Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 241: Dacheng City

Chapter 241 Dacheng City

Thunder light flashes across the sky, flashing at an astonishing speed, and there is a deep thundering sound in the sky …

Lin Dong sat on the back of the tiger, feeling the oncoming wind, with some bruised faces, but full of a cheerful smile, it was less than a year after leaving Yancheng, However, his strength is really leaps and bounds. It seems that this outing experience has great benefits for the improvement of strength.

At the time, in Yancheng, Wang Yan, who was only a great figure, was able to drive him into such a wolf, but now, if he meets the former again, Lin Dong already has absolute confidence. Head to head!

Lin Dong also wanted to take a look. When Wang Yan saw the ant he thought he could pinch to death, before he knew it, he had quietly caught up with the genius of his Wang clan. And how wonderful it will be.

“Wang Yan, I have been able to catch up, Lin Langtian, the distance between us is not far away!”

Lin Dong looked up slightly, his lips were tight and his eyes were cold, he thought of the superior figure again. In the eyes of that guy, the status of these branch family people is probably similar to that of ants.

Perhaps this Lin clan ’s most dazzling genius has forgotten the incident of nearly injuring a branch family person into waste, but for Lin Dong, he did not dare to forget it in the slightest, Because the guy did what he wanted to do, but ruined his once wonderful home and childhood.

“There is still more than a year, Lin Langtian, you wait for me!” The fist clenched slightly, Lin moved his eyes cold, and he would be there at the most clan meeting, Get justice for his father!

This is a goal when the teenager is self-aware, and for this goal, he has worked hard for already for more than ten years!

“Hey, it seems that the magic ape that has been cultivated with the dragon ape’s blood turns out to be tyrannical. It can actually make you fight with the strong one who made Xiaocheng ….” Xiao Miniao appeared in the forest. Moving his shoulders, looking at Lin Dong’s eyes was also a little surprised, smiling.

After hearing this, Lin Dong grinned. As the magic ape became stronger, his body gradually returned to normal. At this time, a series of severe pain caused by the previous fierce fighting only spread from the body. On, he couldn’t help but take a breath.

“But it can only be a short-term counterattack. As soon as the magic ape changes time, it must retreat …” Lin Dong said with some regrets, after all, his strength only created a small form and a small form. It is a full level, even if there is a magic ape change, copper mines help each other, it is not easy to cross the gap between them.

However, Lin Dong has confidence. As long as he can go further and reach the great state of formation, then he will be able to truly defeat the strong state of Qi state.

“If Wang Yan is still his last strength, if he meets again, he will be able to rob him again …” Lin Dong smiled slightly. The power of Jintaizhen’s magic palm was just as strong as Xeon. He really liked it. The heritage of this great clan is indeed not weak.

“What are you going to do next?” Xiaoten asked lazily.

“I want to go to the Dahuang Ancient Monument.” Lin Dong groaned a bit. The Dahuang Ancient Monument is a relic of ancient ancestral gates. Among them, the treasure must not be comparable to the ancient tomb in the original Tianyan Mountains. If you get any treasure in it, there will undoubtedly be a huge improvement in his strength. Moreover, he also wants to try if he can get some information about the ancestors in that ancient monument.

“Hey, it’s okay to go, but before that, I think you should have evolved the ancient scales halberd to the advanced Lingbao, it might be better.” Wen Yan, Xiao Min also nodded , Immediately.

“Advanced Lingbao.”

Lin Dong’s brow frowned slightly, he also knew that if he could upgrade the ancient scale halberd to a high-level spiritual treasure, it would surely greatly enhance his strength. The Great Wild Monument is not only very famous in Great Wild County, Even if you look at the Dayan dynasty, it is a very attractive treasure. Compared with this monument of the Great Wilderness, the ancient tomb in the Tianyan Mountains has a little side dishes. Similarly, the monument of the Great Wilderness attracts The strong are bound to be far from comparable to ancient tombs.

Even, even the four clans should be moved, and if they intervene, Wang Yan, Lin Langtian and other figures will inevitably appear again.

Thinking of this, Lin Dong ’s eyes also have some cold surges. He remembered the last experience in the Tomb Mansion. If there is an opportunity this time, maybe it should be appropriate. Get back a bit.

In the face of these powerful opponents, if you do n’t have a lot of cards in your hand, you are likely to be swallowed without bone dregs. The last time in the Tomb House, Lin Dong was because his strength was so far behind. Most of the babies obtained are scornful by Lin Langtian and others. Of course, the ancient scale halberd is naturally excluded.

