Xiling Empire Chapter 602: Under control

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Commander, we have entered Jingfeng’s visible range, detected the enemy’s orbital artillery belt and defense forces, and no hidden troops were found.”

“Very well, the Queen of the Free Kingdom is just a short-sighted woman. She thought that relying on some foreign legions to repel our first attack would be a peace of mind, really naive.”

The figure is burly and has a cold face. The man in the uniform of Gusta Commander has a winning expression on his face. Looking at the crystal planet that is gradually zooming in on the outside image, I feel a little relaxed in my heart.

“Thanks to those free light cavalry, their actions really helped us a lot.”

Next to this Commander is the adjutant who has followed him for several years. At the moment, the latter is looking at the information screen in his hand and mutters to himself, “But it is really surprising that the enemy did not set up an ambush. Even though Queen in the Free Kingdom is a short-sighted woman, the prime minister under her hands is very clever, and we have eaten more than once in his hands. “

“There is also a limit to clever calculations,” Gusta ’s highest Commander smiled slightly, with a happy expression on his face, “This year ’s shepherds do n’t know what nerves they are playing, they are very active, even fighting indiscriminately, the free kingdom. The Queen fleet that was blown up by the sky was attacked by the shepherds, almost completely annihilated. If it were not for the weird federal spaceship who suddenly strayed into their territory and became the force of the emergency support scene, even the pirates like the Captain Free Light Cavalry The regiment can remove the weak Gotak from this, and now they have been unable to protect themselves in the two sides. The unlucky guy in Neocolon should have been his huge credit-if he can be a little patient, wait If the federal spaceship is involved in the Captain Front. “

“We should be grateful to Brother Neokoron for his impatience,” said the adjutant with a smile on his face, patting the fart without any trace. “He obviously does not have the calmness and forbearance like you.”

“Well, that’s the biggest reliance on me to get to this position today … Ah, yes, Brother Gillian, I heard that you are engaged to your seventh wife?”

“Yes, Commander, when the victory returns, I will use the triumphant badge as a wedding dress,” the adjutant ’s face smiled with a ginseng and a prostitute. “After going back, I will go back to my hometown and get married.” /

“Well, Brother Gillen, why do we suddenly start talking about this topic?”

“… this must be the meaning of God …”

In the conversation between the two Commander, the huge Gusta fleet has gradually approached Jingfeng ’s defensive front, drawing the lesson of using the assault force to successfully break through the opponent ’s front last time, but unable to stick to it. Gusta sent a second time The invading army was larger than the previous one and the establishment was more complete.

More than a thousand bulky aircraft carriers and three thousand heavy battleships can almost rely on conventional artillery to turn the entire planet into ashes, and the tens of thousands of modified and assembled chaotic spaceships are difficult to command uniformly, but they have the ability to resist any The excellent flexibility of a single compile of the enemy forces, the annihilation of the first batch of Gusta invaders at Jingfeng, which caused a lot of shock in the country, but also returned valuable information, such as about The first-hand information against those mysterious federal spaceship, and now, those materials have been made for others to marry.

This time, the Commander of the invading army is obviously a well-intentioned guy. The amazing sacrifice of the friendly army has become a stepping stone to his success. Now the pope has given his own decree. It’s a great job.

“The attack formation is launched, the main battery is charged, and the mixed fleet is dispersed to the two wings, ready to meet the enemy space fleet!”

He gave orders that were quite satisfactory, and clearly took the absolute upper hand. This invading army Commander still chose the safest method of combat. Anyway, the strange defeat suffered by the previous army here still left him with a mind. Especially after knowing that the federal spaceship has an invisible ability, he has made up his mind that under no circumstances will the mothership formation be attacked in a hurry.

