Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 191: Mo Jun Ye

Chapter 191 Mo Jun Ye

“So, you can’t have anything, she can’t have anything too! Plus her special identity of the magic house Princess, naturally more important than the owner of your ethereal constitution …” Cao Guofeng hummed It seems that it is a bit uncomfortable for someone who can actually bear on his apprentice and he has to admit it, can’t help but admit it …

“Just say the most important thing. If you offend her, don’t say anything else. In the future, you must have missed the colorful colorful fruit!” Cao Guofeng warned: “Because her father and her Mother, Correct is our ambassador for the management of the magic garden. “

“Ah?” Jun Moxie was shocked. I was going to offend the two people who could n’t offend in front of my heart, but this one is really not offending …

“By the way, you haven’t told me the name of the female ancestor? What does it look like? Only by knowing what it looks like, can I know what I know!” , Took the opportunity to inquire about the details of the woman.

“Female ancestor? You tired and lazy boy, you will be nicknamed, but it would be appropriate to use that name to describe that girl!” Cao Guofeng smiled and shook his head again and again!

“Don’t you say she can’t provoke anyone else? That’s not what her ancestors looked like. She looks ugly and handsome. I can’t see a girl, so I just stay away. It turned out to be something wrong with me. “Master Junda is now quite interested in knowing about this” girl ancestor “.

Ling Yao Yuan, the name is indeed more poetic. However, the most important thing is that there are colorful existence trees in it, and it looks like there is more than one. This is a super anti-class baby.

It said that already was a little disappointed before Master Junda, but …

He suddenly remembered the unique magical power he possessed–the power of the five elements!

Especially the power of wood that I have not used for a long time!

When you think of it, Master Junda almost laughs wildly! This colorful sacred fruit is in the hands of others, or it must take five hundred years to bloom and bear fruit, but in the hands of Master Ben … As long as there is sufficient spiritual power, Lao Tzu can make it bloom and bear fruit in one month. Sixty-five times!

At that time, even if these colorful holy fruits are regarded as ordinary fruits, they will be put into different patterns every day, and it will not be a problem to stand on the plate in the living room! Again, things in the world have never been imagined, and absolutely nothing can be done. Isn’t this proof again?

So, this Lingcao Garden is sure to go. Moreover, the defense there must be extremely strict … no matter how careful you are, if you offend this female ancestor, you will definitely have a lot of trouble out of thin air …

There is a common perception in both past and present life. As long as it is a woman, it is rare that it is not a chicken belly … at most, some women are more attractive …

If you offend this female ancestor and make a lot of trouble out of thin air … then you will lose more than you pay!

So if necessary, as long as the chick is fair enough … Master Ben can also consider selling a little hue, regardless of sacrifice … Although it may be a loss, it may be said to be a soft rice drop, But … if you want to lose a bit, let ’s lose a bit. Who is called a man? When it ’s hard, it ’s too hard to say. When it ’s soft, you can also drop it softly …

“The girl is called Miao Xiaomiao, and she wears a light yellow shirt all the year round. She is not only very talented, but also has nothing to say, but she is the first beauty of the younger generation of Phantom now! Not too close, but this is the best way to save yourself a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Cao Guofeng raised Miao Xiaomiao with a pitying smile on his face. Obviously, this Miao Xiaomiao is very much liked by him. This kind of compassion seems to have nothing to do with Master Jun.

“Miao Xiaomiao … the first beauty …” Jun Moxie suddenly thought of a possibility: I wonder if it is possible for Master Ben to have both wealth and wealth this time? Thinking about it, Master Jun, who has not been able to divulge recently, turned into a wolf directly, and almost shed water in his mouth, muttering: “Since it is so beautiful, then I will take care of her for a while , That’s … “

Cao Guofeng was furious when he heard his words, and grabbed his ears. He shouted, “Boy! If you dare to take care of her, the old man dare to promise you that you will be defeated by the magic house.” All the old seniors did it! “

Mr. Jun didn’t expect that he could unknowingly say something out of nowhere. This was a bit miserable. He is now seriously injured, and naturally it is inconvenient to dodge. He was caught by Cao Guofeng. You said that your old man is not good, it just happens to be there, it seems to be your own old lady’s caring all the patents in the region …

Besides the defamation in my heart, I heard Cao Guofeng’s ruthless sentence again and again, when the younger and grandfather became cold, he felt that the chrysanthemum was tight, the **** was twitching, and the whole body was sweating coldly. I’m scared …

Suddenly, Cao Guofeng thoughtfully asked, “Boy, how old are you this year?”

Junda Shao said shyly, “I’m eighteen this year … I’ve said that there is a flower at the age of eighteen … why do you want to hold a flower party for me?”

