Xiling Empire Chapter 890: Wind up

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This strong man named Tieke is right. In the current situation, the only way out for the “condenser” town is to go to the nearest big town for help, otherwise the town will fall into an extremely dangerous situation. .

The fusion reactor has been blown up. This shocking fact made many townsmen feel at a loss at first. They even failed to feel the fear. That ’s because such a thing is so incredible that it ’s so bad When it happened, ordinary people’s first reaction was not panic, but confusion. But now, some people have realized what dangerous things are happening, and Tekke is one of the first to realize the situation.

The fusion reactor matrix that is evenly distributed and hangs 3,000 kilometers above the ruined planet ’s ground is the only source of light and heat energy in this World ecosystem, because no one can master the use of a quiet energy reactor to provide stable thermal radiation. Technology, so these ancient fusion reactors have been in continuous operation for hundreds of thousands of years and are still irreplaceable. When the fusion reactor is extinguished and there is no possibility of maintenance, the entire northern hemisphere can be expected to usher in continuous night and cold, and the latter can be fatal.

The artificial atmosphere of these ruined planets is not enough for heavy, and their heat preservation efficiency is lower than that of the normal atmosphere. After losing the continuous heating of the fusion reactor, they will soon lose their heat balance. This is one of the worst. Due to the limited power of fusion reactors, in order to ensure an even supply of light and heat to the entire planet, hundreds of fusion reactors are actually distributed over a planet, and each fusion reactor is only responsible for providing “sunlight” to a small area below it. In this case, some of the reactors are turned off, and the area it is responsible for will hardly get any “sunlight” from nearby reactors.

The northern hemisphere of this ruined planet will be frozen by the cold wind in a very short time.

Of course, the big man named Tieke might not have thought of such meticulous things. What he worries about is what the simplest logic can deduce: If it continues to get dark, the weather will become colder, the food in the town will be insufficient, and the energy will not be enough Traffic in and out is also blocked. If you don’t take advantage of the food you can carry with you, rush to ask for help in the best condition. When the time is delayed, nothing will be too late.

The town of “Condenser” is just a small settlement with less than 200 inhabitants. When the iron sheet house was just established, it didn’t even have a name. It is impossible for such a backcountry to be able to fight ice. For the material reserves, it has no energy shield that can withstand the cold wind, and there is no lighting energy that can always be bright under the continuous night. This World does not have any reliable administrative management mechanism. The existence of the condenser town is only known to few people, and those people cannot come to rescue in this situation. In fact, it is not polite to say that even this town will be wiped out today. , After two years, no one may know what happened here.

Materials, energy, and food reserves against long winter nights are needed. Of course, if possible, people in the entire town need to be relocated to sunny places, but these things do n’t fall out of thin air. Iron The only way Keng can think of is to go to the nearest big town for help, that is, to make them aware of the existence of the town, even if supplies are not available, so that if the big city begins to organize a rescue of the winter night area, it will not be Leaked.

As for waiting for Dacheng to relocate a fusion reactor here … Actually, everyone knows that this is a good wish.

Senior Barnard certainly knows this, he agrees with Tieke ’s idea, but raises a very sharp question:

How are you going?

Stretching black to climb 17 kilometers on a cliff covered with steel debris? Are you Superman’s second uncle?

Tieke and Barnard are diametrically opposed to each other, because they insist on their own ideas. Because they are right, at this moment ca n’t convince anyone, and just when I ’ve begun to consider whether I want to personally help, But suddenly a white light came from near the horizon, interrupting everyone’s attention.

Near the distant horizon, the sky was suddenly illuminated by a bright white light, just like the dark curtain there was suddenly torn apart from above by a big mouth. Because the distance is too far away, we can only see the horizon here It was coated with a bright edge, but the specific Light source was not sure where.

But by speculation, this is probably the glow of the fusion furnace.

The white light outside the horizon is just the beginning. Soon, the same light was shining from the horizon on the other side. In all directions, the distant horizons that could be seen by the eyes began to be illuminated by the white light. After a while, Barnard reacted suddenly and rejoiced: “The fusion reactor! The fusion reactor in other places has been repaired!”

“But our fusion reactor is gone.”

Tieke poured cold water on the spot.

The white light outside the horizon formed a circle, indicating that the fusion furnaces in those places had resumed operation. After a few minutes, there was no flash of explosion in those places, indicating that none of the other fusion furnaces had encountered our head. The same doom.

When the surrounding sky is covered with white light, the ground at the foot of everybody seems to have become an abandoned island, like a round black spot on white paper, because the fusion furnaces are so far apart, The single power is not enough, the surrounding sunlight can’t take care of the place where the naked eye can see. everybody can only see the horizon in all directions as if coated with a layer of silver, as if the glory of dawn is gathering from every direction , Sunrise in all directions-but the sunrise will never come.

I do n’t know whether it ’s time to cry or laugh. The townspeople at the scene looked up silently at the sky. There was still only a dark sky above them, and the cold air came from all directions. The darkness and coldness of at this moment seemed even more Obvious.

A’Jun A’Jun, it seems like the wind is blowing!”

