Close Combat Mage Chapter 810: Grade improvement

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Chapter 810 Grade Enhancement

The nitrite, Yunteng and Wuye went to the mailbox to get the teleportation reel, and in a flash they arrived at Yunduan City. It’s hard to say that they are also the three bosses of a studio, and they are on a business trip to talk about such a big deal. The three of them will not be reluctant to reluctantly take a scroll. And it is Lingufeng who sends the scrolls to the three people. When I learned that the three bosses had to come to the Cloud City in person, I was a little suspicious at the moment. I wonder if it was related to the introduction of Han’s son.

Ling Gufeng sent the scroll and returned to the coordinate location to wait for the three bosses. The three of them did n’t send it to the meeting. He listened to it and learned that he was going to prison. After a moment of stun, he did n’t ask much. Lead the way ahead. These three people are the first to come back to Yunduan City.

Outside the Dungeon of the Cloud City, players of various guilds led by black index fingers and herdsmen in the cloud are still standing still. But everyone’s expression can only be described as listless. He has been thwarted by drunkenness for many times in a row, and he can still fight high. At present, there is no one in tens of thousands of people. Everyone is numbly implementing the president’s arrangement, and only hope that this matter will end sooner.

There is no one in this dungeon. Taking the wanted task to wash the pk value is a high-risk activity, and most players will not choose that method. Be brave, what to do, and wait for the pk value to disappear naturally. If you are timid, you will come to the dungeon and surrender the pk value.

The four of them did not know each other, and they were too lazy to bother to let them go in and out. The four passed through the crowd and reached the door of the dungeon. After paying the visit fee, they walked in.

“Bai Shi Jing Lun, do you know?” Nitrite asked Ling Gufeng.

“You should be able to recognize it when you see it.” I also saw Baishi Jinglun when I participated in the very anti-sky campfire before. The top characters of such games naturally need to take a few more look. recognize.

The dungeon is really lively, Gu Fei is to wash the pk value of the body, the task sits pile by pile, and the cells are stuffed one by one. The players in the cell are also numb. You don’t need to understand the situation. All the people who came in were drunk. They were all wanted and fallen.

When there are more people, there is a lot of fun. Players have fun, chatting, card games, gambling, singing, and art creation. The four of them walked down all the way and saw many players graffiti on the walls of their cells, writing slogans such as “Don’t die well if drunk for a thousand miles”. There are also talented people who draw sarcasm and irony.

Ling Gufeng’s scalp is a bit numb. He didn’t expect so many people in the prison. So many people want to recognize the unfamiliar Bai Shi Jing Lun is a bit difficult, the light in the prison is not very good.

I just shouted if I could n’t do it. Suddenly someone in the next cell called him: “Gufeng, Gufeng!”

Ling Gufeng quickly turned his head and saw Brother Yu standing in the jail and stretched his arm to call him!

“Brother Yu!” Listening to the valley hurried up, without saying anything, Brother Yu said first: “Is it looking for Besse, this!”

Bai Shi Jing Lun was also waiting for You Ge, and when people came, he also came to say hello, and Gu Feng hurriedly greeted the three bosses to come and introduce to them: “This is Bai Shi Jing Lun.”

“Long Yang Jiu Yang!” The three bosses quickly greeted each other. Although there was only a fence, contact was forbidden in the dungeon, and handshake was avoided. The two sides sat on the ground in this prison, and the negotiation was about to begin. You Ge glanced back, and another person came over. You Ge introduced to several people: “Water depth.”

“Long Yang Jiu Yang!” Three people are the same words, but they are honest, they are all big celebrities!

“Well, can I ask, who controls this efficiency leveling method?” said nitrite.

“Bai Shi, Han son did not tell you?” Brother You said.

“Ah, then you guys are …” The three of them were puzzled, looking for Bai Shi, but now Bai Shi Jing Lun was shrinking aside and it was unremarkable. This Yu Ge and Shui Shen sat down in front.

“I am an economic man of Best!” You Ge said.

“I am an assistant of Best.” Shui Shen said.

The three of them looked at Baishi Jinglun in wonder, and Baishi Jinglun quickly said, “I am Baishi Jinglun.”

