to the peak state, otherwise, he is indeed not his opponent.

“You are the forest that killed more than 500 disciples of Yuanmen?” Ren Yuanzi’s eyes suddenly turned to Lin Dong in the distance, smiling.

Lin Dong’s eyes were condensed, his eyes were staring directly at Ren Yuanzi, whose bland eyes were sharp enough to penetrate the soul.

“What a cruel little guy …” Ren Yuanzi smiled, but the smile did not have the slightest temperature.

“Your killing heart is too heavy. Follow me back to Yuanmen this time, so I can suppress your Murderous Qi, and then let Ying Xuanzi come to Yuanmen to lead people.” Ren Yuanzi laughed.

Lin Dong’s eyes dimmed and he said, “Why? You are the Yuanmen’s teacher, do you even regard the rules set by these eight super denominations as nothing?”

“Rules? Hehe, as long as the strength is reached, the changes are …”

Ren Yuanzi shook his head immediately, smiled and shook his head. He looked at Lin moving, his voice was mild: “The rules you have identified do not have any binding power in my eyes, so you don’t need to be naive. Trying to stop me with rules. “

“Follow me to Yuanmen, and let Ying Xuanzi come to lead people in person.”

With the sound falling, Ren Yuanzi’s sleeve robe waved, and the space around Lin Dong’s body suddenly twisted. An irresistible force penetrated from the space, making his body unable to move at all.


The majestic purple and black flames spread from the sky, and finally hit the warped space fiercely, then shattered it away.

“If you want to move him, Mink doesn’t agree!” Xiao Min’s handsome face was slightly distorted at this time, he stared at Ren Yuanzi fiercely.

“I said … you are not my opponent.”

Ren Yuanzi smiled slightly, and with five fingers sticking out, there were five beams of light rushing out from his fingertips, and the beams of light roared, then turned into a prison, trapped the little marten, and there was This kind of extremely strange wave, looming out, the kind of wave, like the taste of reincarnation, is irresistible.


The monstrous purple and black flames swept madly, and a violent impact on the pillar of light imprisoned, but the latter was still intact, and it looked like the most mysterious reincarnation in the world. Shake.


Little Marten launched a violent offensive with a distorted complexion, and his eyes were also redder at this moment. At the next moment, a sharp howling rang out from the towering purple and black flames. .


The howling sounded, and the violent purple and black rays swept across the body of the little marten, and finally the body quickly expanded. For a short period of time, the purple and black rays covered the sky and the sky was huge. This strange beast appeared in the sky like this.

The whole body of the beast is purple and black, and the wings are spread out. It is also huge, and among a pair of purple and black giant pupils, it seems as if it is burning with flames.


The towering purple and black brilliance emanates from the huge body. The pair of huge purple and black batwings are faint and have golden light surging.

“Is this the Tian Yao Marten …”

In the strange city, countless eyes stared at the behemoth appearing in the sky. As the hegemonic level race in the demon Beast World, it is obviously extremely rare in this Eastern Xuanyu, but at the same time their prestige is Like thundering ears.

“Purple gold demon wings … haha, it seems that you are not an ordinary day demon marten … Also, there are many strong men in Yuanmen who died in the hands of your family of day demon marten. Today, you are They still have a little debt. “Ren Yuanzi looked at the pair of wings of the sky demon stalks that blocked the sky. In the mild and cold eyes, there was also a touch of surprise, and then he laughed softly.


After changing the flesh of the Tianmon marten, the strength of the mink has also skyrocketed to an extremely strong level. The huge palms were shot on the prison of light, and the purple and black flames swept away. The prison smashed away.


The prison is smashed, the huge sky demon mink, and the giant wings are spread out completely. The purple and black flames go on its body, like a demon god.


The body of the Tianmon marten was turned, and the little marten roared in the sky. Among the huge purple and black eyes, the stern gas rose, the wings suddenly flew, the purple and black flames condensed, and then it turned into a huge one. Flame storm.


The temperature of the heavens and the earth is rising madly at this moment. Everyone is shockingly looking at the confrontation in front of them. This level of engagement, even in the Eastern Xuan Yu, is extremely rare.

“I haven’t played against Tian Yao Martens for many years. Today, let’s play with you …”

Ren Yuanzi looked at the flame storm that swept the heavens and the earth, and on his pale face, he slowly raised a gentle smile. Then he spread his hands, and then everyone felt that the yuan between heaven and earth Force, as if it was a complete riot at this moment.

A real earth-shattering war is about to erupt!

(Uh .. it seems to have been pulled more than 300 votes from the first …

Then I will not chase the first … there is still a distance of 140 from the second, can you help?

For the third change, everyone should work harder with me. )


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