“Go!” Cao Shenghuang was so angry and funny that he kicked directly on Master Jun’s respectful hip. Jun Moxie whine, rushed out of the situation.

Cao Guofeng looked at his back and murmured: “At eighteen years old … it’s one year younger than that girl. If … it should work, even the old man would like to see it happen … but those two This guy has been looking forward to it for so many years, how can he give up easily? Apprentice, if you play it, it does n’t matter if you get in trouble, then do n’t cause the old man to come back that big trouble. No … “

Since coming out of the courtyard, Junda Shao felt relaxed all at once, without the supervision of a few old guys back and forth, surrounded by a lot of consciousness, there was a solace like a dragon returning to the sea and a tiger into the mountains, and there was a sense of relief. Freedom after a long absence.

Almost subconsciously, Jun Moxie involuntarily took the eighth step, and his mouth hummed as a Peking opera that no one can understand: “Remembering … the events of the year … how terrible, I am like … … The bird in the cage… it ’s hard to show wings, I ’m like a tiger leaving the mountain… I ’m lonely. I ’m like a south geese… flying away from the group… ”

While humming, Shi Shiran stepped out of the door, carrying his hands, shaking his head and shaking his head, but it was the first demeanor of Tianxiang in the past.

Behind him, two other middle-aged man faintly followed him, expressionless, following the steps.

These two are two named disciples of Cao Guofeng. At this time is responsible for protecting Jun Moxie. While the young and old are here, it is natural to change a name, surname Mo, Jun Ye.

Mo Jun Ye. Mo Junxie; there is also a layer of homophonic meaning … Devil also.

It can be seen that this evil monarch does not change his evil nature …

Walk slowly along the way and walk out of the slightly remote path. As you see it, it will become more and more prosperous. There are many restaurants in the street, the strings are pleasant, the bustling voices follow the wind, and occasionally there are hawkers. Sound, the bustling scenery is no less than Tianxiang City, Chrysanthemum City …

“Is there a city in front? Or a market?” Jun Moxie turned to ask the two guards.

The two looked at him and replied expressionlessly: “We have seven cities in the misty fantasy house. They are psychedelic city, magic city, purple fantasy city, golden fantasy city, blood fantasy city, heaven. Fantasy city, heart fantasy city. Here, including the places we just came out of, belong to the core area of ​​the misty fantasy house, heart fantasy city! Not similar to the ordinary, here a few miles forward, is the realm of secular people and other living … One of our main palaces in the magic palace is where we buy everything.

Jun Moxie foreheaded.

Another person said: “Young Master comes from outside the mansion, or does not know much about the customs of the government. Although the genus of the main palace of the government is above the worldly beings, it does not know people like ants. The various Young Master Young Ladys in the magic house also linger here everyday. Even most people are concentrated here, so the place is the most noisy area where the fantasy house belongs.

The meaning of the words seems to be pointed, and it has the meaning of reminding and warning. Presumably, he was instructed by Cao Guofeng. Don’t let this little man get into trouble.

“I see. Thank you for the notification of Brother.” Jun Moxie smiled and asked: “Yes, I heard Cao Lao mentioned the magical grass garden of the magic house before … this mysterious garden is there again In the city? “

The cold-faced man said: “Lingcaoyuan, … you better not to inquire.” He paused, and seemed to think that what he said was a bit heavy. Then he said: “Lingcaoyuan, but not in any city. … even, the garden is simply not in the space of our fantasy house! “

Jun Moxie for a while!


What kind of argument is this? Not in this magic house? Is it still in the Xuanxuan continent? What shall I do? stroll? go sightseeing? !!

“Not in the magic house? Can it still be outside? Is it somewhere in the Xuanxuan continent!” Jun Moxie squeezed his fist and asked.

“Naturally still in the area of ​​this magic house, but not in this space.” The guard stared at him for a while before answering carefully.

“It’s in the fantasy house, but it’s not in this space! What does it mean?” Jun Moxie meditated, and said, “Can it be said that there is one or more independent special spaces in this fantasy house? , One of them is used for the spiritual grass? And the name of that space is the spiritual medicine garden? “

“That’s about it. Young Master is really clever. It is indeed the natural talent of the ethereal body.” The two praised it lightly, but Jun Moxie sounded that there was no praise in their tone.

“It seems that these two goods are somewhat dissatisfied to me.” Jun Dashao snorted in his heart, and said, “It seems that I grabbed the two of them as soon as I came, and they naturally dissatisfied. But …… If you don’t agree, you can keep it in your heart. Now let me see, aren’t you asking for hardship? If Cao knows this, there will be no good fruit for them. “

The three men’s feet are not slow, and they came to the city in a blink of an eye; Jun Moxie at this moment is like Liu Ye entering the Grand View Garden.

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