“Cough …” Brother Yu coughed for a while, “Do n’t waste time, let ’s start now?” Everyone who has dealt with Bejing Jinglun knows that this kind of thing is definitely not good at it, so Youge, who is familiar with the various patterns of the game, and Shuishen, who is familiar with the studio, volunteered to help BES Jinglun talk about this, BES Jinglun is naturally very happy. The negotiations just started with a weird atmosphere, and started in a low voice in the eyes of many people.

Outside the cloud. Gu Fei persevered to complete many tasks. Whether the target of the mission is the Black Alliance or the Muyun Guild, he does not care, as long as the location is not too close to the city. In this process, the herd enemy and the black index finger in the cloud also sent a team to try to track Gu Fei. Gu Fei was also polite. If he could kill, he would kill. If he could not kill, he would run. Half a team of people died. Now it is no matter what the black index finger and the enemies in the cloud say, players will refuse to do the job of chasing Gu Fei. If there are too many people, they will not be able to catch up.

When the black index finger and the herd in the cloud looked at the situation, they simply ignored it. If you are drunk in a thousand miles, why do you love it? Players with pk values ​​all return to the city, and everyone guards several areas in the city in shifts. Players who level out of the city do not wear the guild Emblem, and they do n’t know if they are drunk.

Gu Fei also noticed that the other party ’s scheduling was refreshed from the coordinate refresh of the task list. Some targets are moving in the direction of the main city, and Gu Fei is not paying attention. Now he has completed a lot of tasks, but he has not paid them, so the pk value is still accumulating. It is now 468 points, which means that there are nearly one hundred. The opponent player died under Gu Feijian. As for how many pk values ​​have been eliminated, Gu Fei has been adding and subtracting before and after, and finally finally confused, and simply ignored it.

The drifting for Gu Feifa ’s name there has been soft, and there are hundreds of them. I have a message to Gu Fei: “Boss, are you enough? Your pk value is rising while washing. , When is this head? “

“How many names have you sent me?” Gu Feiling made a move, isn’t it convenient here?

Drifting is really convenient. He is a systematic roster. The number of people on each page is fixed. It is easily calculated by a multiplication, so he answers Gu Fei: “There are more than five hundred.”

“We have a lot of people who have pk value in Cloud City!” Gu Fei said with emotion, it is really different in the past. From this place, it can also be seen that the number of players in the game has expanded dramatically. Hundreds are so exaggerated with pk value.

“Okay!” Rafting has no strength.

“Five hundred words, I think it’s enough. Let me go to the task and see.” Gu Fei said.

Although it has the function of chasing the wind, but at this time, who knows what it looks like in the wanted mission of Cloud City, Gu Fei did not dare to care, and instead of chasing the wind heraldry, he used a customs reel and flew the moon night The city ’s wanted mission.

Moon Night City, Yun Zhongmu took a picture of his chest to ensure that he must be safe here. Gu Fei should hand in the task. When Yun Zhongmu said that he could do it, he directly occupied the wanted mission of Moon Night City. Gu Fei replied a teleport at this time, and instantly reached the task place, and skillfully submitted the task. The system prompts one after another with a continuous sound, and the rewards given by each task flew quickly! However, in this row of rewards brushed quickly, Gu Fei keenly caught the strange font, but flashed too fast, and did not see it for a while. After all the news flashed Gu Fei glanced, his pk value was finally washed out. This efficiency made Gu Fei a little bit stunned. He wanted to run around for the wanted task at the beginning. It would be an hour to complete such a few hundred, but now, it is so fast!

In this case, I ’m afraid I ’ll be faster than Daguai if I have the experience of doing wanted tasks in the future! However, it may be slower … Gu Fei shook his head and thought that the player ’s accumulated pk value was understood by him as a monster.

Gu Fei then began to look for the strange fonts he had seen before in the hundreds of lines of flashing message prompts. These fonts are more than one line, and Gu Fei also thought of what these are, which is a special reward. I have completed more than 500 wanted missions at once, and many reward conditions must have been triggered again.

Gu Fei pulled the message record back to the end. Sure enough, he quickly found this strange font. The first time it appeared: the wanted task was completed 400 times, and the rank of the chasing heraldry was improved again.

