Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 332: It’s terrifying.

Chapter 332 is wicked and aggressive

The giant light finger is like a pillar of heaven that connects heaven and earth. It is a heart-warming wave. Like a storm, waves of madness are swept away from it. For a moment, the sky and the sky are turbulent and powerful.

More than half a year ago, Lin Dong wanted to use his second finger to display the second finger, but now he has no need to resort to the slightest external force. With his own strength, he can completely It was exhibited, and, coupled with the devouring power of “Engulfing Amulet”, he had the majestic capital and used the power of the elite to perform martial arts directly. That power was even more powerful than that. describe.

Of course, if it ’s not the point where Lin Dongjing Divine Strength has become a senior magician, and he also has artifacts such as “swallowing ancestors”, I am afraid that using the power of Jingyuan to cast the second finger, I am afraid Guangguang is The first finger is enough to make him shy …

“Give up the dog!”

The light fingers formed, and Lin Dong didn’t have the slightest delay. In his eyes, the chill was like a knife, and he drank with a slam. The giant finger, which was completely condensed by the power of Jing Yuan, suddenly whistled, and the sky seemed to be all It was here that it collapsed.


On the sky, the air exploded and opened continuously. A giant finger, like the finger of the **** of heaven, descended from the sky and landed towards the Tengcha.

Looking at the giant finger that was rapidly zooming in the pupil, Tengcha’s complexion became extremely ugly. He wanted to dodge, but found that the nearby world ’s strength was actually in the giant finger. It became frozen under the pressure of Li, like a prison, bound to death.

“You want to kill me, you are not qualified!” Although the situation is critical, Tengcha is worthy of being a hero, and now there is a flash of fierce color in his eyes, and his hands are changing like lightning. The strange black gas quickly permeated from its body.

“Yin Xun Demon Skull!”

It contained a kind of painful low roar, which suddenly came out of Tengcha’s throat. To produce that weird black gas seemed to have a considerable load on his body.

The black gas gushes out extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, it is condensed and formed above Tengcha’s head, turning into a very huge black skull.

“Magic Skull Dafa!”

Looking at the huge dark skeleton that will be covered by Tengcha’s body, the instructors on the seats have some changes in their looks. Obviously, they have heard of this ferocious martial art of Yindi Zong. It is said that they must be cultivated into this. Martial arts must take the essence of many human bones, burn it with spiritual fire, and finally melt it into the body. Once it is unfolded, it can quickly merge the power of these bone marrow and condense into a rather strange power.

This kind of power is not elemental force, not Divine Strength, but it is another strange and strange energy!

“The evil way!”

Lin Dong looked at the huge dark skull, his eyes were frozen, and he immediately sneered, and the sleeves fluttered. The light finger like the pillar of the sky suddenly fell down, and he was in heavy phase with the huge dark skull. hit.


The jade of the impact, the violent energy storm, is quickly formed at the impact place, a terrible wave of ripples sweeping over, on the mountain top, all the giant trees and even the buildings are bangs With a sound, they were exploded into powder, and some of them were unlucky. They were vomiting blood and flying.

“What **** devil skull, break me!” Looking at the dark skeleton that was struggling to resist under the giant finger, Lin Dong’s eyes became denser and thicker. With a palm shot, he was a very magnificent sperm. The force swept out of the “Mun Shen Pond” and shot into the giant finger. For a moment, the giant finger fluctuated and surged again.


As the fluctuations on the giant finger became more and more violent, cracks appeared in the dark skull, and then these cracks expanded rapidly, and finally directly in the eyes of the horrors of the Yin Yin Zong. It burst open completely.


The Dark Skull bursts. Suddenly, a fierce black light rushes out of it, moving towards the forest at an extremely amazing speed.

The speed of the black light is horrible. Even strong players such as Murray can only see a black ray flashing in their eyes.


However, although even strong players such as Murray are unaware of the black light attack, but Divine Strength has set foot in Lin Dong, a senior magician, but it has a sense of it at the first moment, and his eyes flashed , The magnificent fine Divine Strength is condensed in front of a huge defense layer with a thickness of almost ten feet.


