Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 246: Evolved Skyscale Ancient Halberd

Chapter 246 Evolution of the Ancient Scale of the Skyscale

Looking at Lin Dong, he stayed here. The master Cheng just glanced at him slightly and didn’t say much. He flicked his fingers, and the sky scale ancient halberd in front of him floated up. Then, only Seeing his eyes, there was a sudden flash of flame, and finally he penetrated his eyes directly and burst out.

“Spiritual fire!”

Looking at a group of flames floating in front of Master Cheng showing a nearly transparent color, Lin Dong’s heart was also shocked. He understood that this was the legendary spiritual fire, a kind of condensed from the fine Divine Strength to the extreme Only then can the spiritual flame be born.

A large part of the reason why the amulet’s attack power far exceeds the ordinary amulet is because of this spiritual fire existence. In the face of this spiritual fire, even if it is the cultivation of elemental power to achieve gas creation The strongest in the situation are also afraid to have the slightest neglect. After all, as long as they are hit hard by this thing, it is likely to leave some extremely serious sequelae.

The spiritual fire does not cause much harm to the flesh, but it has a particularly strong erosive force to the spirit.

After summoning the Spiritual Fire, Master Cheng’s complexion slowly regained weight, and his sleeves waved, and the Spiritual Fire spread and opened, wrapping the scales of the ancient halberds in.


As the spirit fire came, the celestial halberd trembled violently, and the small scales covered with dense scales actually showed some signs of opening at this moment.

In this case, the master Cheng did not change his face, but opened a mouthful of spiritual fire, wrapped in a piece of dark golden metal material.


Under the burning of spiritual fire, the hard metal material also gradually melted at a slow rate, and some gray-black impurities dripped from it and fell on the floor, corroding. Small holes.

Lin Dong sits quietly in the hall, staring at every move of Master Cheng without blinking. As a teacher, he can feel that while the metal material is being tempered, the latter’s Fine Divine Strength is also flowing into the intricacies, changing into the countless fine structures, which is a very complicated work, and only with the strong Divine Strength strong can we be able to achieve such nuances Manipulation.

Under Lin Dong’s gaze, the dark golden metal material, after consuming for a full three hours, completely turned into a thick golden liquid.

After the tempering is finished, Master Cheng’s dry fingers lightly, the golden liquid is evenly spread on the sky scale ancient halberd.


As these dark golden liquids were smeared on, the scales of the ancient halberd trembled more and more intensely. Those liquids also melted into the body of the halberd under the fire of spiritual fire, making the ancient halberd The color is gradually adding a touch of dark gold, and the halberd seems to be more slender.

After completing this step, Master Cheng began to train other materials. For these repetitive actions, Lin Dong did not show the slightest boredom, and he looked intently, just like a disciple, Any subtle move of the master is in his mind.

This continuous tempering material lasts for a full day, and Lin Dong has not closed his eyes for half a time. cultivation has reached such a point that even if he does not sleep for ten days, Nothing, strong body, enough to cope with the fatigue in the eyes of these ordinary people.

When the time went to the evening of the second day, the last material was also melted into a liquid and adhered to the scales of the ancient halberd.

At this time, the scale of the ancient scale halberd looks a bit colorful, which is very different from the original redness. Each part has a different color, which is why the refining has not been completely completed.

“Hoo …”

After finishing the last material, Master Cheng also took a sigh of relief, glanced at Lin, and said lightly, “I will reply once, and then start the last step. In this step, I will treat these rare materials. All of the characteristics are integrated into the ancient halberd. If it is successful, your ancient halberd can become a high-level spiritual treasure, but if the integration fails, it will destroy the original structure and destroy the ancient halberd. “

After hearing this, Lin Dongxin’s head tightened suddenly, and he nodded heavily.

After the voice was spoken, the master Cheng was directly eyes closed, so he rested for a full five hours before he opened his eyes. At this time, his fine Divine Strength had recovered almost, and then his eyes slowly and dignified. With a mouth, an extremely imposing spiritual force is bursting out, encasing the gorgeous scales of the ancient scales.


A heat wave spread in the lobby. This heat wave is very weird. It obviously does not feel too hot, but it makes people feel like they are in a fire.

