Galactic Garbage Station Chapter 682: New garbage

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Su Jing entered the overtime space Garbage Station. As always, a spherical vortex appeared in the sky, and a lot of garbage dumped down. Today, the internal space of Garbage Station has reached more than 1,000 meters in diameter. Although it consumes a huge amount of antimatter, the effect is also considerable. From 800 meters in diameter to one kilometer in diameter, the volume growth can be nearly doubled. This also makes Garbage Station more and more empty even though there is more and more garbage. If it has been 800 meters in diameter, it is estimated that it will not be enough soon.

However, I do n’t know when I will be promoted to the first level. At present, Su Jing only infers from the dialogue from the opposite side of the space-time vortex that Garbage Station continues to absorb antimatter and can upgrade this Garbage Station model to a level and become a true Garbage Station, but I do n’t know how much antimatter is needed, and to what extent will it be expanded to upgrade. Of course, Su Jing is not in a hurry, step by step, even if it is currently only expanding the volume is worthwhile.

Su Jing and the pets stayed around the garbage. After a while, the vortex disappeared and the garbage stopped dumping. Su Jing released spiritual force, scanned the entire pile of garbage, and found no creatures, then began to carefully examine the whole pile of garbage.

At first glance, the pile of **** contains tattered costumes, waste paper, lime soil, tattered wood, tattered pottery … Of these, nearly half of the **** is wet and some are covered with it Mud, it looks like garbage on the water’s edge. This seems to be **** from the ancient world again, but at a glance can not see which world comes from.

Su Jing started rummaging, sorting and sorting, picked up a few rotten wood and looked at it, just ordinary wood, worthless, picked up a ragged clothes and looked at it for a while, and found that it was just ordinary linen … turned for a while , Suddenly turned over a few large pieces of dirty stone bricks, each of which was more or less broken and broken, Su Jing rinsed them with water and found them appearance are white as jade, but there are some moss on the edge, and the bottom is stained Layers of yellow mud, which can’t be cleaned in a while.

“Oh my god, this seems to be white jade, and it should be first-class.” Su Jing was surprised. He did not waste his studies. He just read the white jade materials and recognized that this is high quality white jade.

White marble is a very valuable building material. It is white and flawless, solid and delicate in texture, and very easy to sculpt. It is used as a raw material in precious buildings throughout the ages. According to legend, China has used this kind of jade-like material to build palaces, decorate temples, carve Buddha statues, and embellish halls since the Han Dynasty. Because this kind of white and flawless beautiful jade was used as a building material from the Han Dynasty, people just said it as white marble.

According to the hardness, color, texture, cracks, iron nuggets, iron wire, etc., white marble is divided into several grades, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade. The ones on the market are generally below second grade. Yes, the first level is more difficult to buy.

These pieces in front of me, Su Jing dare to pack tickets, are definitely more than one level, or it is not enough to describe it with one level or special level, it is simply perfect. And these pieces of white marble seem to be used to lay the floor.

“This level of white marble is estimated to be at least 10,000 cubic meters, although it is far inferior to lapis lazuli, but at least it can be seen that the world from which it comes is rich, at least not a backcountry.” Su Jing thought , Put a few white marble tiles aside and continue rummaging.

Sometimes, I turned over to the wet rubbish. Many **** were soaked in water, covered with mud, and smelly. Even when it was picked up, it was already rotten, and it was difficult to distinguish what it was.

“The garbage by the water is the most disgusting.” Su Jing quickly went to put on a mask and continued rummaging. When he picked up a plank, the garbage underneath suddenly moved. At first, Su Jing thought he touched it, but after waiting for a while, the garbage underneath moved again.

“Wait, there are creatures?” Su Jing quickly backed off three meters and released spiritual force to drill into it. Such a large pile of garbage, rough detection can only detect those moving creatures. If there are creatures hiding inside, it does not move. It’s normal to miss it, so you have to be careful every time you go through the process. At the same time, the pets must be kept around.

Su Jing uses spiritual force to turn over the garbage that appearance will move, and then look inside. Then, he was stunned. There was a creature like a turtle. They were very large. The shell was as big as a door. It was almost round. The body was flat. The back was smooth and shiny. The dark olive green had most yellow spots. The neck and back of the limbs are also black-green, with irregular size yellow spots.

This turtle was pressed by the garbage and could not move. Presumably, it was originally inhabiting the water area where the pile of garbage is located. It may even build a nest in the garbage pile, which is usually hidden here. When the garbage pile was transported, it was also transferred.

Su Jing quickly opened the trash and rescued it. His head and two feet were injured, which was quite serious. Su Jing quickly ran Spring Leaf Secret Art, healed it, and then gave it a few Jade Fang Fish to make it quickly become angry again.

“I don’t know if this is a turtle, I really don’t know it.” Su Jing thought, took out his mobile phone, took a close shot of the back and head of this turtle, and sent it to paleontologist Ye Bo Take a look.

After a while, Ye Bo answered the phone and smiled: “A’Jing, did you go to Suzhou Zoo or Changsha Zoo?”

“Why do you ask?” Su Jing froze.

“Oh, you took a picture of yangtze giant softshell turtle, in addition to these two places, where else can it be?” Ye Bo laughed.

“So this is yangtze giant softshell turtle?” Su Jing suddenly realized that Ye Bo recognized it at a glance, and it seemed quite famous.

“You took a picture, don’t you know? Which one did you take? I don’t know if it was too close to produce the illusion, I always feel like I grew up a lot?” Ye Bo said.

“Is there only these two places for yangtze giant softshell turtle?” Su Jing asked.

“Of course yeah, there used to be one Hoàn Kiếm Lake in Vietnam, which died some time ago. Now the only yangtze giant softshell turtle known in the world is Suzhou Zoo, and Changsha Zoo, a total of two, which one are you shooting?” Ye Bo said.

“Yes … the one from Suzhou Zoo.” Su Jing‘s eyes widened, looking at the unremarkable creature in front of her, some were startled. It turned out that this creature was so rare that there were only two in the world. Su Jing had no choice but to lie. I could n’t say that I was n’t shooting Suzhou Zoo or Changsha Zoo, but the one I just turned out of the garbage dump. (To be continued.)

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