Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 164: Forcible

Chapter 164 Robbery

Xuan’ao’s Rune, when Lin Dong shouted, suddenly spun up quickly, and during its rotation, a very strong mental fluctuation also spread out suddenly.


The runes are sloshing, the magnificent fine Divine Strength starts to condense in the center of the rune, and with the crazy condensation of fine Divine Strength, only the center of the rune suddenly sees a strange flame.

This flame looks like an ordinary flame, but speaking, it is not really a flame, but it is changed by the refined Divine Strength after condensing to a certain level.

The flame is just the thickness of the thumb, but the violent mental fluctuations that emanated from it are even a little moving, and he didn’t expect that after the metamorphosis rune has been exerted to the extreme, the power is so powerful.

This kind of fluctuation is also noticed by the storm sword that came from the storm. Now there is a shock in his eyes, but at this moment he can’t stop it anymore, and now he can only rush to mobilize Tanada. Force, hurriedly infuse the sword into the hands of the knife, want to use this as a slight block.


Lin Dong looked at Song Dao with indifferent eyes, and pointed out with a fierce finger, only to see the ray of fire in the center of the Rune tremble, and then he slammed, it was out of nowhere!


The flames rushed out, and the air nearby suddenly trembled. The invisible air waves roared out madly, and the air was all pressed down to make a low-pitched sound, which was so horrifying.

Song Dao was also shocked by such a terrible blow from Lin Dong. Until now, he only found out that the most powerful boy in front of him was not the Yuanli, but the mental attack!

At this juncture, there is no retreat. The Song Dao is indeed the leader of a group of desperate people. At present, there is a dark color in the eyes. The knife is suddenly bright in the hand, and then it is desperately rage. , Fiercely chopped on that tiny flame!


Blades were chopped on the small flames, and the loud noises immediately burst out. However, the seemingly powerful blades almost collapsed in an instant, and the flames did not decrease in speed. Raging waves, straight to the sword!

Seeing that the flames shattered the blade of the sword with a smashing and rotten posture, Song Dao’s hands and feet finally became cold in this trance. His eyes glanced at the boy behind him. At this time, the latter was still face. Calm, there is absolutely no pride and pride to force his Yuandan Realm to a great death.

“Kicked the iron plate …”

At this moment, Song Dao flashed this thought in his mind, but despite this, the fierce guy still did not give up his final resistance, his eyes flickered, and he finally settled on madness and decisiveness. .

Song Dao’s mouth and a white egg-sized white yuandan were suddenly rushed out of his mouth during the mad surge.


Just when Yuan Dan just appeared, it was like a hurricane of Yuanli was blowing in the field. Even in the fierce battle field, many eyes were forced to come over.

However, when these eyes saw that Song Dan even spit out Yuan Dan, a horror of horror began to appear on his face, especially those of the Sword Butcher Gang. .

Everyone knows that Yuan Dan is the most important thing for people who cultivate. This is the foundation of cultivation. No matter how serious the internal and external injuries are, there is always a chance to heal. But if Yuan Dan is traumatized, it will bring The after-effects of coming are very likely to be completely obsolete!

So, unless it is time for life and death, otherwise, no one in Yuandan Realm dares to summon Yuandan easily …

Because of this, when they saw this scene, they immediately set off a stormy sea, especially Na Yueshan, there was an impulse to explode his scalp. He couldn’t believe it. Lin Dong’s strength can actually force Song Dao who is similar in strength to him!


Under the eyes of many unbelievable eyes, Yuan Dan, who brought up Hurricane Yuanli, whistled out, and then, collided with that tiny flame!

The impact of Jain, as if the sound of killing in this mountain stream has weakened, the space is silent for a moment, and then, a terrible shock wave like a volcano erupts, and it is unbridled.


Lin Dong’s figure bears the brunt of the shock. He was directly hit by a terrible shock wave that flew dozens of meters, hitting a heavy tree heavily, and with a moan, it was obviously slightly traumatized.

After falling to the ground, Lin Dong’s gaze was immediately cast on the confrontation place, and when he saw the big pit with a size of almost ten feet, his eyes flashed with astonishment.

There are some unlucky guys moaning around Dakeng. Looking at this appearance, it is obviously affected by the aftermath.


Lin Dong was well-prepared, but the trauma was not serious, but the Songdao was overthrown. He was closest to the shock wave, and the impact was also the strongest. Therefore, when the aftershock hit his When he was physically, his face was also pale in the room, a blood spurting out, and his shape also flew out like a kite with a broken line. Finally, the wolf fell on the ground, counting again. Mouth blood squirted.

As a result of this method, Song Dao ’s injuries are obviously very serious, but at the moment he is holding back the severe pain. His palm hurriedly made a move, and a dim Yuandan was from the dust. Back shot, for practitioners, hands and feet can be lost, but Yuan Dan must not be lost!

