The Amber Sword: Act 289 Sage Domain

It is a dozen miles from the edge of the hill to reach their location, but for this level of existence, this battlefield can only be considered narrow. It took the Ether Predator less than a minute to arrive near. In the face of these odd shaped weird creature, Fang Qi hummed into the battle first, and the stability of the ghost car Swordsmanship and Yulong Holy Sword in his hands. The manifestation was vivid and vivid. When he entered the battlefield, dozens of ether predators burst into blood.

However, Fang Qi didn’t feel good. He soon realized that these monsters are not only large in number, but also good in individual strength. They are not comparable to those miscellaneous soldiers seen outside. And the Elite inconsistently hidden in cannon fodder is a potential threat. Only for the first time, make a move, he almost lost the opponent’s calculations. A bone-covering plate, a monster like the smaller one devouring the hide, launched a sneak attack on him from a large group of “octopus monsters”, Fang Qi did not recognize that this was the famous etheric phage in Predator Elite, but If he hadn’t responded fast enough, the monster’s claws had almost swept his neck.

This thrilling encounter made him whole body broke out in cold sweat at once, at the same time completely calmed down, subconsciously leaned in the direction of Feng Huo and Mr. Liu, and dare not venture into it easily.

WFeng Huo and Mr. Liu also felt tricky. Little Princess in the Jadewind vein wore Brando to send her gloves at the beginning, and used returned to the wind and guarded one or two jade badges. With her actions, all The ether predators she attacked were all swept aside by a stream of air. Feng Huo also seized the master’s head and rushed to the neck of the shadow phage Mr. Liu. The golden flame spread from her fingertips, and the monster was screamed into ashes in a blink of an eye.

While these predators of the low level etheric world surged in like tide, the huge divine devourer finally arrived, although the face formed by a whole white bone plate had no features. But still able to make a loud noise to make everyone feel tooth ache howling. Everyone saw that the monster came out of a channel from the tide-like void predator. It waved its long four arms vigorously, and the monsters blocking it were thrown into the air, and some were still Its sharp talons are split in two, and the corrosive blood is flying around.

This horrifying ether, Thane, has no mercy to the one’s own subjects. This ferocious nature makes everyone shudder, and those powerful Elite instances are as weak as possible under the monster’s minions. How powerful it is. It is conceivable. Aloz knew that this thing could not be allowed to get close to Delphine, otherwise Feng Huo they couldn’t keep the line of defense. As soon as it appeared, little dragoness issued a low-pitched roar from the throat, and suddenly turned into the body, opening up to cover the sun Golden dragon wings, one claw waved at the divine devourer.

The sudden appearance of Colossal Dragon in the battlefield has caused a mess in the Void Beast. The ethereal Thane divine devourer seems to have noticed that the authority of one’s own is challenged, and roars again to meet Aloz. It waved one of its arms and swept towards Aloz. The claws of Colossal Dragon and claw-like claws fought together in midair, and it made a dull sound like a defeated leather. The Golden Dragon transformed by Aloz snarled, a claw left a long blood mark on the tentacle, and then slammed the dragon’s tail back. heavily hit the monster’s chest and abdomen, and flew it out. A group of Nether Predators were crushed to pieces.

little dragoness make a move has the upper hand and everyone is refreshed, but Brando has long known that this divine devourer will not be an opponent of adult Golden Dragon. However, Aloz is not a matter of time to win completely. The ether predators Vitality are extremely tenacious. In fact, they are similar to their similar demons born in chaos. Most of the means to deal with them are exile or deportation. To kill them completely, it takes much more energy.

Not to mention outside the borders of the elements, in this place where they can be called home, the etheric beasts can gain a steady stream of power. Even if killed in a short time, it can be resurrected after a period of time‘s “Hibernation”.

But this is not something Brando should consider. If no one interferes, Aloz will ultimately win. Certainly, as for whether this divine devourer will be resurrected, it will be at least a few centuries later. Maybe in that era, Dragon of Twilight has long been already no longer existence, or Vaunde already into a forever sealed history is not necessarily.

But he knew that Flova and the few Colossal Dragon behind her would not just watch one’s own‘s men fail.