“Be careful of the enemy ’s ground troops after landing. The EFF cannot really be completely evacuated. They may have left all the ground units that were not used in the Universe battle on the surface of Jingfeng,” the adjutant beside him Remind yourself of Senior Officer, “The combat methods of those army are very strange, and the Soldier who escaped even …”

“Even announced that they were attacked by Magic, dragons, dead bodies, ghosts, and Doll?” Commander Haha smiled, “Of course, it seems that the fighting strength of the Federal Marines is really scary, even enough for devout believers to see nightmare The illusion in the picture, but do n’t worry, we do n’t need to occupy Jingfeng. Now I can tell you another personal statement from the Pope: What we need is only the gravity of the C165 star system, not including the humble little glass bead. Do you understand? “

The adjutant’s face has a startled expression: “We are going to destroy this precious mine star directly?”

Gusta Commander shook his head inexplicably: “Do n’t be obsessed with short-term interests, this is the textbook … Wait, Brother Nodavar, has the enemy ’s interception force been detected?”

“Report Senior Officer! The radar did not respond! The enemy ’s interception force did not appear! Those orbital artillery belts also did not respond to energy, and no defensive facilities were found on the surface of Jingfeng Planet!”

“Not right, not right!” Gusta Commander, who was still in the joy of victory a second ago, suddenly felt a coldness filling his heart, and immediately ordered loudly, “The warship retreats! The aircraft carrier …”

Senior Officer! large scale energy response appears on the surface of the crystal peak! Disorder signal received by the radar system!”

In fact, there is no need for the radar department to report, everyone has seen the abnormality of the planet with the naked eye.

The crystal-clear crystal planet is flashing, and a large area of ​​energy cloud appears out of thin air, as if adding a layer of atmosphere to the crystal peak, a planet is lit up as a whole, and it can still emit a bright light under the shine of stars This is something completely unexplainable from conventional science. Gusta ’s invading army Commander looked at the magnificent scene in front of him, and his heart was filled with shock.

It’s … beautiful planet.

The last thought flashed in his mind.

Commander? Commander ?!” next to the adjutant looked at Senior Officer, who had lost his mind, he did n’t know what happened, but he clearly felt that the atmosphere of surroundings was changing dramatically, and all his comrades were clearly here, Obviously everyone is staying in his job well, but he feels like there is no one around him, just like, surroundings, the people he knows are dead …

“Connect me to the parent star channel.”

In the continuous call of the adjutant, Gusta ’s highest Commander seemed to finally recover, then slowly turned his head and looked at the soldier beside him.

“Mother Star?” The adjutant was a little stunned, but a certain sense of vertigo made him unable to understand the current situation well. “Are you referring to the Holy Star where the Pope is located?”

“Ah, yes, I want to speak directly with the Pope,” a smile on the cold-faced Commander suddenly appeared, “help me switch it on.”

The lieutenant still feels inexplicable, because it ’s not the lieutenant ’s responsibility to help Senior Officer switch on this highest frequency of confidentiality, but he just froze for a while and came to the conclusion that this is just his Senior Officer who wants to show his identity. The author’s mentality made him ignore such an obvious anomaly so easily, in the strange sitting of the entire bridge, he switched on the home star frequency.

“Pope your majesty, I am honoured to tell you good news,” the adjutant suddenly panicked in double in the eyes, he followed this Senior Officer for several years with a stiff smile, saying one by one, “Jing The peak has been completely destroyed, and Gottak ’s frontier now belongs to us. Please open the door and send all our troops … “

Senior Officer? Senior Officer? What did you just say … wait, Commander! You … Commander! Brother Moss! Monk …”

“I serve for Queen,” Supreme Commander raised his arms, “Father Gillian, long live Emperor.”


The gunshots sounded on the bridge, and the adjutant ’s torn half of his head fell to the ground, and then rolled to the expressionless 2nd Rank adjutant ’s feet. The latter looked down and said to himself: “Ji Lord Len, long live Emperor. “

All of this was under the surveillance of the Federal Fleet. It was n’t until the adjutant fell to the ground that a slight booing sounded in the command hall of Al Light.

“Sister Shandora is terrible.”

Shallow face patted the chest a bit unnaturally, and then miserable leaned over and rubbed in my arms: “I will never grab cakes with her again …”

I did n’t say anything, I just patted the small head of Qianqian’s, and then poked Suigintou on my shoulder: “Xiao Shui, I will listen to Shandora’s in the future, do you know?”

