World Destroying Demonic Emperor: May six three: Nai’er slaughter! Back to Flame Demon Tribe!

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Lan Ling stunned: “Excuse me!”

Princess Shayan said: “Where did you get your Flowing Age Pill and Nirvana Blood? Whether it is Martial Arts or identity, you are not like a person with such a rare baby.”

Lan Ling could not help but fall into the short became demon.

Princess Shayan said: “You can lie, but I can discern every sentence you utter.”

What can you tell? Spiritual Force?

Lan Ling said: “I found an Demon God Relics and got Flowing Age Pill and Nirvana Blood from it.”

Lan Ling does not lie.

Princess Shayan ’s eyes stared at Lan Ling for a while, and said: “This answer is not lying, but hides its head.”

Lan Ling was amazed. He thought that this Princess Shayan was through Spirit Technique to distinguish the authenticity, he did not expect to simply see through the hearts of people.

Princess Shayan said: “What do you want to do with Star Tear Gem?”

“Save people!” Lan Ling said.

Princess Shayan‘s eyes narrowed, obviously not very satisfied with this answer.

“Another treacherous.” Finally, she gave Lan Ling a verdict, and her eyes did not hide her aversion to Lan Ling.

Next, she open mouth said: “Come here, give him a cloak.”

Sometimes later, someone took a cloak with a fire emblem on it, as if it was inlaid with some kind of energy.

“Give him another Griffin Beast.” Princess Shayan said.

Then someone brought an Griffin Beast.

Next, the Princess Shayan said a few words in the ears of Griffin Beast. After listening, the Griffin Beast rubbed her face intimately.

“After wearing this cloak, no one dares to rob you within a thousand miles. But the energy badge on this cloak will disappear in three days, and this Griffin Beast is flying out of 1,500 Afterwards, you will come back yourself. You have to leave for the rest of the way, treacherous. “Princess Shayan said.

Finally, Princess Shayan left arrogantly, without concealing his disgust, and did not want to say another word with him.

Lan Ling stood on the spot, looking at the back of this Princess Shayan and squinting for a while.

Obviously, this Princess Shayan hates himself, so why should he help? There is no reason at all.

Next, he wanted to understand one thing. The real master behind this Heaven and Earth Pavilion is this Princess Shayan.

Lan Ling brought huge benefits to her today, so although she hates herself, she still protects her life, but it only protects for three days.

Lan Ling shook his head silently.

Put on your cloak, ride this Griffin, flutter your wings, and fly towards the east.


It is still the top of a mountain of ten thousand meters, and it is still a shaky dark hall.

A bloodthirsty bat flew to the top of the mountain. The rider above was the middle-aged man who bid on Nirvana Blood.

From the bat, he stepped into the dark hall.

At the same time, his shape is changing, and his face is changing.

The figure has become nearly 20 centimeters tall, more than one meter and nine meters.

The face is also changing, like a knife and axe, showing a handsome face.

This should be the most handsome face in the world, the deepest eyes, the straightest and tall nose, the most delicate and firm lips.

The whole face really looks like it was cut from jade.

This handsome, like a sword, is about to pierce a person for bleeding and make people dare not look straight.

In addition to his tall and tall body, it is like a healthy and perfect posture cast by steel, and the whole person is full of huge oppression.

This kind of handsome, no intimacy at all, full of cold, oppressive feelings that are thousands of miles away.

In the dark hall, a taller middle-aged man sat cross-legged and closed his eyes to raise his mind.

He is His Majesty Demon King who performs the Blood Sacrifice Ceremony.

He is very similar to the handsome young man, but his face is much softer, but the scars on his face make him look more one thread .

This young man, like a sharp sword of leave the body , is very aggressive.

And this middle-aged man is more like a Heavy Sword , Great Sword invisible, Great Sword invisible, hidden in invisible.

The handsome young man came forward and single knee knelt down and said, “Father, Nirvana Blood is here!”

“Uh!” Demon King opened his eyes.

Dozens of powerful Shaman around him all opened their eyes.

“What about Diyan?” the handsome young man asked.

Demon King‘s eyes narrowed slightly, looking at his son, and then he beckoned outside.

A fragrant fragrance, a beautiful figure flew in.

The ancient ghost Demoness Diyan flew in, the ghosts were absolutely fascinating, all over the country.

After she walked in, she found a stranger, still a handsome young man. With a slight glance, she looked away directly.

And the son of Demon King saw Diyan for the first time, like the face of cold jade, trembling slightly.

