The Amber Sword: Act 112 The Azure V

Feng Huo thought for a while. “Or it should be said that when he promised to take you to Madara’s, he did not tell the truth,” she frowned slightly like a willow leaf, “he had another attempt in his heart.”

“Thank you, Feng Huo Young Lady, but I know it.”

“Mr. Brando, do you know?” Feng Huo raises head looked at him, with a hint of doubt in his star-like eyes.

“I know his intentions. Just as he also knows my intentions, Insidolon is a smart person, he and I are betting against each other. This person likes the sword to go too far. As for his deputy, Gusta and him Quite the opposite. “


Brando stared at the door and continued, “He wants to have an emperor who wants to know that his emperor knows him well. They are natural partners, but this time I believe he can convince Gus Tower. “

“I don’t quite understand …”

“Simply speaking, what they want is what I have, maybe more precisely, the person behind his door wants these things. And he knows a few things that are on me, and he wants to put me Take it to Realm of Eternal Death and bet on Madara to deal with me. “

“That being the case, why did Mr. Brando still say that? If Mr. Brando has a good idea, shouldn’t that person agree with isn’t that so so easily?”

“Because we are not sure, we just believe that a person who can be recognized by Loki’s Mercury Staff will not be retreat on one’s own home. Insidolon also knows this, so is Gusta, so he will definitely Convince that Cyclops. “

Feng Huo shook his head in disapproval: “The Lord of a country should not be so hasty, especially according to Mr. Brando, it is still maintaining this huge country Stability and a unified bond, how can the one’s own subordinates be allowed to fate a country? As a bet? “

Brando did not answer this question.

Because there may be many answers to this question. It was just the closest guess, but he didn’t know how to explain to the little girl.

He sighed deeply: “If I’m not mistaken, this may be the reason why Correct has brought endless suffering to my motherland.”

When he confirmed with Insidolon that Madara invaded Aouine’s, he finally wanted to understand the problem.

Why does Madara have a crush on Aouine? Maybe it’s not just because of geography, because Madara also has better passages across the sea in Kermit near by. And in those places in Baishan, the order is ruled by Eternal Darkness, which is more suitable for Undeads to enter.

Aouine has a special meaning for Madara. I am afraid it is because of its special characteristics. It not only has the flame orb and Earth Sword, but also the mountains and rivers and Xinna, as well as the Azure Spear sky, and he and Lut are in the elemental barrier See the light of Holy Sword Saumur outside.

The other party is holding Mercury Staff and may not know the secret of Amber Sword. If the real purpose of His Majesty is also consistent with him, then everything makes sense.

Why did Madara insist on annexing Aouine.

This is the basis of his trade with Insidolon.

He knows that Insidolon should at least know that he has Earth Sword, and maybe he has got the soul of Ordefeiss. Although the news may be a little behind, this is already.

He also got the answer he wanted from the reaction of the opponent, which confirmed the one’s own guess. That’s why the two have their own pregnancies, and each has a clear understanding of each other’s true intentions:

If Insidolon leads itself to Realm of Eternal Death, perfectly arrange the next ambush. Take away those things from yourself, then Undeads completed the invasion of half for Aouine without any effort.

Perhaps they could work step by step. However, he deliberately showed the prophet, aggressive attitude in front of the other, in order to alert the Black Lord and miscalculate the difficulty of invading this small kingdom.

Now it seems that one’s own‘s goal is to achieve at least half.

The rest depends on ‘Travel’ within Madara.

Perhaps the Aouine’s crisis will be solved, and in the best case, you can get Mercury Staff. Worse. There is no way to escape, Brando is still very confident in his current strength. For him with Space-Time Element, no one in the world can easily leave him.

When it comes to Realm of Eternal Death, it is much more convenient to return at least Aouine.

Feng Huo aside he saw something wrong. Thinking that he saw the real thing, he thought of the one’s own motherland and quickly apologized and said, “Sorry, Mr. Brando, I shouldn’t bring up this topic.”

“It’s not your business.” Brando shook his head slightly.

