Close Combat Mage Chapter 418: Who is the target

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Who is the goal of Chapter 418?

“I see, I’m really waiting for the boss to brush it!” Suddenly, Mangmang suddenly said.

“Huh?” Everyone looked at her.

“Obviously, the news of the resurrection of some people in the Shatan pub has spread. These people of course all came here for advice.” Mang Mang said.

Oh …” The vast and reckless said slightly euphemistically, but everyone quickly understood the meaning, Gu Fei gave her a thumbs up: “It is worthy to come over.” And Fireball is also an old player, the response is not so rash and so quick.

“What do you mean?” The vast and reckless stared at Fei.

“It doesn’t mean anything, respect the facts!” Gu Fei said.

The vast recklessness is really speechless, because this is indeed the truth. At the beginning of the guild of the moon night city, if she found this kind of priest with resurrection skills, she would certainly lead the crowd to come and ask for advice. It’s just that when she was the most beautiful, Qianchen Guild was the only one, and no one dared to come out to compete. It will never be like Linshui City, now the guilds gathered outside the pastor’s college …… The countless reckless count, countless, anyway, there are already six or seven.

This scene also seems familiar. The vast recklessness froze for a moment, and when I remembered, I felt a little crying and laughing. At first, she was not such a crowd of men when she blocked equipment, but when she was forced to be chased and killed, it was really a situation that she was blocked in the pastor college: several guilds squatted outside the college gates with flags, and killed The vast recklessness. At that time, it was just a disobedient and indifferent person who didn’t feel wronged. Now that he knows the shameless behavior of Yinyue, I can’t help feeling a bit sad when I think about it.

“So many people are here, where is the pastor?” Gu Fei muttered.

The vast reckless man regained his mind and said: “I haven’t found it yet. I guess it will be searched all over the city. I will send it over as soon as I find it.”

Gu Fei thought for a while and said, “This intention is already obvious now. Jian Nanyou, they cannot be unaware, will they still carry the staff on themselves?”

“There are people in the warehouse too!” recklessly replied, she noticed these, it is because she had commanded these processes, and she was very familiar.

“Warehouse? Oh, I’m not referring to this. I mean, everyone now sits here in the priest academy and waits, if he gave this skill to others?” Gu Fei said.

“To others?” Everyone was startled. Obviously for online game veterans. They did not recognize this plan very much. In online games, trust between each other is often relatively fragile. Such a valuable piece of equipment, left to others to help keep it, is likely to become a ceremony to cut off the robe.

“What’s wrong, what’s wrong with doing this?” Obviously, Gu Fei, who just loaned two super gears to “make you prestige” to play with Fireball, doesn’t have the trust crisis of ordinary players.

“Drunk brother!” Fireball‘s face is full of the sad expression of my world: “Not everyone is as noble as me, and your High grade equipment will be returned so hesitantly. You just want to Changed someone else, for example Yuezai. Absolutely took the equipment and turned around and ran! “

“Fuck, how could it be!” Sakurazuka Yuezai filled with indignation, “It’s not the equipment of the lurker!” he said.

All contempt.

“I think it is still possible for those of them to do so.” Gu Fei finally concluded seriously. The experience of fighting against Jiannanyou with seven people makes him think that the behavior of these seven people may be shameful, but the friendship will not be fake. Moreover, they are robbing a party. This can also be regarded as a business group, and the resurrection spell may be collective property at all, but the priest can use it and take it in the hands of the priest. At this time, it is very normal to transfer it.

After listening to Gu Fei’s analysis, several people found it reasonable. The vast and reckless further added: “And now there are more people looking for them, but they are nowhere to be seen. I think they must have left.”

“So who will this skill equipment be in?” Fireball said.

“Rogue?” Gu Fei judged.

As everyone listened and nodded, the thieves possessed stealth skills, which is undoubtedly the easiest one to avoid chasing and killing. Putting precious things on him has the highest safety factor.

“Sneak thieves, this one is even harder to find!” Suzuka Tsukasa’s face was awkward. They don’t know if they don’t sneak, let alone become transparent people.

“You don’t have to look for it. If you can judge their next move …” Gu Fei said.

Blindly looked at the chaotic crowd outside the pastor’s college: “At this time, it is impossible for them to stay in Linshui City anymore, and they must find a way to leave.”

“But Linshui City doesn’t mean to leave, they have to take a boat. But they can’t go to the pier to take a boat, because there is exactly the site of the major guilds, so they can only get the boat by themselves.” Fei said after looking at the boundless recklessness, they just sat together in this boat.

“That’s it!” said to Suzuka Tsukazuki rashly, “Call the brothers out of the city. Then walk along the water bank. Don’t miss any places where you can find anything in the grass haystack and haystack. It is very possible to hide the boat. The boat that was found. Just pass the coordinates. “

“Uh huh!” Suzuka Tsukasa nodded again and again.

