Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 40: The hunt begins

Chapter 40 Hunting Begins

With the approaching year, the lively level of Qingyang Town has gradually reached its peak. Within a radius of 100 miles, many forces have flocked in, allowing the traffic of Qingyang Town to reach The highest point in years.

Although the protagonist is regarded as several major forces in Qingyang Town, there are also many other forces involved in the hunting competition. However, the rivalry of these forces is not as strong as the four major forces in Qingyang Town. I just want to use this hunting game to make their family or village more famous.

But no matter what the purpose is, the hunting game in Qingyang Town is obviously the largest event in a few hundred years, and the younger generation who stands out from here, both for themselves and their families Fame will be greatly promoted.

The hunting time is set on the first day of the New Year, and the location is set in the beast corner field outside Qingyang Town. This is the most majestic building in Qingyang Town. Directly enveloping a jungle of dozens of miles, in the center of that jungle, there is a huge platform transformed from a small mountain peak, where there will be countless attentions, and the hunting champion will also be It was born there.

When the hands of time reached the day when hunting began in countless hopes, the atmosphere of Qingyang Town was undoubtedly boiling, and the mighty people gathered in the beast corner field. The landscape is so exciting that people can see it.

“Is this where the hunt begins?”

Lin Dong stood on a high platform and looked down at the dense jungle below. He was surprised.

Behind Lin Dong, all the core members of the Lin family are here. The leader, naturally, is the old man Lin Zhentian, and Lin Xiao, Lincoln, Lin Mang and others also accompany him.


Hearing Lin Dong ’s problems, Lin Zhentian nodded with a smile, looking at the former ’s eyes, full of smiles and comforts. Lin Dong ’s recent bulging made him pay more and more attention to this grandson. Recently, He even wanted to put forward a suggestion to teach Lin Dongwu in person, but this suggestion was rejected by Lin Dong with an excuse to concentrate on improving his strength.

With Shi Fuguangying, he didn’t need anyone to teach him martial arts, and in case he got too close, exposed existence of Shi Fu, it would be a little bad.

“The jungle below is directly connected to the mountains, so there are a lot of fierce beasts in it. Those who participate in hunting competitions will each receive a sign that identifies them, and then be thrown away. In that jungle, You need to rely on your own ability to escape from those beasts.

Lin Xiao on the side smiled, and then said, “In addition, when surviving under these beast claws, you have to find a way to get ten identity cards from others, so that you can have a giant step into the center of the jungle. The qualification of the station, hunting and hunting, is not just a beast, in fact, more, it is a hunter. “

Lin Dong was agitated. This hunting was not as simple as imagined. To obtain ten identity cards, it means that ten people must be defeated, so that he has the qualification to enter the giant platform. I can imagine that At this time, once these contestants enter the jungle, they will shoot each other. The scene is hot and extremely chaotic.

Also, when trying to capture the identity cards in the hands of other contestants, you have to beware of those beasts in the jungle. One accidentally, I am afraid that I will lose my life here …

This is not an ordinary trial and error experience, but a real danger to life. This screening has a bit of cruel taste.

“There are more than a hundred identity cards, that is, at the very least, there are only a dozen people who can finally reach the giant platform. Many participants in the hunt will end in failure. This competition, It’s also fierce. “Lin Zhentian lost his hands behind him, said.

Lin Dong nodded his head.

“Oh, with Lin Dong’s current strength, it’s just a matter of getting on stage,” Lincoln said with a smile.

I heard that the smile on Lin Zhentian’s face also became richer. In the first half of the month, he heard that Lin Dong stepped into the Nine Heavy of Queen smoothly. This practice speed is faster than Lin Xiao In its heyday, it was necessary to be strong.

“This time, the Lin family can get the number, it depends on Lin Dong’s performance.”

Lin Xiao heard aside, and a smile appeared on her face, and she patted Lin Dong’s shoulder with some pride and comfort in her eyes.

