Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 817: Get together again

Chapter 817

Laughter, mixed with violent energy, like thunder, swiftly spreads and spreads over this alien city, attracting countless eyes.

Under the gaze of many astounding glances, I could only see two distant streams of lightning flashing fast in the distant sky, and a few flashes appeared in the sky.


The streamer arrived, and one of them suddenly shot with one palm, and suddenly there was a violent purple-black energy sweeping away, like a storm, fiercely banging in the powerful palms that were shot against Lin Dong. on.

Bang Bang!

The two majestic offensives collided violently, and the loud sound rang out, and then everyone was quite shocked to see it. The Yuanli Juzhang, which was gathered by the Yuan Mensheng Xuan Realm, was directly in that kind. Under the erosion of purple and black energy, it quickly melts away

“Who’s here? How dare you stop me?”

The offensive was blocked. On the sky, an old man in gray clothing also appeared, looking embarrassed, looking at the cracked giant palm, and then looked at the two flowing streams with a sharp glance and drank.

On the sky, the streamers dissipated, and immediately appeared beside Lin moving, and turned into two figures. These two figures, one was as tall as a tower, his skin was dark, as if cast by black iron, and the sun shone on it. It also reflected the metallic light, a kind of hard and powerful wave that couldn’t be spoken, and one came out.

And beside the tower, there is a tall man in a blue shirt. Compared with the rude man next to him, his body is obviously slimmer, and, most surprisingly, It was his handsome face like a monster that looked so jealous even to some women.

The bodies of the two are too different. From a distance, the visual impact is quite strong. ‘And how can there be other people besides Mink and Xiao Yan? !!

Brother, we seem to be a bit late. We originally wanted to find you in the otherworld.” Xiao Yan scratched his head, and also showed a thick smile at Lin Dong.

“Well, it’s a big battle. You can really toss it. I have heard about things in the strange demon domain, and it’s a good job.” Xiao Mark came out, but didn’t care about that. The old man in gray clothing just turned his head and looked at Lin Dong. He laughed at him with a smile, then paused: “Is everything okay?”

Lin Dong looked at the two of them, and shook his head with a smile. He could feel that when they saw him intact, the tight bodies were quietly relaxed a lot, and the corners of his lips couldn’t help it immediately. A smile emerged from my heart, and my heart warmed.

“Who are they?”

After Lin left, she should smile at the two people who appeared suddenly. Dai Mei frowned slightly and asked, she had never seen Xiao Marten and Xiao Yan.

“That is Lin Siao and Lin Yan, they are Lin Dong’s worship brothers. They were Daozong who came together, but after Lin Dong joined Daozong, they went out to practice.” Ying Huanhuan explained, Little Marten, she is obviously a bit familiar, after all, she had fought side by side with the Moyin Mountain last time.

Oh?” Ying Xiaoxiao was obviously a bit surprised. She immediately scanned the two eyes carefully, her eyes were slightly dignified, and from the face of her face that was thick and her body was like an iron tower, she could detect a A strong and dangerous taste, that feeling, as if under the thick smiley face, hides a fierce temperament

This kind of fierceness is similar to the forest movement during the violent run. It really has a taste of being close to Zhu and red to black.

As for the little marten on the side, Ying Xiaoxiao should also pay attention because of his spooky and handsome face, but then, the dignified complexion became more intense, because she found that From the little marten, she felt less than a little dangerous feeling.

In general, there are only two people who can make her feel this way. One is a person who is not threatened, and the other is that she has so much strength that she can’t sense it.

If Xiao Mart did n’t make a shot before, maybe Ying Xiaoxiao would think that he is the former, but obviously, it is easy for him to defeat a strong man who has grown into a mysterious realm. It is impossible to be here. So, the only answer is that Xiao Marten’s strength is so strong that she can’t detect it at all.


This is Ying Xiaoxiao’s first evaluation of Xiao Marten, and she feels very surprised that Lin Dong can be with such a character.