Black light is coming, but the seemingly not arrogant attack is the one that shot into the fine Divine Strength defense wall, like a bomb, exploding.


The Divine Strength defensive wall cracked and opened in an instant. Lin Dong was also affected. When the next blood spurted out, but his face was sneered even more, with one finger press, the blasting dark skull The light finger, like lightning flashed on Tengcha’s body below.

In the previous attack, Tengcha obviously wanted to fight desperately, forcing Lin to move back to defense, so that he could not control the giant finger to attack, and he was also able to take advantage of retreats, so as to organize the Yinzong strong and jointly attack. Kill the forest.

However, he didn’t expect that Lin Dongning would rather fight for an injury than give up this great opportunity.


The light finger suddenly fell on Tengcha’s body. Under the eyes of countless eyes, the latter’s dense elemental defenses almost collapsed in the middle of a while, although the circle of forceful elemental masks Constantly gushing out of him, trying to resist the devastating attack of the light finger, but the speed of the photomask collapse obviously far faster than the speed of Tengcha’s condensing. Therefore, in just ten seconds, Tengcha’s entire body The force mask is completely explosive.


Yuan Li’s photomask burst, and the fierce wind also fell firmly on Tengcha’s body, and his robe burst into powder at the moment, even the high-level Lingbao inner armor worn inside. It also cracked after a moment, and the surface of his body was spread with blood stains quickly. In the blink of an eye, Tengcha became a blood man, extremely miserable.


This huge square is also collapsed in this place. A huge pit of one hundred feet appears in the sight of everyone, and in the center of the pit, it is howling to the extreme Tengcha!

Fingers fall, everything is broken!

When that finger left a huge pothole in the square, it was finally burst into the sky in countless shocking eyes and dissipated between heaven and earth …


As the light finger dissipated, a **** figure emerged from the center of the pit, and a blood spurt came out. Its Aura also became extremely debilitating. It can be seen that this attack was completely thorough. Hit Tengcha!

Looking at the **** man in the pothole, the entire mountaintop became silent, and everyone’s eyes were filled with a shocking color that could not be concealed …

Teng Cha defeated!

The man who claims to be the strongest in Dahuang County is now completely defeated in the hands of a teenager by the countless strong men in Dahuang County!

Above the seat, those invited sects from all parties can’t help but swallowed a spit. Looking at each other, they all saw the fear and shock in the other’s eyes, especially those who had also The sects who plan to rely on the Yinzong sect are even sweating on their foreheads. They are constantly fortunate that they did not say anything more than just words. Otherwise, I am afraid they will not escape today.

Their eyes were secretly looking at the young figure slowly falling from the air. The latter looked indifferent. They understood that this young-looking man was fierce, but not inferior to him. They are treacherous giants …

“This time, Yin Zong was finally planted …”

Murray’s palm on the back of the chair trembled continuously. His gaze glanced at the field, and finally he stayed on that young figure, with unspeakable fear in his eyes.

“This forest move is really fierce, I’m afraid it’s hard to find someone who can match it in this deserted county!”

Mu Yan aside, when she saw her father who was quite proud even on weekdays, it was all this look. The radiance in the beautiful eyes couldn’t help but be richer, raised her head slightly, and the beautiful eyes stared at the one. The body is also a young figure stained with a lot of blood. At this time, the sunset is like blood, but that figure is revealing a kind of indescribable domineering!

Challenge the Yin Zong Sect with one person’s strength, this kind of momentum is absolutely domineering!

“Sovereign, quickly save the lord, all the strong yin yin sects obey, form a large array, kill this little beast!”

The silence on the top of the mountain lasted for a while, and the strong men of Yin Yin Zong finally returned to God, and the elders left and right screamed sharply.

It seems that I heard their drinking, and Lin Dong in the field slowly raised his head, looking at the elders left and right, grinning, and chuckling, but it made everyone’s hearts burst into coldness. .

“Rest assured, I said, today … Bloodwashing Yinzong!”


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