Galactic Garbage Station Chapter 795: Challenge

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After leaving the municipal party committee, Su Jing handed back the information to Wei Xiaoxuan and said, “You go to Municipal Hall, sign the contract, and then complete other procedures to start the construction of a garbage power plant as soon as possible.”

Wei Xiaoxuan froze: “Isn’t Secretary Shi still talking with the surname Ou? What if he chose the surname Ou?”

Su Jing smiled and said, “No, it ’s already settled. Secretary Shi had originally made an appointment with the surname Ou. It ’s not good to get rid of it directly. It ’s just perfunctory. He will come out with his tail later. Now. “

Wei Xiaoxuan nodded and smiled: “Okay.” She was not too surprised. After all, Secretary Shi‘s attitude towards Su Jing’s before, but she looked at it. It’s just strange, Secretary Shi is said to be not a Wang Family faction, why are you so polite to Su Jing?

“However, with Garbage Incineration Power Plant‘s technical experience, the Japanese really do lead us a lot. Should we dig the Japanese over and let him work for us?” Wei Xiaoxuan asked.

“You don’t have to worry about the technical aspects, just hire talents, don’t underestimate the talents in our country.” Su Jing shook his head, but in fact he moved other thoughts. In this regard, the Japanese technology is indeed ahead of us. Su Jing wants to get Japanese skills, so that I can worry a lot, but I don’t want to pull the Japanese into the team, Su Jing is still a little bit angry.

“You go through the formalities, if you have any questions, call Zheng Nan or find me.” Su Jing said.

“Okay.” Wei Xiaoxuan drove his car to Municipal Hall.

Su Jing got into his car, opened QQ, and sent a message to Su Ti: “Is the kitten free?”

“What’s free, what’s up?”

“I want all Japanese materials about Garbage Incineration Power Plant, can you get them?”

“It may not be difficult to get some information, but it is difficult to get all the information. I will try it as much as possible.”

“If you are given a helper, which computer or other networked electrical equipment do you want to invade, which computer or electrical equipment can he appear next to, and do some operations according to your requirements?”

“If it really works like that, then there is almost nothing that can stop me, but is this possible? Generally, it is a confidential place to invade, and he is wherever he wants to invade, and super spies are not so powerful. “

“I have a helper, it is so powerful, I introduce you to him, you cooperate and cooperate.”

Su Jing introduced to Su Ti, it is Luo Qilin, that current Stand User, in terms of spies, Luo Qilin is invincible and unsolvable, as long as there is electricity, it ca n’t stop him, and ordinary people ca n’t see Stand, he Investigations can be conducted at openly and without fear, almost any secrets are useless in front of him. The only thing that is a little difficult for him is the computer encrypted data, which is not a problem that can be solved by optical control, and Su Ti is indeed a master in this regard. The two of them cooperate and they are absolutely perfect.

After Luo Qilin and Su Ti knew each other, they began to cooperate. Within half an hour, the data of Ou Qingsong and the Japanese were thoroughly investigated, and even the more confidential technology was exhaustive. However, Su Jing doesn’t feel very satisfied. This is not necessarily Japan’s best technology. So, Su Jing made Luo Qilin go to Japan.

After the explanation, Su Jing was about to drive away, but suddenly heard a roar not far away: “It ’s too much to deceive people, it ’s too much to deceive people.”

Looking through the car window, I saw that Ou Qingsong and the Japanese had already come out. Their faces are very unsightly. Needless to say, they must have been rejected by Shi Yinhao. In fact, what makes Ou Qingsong and the Japanese unbearable is that the original Shi Yinhao had a very good attitude towards them, and even valued it. After all, they really wanted to develop Garbage Incineration Power Plant for a long time, and the data technology was very complete. Now, all of a sudden, his attitude changed sharply, and he didn’t even bother to listen to them. The only reason was that the Su Jing, which had been killed halfway, was disrupted.

“That kid hasn’t left, I’ll meet him.” The Japanese saw the Su Jing in the car not far away and walked angrily.

Ou Qingsong narrowed his eyes and flashed a bit of coldness. He was afraid that behind Su Jing there was Beijing Wang Family. Even if he hated Su Jing, it was not good. However, this Kimurai(Mu Cunjing) doesn’t need to give the Beijing Wang Family any face, so there is no need to fear Su Jing at all. Ou Qingsong is not blocked, and has followed up, ready to watch a good show. I heard that this Kimurai(Mu Cunjing) is still a master of karate, if you can beat Su Jing in person.

“Surnamed Su, you know that it is unethical to steal someone else’s business.” Kimurai(Mu Cunjing) walked to the car and said with a cold face.

“Fair competition, we Zhongyun City’s Garbage Incineration Power Plant, do you have to be opened by the Japanese?” Su Jing glanced at Kimurai(Mu Cunjing).

“A good competition, is it just a little relationship. I can tell you clearly, I have a lot of relationships, who is the waste power plant, it is still difficult to say, you are sure to compete with me Bleeding blood? “Kimurai(Mu Cunjing) coldly said.

“Broken head and blood?” Su Jing snorted, too lazy to fight with the Japanese, and started the car to leave.

For ignoring Su Jing’s, Ou Qingsong and Kimurai(Mu Cunjing) were both angry and scolded. They haven’t given up, of course, they have gone to work in places like Municipal Hall, Environmental Protection Bureau, etc. However, they soon realized that they are completely fantasizing what they are fighting for. All institutions, one by one, all leaned towards Su Jing. They didn’t even have the chance to intervene. They had prepared so much, and the bamboo basket was completely empty.

That evening, somehow, some news broke out online, or a war book, the content is probably like this: “Under Kimurai(Mu Cunjing), I heard that Chinese martial arts are profound, and I heard that Su Jing is one of the best, today I accidentally watched the video of his competition, but I feel that it is so, huh, Chinese martial arts at this level? If I think I am wrong, there is a kind of come to Jinghong Daoguan, and learn from me. “

Not many people know this Kimurai(Mu Cunjing), but this remark aroused the anger of many netizens, so it quickly became popular on the Internet. Everyone can’t wait to bruise this arrogant Kimurai(Mu Cunjing).

“This Japanese guy is really arrogant, thinking who he is.”

“A random domestic martial arts expert should be able to kill him.”

“I just checked the information, this Kimurai(Mu Cunjing), but the family of the pavilion is from a family, although it was later in business, and it was mixed with the wind and water, but karate did not fall at all. After the development of China, several karate gymnasiums were opened. “

“How do I feel that he not only provoked Chinese martial arts, but also deliberately aimed at Su Jing’s and had hatred against Su Jing?”

“Hey, who is not good to provoke Brother Jing, there is a good show now.”

Many people on the Internet who eat melons do not know the truth. They just want to stand up as a martial arts master and defeat this Kimurai(Mu Cunjing). Su Jing’s fans are a little bit boiling, and have spoken at Su Jing weibo to remind Su Jing that someone is provoking, hoping that Su Jing can defeat the arrogant Japanese. Of course, there are some people who are worried, for fear that the Su Jing will not be beaten. (To be continued.)

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