The other person held my hand and tried to take a bite, but he touched his little tiger tooth, but decided to save a little: “You big guys are really psychologically distorted … hos, good Terrible! “

Although I feel that I should refute my at this moment for the image of lovers, I suddenly found that there is no way to refute …

Shandora, the name has gone back tens of thousands of years. In many World‘s reputations are used to stop children from crying at night. For example, if you don’t eat well Shandora, you will come to eat your soul, and if you don’t obediently brush your teeth, Shandora will eat you. Brain, Shandora likes to eat children who do not sleep after ten o’clock in the evening. Although these small messages from Bubbles’ make me think that the credibility is very low, because they are all related to “eat”, they always make people I have to produce a little “ah, maybe not groundless” sigh cough cough I am self-respected.

Anyway, now I have a little sympathy for those Gusta army.

“Do they really hook?”

Lily Na is one of the most calm people present. She is now reading the data uploaded by Jingfengxing, “There are still three hours before the beacon will be overloaded.”

“It will be hooked,” I am very confident nodded, “Gusta is bound to get here, see that it is clear that the whole planet is to be transformed into a heavy battleship phalanx of fragment(s). I can guess their ruler has enough confidence, but it wo n’t take long for them to find the anomaly that the head team is silent on most channels … “

Senior Officer, we closed the gravitational trap near the crystal peak orbit, and large scale gravitational disturbance was found near the high-level orbit.”

“Now even if they find anomalies, they are too late to run away.”

Everything is so smooth.

Of course, Gusta has follow-up troops. They have suffered a loss. It is impossible to put all the chips on one attack like the last time. Now the troops still resting on the high track of Jingfeng not only have destruction. C165 The mission of the galaxy ’s defensive force, at the same time is also the vanguard of Gusta ’s subsequent truly invading troops. Only after confirming that the defensive force here has disintegrated and that Gottak ’s internal organization cannot afford a strong counterattack force in a short time. Will arrive.

Now, their army is here.

“Yuan–” I whistled, “It ’s a big deal, plus the enemies we have controlled, Gusta even poured nearly 6,000 aircraft carriers into a star system at a time, even if it is a galactic level. Civilization, the number of troops is exaggerated enough. “

But such a large army can only allow us to win faster.

The second wave of the Gusta fleet entering the star system noticed the abnormality at the moment of completing the jump, because the destroyed crystal peak planet reported by their frontline Commander is still intact in space, Thousands of Gusta aircraft carriers supposedly in combat stayed quietly in high orbits, and the communication between the first head team was silent in the whole frequency band. The crystal peak orbits with no trace of engagement were filled with chaotic energy pulses everywhere. .

For a moment, these later Gusta fleets tried to enter a combat stance. We saw that the huge energy turrets had begun to rotate, pointing at the blinking crystal planet and the silent friendly forces, but this was only within a minute. Things, after a minute, everything is over.

The Shandora’s voice sounded in my mind without warning: “A’Jun, do you want to try again? I feel that I still have the power and the energy system of the beacon is in good condition.”

“That ’s the way to startle the snake, the carbon-based creature is not the same as the Xiling Apostle. These troops should already occupy a considerable proportion in the Gusta main force, enough.”

“Listen to you, now give Gusta a big gift-ah yes, A’Jun, did you meet Little Bubbles?”

I immediately remembered being caught by my daughter and rubbing on the latter’s face for almost an hour. Although to be full of is happy, if I can, I hope Shandora knows nothing.

“Little girl is very happy,” Shandora said arrogantly, “After exchanging control with Misaka20001, I just happily met everyone and hugged you. You are a good father Oh~ ~~”

No, if that’s the case, I think it should be a nanny who is more competent and has been playing hard to release the girl who has only been sentenced to prison.

We are still invisible, monitoring the Gusta army under control. They stayed here for about thirty minutes. Shandora collected all the available information during this period. Then, the huge invading army The fleet slowly accelerated and began to return to their homeland.