Gu Fei quickly looked through the coat of arms of chasing the wind, and was suddenly ecstatic. Compared with the 100% identification given when the grade was upgraded last time, this time the function is absolutely 100 times that of Practical-rank! Teleport, the new fourth function is still teleport, but it is chasing the target teleport. However, the system clearly indicates that the transmission position is random, but at least it will be closer to the current distance. In addition, each target can only be transmitted once.

“It’s awesome !!!” Gu Fei waved his fist. The coat of arms for chasing the wind is really a wanted weapon, but it can rise to this level. The first time is one hundred times, the second time is two hundred times, the third time is four hundred times, and the cumulative is seven hundred times. This is more of Gu Fei ’s accumulation. Today ’s task alone has completed more than 500, and the first reward is the first one in the message, indicating that Gu Fei ’s more achievements today can be converted into the next reward. . Judging from the increasing number, the next reward may be 800 times. Now that there is a wanted license, coupled with the new target transmission function, Gu Feizhen immediately swiped to 800 to see what a grade upgrade is.

Suppressing the excitement, Gu Fei continued to turn down the rewards, and the meeting did not really see it. It was completed 200 times in a row, and the quality of the boots of the wind chasing improved.

Shoes have a casual delivery function? Gu Feiqing couldn’t help but also began to fantasize. He raised his foot and looked at the upgrade of the boots of the wind chasing. There was no additional line of attributes, and the original attributes were improved. The original movement was +60, and the movement speed was increased by 35%. It became mobile +80, and the movement speed increased by 40% …

“How much has this improved?” Gu Fei was a little confused. He was not good at this, and compared with the reward of chasing the coat of arms, this reward did not make Gu Fei too excited. This is the difference between Gu Fei and the average player. If you change yourself casually, this reward is definitely more exciting. In addition to the wanted mission, the chasing heraldry is at most the escape weapon …

“There should be more!” Gu Fei’s impression is not only these two lines, continue to face down, and really turned over. The number of wanted players is 600, but Gu Fei’s wanted license has been upgraded by two levels due to the city battle rewards. This was originally a grade-up reward, which was converted into experience and money rewards.

Gu Fei’s impression of the rewards is in these three lines, but after thinking about it, I think there should be one more. The blessing of chasing the wind, this is also one of the rewards of the wanted task, on the condition that the pk value of 400 is eliminated, the completion condition of this series of tasks seems to double, and the promotion of the blessing of the chasing the wind is of course 800 pk. With his previous accumulation and the madness of today, Gu Fei feels that 800 points should be reached. I just felt puzzled and suddenly reacted. The blessing of the wind chased the pk value, and pk was not counted. Although it is crazy today, the pk value is all washed, but it is impossible to count here.

“It ’s okay!” Gu Fei, a new function that only improves the rank of heraldry coat of arms, is already very satisfied, and at this time, the pk value has been completely washed out, and she easily walked out of the wanted mission.

Moon Night City is chaotic at this time! The Tenth League will take action against the two major guilds, and the two major guilds will not be able to survive the big and not fight back! These two guilds were the leaders of the Moonlight City boycotting the 10th Alliance. At this time, they shook their arms and many guilds followed. But the strength of the Tenth Committee Alliance is still stronger. They were not the previous guilds of that year. Everyone shouted in the moon night city. Yun Zhongmu also made many friendship guilds outside. At this time, they joined the battle one after another, and naturally stood on the side of the Tenth Alliance.

As soon as Gu Fei came out of the wanted mission, two chasers screamed and chased and slashed past him. At a glance, the city is full of battlefields and white light everywhere. Gu Fei is excited! Quickly turned back into the task wanted area, check the task, cool! It is better to have a pk value of ten, Gu Fei wanted to get it, but suddenly remembered that it seems that it is not time for self-entertainment, a group of cloud city is still waiting for their rescue!

Thinking of Gu Fei’s reluctance, he left the mission again and was in contact with the parties drifting in the prison.