“Oh, Lin Zhentian, I haven’t seen you in a long time. It seems that your old bones are still so hard.”

Just as everyone in the Lin family talked, suddenly there was a laughter from not far away. When they heard this laughter, Lin Zhentian and Lin Xiao were all frowning, and the smiles on their faces were lightened .

Lin Dong’s gaze looked in the direction of the sound, only a large wave of people came, and the crowd spread quickly in the place where the wave of people walked. Fear.

In front of the wave of people, there are two people side by side, one of them is wearing a light gray satin robe, looks like Lin Zhentian, his eyes are deep, and he looks quite cold, while the other is one. A middle-aged man with a smile on his face always looks kind, but only a familiar person knows that this guy is actually a smiling tiger.

“The old guy is the patriarch of the Lei family, named Lei Bao, and the other is the patriarch of the Xie family, Xie Qian, these two guys are our opponents of the Lin family, not a good thing.” Lin Xia whispered as Lin moved.

Lin Dong nodded slightly, glanced at the two of them more, and he could feel the powerful power hidden in the two of them. If you want to come to these two, you should also be the power of Tianyuan Realm. .

Lin Dong’s eyes glanced at the two of them, and finally he was behind them, and there were two familiar figures, Lei Li and Xie Yingying.

It seems that Lin Dong’s gaze was felt. Lei Li and Xie Yingying also glanced at him. The former face couldn’t help raising a smile, and the palm of the hand moved slightly towards Lin Dong, which meant that, He still remembers the slap that Lin Dong owed him.

“Lei old man, rest assured, my old bones will be stepped into the coffin later than you.” Lin Zhentian looked at the two people near Lei Xie, his smile was very bright, if he did not listen to the voice If you look at the appearance of the two, everyone thinks they will be best friends.

“There are so many things to worry about, but it’s not easy to live long …” Lei Bao smiled slightly, glanced at all the Lin family members, and finally stopped at Lin Xiao, feeling the latter’s body spread. The kind of vigor and vitality fluctuated, and his frown wrinkled. It seemed that as outside said, Lin Xiao’s strength was restored again.

“Every hunting will lose a lot of color heads, whoever will change the psychological face, the heart is blocked, but some lives are not long.” Lei Bao beside, Xie Qianpi smiled and smiled.

Hearing the slight taunt in his words, everyone in the Lin family was angry, but was stopped by Lin Zhentian’s wave. His voice was flat: “I’m afraid this time, you will thank your family.”

“I heard that the Lin family has recently stunned a genius? Presumably this is it?” Thunder Leopard’s deep eyes suddenly looked at Lin Dong, and on his old face, he made a cold smile.

Being stared at Lei Bao, Lin Dong also felt tingling on his skin. This old ghost is really not a good thing.

“The dog has a small name, how can it be compared with the Lei family.” Lin Xiao stepped out, blocking Lin Dong in front of him, said lightly.

“Can you compare it? When the hunt begins, naturally you will have a conclusion. You Lin family just have to prepare this colorful head.” Lei Bao smiled, then waved his hands lazily, directly carrying people. Passed in front of Lin Zhentian and others.

Lei Li’s footsteps suddenly paused as he passed Lin Dong’s presence. He glanced at the latter and the Lin family juniors such as Lintan, Lin Xia, Lin Hong, and whispered suddenly: “Lin Dong, there are a lot of beasts in hunting, you have to be careful not to become something in the belly of the beast …”

The voice fell, Lei Li’s mouth raised a touch of forest cold, his eyes stared at Lin Dong like a serpent, and then Shi Shiran turned away.

“This **** is too arrogant!” Lin Xia and others looked at Lei Li’s back, and said rudely.

Lin Dong glanced at Lei Li’s back. He naturally could hear the words of intimidation in the other person’s words. On his face, a cold smile appeared and he murmured to himself.

“Who has become a beast belly thing, say now, I’m afraid it’s too early …”


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