A fine Divine Strength pours out of the forest moving mud pill palace and wraps the body as much as possible. The strange heat wave is dissipated in the invisible. His eyes stare at the fire wrapped in the raging spirit. The ancient scales of the scales, he knows, now is the most critical moment.


In the face of the spiritual fire that suddenly became fierce, the scale of the ancient halberd was oozing a trace of green smoke that day, and the many liquids adhering to the surface of the ancient halbery were also boiling. Persecuted by the Spiritual Fire, it continued to advance against the slightest erosion inside the ancient halberd.


As these metal characteristics invade the ancient halberd, the kind of balance in it seems to be broken, the halberd body is shaking madly, and there is a buzzing sound coming out from it, a dazzling glare, Burst from above the ancient halberd, sharp luster, burst into the hall, the luster is full of strong destructive force.


Feeling the resistance of the ancient halberd, the master Cheng also snorted violently, a violent fine Divine Strength surged out, forming a spiritual prison, covering the scales of the ancient halberd with dozens of feet of metal, those luster, Shot on the mental prison, ripples emerged, and then dissipated.

“Merge me!”

Master Cheng’s eyes were dignified, and then his big hand suddenly gripped. The spirit fire that enveloped the ancient scale halberd shrank fiercely.


With the fierce compression of the spiritual fire, all the metal liquids on the ancient halberd were directly pressed into the ancient halberd by the students. For a long time, the bright luster was from the skyscale ancient halberd. Shooting out, the surrounding spiritual prison was directly penetrated by the sharp luster, leaving a bottomless black hole on the ground.

“A good bully!”

Seeing this scene, Master Cheng also flashed a surprise in his eyes. Immediately he grabbed the volley, and an invisible fine Divine Strength big hand firmly grasped the ancient halberd with its bright luster.

Lin Dong looked tensely at the scales of the ancient scales that were struggling in the hands of Master Cheng. He could faintly see that the shape of the scales of the ancient scales appeared to be subtly changing during the surge of light. The harsh taste is getting stronger and stronger.


The rapid buzzing sounds continue to emerge from the ancient scale halberd. Later, the buzzing sound gradually evolved into an extremely low and strange dragon groan.

The voice quietly echoed in the lobby, but it changed the face of Master Delin and Cheng at the same time. The former was a surprise, while the latter was a shocking eye. Obviously, it was unexpected. This ancient halberd can actually emit the sound of the legendary beast.


During the shock of Master Cheng, the glare was shining above the ancient halberd that day, and it was directly blasted by its master Divine Strength. An extremely sharp light burst out, which directly blasted the ceiling of the hall. Become crushed.

“Come here!”

Lin Dong beckoned hurriedly, the bright light suddenly rushed in, and finally appeared very obedient in his hands.

Lin holding the scales of the ancient halberd, he stunned the ground, the light slowly diminished, and when he looked away, his eyes suddenly appeared a stunning color.

The ancient scales of today’s scales are more slender than before refining. The fine scales on the side of the halberds also tend to have a thick, dark golden color. However, it is most attractive to Lin. Eye movements tightened, it was the scale structure that formed a dragon-like scale, which looked extremely magical.

At the tip of the halberd, two laps of sharp radian extend left and right, and the cold mang surges, and it is bloodthirsty, just like the giant dragon’s mouth, which can swallow the world and has an amazing momentum.


Grasping Lin Zhi’s ancient halberd, Lin Dong couldn’t let it go, and his eyes were full of ecstasy. Today’s Tian Lin ancient halberd is not as powerful as before, according to Lin Dong’s prediction, even if it is more than that Wang Yan’s big Luo Jin gun, the scales of the ancient halberd also do not let go!

“What a great baby!”

While Lin Dong was playing with the scales of ancient halberd in his hands, the closed hall door was suddenly pushed open, a figure came in, fiery eyes stared at Lin The ancient halberd in his hands has a strong surge of greed in his eyes.

The people who broke in suddenly changed De Lindong and Master Cheng’s complexion. Looking away, their eyes were all dull.

“Hua Zong!”

Looking at the person who broke in, Lin moved his eyes slightly, this guy, even the Correct Yinzong Huazong!


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