Shallow suddenly pulled my arm, shouting strangely.

Sure enough, as soon as I reminded me, I noticed that a gentle breeze was blowing around, and the direction of the wind was very chaotic. I could n’t tell from which direction it was blowing, as if I was constantly changing as I wanted. Slightly dipped a bit of saliva on his finger, lifted into the air and felt for a while, and told us very seriously: Now the north and south winds are blowing to the east and west.

“Wind up-the situation is not good, I even forgot this, Human Race can’t stand this situation!”

Shandora’s‘s hair was raised by the gradually increasing wind, looking at the small pieces of paper that were lifted into the air on the nearby street. She suddenly looked serious, “Everyone, leave the town immediately! Transfer to metal Under those cliffs next to the station! Barnard, are there any large settlements in the area where the fusion reactor that had been blown up in the sky shines? “

“There is a town of” Zhongzha “more than a dozen kilometers away, which is an excavation station, and then there are no other settlements. Thousands of kilometers are all metal stacks and there are almost no residents.”

Barnard was puzzled by the sudden questioning of Shandora, but he answered her question quickly. As for the townsmen to withdraw from the town, he could not understand what was going on, “Why leave the town? “


Shandora looked at the sky. In the deep darkness, there seems to be a giant that is gradually gathering its strength. That giant might be worthless to Shandora, but to ordinary people here , I am afraid it will be a general disaster at the end of World.

“In the beginning, all fusion reactors in the entire northern hemisphere were shut down, resulting in the failure of the thermal balance on both sides of the planet. Although it sounds serious, it is actually safe. On a large scale, the atmosphere has sufficient buffer space to deal with this imbalance, but now , The heat balance collapsed in a very small range … the atmosphere was heated unevenly, and the result would be a hurricane that swept through the entire thermal imbalance zone. You have all seen bonfires. Next to the bonfire, the airflow will follow the flame to the surroundings air. Heats up and accelerates the flow, and now the fusion reactors around the area are countless huge bonfires, and our head is the most large scale cold air mass on the planet. “

Shandora explained what is going to happen in an easy-to-understand way, and finally concluded: “With all the fusion reactors of surroundings continuously heating the atmosphere, we have formed a huge wind tunnel in the cold air zone, The planet ’s atmospheric balance is too poor, and this thermal imbalance will almost immediately cause a meteorological disaster. I am afraid that a hurricane will strike in less than forty minutes-now you should already be able to feel that the flow of air is increasing, This is the local inert air-conditioning mass gradually becoming active. “

Shandora’s explanation is clear enough, but the townspeople here are all miners, their scientific knowledge is probably very limited, so many people are still confused, but as more and more townspeople gather together, Shandora’s Warning It has been communicated all over the town, whether people can understand the truth or not, people’s uneasiness is really brought up.

And at this time, the wind direction in the air changed again, and the wind speed was instantly improved by an order of magnitude. A large amount of shredded paper and fabric fragment(s) were blown to the sky by the suddenly increased wind. Someone looked up at subconsciously. Those fragment(s)s flew higher and higher, and suddenly accelerated after flying to a height of tens of meters, whistling and being rolled to nowhere.

“Go inform everyone! Leave the town!”

Senior Barnard seems to have just straightened out the principles described in Shandora. at this moment looked at the obviously stronger wind at high altitude, his face slightly changed, and he immediately commanded loudly.

“Is this really possible? The wind is so strong?”

A thin, dark-skinned middle-aged woman tightened her coarse overalls. Obviously she did not want to accept this abrupt order.

“It’s not a normal wind.” I muttered, and Barnard frowned to look at the already cloudy sky. “What if it is true? At least go and hide, it’s no big deal until the time comes. Come back. “

“Someone needs to notify another town,” Tieke said gruffly. “The heavy gate is only 17 kilometers away from here. If there is a hurricane, it can’t hide it!”

The situation has changed dramatically compared to the previous one. At the beginning, help-seekers now have to take on the responsibility of rescue. The town of “Heavy Gate” absolutely can’t think of the hurricane about to hit its home, and the only one who knows the news is This settlement, which is less than two hundred people away, is more than ten kilometers away.

“I wanted to ask before, don’t you have a more convenient way to communicate?” Icetis glanced at Barnard, “This World even has spaceship, but you wouldn’t call?”

“Telephone? What is that?” Mr. Barnard was taken aback by the noun from Earth, and then shook his head awkwardly, “If there is a communicator, the town originally had it, but a few days ago It’s broken, we are just a metal sorting station, no one wants to spend time to build an information node here. “

“Okay, I can open the interstellar spaceship, but the wireless network has not been popularized, and this is the case with this wonderful World.” Icetis whispered, and then chatted with her God Clan note group, and went away. There is no point in trying to help.

“If there are only tens of minutes, there is no time to inform them anyway, but it is a tens of kilometers of cliffs,” said Lord Barnard with deep worry on his face. “Do n’t you just ignore it?”

