Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 148: Mei Xueyan’s grievances (1)

Chapter 148: The grievances of Mei Xueyan (1)

Mei Xueyan saw that he even accepted the difficulty of reaching the other side. However, he was slightly surprised. He couldn’t help laughing, and asked one after another: “Look, what about me?”

“You? Do n’t do anything wrong with my four major elements! You are a fool at all!” Jun Moxie is not polite: “Of the four major factors, you only have at most one point, that is, you are bold, and Still the kind of daring courage. But it’s just daring courage. If there are no other three points, it is the silly boldness in the saying! Just knowing that the stuffy head is rushing forward can be said to be useless! The four major factors are not good at all! That way, you can hope to spend the rest of your life. Now you are directly an object framed by others, tired of friends, and even the whole family! “

“You!” Mei Xueyan was so angry! “Nonsense!”

“Nonsense? You are also a smart person, consider it yourself,” Jun Moxie sneered, and said, “First say that the master of the top ten is blocking you, that is, the time you were seriously injured, I did not I asked you once? But I can conclude! In the end, you will definitely be seriously injured and escape, but the top ten masters of yours will retreat from your whole body. At most, you will let them suffer some internal injuries when you break out. Not to mention disability, as long as it takes a little care, it can be intact, isn’t it? “

Mei Xueyan looked at him angrily, her white teeth clenched her red lips unknowingly. The look in his eyes slowly changed from anger to sorrow.

“This is not a kind heart, a woman’s kindness!” Jun Moxie showed no mercy, and continued to criticize indifferently: “And you must have been seriously injured, or even nearly died, and exhausted your strength before reluctantly Rush out of the siege and get away; and those masters who have been let out by your magnanimity will certainly not be grateful and will not repay your mercy for mercy, they will only chase you more fiercely! So you go all the way Be merciless, and return to the forest of heaven punishment! Is this the whole process? “

Mei Xueyan turned her head in pain. Although Jun Moxie hasn’t seen or heard of it, he has said something right. She still can’t understand why. Everyone is going to participate in the battle to win the sky, all for the mainland, all for the sake of the world! Why do we have to do it in the same room? Kill your allies? Isn’t their ultimate goal this?

But I know for sure that they are committed to fighting foreign aggression and keeping the mainland as their highest responsibility! This is clear to you! Because those people, in the face of foreign enemies, are also desperate to spare their lives! Spill the blood on the top of Tianzhu Mountain, and keep the British soul between heaven and earth!

Why? Can they not understand the reason that this mysterious beast can understand? Mei Xueyan didn’t believe they didn’t understand it, but they didn’t understand it anymore, why was this!

Killing yourself and executing the Forest of Heavenly Punishment can only be the loss of a powerful ally in the battle for the sky! You will even lose a lot of combat power! Why do such detrimental things?

“Are you confused?” Jun Moxie looked at her indifferently. “Don’t you think or understand? Everyone clearly thinks of the same goal and has a common enemy. They should have cooperated sincerely and sparred with the enemy. Why?” But want to kill each other without a cause? Isn’t this hurting the loved ones and the enemies are fast? “

“Yes! Why? I really don’t understand! This question has been confusing me. Since the end of 10,000 years, my time penalty was not the vanguard of the battle to win the sky? Have you ever retreated? For many years, the number of Tianfu Beastmasters who have been buried on the top of Tianzhu Mountain has been so far? Thousands! I dare say that without the support of the Tianpen Forest, existence would not have existed in this continent. ! “

Mei Xue’s eyes spit fire: “But now, the three holy places must be punished with death! Why is this? Why?”

“You punish the Beastmaster with pure heart. This is hard to reach my generation, but this advantage of you is also your biggest lethality! Don’t hesitate to deny it, I will ask you a question.”