Six thousand aircraft carriers, hundreds of thousands of heavy battleships, and millions of warships at all levels, loaded with already ecstatic church soldiers and Commander who are loyal to Her Majesty the Queen, embarked on their journey to destroy their hometown.

“Ok, finally transferred to the plan made for the boss of the real dark emperor has successfully completed the first step, now, let us continue to the second step.” Lily Na jumped into the chair and patted her front lightly Hologram projection, “The EFF should be active and kick a foot behind the Gusta Church that fell off the cliff.”

These troops controlled by the Shandora mind can of course deal a heavy blow to the church of Gusta, but it is obviously not enough to rely on these troops to destroy a military empire with nearly a thousand colonial stars in a short period of time. We It needs to be plunged into greater chaos and panic.

“This is a good opportunity for the Academy Army to become familiar with the battle as soon as possible. Misaka10099 suddenly jumped out and loudly attracted the attention of my elder brother!”

A three-headed Suigintou sometime climbed onto the table and said bouncing in front of me.

“What is the Academy Army?”

I can’t figure it out.

“It’s the Suigintou legion, didn’t the elder brother think of it? Misaka10099 asked with frustration.”

I froze for a moment, scratching my hair: “I always thought you were called Mengjun.”

The Lily Nabo who was drinking soy milk next to him blew out: “Boss, do n’t bring your own brain-filled everything in disorder stuff into Real World!”

“You do n’t need to do anything anymore,” Onee-sama knocked on the table and caught our attention. “There was just a message from Gottak. It was Fina ’s message: ‘The church of Gusta is due to its arbitrariness and war era. The characteristics of greed during the period have made many enemies in the Xitian District. As long as its power drops to a certain level, a large number of small forces surrounding this landless land will swarm up. To divide Gusta ’s territory, Gotak has already Launched an intelligence offensive around Gusta, preaching Gusta ’s consecutive failures and the immense chaos that was coming. The Captain Light Cavalry had been suppressed by the Kingdom Fleet, and the battle in the Xitian District was now completely under our control, everything was handed over to Fina Just fine. ‘”

For a moment of silence in the command hall, Lily bit me with a spoon and tilted my eyes: “That mechanical Queen is quite intimate.”

Me: “…”

In the next few days, everything went smoothly according to our plan. The Gusta army who suddenly returned to the country attacked Gusta ’s military fortress with Threat 7 (is it a little more?), annihilating Any friendly army they encountered, these crazy troops since they entered the C165 galaxy destroyed the 53 military fortress planets of Gusta with full fire bombing and suicide attacks, and wiped out nearly one third of the country ’s territory. The left-behind troops even rushed until the Holy Star where the Pope was located was completely wiped out, and the madness of the last battle made those who just heard the news shudder, no army can be like those “rebels” It ’s as intrepid as fearing death, no, not even invincible. The method they adopted after they found themselves intercepted by several times of defensive forces and hopeless of victory was frightening: the remaining 422 aircraft carriers were Loaded with weapons and energy, they collectively rushed into the atmosphere of the Pope, using the burning debris of spaceship to destroy the planet, including capital city. The main city, and the remaining more than 1,000 heavy battleships began to accelerate in the same second, rushed into the encirclement of the former friendly forces, and blew up collectively. The battle lasted only one hour, but it was the most incredible and the most in the history of war. In an incomprehensible hour, the Human Race fleet launched a lightning-like suicide blow with a higher synchronization rate and determination than AI when facing desperation. When all is over, the Pope is almost completely destroyed …

The broad masses of the people have speculated that what annoying things Pope student has done to make the millions of troops hate him so much, it is said that later speculation about this fact once spread to more than 300 versions, except for the original Suddenly point out believer, the ambition is slightly bigger, and there is no sin. Pope Gusta stiffly generated a model of the lower moral limit of all Universe intelligent creatures and a miracle of criminology. Its constantly refreshing personal crime record is almost showing that the Human Race species stands upright. The whole history of crime that has been walking so far … Of course, this is not our concern.

“They are just tools, tools should do their work with the highest efficiency.”

This is the only official response from Shandora to this incident. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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