The deep, icy pupil shrank suddenly, and his breath choked slightly. Immediately afterwards, the whole heart seemed to be pumped, as if it was slammed with one hand.

Demon King reached out: “Bring it!”

The son of Demon King presented Nirvana Blood.

Demon King opened the bottle and sniffed, said: “It really is the ancient Nirvana Blood, really the fate of heaven, when I need Nirvana Blood, it appeared.”

The son of Demon King said: “The father is destined to unify Nanman and establish Demon Empire.”

Demon King said: “Diyan, drink it.”

Ancient Demoness Diyan took over Nirvana Blood and drank directly.

Then all the people in the main hall held their breath and watched her change.

After drinking Diyan, the beautiful eyes open, then …

“Hoo …”

A purple flame burst out of both eyes.

Next, the flame spewed out of his mouth.

Finally, a blood-red flame emerged from all over her body. She reversed the delicate body of all beings and instantly turned into a raging fire.

At the same time, her two wings keep getting bigger.

Two majestic horns grew out of her head.

Finally, she burst out sharp, devilish hiss.

Incomparably powerful energy, incomparably powerful shock waves.

In an instant, the dark hall on the top of the mountain shattered completely.

Within a dozen miles, all creatures exploded and died.

It feels like a nuclear bomb exploded.

Wave after wave of powerful energy swept out.

“Booming …”

The dark hall on the top of the mountain first shattered, then shattered, then turned into powder, and finally disappeared.

The whole lightning, all the dust, all the trees, all disappeared.

In the whole sky, all the white clouds and dust disappeared, and even all the air around them was instantly destroyed.

A dozen miles around the entire mountaintop, instantly became the vacuum of life.

Your Majesty Demon King, with a frantic gaze, looked at the ancient Demoness created by him.

“I succeeded, I am destined to achieve hegemony, I am destined to unify the entire wild!”

And the son of Demon King, with his eyes full of fanaticism, was extremely throbbing.

The whole blood sacrifice ceremony is finally complete.

Diyan completed the final Nirvana and became an extremely powerful ancient Demoness.


Everything is calm.

Ancient Demoness Diyan returned to its original state, the sharp corners on the head disappeared, and even the wings behind disappeared, as did the two hoofs.

She became a pure woman, inverting all beings, enchanting a woman of extraordinary beauty.

She was still covered with tight blood armor.

Her body full of magic charms makes anyone dare not look straight.

Her eyes looked at everyone on the mountain, and all the powerful Shaman Priest bowed instinctively, avoiding the eyes full of infinite charm, although these eyes were cold and ruthless.

“Prince, from now on, she will be your sister, Diyan!”

Diyan, this is your brother-in-law!” Demon King said.

Diyan turned his head, and the enchanting eyes like fire were staring at the son of Demon King, full of scrutiny, saying: “Brother!”

She has a cold tone, but the sound she makes makes her heart beat faster and dreams enchant.

Demon King looked at Diyan and said: “From now on, you and the prince will be my left and right arms. We are all wild and rebuilding Demon Empire‘s hegemony, just around the corner!”

“Congratulations to His Majesty Demon King, His Majesty Demon King!”

Dozens of powerful Shaman Priests on their knees bowed down.

Hahaha …” Demon King said: “For this blood sacrifice ceremony, in order to reshape the ancient Demoness, you work hard and work hard, this king is not grateful!”

Dozens of Shaman Priest once again bowed down.

Demon King said: “But I think this blood sacrifice may not be over yet. The ancient master, forging Divine Armament , finally jumped into the furnace and let his own blood complete the final blood sacrifice of Divine Armament . ! “

As soon as these words came out, dozens of Shaman Priests in the audience were disturbed.

Demon King said: “Diyan, these Shaman Priest are very powerful, it is regarded as a gift for your father!”

“Yes.” Ancient Demoness Diyan, charming eyes, purple flames again.

Two gorgeous wings have grown out again.

Then she started a crazy slaughter!

The dozens of Shamans are very powerful, and there is no one out of ten thousand, and no one out of ten thousand is strong.

Before dying, they fight back desperately, using all means.

However, all attacks have no effect on Ancient Demoness Diyan.

The blade was chopped on her fragrant, soft and beautiful jade body, leaving no trace of it.

The energy attack was swallowed by her without a trace.

And her method of killing is extremely cruel.

The fascinating flourishing jade finger, tearing the volley, will tear a powerful Shaman in half.

Then she opened her jade hands and devoured the energy of these dead Shaman Priest‘s Demon Blood .

