Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 34: Lei Li

Chapter 34 Thunder Force

Staring at Xie Ting, whose cheeks were flushed with a slap in the face by Lin Dong, all of a sudden the noisy place became a little silent.

Since the silence lasted for a while, some people also looked back, and looked strangely at Lin Dong. Obviously, they were surprised by the latter’s decisiveness. Whatever Xie Ting said, it was also a beautiful beauty, but this identity It seems that he did not let Lin move with a slight hesitation.

“Strict enough, decisive enough.” Some people secretly commented on Lin Dong in their hearts. The genius that the Lin family just picked up recently seems to have some different methods.

Lin Xia and others also fell down because of Lin Dong’s actions, looking at Xie Ting, who was covering her cheeks with a look of stagnation and apparently not returning to God. Somehow in her heart, there was a surge. Pleasure, this stinky woman has always looked down on their Lin family. This time, Lin moved this slap, but it really hit people’s hearts.

A slap fan was on Xie Ting’s cheek, and Lin poked out his palm suddenly, grasping the strong wind from the burst, which was also a gravel, but the strength on the gravel, and Did not let Lin move his arm with the slightest trembling.

“You hit me … you dare hit me !!!”

When Lin Dong backhandedly caught the gravel that shot, the Xie Ting finally came back, the hot pain on her cheek made her body tremble, she raised her head and looked It was a bit stunned looking at the forest movement, so it looks like there is nothing like the previous toes.

“There is no cover, there is always a price to pay.” Lin Dong said a glance at her, said lightly.

“What kind of thing do you dare to hit me?” Lin Dong’s faint words made Xie Ting crazy, from young to old, who dare to hit her?

The pretty face is slightly distorted at this moment. The next moment, she also raised her five fingers and fanned her face fiercely at Lin Dong’s face.


Lin Dong stretched out his palm, grabbed Xie Ting’s palm easily, and just about to shake it, a bit of cold drinking, also came from not far away.

“I said, you should be enough, right?”

The strength contained in the palm gradually converges, Lin Dong tilts his head, only to be seen not far away, where a young girl dressed in fox fur is walking on the broken steps, the young girl looks quite noble, looks like Xie Ting is similar, but it is not as rude as Xie Ting is exposed, but for some reason, this girl who seems to be in good contact is frowned.


Xie Ting’s eyes suddenly turned red when she saw the girl who appeared, shouted.

“Xie Family and Xie Yingying.” When the girl appeared, Lin Dong guessed her identity. The one who is said to be the best junior in Xie’s family today, Xie Yingying.

“Your name is Lin Dong, isn’t it? Your previous actions were very bad. Sometimes, recklessness may cost your family.” Xie Yingying’s eyes were like autumn water, staring at Lin Dong, dull. There was a bit of coldness in the voice.

“Where were you when they bullied my Lin family just now?” Lin Dong loosened Xie Ting and looked at Xie Yingying with a slender figure in front of him, sneer.

Xie Yingying has a bunch of Liu Mei, just want to talk, but Lin Dong continued: “Do n’t say anything arrogant bullshit, in the final analysis, you just look at who has a big fist. Your Xie family has not seen my Lin family for a long time. It’s pleasing to the eye that if you really have that ability, you would have kicked my Lin family out of Qingyang Town. The reason why you do n’t have it is that you ca n’t do it. Or, you know, even if you do, you will pay a terrible price! “

“She hit my Lin family, I hit her, righteousness. If you are looking for a place, you just have to say those words, but it seems ridiculous.”

Lin Dong ’s remarks are sharp, but they are true. Many people around them nodded slightly. The Lin family has also developed very fast in recent years. Although they have not played with Lei Xie, they usually Some people who know the details understand that the strength of the Lin family is actually not worse than any of the two Leixie.

The two are indeed stronger than the Lin family, but the mad sword martial arts hall, which is also a tyrant in Qingyang Town, will not see this happen. After all, when the Lei Xie will solve the Lin family, Then, the next goal may be them.

So, the four major forces have always maintained such a weak balance. As for who says to destroy others, it seems a bit naive.

The words in Xie Yingying’s mouth were also directly blocked by Lin Dong’s sharp words, and his face was slightly awkward at the moment.

“Well, well said, whoever has the big fist makes sense.”

When Xie Yingying was speechless, a laugh sounded suddenly, and immediately a figure jumped down from the second floor, standing upright, so that the young people who were present felt a kind of pressure.


Looking at the upright man in a strong suit, Lin Xia and others’ faces instantly changed, and they rushed to the back of Lin’s departure with some worries in their eyes.

“Lei Li Brother!” Those people in Xie’s family were overjoyed when they saw him, and Xie Ting called out with joy.

“Lei Li, is he Xie Yingying’s fiance, known as the first person in Qingyang Town?”

Lin Dong’s brow was also wrinkled at this moment, staring at the figure, the person looked like he was about seventeen or eighteen years old, tall and straight, handsome in appearance, coupled with a confident expression on his face The smile is obviously a charm that other juniors never had.

“Yingying, let me do it.” Lei Li looked at Xie Yingying gently and smiled.

“Eh.” Xie Yingying smiled a little when she saw Lei Li, and when she looked at Lin Dong, the lip angle involuntarily emerged with a shallow arc.

“Lin Dong, right? Hehe, I agreed with you earlier, but you must first figure out, if it was not Zhi Heng, the Lin Family, it would have been driven out like a bereavement dog.” Qingyang Town. “Lei Li looked at Lin Dong with a smile, said.

“If the two Leixie didn’t get together, you wouldn’t say this sentence … you know, that’s if …” Lin Dong smiled lightly.

“Okay, you can say …”

Lei Li’s eyes narrowed slightly, he shrugged his shoulders, and then shook his fists lightly. There was a crackling sound between the bones. He looked at Lin Dong with a smile, and said, “You just said another sentence, I agree more. In the final analysis, in fact, it still depends on whose fist is harder. Now … Maybe my fist is harder than you. I wanted to take back the slap you hit. “

After hearing Lei Li’s words, Lin Xia and others’ faces suddenly changed. Lei Li is said to have stepped into the ninth weight of the quenched body. Even if Lin Dong had previously shown the eighth weight of the quenched body, that was also true. Can’t compete with Lei Li.


Lei Li obviously doesn’t intend to give Lin Dong any time to refuse. Therefore, when his voice just dropped, the soles of his feet stepped on the ground, appearing directly in front of Lin Dong, above his fists, with a strong luster. The surging and fierce wind made Lin Xia and others cheeks pale.

“Get out!”

When seeing Thunder ’s lightning shot, Lin ’s eyes were still frozen, his back bumped against Lin Xia and others, knocking them back, and then the crisp sound was almost in the square. It rang.

“Papapapap …”

“Tongbei Boxing Nine Rings?” I heard the familiar voice. Many people present were stunned, and looked at Lin Dong in surprise. Obviously, the latter was so young that he was able to turn Tongbei Quan practiced to its peak. However, if you want to resist thunder alone, this is still a bit difficult.


It seems to know what everyone else thinks. When the ninth ringing sounded, Lin Dong’s body actually heard a very subtle and vigorous voice again. This sound was not heard by outsiders.


The two fists, each containing a strong wind, suddenly collided in the nervous eyes of everyone, and an invisible air wave spread and opened.


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