Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 274: Heavenly windfall!

Chapter 274: Heaven Comes Down!

Eradicating the situation is exactly what it takes to make it difficult for him to ride the tiger: he carved already to eight points, and already is beyond his own control, but if forcible recovery is still possible, he is also planning to do something wrong. Forcibly retracted, at most he hurt himself!

But this stubborn kid is still gritting his teeth there! This can’t help but put an end to the cherishment of talents in the mind. As a teenager, I can resist such a point, and Jun Moxie should be the first one from ancient to modern times!

If you increase your strength, you will really be beyond your control. It ’s easy to get caught. It ’s not good. I ’m afraid the teenager in front of me will suffer a bleak injury that ca n’t be restored forever! Moreover, it will leave a shadow similar to that of the demon in the mind and soul, and you can’t go in for life!

That’s really hateful hatred!

Compare your heart to your heart. If you prevent yourself from having such a good disciple, but you are made a wasteful person, then you will avenge yourself.

Thinking of it, already decided to stop. Since the expert never showed up, I robbed Wen Cangyu and left! Presumably, when he came back, he should know that I was merciless. There should be no major events …

But at this time, I heard Jun Moxie’s extremely insane sentence! I don’t know if the life or death is at an extreme. The old man has been merciless to him from beginning to end. You are better, but the dead duck’s mouth is hard.

Stop anger, and subconsciously directly increase the power of coercion to the top!

Everyone in the square suddenly feels dark and shakes at his feet!

Even the high platform shook!

The aftermath is so powerful, you can imagine the pressure on all the people!

An unprecedentedly huge majestic force was pressed down instantly, and Hongjun Pagoda received all the bills and swallowed in. There are follow-ups, just like the waves of the sea, continuous, and like the waves of the Yangtze River, one wave is higher than the other! And Hongjun Pagoda is naturally not afraid of those who come, and sums up the heaven and earth psionic forces that are forcibly entered one by one in the most hospitable posture, and there is no waste!

Jun Moxie just felt that his meridians were going to be exploded …

It’s so cool, it’s so cool! …

It lasted for a while. Suddenly, the pressure on my body was inexplicable, and the source was suddenly cut off!

Stop the direct outbreak of Junmo Evil Qi, but after the outbreak, suddenly regret it: End! This kid must be finished! But already mobilizes the maximum heaven and earth psionic energy that he can load, and he must vent it, because this wave of heaven and earth psionic energy can not even bear his own body …

I managed to survive the first wave, and put an end to my hastily closing my hands.

But seeing that Jun Moxie moved suddenly, then slowly and slowly raised his head. His lips had clear tooth marks with blood stains on his lips, the corners of his eyes flickered, and his complexion was iron blue. Looks like dead.

But … but! But … it’s okay! It’s okay!

How can it be all right? how can that be?

Don’t look at the little monster in front of you, almost shocked and unable to speak!

Jun Moxie is on the verge of collapse. It is impossible to determine. Anyway, it is necessary to put an end to myself. Correct is about to collapse!

A 17-year-old boy actually carried the coercion of heaven and earth psionic power with the success of a middle-level lord! It ’s really sensational to say who believes such a thing! Is this little guy a human or a ghost?

Although the face is as indifferent as ever, already is a huge wave in my heart!

Sure enough, a teacher is a master! But such talents … are too dangerous!

Jun Moxie slowly raised his head, and smiled: “Du Zun, why … don’t you let me cool down? I’m not happy enough now, Du Zun’s means are strong enough, but unfortunately not lasting enough It ’s hard to be happy! What ’s the matter of half-way and waste? ”In his tone, with deep disappointment and dissatisfaction, it was like a sorrowful woman who was about to reach the climax but was poured down with a spoonful of cold water!

Resentful …

Testimony from heaven and earth!

When Master Junda said this sentence, he said it was 10,000 percent sincere words! It ’s really cool for a while. This opportunity is not like a century, it ’s almost a lifetime! It ’s almost the same!

But listening to the eradication of ears has become the most vicious irony. How can I get off the stage? !!

Stop the poisonous snake eyes staring at Master Junda, staring at it for a moment, suddenly snorted, and raised his hand without looking back, and severely chopped it towards the high platform!

A sharp blasting squeak sounded. At the next moment, Wen Cangyu on the stage was severely hit on the chest by a sledgehammer, and he slammed and flew with wooden stakes. The body cracked in mid-air, and the bomb blossoms were generally divided into countless free-falls, falling on the platform, under the platform, and flesh and blood …

No one will ever recognize that this flesh and blood once turned out to be the elegant and elegant Wen Cangyu!

Put out of the palm of your hand, 30 feet away from Wen Cangyu! !! Such a long distance, even an average archer, may not be able to shoot so far and so accurately! But put an end to such a raise your hand, split the palm out of the air, and even beat a living person to thin!

The Lord of the Dead is truly extraordinary!