“Let everyone be more careful, beware of potential thieves!” Gu Fei said.

“Understood!” Suzuka Tsukasa has been listening to him, has long understood the spirit, and immediately sent a message to the brothers in the group to let everyone go to the water shore to find a boat.

“A place where something can be covered?” The immortal brothers in the flowers began to use their wretched imagination, “After this is opened, will a pair of wild mandarin ducks be lifted?”

“Wow, this is possible, exciting !!”

“It’s too exciting, let’s go!” Immediately the morale was greatly boosted, and Suzuka Tsuzuki nodded comfortably and said, “The brothers have already gone.”

Bai Shi Jinglun, who had not spoken at this time, touched Gu Fei and said: “Hey, our goal seems to be Jian Nanyou, isn’t this resurrection skill equipment?”

The eyes of the other three of them suddenly focused on Gu Fei. I thought that you also saw the money!

Gu Fei is calm and calm: “Who says my goal is skill equipment? This escape route must also be taken by Jian Nanyou! Finding the ship is equivalent to finding Jian Nanyou.”

“It turns out that is true.” Baishi Jinglun nodded, “But that skill equipment sounds very valuable, so it will explode if convenient!”

“Robbery? This is not so good!” Gu Fei wiped the sweat.

“Robbery and robbery party. This seems to be the first way you provided me with ideas?” Baishi Jinglun said.

“Is it?” Gu Fei recalled, as if this was really the case. In the beginning, he did indeed suggest that the Best Economic Group robbed and robbed the party. Later, it was Yuge who analyzed that the robbed party had little money. This proposal was abandoned. At this moment, Jian Nanyou’s business is still a bit oily!

“Uh, since this is the case, grab it if it’s convenient!” Gu Fei decided.

“In this way, the thieves union needs to keep people over there!” said the reckless mang.

“Would you like to go there?” Gu Fei said to Best Economy. Only the two of them can stay behind. Because the thieves will sneak, only they can feel it from the aura.

“OK!” Bejing Jinglun nodded happily.

“Then let’s go outside the city to find a boat?” Gu Fei said to the other three.

Everyone nodded. Then Baishi Jinglun went to the thieves’ union to ambush alone. Gu Fei and Fireball and the three of them headed out of Linshui City together. On the way, Gu Fei sent a message to the mercenary brothers: “What are you busy with, everyone.”

“Check work.” Han Jiazi answered. The five of them walked around the city at this time and saw the squad that was being searched around from time to time. They felt that their hard work was not in vain, and they were very pleased. And they acted collectively like this, but they attracted a lot of skeptical eyes, but no one hurriedly shot at them, because everyone decided that they were not these five.

“Look. There are five people, and their occupations match! Are they?” The first person who found it always said so.

Then after a second closer look, we will conclude: “No, it should be all men, no women.”

Oh …” Everyone looked at Han Family with ease. Of course, these are all happening in the dark, and the five members of the elite group are not aware of it. Going and going to the pastor’s college. The number of people was more than Gu Fei had stayed before. The president of the Qingzhai Guild, Dan Qingxianying, had also arrived, and the other guilds who arrived were negotiating nervously.

Jian Nanyou and his party, in their view, are already a plate of fat on the table. It ’s inevitable to be eaten, and it ’s not difficult. The question is, with so many pairs of chopsticks, who can hold them?

A direct fight, who picked it up? In fact, this method cannot be said to be unfair. The problem is that if this is the case, the priest will not die, and the guys close to the priest will be killed. This is not something everyone would like to see. It happened that the place was in charge now, and everyone decided to discuss a harmonious and unified solution together.

Looking at this group of guys with the mentality of wishing everyone else around them is dead, they want to sit together and discuss the problem with Yan Yue, Han Jiazi sneered.

“What’s wrong?” everyone asked quickly. Anyone who is familiar with Han Jiazi knows that although this guy has a deep mind, it is not a kind of indescribable mood.

When he smiles softly, it means you are unlucky.

And when he sneers like this, it means you made a mistake. And he is mocking your sb.

“Let’s go!” Han Jiazi didn’t have any interest in staying a second longer in the Priest College. Greet a few people to leave.

“Where are you going?” everyone asked.

“Go outside the city.” Han Jiazi said.

“What can I do outside the city?” Everyone was puzzled.

“Lin Shui City is in such a situation, Jiannan You can still mix it up? It must be a way to leave myself!” said Han Jiazi

“But they can still go out?” Wandering all the way is also watching the city gate. With the return of players who have gone out for leveling, the guards in each city gate are getting fuller.

“There is always one person who can go out,” Han Jiazi said.



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