Jun Moxie’s eyes softened, but they still sparkled: “I didn’t know the first three sacred places and one fierce place after the first battle of the sky. But why not the four sacred places? But the three sacred places? Have you ever considered this? The Tianpu Forest has also made great efforts, and even the party with the most contributions, why ca n’t it be included in the Holy Land? But it must be named after the fierce? “

“This …” Mei Xueyan hesitated. She really didn’t think about it. Since ancient times, the Three Saints and one fierce reputation have shaken the mainland. Mei Xueyan has never felt anything wrong, but only take it for granted that no one dares to commit fierce punishment, which has created this time of nearly 10,000 years, and no human master dares to invade. Holy place for this mysterious beast.

But now when Jun Moxie mentions it, she suddenly remembers: yes, why? At the same time, the name list also contributes. Why do the other three have the name of sacred land, but the heaven punishment forest is a fierce land?

“You or all mysterious beasts have overlooked one point. It is very important that it is human pride! Or you can say an inexplicable vanity. To put it simply, at that time, already was destined The opposite foundation of the Heavenly Punishment Forest and the three holy sites! “

Jun Mo’s smile is very stingy: “This is a ridiculous psychological trick that considers itself to be ‘Orthodox’. Only today’s disputes!”

“Orthodox? What do you mean?” Mei Xueyan slowly took two steps back and slowly sat on the chair.

“Don’t understand yet ?! The so-called orthodoxy is … this continent, after all, is dominated by human beings, and human beings occupy the position of leader. All civilizations, all inheritances, are derived from human beings! Even if the mysterious beast is powerful, It should only be a vassal of human beings! But in the battle for the sky, it is your greatest contribution to the forest of sky punishment! No one can deny this. For the first battle of the sky, without the forest of sky punishment, the mainland already is an alien The world! This already has become the pride of the Tianpu Forest, but! … “

Jun Moxie’s eyes were scorching: “Even in the eyes of many humans who are taking part in or about to take part in the battle to win the sky, this is simply the shame of human beings! Because they rely on the help of a group of beasts to fight Win the battle and save humanity’s homeland and life! “

“But this history, as long as there is existence, can never be erased! As time goes by, it will be passed down forever! Only Temporary Forest is completely existence, this A piece of history will be wiped out in the wind by the wind! Generations only because they are not sure about the battle to win the sky. If they start to deal with the forests of heaven punishment, they will be hurt by both defeats and take advantage of aliens. This will continue all the way. But until Now, one thing is undoubtedly certain, that is, the three sacred places think that their wings are abundant, and the future battles to win the sky, even if there is no forest of heaven punishment, they can still win without worry! “

“So at this time, the tragedy of the heaven punishment forest is here! Birds do their best to hide from rabbits and dogs, and human beings treat their compatriots even more so, let alone to treat your mysterious beasts? In addition, it ’s a coincidence that the so-called fierce The land now has only fierce names, but no fierce truth, and it gives them the best reason! In this world where fists are big, do not feel wronged. History books are always written by the winner! “Jun Mo Xie spoke in a fluttering mocking tone.

“No grievances …” Mei Xueyan shook his head in an uneasy manner and murmured: “I am punishing the heavenly Kings of the Forest, the Beast Emperor Powers of the past, the ancestors and grandchildren, all spilling their own blood on the top of Tianzhu Mountain. I have always been proud of this, I never thought of it, and today I know that I have always been used as a tool … no wrong … why are you humans so mean? How can I not be wronged!

“You don’t really need to be wronged like this, because the three holy places will also disappear with the death of the heaven punishment! What are you wronged?” Jun Moxie sighed.

“Three holy places will disappear? How is it possible!” Mei Xueyan was really strange.

“The reason is very simple. Even if the three sacred places can successfully deal with the heaven punishment forest this time, they will definitely pay a considerable price. When the battle to win the sky takes place, the first result is that all three sacred places will fight Death, aliens occupy the continent, even the three holy places can not survive even those who have passed on the fire, the result can only be eternal smoke! “

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