Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 100: Sky demon marten

Chapter One Hundred-Day Demon Marten


Lin Dong looked at the black mouse, which looked like a slap, with a miserable look. He was surprised and lost his voice. He obviously did not expect that this thing hidden in the space of Shifu would be a mouse.

“Jack, you are a mouse!”

When Lin Dong heard this shock, the hair of the black mouse was all upright, and his small eyes stared at Lin Dong with anger, but he uttered words!

“A mouse that can talk?” Lin Dong was also startled by the black mouse. He looked at this little thing with strange eyes. This was the first time he saw a mouse that could talk.

“Your unexplained jerk, uncle is a sable sable, not a mouse!” He heard Lin Dong still call it a mouse, and the “black mouse” suddenly said sharply.

“Tianxiu Marten …” Seeing the rat’s desperate look, Lin moved and nodded silently, the name was domineering, but now this thing really looks like an ordinary black mouse.

“Well, I don’t care if you are a sable or a sable, you tell me why you are here!” Some previous tensions, already downplayed a lot at this moment, Lin Dong found this “Fairy Queen Marten” There seemed to be no power, otherwise he would not be caught by him.

“Boy, what do you mean I’m here? I’m the master of this stone rune, I’m not here, where?” The little black marten’s small eyes flashed, two paws clasped in his chest, said.

“You are the owner of Shifu?” Lin moved for a moment, then stared down and stared at the black little marten seriously. Under his gaze, the little marten immediately took a few steps of retreats and was ready to turn around. Run away.

“You’re not the owner of Shifu.” Looking at the little black marten for a moment, Lin shook his head. Although the little marten may be a little unusual, he intuitively told him that this guy was lying.

“Do n’t believe it, boy, now Shifu is in your hands, you have to go in here, but we do n’t make rivers, and Mink does n’t interfere with you, so do n’t disturb Mink!” Put aside, said.

Lin Dong leaned his head slightly, stared at the little marten, and suddenly said, “You seem to be afraid of me?”

“Haha, haha ​​…”

I heard that the black little marten had his claws on his waist and laughed like a sky laughter, as if he heard something very ridiculous.

When he saw this, Lin Dong smiled slightly, and a “needling needle” in front of him gathered again.


At the time when “Hua Shen Pin” was condensed, the laughing little marten snorted far away, his small eyes stared at Lin Dong nervously, and screamed: ” What do you want to do? “

The sound dropped. When it saw Lin Dong’s ridiculous complexion, he came back suddenly, and suddenly hesitated angrily, then walked slowly to a safe distance from Lin Dong. Sitting down, he said, “Boy, what exactly do you want to do? Although Mink is just a demon now, but you don’t want to mess with Mink. Otherwise, everyone will have no good fruit.”

“Fairy spirit …”

Listening to this, Lin Dong’s eyes are slightly condensed. It is said that only some powerful and extremely outrageous monsters can condense the demon spirit. Is this small thing that calls itself the so-called “sky demon marten” really? Can’t it have a terrifying origin?

“Should you wake me up?” Lin Dong asked suddenly.

“Cut, what did you wake up with? If it wasn’t for the” fire ancestor demon flower “, you wouldn’t see Diaoye for another 100 years, and if it wasn’t for the mink man, you helped most of the” fire ancestral flower ” The medicine has been absorbed, and you have already died cleanly. “Xiao Min said disdainfully.

“Okay, thanks to you that time, indeed.” Lin chuckled and immediately chuckled.

I saw Lin Dong admitting it so refreshingly, the little marten was surprised for a moment, and stared at the former with suspicion, and said, “Boy, do you want to numb the mink, then swallow the mink’s demon spirit? Right? “

“Will it be good for me to swallow your demon spirit?” Wen Yan couldn’t help asking curiously.

“Uh … no good no good …”

Xiao Wen’s claws waved hard. When he saw that Lin Dong really didn’t know these things, he felt a sigh of relief quietly. Now it has just been awakened shortly, and his strength is very weak. Even if it is Lin Dong, It can easily swallow its demon spirit, so it is prudent by nature to hide in the dark and not dare to show up.

“Can you tell me why you are here? Don’t flicker with me, otherwise …” Lin Dong looked a little more seriously and asked, when he thought of something hiding in the stone rune in his flesh, it was Feeling very unnatural.

“I said, I’m the owner of Shifu … Okay, just one of its former masters.” Seeing Lin Dong’s skeptical look, Xiao Min could only change his mouth and said, “I’m not getting this thing. How long, I will be chased and killed, and finally I can only fight to explode, the demon spirit hid in the stone rune, and finally far away … “

“Are you strong before?” Lin Dong asked with a smile.

“It’s so strong. You can jump to death with a fart like this before …” Xiao Wen waved his claws, seemingly casually said, but this made the forest turn. After rolling his eyes, he didn’t believe too much.