“How do you do that?” Tieke immediately shouted out loudly, but after finishing this sentence, he didn’t have the following. Icetis and her gang of bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of the mankind gods still talked about the world, but the former was connected with spirit. I sent a message: “The concubine is suddenly curious, what kind of decision they will make in this situation, which can directly affect their overall race score, so you and the Shandora should not be in person until the last minute. Shot. “

“Rating?” I frowned, as if I understood why Icetis didn’t mean to help at all. This is not the bad taste of gods playing mortals, but there seems to be a legitimate reason, “What are you doing? “

“Is n’t this race already delisted by life shrine?” Icetis smiled, “But now it seems that you will definitely not leave this World, so the concubine should re-register them. But the procedure is good To do, some formal things still have to go through again, so use this test as a test for this race grassroots member. “

I am speechless.

Senior Barnard and Tieke are still frowning at how to notify the town of “Zhongzha”, the time has passed by one minute and one second, although the wind of surroundings is still scaring people from time to time, but Perhaps it is a psychological effect, many people feel that the air around them gradually stagnate.

The townspeople have gone home separately to greet the elderly and children of the family to take shelter under the cliff near the metal station. They only brought little food and water, and most people did not even bring an extra piece of clothing. Obviously, these people think that the worst thing that will happen is a strong wind. They also plan to wait for the wind to stop and go home to continue to live. This can be judged by carefully locking the door before they go out.

No one seems to believe that the strong winds will destroy their iron houses. If it ’s not the highly respected mayor who issued the death order, perhaps most people would choose to hide at home to avoid the strong winds. Now the only thing that is fortunate is that they still They all obey the command.

Seeing this scene, Shandora frowned, but did n’t say much, but only occasionally looked at the sky to estimate the time for the hurricane to conduct from the upper atmosphere to the lower atmosphere.

“It ’s good if there is transportation,” Tieke ’s big voice is particularly prominent in at this moment, “but we only have a suspension car that pulls metal scraps, and it ca n’t fall back to the” Zhongzha Town “by that thing, and There are no lights on the way. “

“Wait! If there is transportation, I have it at home!”

Just when two adults were at a loss for this, a young child ’s voice suddenly popped in, Glick.

“I have one at home, a high-speed flying machine!” Glick straightened up, and now his face was full of pride, as if he was about to become a hero, “Really, just outside my house … Ah, these guests gave me! “

After seeing that none of the adults of surroundings noticed themselves, Glick stretched his fingers towards us in a hurry.

The aircraft he said was a single-fighter fighter assembled by Dudu. At the strong request of Glick, Shandora and I did not take back the obviously non-civilian thing for a while, but now, it seems to be undertaking a great mission Too.

When the silver-white, streamlined shuttle-shaped aircraft hovered over the square, the people who were initially skeptical suddenly exclaimed continuously: Especially when the thing crashed down. Obviously Glick‘s skills in driving this thing are not enough, I should suggest that he use automatic driving in the future.

Yes, Glick will already be able to open this thing. Despite bumping, he can still allow it to perform basic flight control-do n’t be surprised, a 14 years old child learns how to make Xiling equipment work. In fact, it is not surprising at all. This is the trend of science and technology development. The more advanced things, the simpler and quicker it is to simply use it. All devices will tend to be simplified and simplified as science and technology matures. It may take years to draw bows and arrows. The training can only be done on the battlefield to kill the enemy, but it is much easier to learn to shoot. Human Race can basically do it except Hawking. As the most widely used grass-roots weapon, the single-handed fighter is extremely simple to use. Its intelligent system can even complete flight control based on fuzzy phrases. Yes, Hawking can be turned on, not to mention such a clever child as Glick.

Of course, the meeting is on the one hand, and proficiency is on the other hand. There may be billions of people who can pull the trigger on the World, but more than half of them may hit the feet … As for understanding the principle and The structure, it has to be brushed down more than one billion, so the high science and technology things are always divided into two levels, one layer is for users, and it becomes simpler with the development of science and technology, one layer is its true science and technology content, then It is for experts, getting more advanced. The things of Xiling Apostle go further in this trend, and the polarization is incredible: a 14 years old child can use brain waves to control the takeoff and landing of the fighter, but if you tie all the scientists of Earth together, they may not be able to understand Pandora. How did the sound of dripping in the belly come out …

Barnard glanced back and forth between us and the individual fighter with incredible eyes, and it seemed extremely confused, but no one explained to him, Glick was familiar with the actual takeoff and landing process of the fighter (before It has only done virtual scenes in the cockpit), this thing is not designed for the passenger cabin, so Glick wants to complete this task by itself: to warn people more than ten kilometers away.

“Let a child do this? I might as well go!”

Tieke said loudly.

I smiled at him and said, “Will you drive?”

“You will! Why don’t you go by yourself?”

Tieke is obviously a straight-talking person. After he said this sentence in a rough voice, he caused Barnard ’s dissatisfaction: “Tieke, they are guests.”

“I believe that the child can do it,” Onee-sama suddenly said, “He might be a hero. In addition, that thing is also very safe. It has an automatic driving and danger avoidance system, even if Glick does nothing. He will also reach his destination safely. “

“Okay, let’s not talk about this for now,” Barnard watched the Glick driving the fighter out of sight, and glanced at us indiscriminately. “There is not much time, hurry up!” To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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