But he didn’t even care about making the little girl feel guilty. She said with some firmness: “Mr. Brando, if Madara really supports ghost cars, I and Mr. Liu will definitely try to persuade Your Majesty to ally with you We have a common enemy. “

“It’s an honor.” Brando gave her a grateful look. However, he also knows that the alliance between Aouine and Nine Phoenixes is not something that the two of them can set up here. He may represent Valhalla, but although Feng Huo is expensive, she may not even be represented by the Jadewind royal family, let alone the entire Nine Phoenixes. Views.

Of course, maybe after she and Mr. Liu return to Nine Phoenixes, they can fully launch the one’s own identity and energy, but before then, he would not be able to stare so dryly.

At the moment, it is the most important thing to disintegrate the second War of Black Rose offensive.

The two are talking, and the door in front of them suddenly opens without warning, and a skull comes out of it. Two gray-white phosphorous fires in the black holes of the skull scared the Feng Huo, even Brando was a little surprised. He thought that when Undeads appeared on this human territory, it should be at least vampire or Black Knight is similar to the appearance of human undead.

The skull didn’t care about the surprise of the two, and said with a husky voice: “Master Insidolon let the two come in.”

It’s a bit disgusting, just like the natural rejection of undead by the living, and Undeads also has a natural hatred for the living.

Speaking, it opened the door and motioned for Brando and Feng Huo to enter.

Brando nodded.

After entering the door, there is a dark corridor, Brando’s has good vision, and soon I see the Soul Fire, which is lit in the dark. Each group of Soul Fire belongs to a skeleton rack, these bones are wide Skeleton racks are dressed in heavy armor like the lifeless Aura ornaments standing on both sides of the aisle. He recognized these things as Madara’s Crusader executioners.

This thing almost killed him in Rydenburg, but now two rows of this stuff stand in this corridor, but he feels no threat at all.

Don’t say him, even Feng Huo has not changed his face. As a swordsman with element manifestation level strength, these things are not much different from her big toys.

She seems to have no fear of black An Tian from ordinary girls, and her eyes are shining in the dark environment, as if born for this kind of environment.

Brando originally worried that Feng Huo might not adapt, but seeing her like this, couldn’t help sighed in relief.

The skeleton was leading the way one by one deep and shallow in front. The speed was not slack, but Brando did not have the patience. He narrowed his eyes slightly and extended one’s own Dark Perception.

But he felt that he had just spread out from the darkness about the environment and Mana Perception. He felt a sense of being snooped. He slightly hesitated, and then heard Feng Huo snorted softly.

“Mr. Brando … has a similar ability?”

“What?” Brando froze.

“It’s the eye of the sky,” came the voice of Feng Huo in the dark: “The heart of Jadewind teaches us to feel the world with our heart, so we can tell whether others are malicious, or whether we are using lie to blind our spirit / mind.”

“How did you tell that Insidolon was lying?” Brando whispered in surprise.

“Yes, does Mr. Brando have this ability?”

“It’s not the same as yours. I can only feel something through the flow of Mana, but it can also make my Perception sharper.”

After confirming that he was being spied on by Feng Huo‘s ability, he reassured and, while describing, extended one’s own Perception. However, he was very interested in Feng Huo‘s ‘Sky Eye’ ability. This ability is very similar to the ‘Spiegel Stop Water’ in Aouine White Raven Swordmanship, or ‘Deep Analysis’ he learned from Silver Elf.

But it is much more powerful than the latter two. After all, the latter two do not have the ability to distinguish lies.

He was trying to inquire about the details of this ability, in order to see if he could find a way to change this ability from the opponent’s hand, but at this time Correct, Brando suddenly closed his mouth.

He originally extended Dark Perception, just to guard against possible threats, because although he said that Insidolon would not play any tricks, who could guarantee that Black Lord would not suddenly have a brain blow. gutter overturning, naturally, the less the better.

But he didn’t expect that his extended Perception would suddenly penetrate the wall, and felt existence in the other room on the wall. He probably did not expect this Insidolon and Gusta to stay so close, maybe it was Because Undeads is too safe here, they don’t seem to have much protection and arrangement in the building.

So Brando immediately heard a somewhat strange voice.

“… Have you thought about the consequences?”

…… (to be continued …)

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