“Hey, boy, you do n’t know if you are lucky or unlucky when you get this stone rune …” Xiao Min’s pair of small eyes suddenly stared at Lin Dong and laughed strangely.

“What?” Lin said in surprise.

“Nothing, maybe you will know in the future, although your death has no effect on me, but for the sake of your bad intentions, I still remind you that this thing, do not let anyone know, otherwise, Hey … “

Lin Dong frowned, then nodded earnestly, and said, “Thanks for reminding me.”

Xiao Xiao pretends to swing his claws generously, of course, it also hides a lot of this. If Lin Dong is dead, it may indeed have no direct impact on him, but if the stone rune falls to the other then In the hands of people, then it is uncertain whether some guys will have thoughts about his demon spirit.

“Okay, that’s pretty much it. Just do what you do. It’s better to be Mink as before, not existence. In addition, don’t think that you have found a good helper. Mink will not help you. And can’t do it. “Xiao Mark patted his buttocks, and then he wanted to sneak into the darkness.

“Wait.” Lin shouted hurriedly when he saw the sly little mink slipping away.

“What?” Wen Yan said, Xiao Seng suddenly stepped back a bit, said.

“Since you were the owner of this stone rune, you must know something about its function, right?” Lin Dong asked. If there is a guide from the previous master, there is no need for him to fumble. .

“Knowing is knowing … But why did Mink tell you?” Xiao Mark rolled his eyes, said.

“First, I seem to be able to solve you easily …” Lin Dong smiled slightly and saw the nervous look of the little marten Lima, and then continued: “Second, we cooperate, and for everyone OK, I think you seem to be extremely weak. You guide me how to become familiar with this stone rune. I may find a way to make you recover faster, how? “

Hearing this, Xiao Ma’s small eyes Lima brightened, licked his mouth, and said, “I need an elixir that can recuperate the demon spirit, such as the last” Fire Ancestral Monster Flower. “

“That thing is very rare, but I will try my best.” Lin Dong groaned and said, “Do n’t you distrust me, now you do n’t have too many choices, and my strength is stronger to make it smoother. To help you find those elixirs that can raise demons. “

Little Marten was silent for a moment, but it was a lot sharper and said, “Say, what do you want to know?”

“Can this stone rune exercise Divine Strength?” Lin moved with a smile and quickly asked, as long as his fine Divine Strength can get the second seal, then he has the confidence to fight that Weitong.

“Yes!” Xiao Min thought for a moment, then nodded.

“But you have to endure that kind of suffering, otherwise it will be useless.”

“Take me there!” Lin Dong’s heartbeat accelerated slightly, without hesitation, no matter how much suffering he suffered, he must protect the Lin family!

“Come with me, this Shifu space is very complicated, but most of the things are sealed, but fortunately, you can still enter where you need it.” Little Marten nodded and immediately Turning and shooting into the darkness, Lin Dong hesitated slightly, but also clenched his teeth and followed.

In the dark, Lin Dong followed the Mink, and the course was extremely distorted. After a while, the Mink in front suddenly disappeared. Lin Dong was shocked, and when he was about to retreat, his In front of him, a pale white awn suddenly bloomed.

In the white awn, Lin Dong saw that two huge crystal grinding discs were slowly rotating, and a special wave was slowly spreading out during the rotation of that grinding disc.

“What is this?” Lin Dong couldn’t help muttering, looking at the two huge crystal mills.

“This is a mental grinding disc.”

Xiao Marble did not know when it came to Lin Dong’s shoulder. Its claws pointed at the junction of the two crystal mills, where the white awns condensed, even the space seemed to have a little twist.

“If you want to cultivate refined Divine Strength, just sit there, the grinding disc will completely crush your spirit, and then recover. In this continuous cycle, if you can boil it down, it will be very good for your refined Divine Strength. Help, but if you ca n’t survive it, it may hurt the spirit of the body and leave some great sequelae.

Xiao Wen’s paw patted Lin Dong and said, “If it wasn’t for your request, I wouldn’t really have brought you here, and I don’t know which metamorphosis this cultivating method came from. I tried it, and then I did n’t touch this thing. The kind of pain that was crushed by the spirit is not something that everyone can bear … “

Lin Dong nodded silently, looking at the crystal mill, struggling in his heart, and finally took a deep breath and thanked Xiao Marque.

“You don’t really want to go there to practice refined Divine Strength?” Seeing this scene, Xiao Min also flashed a shock in his little eyes, said.

This time, Lin Dong never talked back, just smiled, and then jumped into the light mass at the junction of the two huge millstones.

“This boy is also a lunatic. I hope you can survive it. Grandpa Mink has no intention to harm you …”

Looking at Lin’s behavior, Xiao Marble shook her head and sighed.


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