Galactic Garbage Station Chapter 511: It ’s too powerful

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“Will you still confiscate the wine?” Su Jing asked lightly.

“Don’t accept … Don’t accept, how dare you?” Boss Yang blushed and lowered his posture.

“Big Brother Big Brother, what happened?” At this moment, the three people squeezed into the crowd. The long-faced young man headed to see Boss Yang was grabbed and suddenly angry, but when he saw Su Jing, his back was cold. Even dare not step forward.

Su Jing didn’t even look at the three people who squeezed in. He dropped Boss Yang, Boss Yang fell to the center of gravity, and fell back to the ground. The long-faced youth and the others hurried forward to help Boss Yang.

Seeing that there was no spiritual force absorbed, Su Jing put away Demon Badge and walked towards Wei Xiaoxuan and He Jingdong, preparing to take them away. The demonic temperament was also put away. Everyone around you can take a breath.

“Brother, who is this guy.” The long-faced youth was angry.

“Do n’t say, this time we recognize it, we are not opponents.” Boss Yang helplessly said, Zhu Yihong and the others just came out of the box, he is not very willing to provoke, not to mention Su Jing is too terrible, even if it is really necessary Not an opponent.

“I don’t know what to admit, boy, you stand here for me.” A long face flashed on the face of the long-faced youth, and suddenly pulled out a small pistol, yelling at Su Jing, “Come, Kneel down for me. “

Everyone around was frightened, many people hurried away, but the long-faced youth shouted: “Do n’t leave anyone, just show me well and cause us to end.” This time, I wanted to leave No one dared to move.

He Jingdong frowned, Zhu Yihong and the others stopped talking. They did stand on the side of Su Jing, but the relationship was not so irony. People took out their pistols. They naturally dared not stand up again.

Boss Yang, are you sure you want to fire a gun for this trivial matter?” a tall middle-aged frowned.

“It’s none of your business, shut up for me.” The long-faced young man pointed his gun at the tall middle-aged man. His face changed slightly and he didn’t speak anymore.

Boss Yang opened his mouth, hesitated, and finally a flash of viciousness flashed on his face, and he stopped talking. Originally, he didn’t want to make trouble again, but when he saw the younger brother’s cruelty, the viciousness in his heart was also aroused. Today, he lost his face so badly.

Of course, Boss Yang does not want the younger brother to actually shoot, so it will be too loud. However, in his view, there is no need to shoot at all, as long as that Su Jing is not stupid, it will be a good compromise, who can not be afraid of shooting? Their pistols are generally not used to shoot, they are used to scare people.

“Come here and kneel down for me.” The long-faced youth pointed at Su Jing again.

“Stupid.” Su Jing just responded lightly. The face of Boss Yang changed, and the face of the long-faced youth also changed, and the face was more ruthless. “Shit, thought I dare not shoot?” He said, he actually pulled the trigger and shot at Su Jing‘s right leg .

Su Jing frowned slightly, his body suddenly hid to the left, and with a bang, the bullet hit the wall on the right leg of Su Jing. Everyone present was frightened and looked at Su Jing in shock. Was it just dazzled? Did the guy hide the bullet?

In fact, Su Jing is not able to hide the bullets, he has such a fast speed, but it is very easy to dodge before the long-faced youth pulls the trigger. That is a very easy thing. This long-faced youth holding a pistol does not threaten Su Jing half .

If the Su Jing uses spiritual force, it is even more needless to say, directly reversing the direction of the spiritual control pistol, or directly hypnotizing the long-faced youth, are all easy things. It’s just that there are too many people present, and certainly many people see abnormalities in doing so.

Su Jing took out Angel Badge, and immediately absorbed a lot of spiritual force. Just hiding from the bullet, it made many people present adore, and in their view, it was a bunker.

“Young man, how can I shoot casually, even if I ca n’t hurt me, it ’s always bad to hurt flowers and flowers. In this harmonious society, we ca n’t always rely on violence to solve problems. Everyone sits down and talks very well. Okay? “Su Jing said.

His words made almost everyone in the room almost roll his eyes. I just did n’t know who was flying the people by violence. Look at the terrible murderousness. It is estimated that violence has not been used before.

But in a blink of an eye, he actually played a good person. What makes to have nothing to say even more is that he has also changed, and he feels extremely sacred and peaceful.

Nima, this guy’s temperament has become too fast.

Even the long-faced youth on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, almost put down the pistol and talked about it. However, Su Jing used Demon Badge before, which made the effect of Angel Badge neutralized. The long-faced youth quickly reacted, suddenly angry and angry, and raised the pistol aimed at the leg again. Boss Yang was just shocked by Su Jing, and he forgot to stop the long-faced youth When I hurriedly shouted: “A Qing don’t be impulsive, don’t shoot.”

However, it was too late. The long-faced young man pulled the trigger again. Su Jing‘s footsteps flicked slightly, so he stepped away and took a step towards the long-faced young man. The long-faced young man became angry and chased after shooting Su Jing‘s shaking foot.

Su Jing‘s complexion changed, not because he could not dodge, but because he had a shot, he missed a big shot and didn’t need to hide at all, but according to this route, he must have shot on the Wei Xiaoxuan leg next to him. At this time, it was too late to use spiritual force. He had no confidence to change the direction of the bullet with spiritual force. After all, the bullet was too fast.

“Be careful.” While Su Jing was hiding, tentacles flashed away, pushing Wei Xiaoxuan away. In order to speed, the force of pushing out is also large, Wei Xiaoxuan flew out of the sky, slammed twice, and the bullet shot at the wall.

Su Jing stepped, cheetah shot normally, chasing Wei Xiaoxuan, and seeing Wei Xiaoxuan about to hit the wall, Su Jing saw this position, the light was dim, and suddenly a thin, almost transparent spider silk was shot in his hand, shot at Wei Xiaoxuan On her body, she pulled Wei Xiaoxuan a bit, making her a little slower. Whispering the spider silk, he caught up with Wei Xiaoxuan and hugged Wei Xiaoxuan.

“Asshole.” Su Jing was angry. After putting down Wei Xiaoxuan, he rushed to the long-faced young man. While grabbing the pistol with lightning, he kicked out the long-faced young man and hit the wall heavily. The left leg hit the corner of the wall, clicked and folded.

“Ah.” The long-faced young man fell to the ground, screaming again and again. Boss Yang and the others, hurry up and rescue. However, none of them dared to seek revenge on Su Jing, and looked at Su Jing’s, full of panic, even at the moment Angel Badge carried by Su Jing’s body. The bullets can hide, and it is extremely easy to hide, this person is really terrible.

He Jingdong, Zhu Yihong, the waitress, and all the people around them are all shocked and admired, this guy is so amazing! While Wei Xiaoxuan was shocked, he touched his waist, and when he just hit the wall, he felt something was pulling on his waist. No one saw the spider silk at the scene, because it was too thin and almost transparent, and Wei Xiaoxuan did not see it, but the pulling force was so great that she felt it.

“Huh? What’s sticky?” Wei Xiaoxuan touched the clothes, sticking something sticky, and grabbed it and saw it, a thin spider silk. Wei Xiaoxuan suddenly widened his eyes, then suddenly raised his head and stared closely at Su Jing. (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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