It is more direct than the Bloodsucker swallowing of Lan Ling. The whole body becomes an energy black hole, killing and swallowing directly.

That’s it, ancient Demoness Diyan, one by one, slaughtered these powerful Shaman Priest cleanly and devoured all their Demon Blood energy!

The entire mountain top has become an asura hell.

After the killing, Diyan flapped its wings and flew to the sky.

Then, he looked north.

Demon King said: “Diyan, my daughter, what are you looking at?”

Diyan said: “I don’t know what I’m looking at, I just want to fly north!”

This sentence made Demon King‘s eyes tremble slightly.


Sure enough, after flying 1,500 miles, the Griffin Beast under Lan Ling landed directly, leaving Lan Ling in the middle, and flew back to Rakshasa City.

But at this time, Lan Ling is safe enough.

He directly tore off his cloak and threw it away. He does not trust anyone, including of course the so-called Princess Shayan.

Then, he took another Deformation Pill, changed into another look, and disappeared into the vast jungle.

Five days later, Lan Ling returned to Ghost Territory World!

Everything is still here, energy shield of Demon King Jing Zi is still there.

Outside, the 30,000 army of Constantine and Alfonso are still surrounded.

Lan Ling hides the breath of energy and re-enters Ghost Territory World in the cracks of the army.

It has been seventeen days since he left, and Demon King Jing Zi energy shield has disappeared, and there are thirteen days.

Look at Mirror Mountain again!

Lan Ling once again marveled at the speed of construction of Flame Demon Tribe, which is really amazing.

When he left, there were only two prototypes within the city walls, and dozens of houses had already been built at this time.

Of course, these are the attached houses of the castle, and the real castle main body has not yet been built.

This is a plan set by Lan Ling. The main body of the castle is too large and the construction time is too long. First, let great family have a house to live, and then build the big castle.

Lan Ling returns to the tribe with the fastest speed.

Then, he saw Dina at first glance. She was not in the tribe, but looked out over a boulder at the entrance.

After seeing the appearance of Lan Ling, she was pleasantly surprised and threw herself directly into the arms of Lan Ling.

Lan Ling squeezed her **** and said, “Why are you so impatient?”

Dina shook her body, and then said: “Husband, things are not good, A Li disappeared!”

“What?” Lan Ling said in surprise: “It’s gone? What do you mean?”

Dina said: “I said to you some time ago, the daughter of A Li has always been delicious and lazy, and said bad things about you everywhere, and said coldly to A Li, saying that you guys murdered her father ** and said she Must avenge her. I went to warn her not to affect the overall situation of the tribe ’s construction. As a result … she also spoke bad words to me and said that she will one day let you die to avenge her father.

Lan Ling‘s gaze twitched.

Dina said: “In order not to affect the overall situation, I shut down the daughter of A Li and let A Li guard her, and the result … the result two days ago … she and A Li disappeared!”

There are too few people in Flame Demon Tribe, and there are not even prison cells. The key is that Dina is too soft.

Lan Ling said: “Are you looking everywhere?”

Dina said: “I dare not advertise, just told the uncle, he searched everywhere, and did not find A Li and her daughter, now the only possibility is …”

That is, A Li and her daughter have left Flame Demon Tribe.

Lan Ling said: “Will they be in the army of Constantine?”

“No, if A Li falls into the hands of Constantine, he … he probably …” Dina didn’t finish.

Constantine will undoubtedly change his body with his own way.

The A Li will face a more terrible situation than hell.


A Li‘s daughter is Gou Ling, and he is 13 years old this year, while A Li is only 28 years old.

Gou Ling is a hybrid of Rakshasa Clan and Fox Clan . It is not as beautiful as its mother, but it is also a very beautiful beauty at the age of thirteen.

It’s just that she is not as kind and innocent as A Li, she has a little bit more of the character of her father Gou Fu, greedy and cunning.

At this time, she appeared in front of Chimera Tribe, Mrs. Constantine Gou Li.

At this moment, her eyes were hot, pointing at her mother A Li and saying, “Aunt, I brought slut that killed my father! I always remember, I am a noble Rakshasa person, I am a Chimera Tribe person, I am you Niece! “

Gou Li looked at A Li on the ground with red eyes, and the whole body shivered continuously.

Gou Ling said: “I still have an important piece of information to tell my uncle chief about Ghost Territory World energy shield. I want to avenge my father and avenge you. I want to help my father and smash Lan Ling cheap dogs into thousands of corpses.”


Note: The first more than four thousand words are sent, beg for support, beg for the monthly ticket, thank you great family! (To be continued.)

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