He came from raises head and looked far away from the hills. Sure enough, he saw that the situation there had changed. To be precise, Flova moved with her several ‘comrades’ simultaneously, and Colossal Dragons was divided into two paths, headed by Flova, straight towards Brando. The other way is mainly three-headed Colossal Dragon, detouring to one side of Aloz.

Although the distance between the two is tens of thousands of meters, but for the existence at the level of Colossal Dragon, it is just a matter of waving its wings. Brando saw that there are four or five heads Colossal Dragon turned into The shape of the body, knowing that the other party was going to hit it with all its strength.

But how can he let the other party’s Ruyi scheme start?

Brando looked in that direction, Holy Sword Ordefeiss was still in his hands, but he didn’t see any action. Suddenly, the entire battlefield was quiet.

To be precise, the nine heads of Colossal Dragons scattered in different directions suddenly found that simultaneously was dragged into another completely different space-time.

This is a weird time and space.

It’s dark and quiet, as if in the center of the universe, between the pitch, but the deep Space is full of the stars’ light, which are hundreds of billions of stars and rays. Countless galaxies and nebulae are intertwined and emit ancient The constant glory This light is like poetry and clouds. It passes through the corner of each in this world and records the history between millions of stars.

This is the dimension of Time and Space. It is both broad and subtle. It is not immutable. It can bend on the each node to form a perfect closed body.

All creature trapped in it, imprisoned and exiled forever.

Colossal Dragons certainly understands that this is the power of the extremes, to be precise, this is a perfect Ultimate’s Plain. In fact, most of them are also leaders in the use of polar power. Few Colossal Dragon have not touched the level of polar status. Generally speaking, Colossal Dragons can reach this level as long as it is an adult. A genius like Flova can come into contact with a part of the power of Sage Domain, or go one step further. Like a legendary strongman like Russian Winrose, he can even embark on the real Demigod road.

But at the moment Flova also flashed a hint of fear.

Because of her, they suddenly realized that they had been fooled. The sly demon did not reveal the full truth to them. They suddenly discovered that they were facing the true ‘power’. Colossal Dragons refers to the power above the sages as the most real power in the world, because it comes from both the fire of the divine and the world itself.

This kind of power was never even understood by them.

That is.

What they are facing is a true sage.

This is the human youngster in front of me.

He is so incredible young. Even in terms of human values, he is just a young man who has just passed his teenage years.

Flova and the public Colossal Dragon seem to hear the treacherous laughter of Arkent, she frowned, even if you want to repent at this time, it seems to be a little late.

Contrary to the complex ideas in Colossal Dragons‘s mind, what Brando feels at this moment is an astonishment that is extremely surprising to him not because the power of Sage Domain has not reached him, but beyond it.

The absolute control of Space and time element seems to make him feel that he is the only **** in the universe’s first moment. It seems that as long as he flips his hands, he can destroy a universe and be trapped. The nine-headed Colossal Dragons in this Space is just a group of bugs.

Of course, he understands that this is nothing more than an illusion. It is a sense of self-expansion produced by ordinary people when they master the power beyond their imagination. The power of Sage Domain is very strong, but it is not strong enough to ignore the seven polar powerhouses and one and a half only step into the Flova of Sage Domain.

Colossal Dragons responded very quickly. As Gold race descendant, they are all outstanding warriors with deep knowledge of power, even tacticians. Without a moment’s hesitation, they simultaneously rushed towards the center of the universe, namely Brando.

The only master of Ultimate’s Plain is the person who controls it. Defeating its master is the only way to destroy it, and the consumption of such a complete expansion of the extreme is extremely huge, so the partial Ultimate’s Plain display will become the highest level of the extreme. An important symbol of the master.

The center of the polar realm is the strongest First Circle of this ‘plain’, but it is also the weakest First Circle. After all, if you can’t defeat its master in one shot, then it is a existence that you can’t imagine. No matter how you struggle, there is only a dead end. Therefore, many polar masters like to choose this kind of combat method in the battle of disparity of power crushing. For example, the Williams was the same as Brando.

But if you ca n’t stop the opponent from smashing your country in one fell swoop, then all your power will turn into a ridiculous bubble, because you already showed the strongest side, but still shamefully fail at this time, your All the power of Laws enlarges your weakness and becomes your Achilles’ heel.

…… (To be continued.) Mobile users please visit

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