With the last experience, this time, Lin Dong will not be willing to pick up the treasure that others have missed. Therefore, it is the best choice to make yourself stronger.

“To strengthen the ancient scales of the scales, at least it is necessary to be able to do it, but I still have some distance from that point.” Lin Dong said a little helplessly.

“Go to a larger city in Dahuang County, where there must be a existence for the magician. As long as they are given sufficient compensation and have their own materials, they will strengthen it.” Xiao Marte said lightly.

I heard that Lin Dong was just a moment’s stun, and hesitated a little bit. He nodded. The monument to the Wilderness was opened only once every three years. If he missed this opportunity, he would have to wait another three years. Yes, but there is not so much time for him to wait, so, for the sake of insurance, it is better to quickly strengthen the Tianlin Gu Hal to the level of advanced Lingbao, so that he can have a little more hole cards in the Great Wild Monument.

“The Great Wilderness Monument is located in the middle of Great Wilderness County. That area is the most prosperous area of ​​Great Wilderness County. There are many big cities with great strength. It is not difficult to find the magic master there. Materials, you can find an auction, as long as you have money, it should not be too difficult to get together. “Lin Dong took a map out of Qiankun’s bag, just a little look, that is the way.

There is no objection to this little marten, and now he nods.

“That being the case, let’s get started. Count the time. It will be fast before the seal of the Great Wild Monument is weakened. We must also complete the strengthening work when the seal weakens to a minimum.” Lin moved with a smile , Road.


As soon as the voice came down, Lin Dong patted Xiaoyan gently. The latter suddenly made a sound of tiger howling, and the thunder wing vibrated and turned into a streamer, which flashed across the sky like lightning.

After possessing this pair of Thunder Wings, Xiao Yan’s speed, even if Lin Dong can’t keep up, and with this kind of travel, obviously saves him countless time.

The Great Wilderness Monument is named after the entire Great Wilderness County. From then on, it is enough to see how hugely famous these treasures are.

Remains of ancient sects. In those times, it is said that the strength of a sect is comparable to that of a dynasty, and its lord is the lord of the dynasty. Compared with the ancient sword gates, the monstrous strength is not known. Tens of thousands of times stronger …

And this big monument is left by an ancient sect. Many of the treasures, just thinking about it, make anyone feel like it. Under the temptation of such treasures, the entire Great Yan Dynasty, Lin Dong I really can’t think of any forces and strong people who can ignore it, so when the big monument is opened, the strong people of the entire Dayan dynasty will probably flock to it, trying to go from that ancient time. In the sectarian ruins, get some martial arts skills or treasures that can make you reborn …

But if you want to stand out among such a large number of treasure hunters, if you don’t have any skill, you may only be stubbed by others.

Dahuang County is extremely vast. According to the speculation of the forest movement, even if the five Tiandu counties add up, they are still less than half the area. The largest and dangerous county in the Dayan Dynasty is indeed well-deserved. .

Lin Dong’s purpose this time is a heavy city deep in Dahuang County, called Dacheng City. This Dacheng City is enough to rank among the top five cities in Dahuang County. The scale is so large that ordinary people can’t imagine, and the city is only two days away from where the ancient monument is located, and it is quite close to it. Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Dong learned about it In the past few days, Correct will have a *** auction in Dacheng City, and this is his main purpose.

It is not easy to strengthen the ancient scale halberd to the high-level spiritual treasure. It requires some extremely scarce and expensive materials. These materials can only be obtained in such a large auction.

Further, Lin Dong stole a beastly fruit from the ancient dragon ape. If he took it for refining, his strength would be greatly improved, but the beastly fruit condensed. With a lot of monster beast blood, its energy is violent to a quite terrible level, Lin Dong wants smooth refining, but also needs some other elixir to neutralize that violent power, otherwise, he can only watch.

So, most of the meaning of this trip to Dacheng City is to go to that auction.

Dacheng City is quite far away from ancient ruins. Even if Lin Dong has a small inflammation, it has been flying non-stop for nearly seven days before it gradually entered the depths of Dahuang County. A day later, the behemoth that was like an ancient beast and lay on the plain just appeared looming in Lin Dong’s sight.

Sitting on Xiao Yan’s back, Lin Dong looked at the outline of a huge city with the size of dozens of inflammation cities, and his eyes were full of shock. Compared with such a city, he used to think it was very Nice Yancheng, it has a taste of a backcountry …

This is, Oohori!


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