Put an end to turning around and never look at Jun Moxie again. He closed his eyes slightly, and everyone in front of him could clearly see a kind of unprecedented thing that suddenly appeared in the eyes of this sacred lord. See the crazy killing intention!

It’s just that he was trying his best to restrain it. The palm just a little bit vented the crazy killing.

“Tell you Master, put an end to your visits! It ’s a pity that you are here. If you have time for leisure, you will come to learn from Gao Ming! People in Jincheng, I have taken care of it myself! , Young people, it is better to converge somehow! “

Don’t finish speaking, don’t look back, just move forward, Xiao Weicheng followed him, without saying a word from beginning to end, the two walked away. Wherever you go, the crowd is where waves and waves roll, and you can’t help but make way.

The back of the two flickered and disappeared!

From beginning to end, he never turned back, because he was afraid. If he turned back, he could not help but kill Jun Moxie here on the spot, or kill him directly!

Extermination can be sure. If Jun Moxie develops at this speed, then the title of the first master between heaven and earth that has never appeared since ancient times will fall on him! It is too dangerous to keep such a man with unlimited development potential and be an enemy!

But when it comes to killing … the consequences, even the Supreme King City, can’t bear it! Even if not to mention the mysterious and powerful master behind Jun Moxie, the heaven punishment forest alone is not the one that Supreme Jincheng can bear.

Siege to Lord Mayor, or if everyone did, dare to do it. But there is a premise: His Holiness Mei is not in the forest of heaven punishment!

If Supreme Master Mei is staying in the forest of heaven punishment steadily, who dares to go and beat her tiger’s beard? Don’t say it is above the top ten, one hundred times more, dare? No matter how many people, as long as they have entered the forest of heaven punishment, even if they can put an end to such peak powers, they dare not guarantee that they can live out!

If Zun Mei really angered the mysterious beast to attack, then it is certain to put an end to it, no matter which one of the three holy places is going to be razed to the ground!

The horror of heaven punishment, put an end to knowing. With a group of wild wolves, they can still fight thousands of armies, not to mention, the heaven punishes the forest for billions of mysterious beasts?

King! Is able to mobilize all the power of the sky punishment!

Jun Moxie watched the two leave, and almost couldn’t help pulling the ban. I rely, you just left? Too irresponsible? But … I haven’t improved yet! With the cessation of cessation, the Hongjun Tower in Jun Mo’s evil thoughts also stopped turning, and the contentment slowly dropped.

The benefits of putting an end to this indoctrination are really big! The strongest of the Lord’s ranks oppressed, the heaven and earth psionic powers transferred were not a small number! At least when Jun Moxie first worked, he found that it was a bit difficult to absorb the world Spirit Qi … This also proves that the Supreme Master Du has almost exhausted the psionic energy of dozens of miles …

How much energy is this?

It’s terrible!

Especially the final compression is like a mountain tsunami, forcing the heaven and earth psionic energy into the Hongjun Tower forcibly, this gift is not too thick!

If he is prevented from using these heaven and earth psionic energy to practice, he can use it, but I am afraid it is no more than one tenth of a million! Mobilization is one thing, but it is another thing to turn it directly into your own power! It’s like we can kill people with a knife but can’t make the knife a part of ourselves. This is the same truth!

However, facing Jun Moxie’s freak is completely different! Hugh said that putting an end to the psionic energy was only mobilized for dozens of miles. Even if he mobilized all the psionic energy in the world, Hongjun Tower would not refuse at all! It will still be fully received as it is, and there will be absolutely no waste!

The consequence of this cramming operation is that Jun Moxie’s meridians are full! Just after breaking through the fourth layer and still in the early days of the fourth layer, the monarch and dad are ascending as if they were sitting on an airplane rocket, as if held by a fairy under the buttocks, a bang, directly to the summit of the fourth layer!

A typical heaven and a windfall!

But such a good thing makes Jun Moxie very angry!

He can’t be angry! Because … Jun Moxie already feels that his fourth layer of heavenly energy already has reached the level of fullness of the meridians, that is, the next step is to break through the fifth layer!

But at this most critical juncture, we have put an end to it!

I rub, this is not fun! Jun Dasao scolded in his heart, he lost a lot of time, no matter how you should let me break through you and go again, this is good, to bring up the interest, but you withdraw before the climax comes! …

Good people do it to the end, send Buddha to the West! What’s going on? This guy has never thought about it. The psionic energy that was forcibly instilled by others this time directly gave him a huge benefit! It ’s not enough … you must know that the two sides are hostile …

Jun Moxie is crazy! With such a mood, he didn’t even notice or notice the fact that Wen Cangyu was smashed by a slap. All I thought was: how can I get this old guy back and let him do it again? This kind of abuse, Master Ben likes it too much …

Jun Moxie is very lost. Of course, he is about to break through but is interrupted. This kind of taste is really uncomfortable. But … if you don’t know about such things, it is estimated that the sacred road lord will drive himself to the smash road in an instant and say nothing at all …

Too depressed …

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