Yuan Dan’s previous confrontation, although successfully blocked Lin Dong’s fatal attack, but his Dan body has also become a lot bleak, apparently suffered some trauma, but the Song sword at this time is also not Too much thought about this, to save your life first is the most important thing.

Yuan Dan draws a slightly dim arc in mid-air and quickly rushes towards Song Dan. However, just as Yuan Dan is about to fall back into Song Dao’s mouth again, a very blurry light and shadow is suddenly strange. It flashed out, and a shadow like a claw protruded. When Yuan Dan fell into Song Dao’s mouth as fast as lightning, he grabbed Yuan Dan firmly.

On the spot where Yuan Dan was captured, Song Dao’s face changed drastically, urging Yuan Dan to break free from the shackles of that shadow.


However, Song Dao, who is already seriously injured, is obviously unable to return to the light at this moment, especially when a black hole-like thing suddenly appeared on the claw, Yuan Dan was swallowed directly. Go in.

In Yuan Dan, who was swallowed by the black hole, Song Dao’s complexion was instantly disgraced, and several blood spewed out. At this moment, he lost his sense of Yuan Dan!

Yuan Dan was lost, and he was extremely weak, suddenly burst out from his body. In the past, the full power was also quickly separated from Song Dao ’s body, and he felt this weakness. Song Dao knew that this time, he was It’s completely finished …

“Go! Hurry up! Where is Song Que?”

The fear of death shrouded Song Dao’s heart. He grabbed a few knives who were beside him, but said quickly and hoarsely.

Seeing the leader of the butchery gang turned into this picture, his desperate men also became horrified.

“Song Que Brother they were all killed by that woman …” Upon hearing Song Dao’s inquiries, the knife butcher’s man suddenly cried and his face was full of fear.


When he heard this, Song Song, who was already extremely weak, was even darker. He looked up and looked into the mid-air not far away. There, the beautiful woman in white was smiling cleverly. There are several cold mangs in the wave, and when they are swept down, they will bring up a column of scarlet blood.


In another place, a flaming beast shadow is also a good man who is frantically hunting down the knife butcher gang. Every time the red shadow shakes, there will be a figure drawn apart.

This is a one-sided slaughter!

After slaughtering unknown opponents, their knife butcher gang also tasted this taste.


Song Dao struggled with his last strength and turned to the forest. He knew that not only was he finished this time, but also the butcher gang was completely buried in the Tianyan Mountains.

After seeing Song Dao running away, those who left the knife butcher gang finally lost their courage to resist, and they broke up. As for the blood wolf gang, they now have no way to ignore it …

Looking at the fleeing knife butcher gang, Lin moved a frown, and was about to chase after him, a blur of light and light suddenly flashed, and then rushed into his palm.

“Don’t chase, that guy is finished.”

When he heard Xiao Marten’s voice, Lin moved for a moment, and then he felt something more in his hands, and glanced down, his pupils suddenly tightened, and in his hands, a pigeon-sized Yuandan lay down. !!

“Yuan Dan of Song Dao!”

Seeing this familiar Yuan Dan, even if Lin Dongdang took a breath of air, and then took it back into the bag, and lost Yuan Dan, Song Dan might not be able to get out of the Tianyan Mountains.

“Okay, you were really defeated by that guy …” Qian Ying flashed in front of him, Lin Ke’er stepped on the broken ice sword and hovered slowly in front of Lin Dong, his blue eyes, It was flashing with some surprise colors, she really didn’t expect that Lin Dong actually repelled Song Dao …

Of course, it wasn’t just her who was shocked and misled. Xuan Su and Yu Shou were also covering her mouth, and the shocked expression on the cheeky face could not be concealed.

Lin Dong, with his own strength, defeated a strong and successful Yuandan Realm!

On Xuan Su’s side, Xia Linglan looked at Lin Dong with strange eyes. She still remembered that Lin Dong was still burned by a Wei Tong about half a year ago, but now … he has It is the strong who can defeat the great consummation!

What kind of cultivation speed is this?

Until now, Xia Yelan only fully understood why Xuan Su and Xia Wanjin both valued Lin Dong so much. It turns out that this guy … is a freak!

For those amazing eyes, Lin Dong just smiled. He knew it. If it wasn’t for Xiao Min’s weird shot and forcibly took Song Dan’s Yuan Dan, I am afraid he can still retreat from his whole body. As for those injuries, Resting for a period of time may be able to recover.

It’s just now … this guy is considered completely obsolete.

Lin’s palm gently touched the Qiankun bag in his sleeve, and then his eyes turned to the already who stopped his hand and looked extremely irony, Yue Shan, smiling with a smile.

“Yueshan Gang master, do you still want to kill me now?”


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