“Hey, the little girl remembers it very well.” Just as Sister Ying Huanhuan was talking, Xiao Marte suddenly turned her head and laughed at Ying Huanhuan.

For Ying Huanhuan, he is obviously very impressed. The former’s status as a reincarnation, even the small mink, is quite daunting. He knows that if Ying Huanhuan awakens in the future, it will be this The top powerful man in the world, but looking at the current situation, this girl seems to have some feelings for Lin Dong, which is a good thing.

Ying Huanhuan pouted at Xiao Mink, looking extraordinarily quiet and beautiful.


Xiao Xiao’s eyes turned away from Ying Huanhuan, and she suddenly stopped on the girl who was aside, when even she stunned: “Why is this little Nizi here?”

“. ¨ Qingtan?” Xiao Yan’s gaze was also on the girl.

Qing Tan saw the gaze of the two of them, and it was a fog of water, and his face was bewildered. Seeing the two of them seemed familiar with her?

“Qing Tan, remember Xiao Yan?” Lin Dong smiled, patted Xiao Yan’s arm, and smiled at Qing Tan.

“Small inflammation?”

Qing Tan blinked his eyes blankly. After a long while, his eyes widened sharply, looking at the tower-like man inconceivably, covering his mouth with his little hand: “Little inflammation?”

When Lin Dong and Xiao Yan left the Dayan Dynasty, the latter could not be changed, so Qing Tan’s understanding of him has always stayed in his time period as a fire python long ago, and now , The big tiger who was carrying her around the town at first turned into such a fierce look

“No, aren’t you really Yanyan? How could it be like this?”

The stagnation of the girl only lasted for a moment, even though Xuan flew over with great curiosity, her little hand kept touching the iron-like skin on Xiao Yan’s body, and the sound of crickets continued to pass

Xiao Yan looked at the young girl who was like a bird around her, with a thick smile on her thick face. There were some very rare softness in the eyes that were faintly flashing, and those memories of that year, he obviously I remember very clearly.

“I’m not polite. I will be called Lin Yan Brother in the future.”

Lin Dong smiled and patted Qing Tan’s head, and then pointed at the little marten and said, “This guy has actually watched you for several years, but before he hid in my body, You do n’t know, well, he ’s now Lin Min ”

When hearing Lin Dong’s words, Qing Tan nodded, looked at Xiao Mart curiously, and then whispered to Lin Dong: “This Lin Mink Brother is so beautiful”

Although Qing Tan’s voice was small, it was clearly captured by Xiao Mink. Immediately, there was an embarrassment on that handsome face.

Lin Dong was embarrassed to see this little mink who had always been thicker than him, and couldn’t help laughing.

“Who is your Excellency? This Lin Dong is the one I ordered to go back to, and I hope you don’t step in to avoid getting burned!” On the sky, the old man in gray clothing saw the two of them. Later, he ignored him, and the old face couldn’t help but feel a little ugly.

“Noisy old guy”

Xiao Min finally turned his head at this time, Junmei’s face provoked a joke, and laughed: “Is it just killing some of your Yuanmen disciples, is it necessary to be so anxious and corrupt?”

Hearing this, the gray-clad old man’s eyes suddenly became cold, and he said arbitrarily, “This little beast killed my 540 disciples in Yuanmen. He was too serious to kill him, but my Yuanmen was for his good. Ask him back to Yuanmen, so he could kill Murderous Qi for him, so as not to miss his future! “

“I don’t care what you have to do with him, I advise you to stand by, otherwise you can’t afford the price”


Xiao Wen heard and raised his head, but there was a bright smile on that handsome face, and then, the bright smile was a little bit stunned, and he stretched out his long right palm, The purple-black flame rises and condenses on its palm, and the sound of freezing cold bones contains a strong sense of killing and resounds.

“Uninterested old dogs, Lao Tzu’s brothers, are you also qualified to discipline?”

(There are still more than a dozen votes from the third. Thank you for your help. I will go to Chapter 3.

Monthly tickets, please help me a little bit. ) (To be continued


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