“Finally washed!” The drift at this time saw the drunk disappeared from the list with a pk value of more than 400, and took a breath. He was lying on the ground with the left handwriting love right handwriting handsome. The players who wanted to see this rising pk value at various wanted missions were also in an uproar at this time, and it was clearly going up and going up one by one, how could they all be eliminated suddenly! What is this means? Is there a bug? Players who do not know about Gu Fei’s rewards will naturally have all kinds of speculations.

Han’s son is still sitting in the tavern at this time, waiting for news of nitrite from their side. There was no coming over, it was Gu Fei’s news first, and asked him what was happening now.

“The situation? The other people are in the prison, we are outside the prison, what is the situation?”

“What vicious plan do you have next?” Gu Fei asked.

“Wait for the negotiations on the other side of the cloud city, it has been two hours, and there is no result.” Han Jiagong said.

“Negotiate? What kind of negotiation?” Gu Fei thought that the guild should be reconciled.

“Effective leveling method, find a cooperative studio, and then use this studio to give Yingqi a bit of color.” Han Jiagong said.

Oh? How did it happen?”

“I will know by then.” Han Jiazi said too lazy.

“What is this Yueyue City doing?” Gu Fei thinks that Yueyue City’s killing is so lively.

“Yunzhong Mu wants to fight with Yingqi’s people, engage in other people’s guilds, and fight with the whole city guilds. It doesn’t make much sense,” Han said.

“Where are the reborn amethysts? Yuezai them? What about Lan Yi?” Gu Fei asked.

“I don’t know, don’t you ask them directly?” Han Jiazi is impatient.

So Gu Fei asked the girls first. Many of the girls have never been to the Moon Night City. They thought they were going around. I didn’t expect that there would be so many nights here. So the girls continued to travel and ran to the next main city. Of course, they are not unaware of the current situation of Gu Fei’s group, but they also know that their existence itself is a weakness, far away is better. In the end, the slim waist dance stayed full of murderousness, which will follow Yunzhong Twilight Kill! But this killing is also a point of not knowing meaningless people, quite boring, as soon as I received Gu Fei’s news, I got excited and clamored to go back to the cloud city with Gu Fei to kill.

As for the two groups of Sakurazuka Yuezai and Lan Yi, there is no shortage of manpower to see Yun Zhongmu over there. Gu Fei did not have Lan Yi’s friends, but as soon as Suzuka Tsukasa received the news, Lan Yi with him also received it.

“Damn it, what’s the trouble? Back to the cloud city to do it!” Lan Yi shouted.

“Well, I’ll go back to see the situation first, you go on the road!” Gu Fei said.

“Let’s get together!” Suzuka Tsukasa said.

“I use fly.” Gu Fei said.

Sakurazuka Tsui scolded Sheng Niang, led a group of brothers, and angrily called Lan Yi, and set off towards Yunduan City again. Yun Zhongmu was also touched on the road. Although he hated Lan Yi, he also had a general impression of the wicked men in flowers, but he asked where they were going.

I learned that they were going back to Yunduan City, and Yun Zhongmu patted her chest: “You go first, and after I have finished cleaning up the debris here, I will rush over and help the Qianli brothers.”

Gu Fei has been drifting in the wild for a long time, but it ’s a good feeling to return to the Cloud City. He moved to the street and wanted to find a resurrection point to see what his opponent is now. Going upstream: “Hehe, Qianli Brothers wash pk values ​​so fast!”

“Where and where.” Gu Fei humbled quickly.

“How is the situation? Do you need any help?” said upstream.

Gu Fei was stunned, and the situation changed for Han Family. Han Jiazi sneered: “Did the wall head grass finally start to move? It seems that we are about to fight back.”


“I have seen the situation clearly against the current, and it is estimated that the sword without oath is almost the same. Let them take the initiative to post to us, this is what I am waiting for. You can really kill all the guilds by yourself. Are you? “Han Jiazi said.

“That may not be true.” Gu Fei was not convinced.

“You insisted on killing them for a few days or weeks, but that’s really uncertain. But the guys in the jail can’t wait anymore! Half a day they will kill the current and these old foxes will stand up to us. It’s a success. “Han Jiazi said.

“How about that? Work with them?”

“Listen to their conditions first, then make an appointment, and I will come back.” Han Jiazi said.

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