World Destroying Demonic Emperor: May Fourth: Ninian Hematemesis! Suo Mo Get out!

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Destructive blow!

Fatal blow!

Constantine fell down at once, vomiting blood and fainting!

From small to large, he has not suffered such a blow. 【Zero ↑ ​​Nine △ Small ↓ Talk △ Net】

The son was blinded and his wife was raped in public. Thousands of people were killed, and nearly two thousand horses were robbed, leading the External Clan Armed Force to escape.

Each of these is unacceptable for Constantine.

However, now, all these bad news are coming, as if he’s about to blow up his brain in an instant.

Lan Ling, I’m going to smash you tens of thousands of corpses …”

Before fainting, Constantine screamed with extreme grief and anger.

After he fell into a faint, countless people rushed up.

“Chief, Chief …”

“Father, father …”

Ninian came up quickly, picked up Constantine, she really did n’t know what happened?

Is it because of an inexplicable war with Alfonso, and lost two or three thousand people, causing his father to vomit blood?

Soon, the witch doctor of Chimera Tribe ran in, rubbing and pushing in the chest of Constantine, then lit a grassy, ​​smoked Constance nostril.

After a while, Constantine opened his eyes.

At this time, endless pain, endless shame, endless anger and hatred flooded my mind, and Constantine was dizzy again, almost fainting.

It’s too painful, so uncomfortable, it’s better to faint.

“Father, what happened?” Ninian asked anxiously.

“Go out, you all go out.” Constantine waved.

Suddenly, everyone retired cleanly, leaving only Ninian and Constantine.


“Father, what the **** happened?” Ninian said: “In this battle, Alfonso also lost two or three thousand people. You are not sad to vomit blood!”

Lan Ling rebelled.” Constantine said.

“What?” After listening to Ninian, he stayed for a while and dared not set the channel.

Lan Ling rebellion? How can it be?

Constantine said: “He led more than a thousand External Clan Armed Force, combined with Wild Horse Tribe‘s Duo Duo and others, took away the two thousand war horses we left in the tribe, killed the tribe, and escaped.”

Ninian‘s body shook, and it was a little shaky.

“This is one of the most insidious and cunning viper, he has been acting with us.” Constantine hissed: “What does he love you crazy? Fake! What he doesn’t want to live at all? Fake ! What is he willing to pay 100,000 gold coins in order to rescue A Li? Fake! Everything he does has only one purpose, leading External Clan Armed Force to rebel and become independent. “

“His hundreds of thousands of gold coins is basically to lead the snake out of the hole, let us transfer the main force away from the tribe, so that the tribe’s defense is empty, so that he can fight against it.” Constantine said: “No wonder we every step, Alfonso’s We all know clearly. The two have been increasing their troops, from hundreds of people to 10,000, and finally somehow fought a battle, losing two or three thousand people. “

Listening to the eerie words of Constantine, Ninian is crumbling.

She really cannot accept this result, and everything Lan Ling said to her is false.

Lan Ling has always regarded her as a fool, not only using her, but also repeatedly sleeps with her.

There is no greater shame in this world than this.

The Ninian, which has always been beautiful and proud since childhood, has never been hit so terribly.

She was asleep in vain and used it again and again.

All along, she was only playing with men, but this time it was played by Lan Ling, from body to soul, trampled.

Constantine hissed: “What a deep calculation, every step of the way, every step counts me to death. In order to covet this 100,000 gold coins, I lost more than 6,000 people, and my wife was slept openly. , My son was blinded by someone, and in the end almost one gold coins was not obtained, Hahahaha … “

Hearing the last paragraph, Ninian‘s face changed drastically, trembling: “What … what do you mean?”

Constantine gritted his teeth and said one word after another: “Lan Ling killed two or three thousand people in our tribe and hundreds of soldiers. He blinded your brother ’s eyes and … also … blasted your mother, and She abused her in public! “

The last sentence made Ninian dark and stunned and fell to the ground.

Bad news, shocking bad news!

Especially the last one was a fatal blow to her, making Ninian unbearable anymore.

Lan Ling even humiliated her mother.

It’s almost a devastating blow to her soul and Spirit.

Constantine laughed almost frantically.

Then another spit of blood spurted out.

Really lost his wife and collapsed her soldiers.

Lan Ling, I want to smash you tens of thousands of corpses, tens of thousands of corpses …” Constantine roared desperately.

At this time, Ninian fainted on the ground, and only the blood from the corner of her mouth flowed out, making her white face particularly glamorous.

The pain and hatred in her heart are no less than that of her father Constantine.

At this time, Constantine only found out that her daughter had passed out, and immediately lifted her up, pressing her race with her nails.

Ninian woke up quietly, her beautiful and charming eyes, now full of blood.

“Father, kill Suo Mo, kill Suo Mo …” Nini‘s first sentence after waking up.

Constantine seemed to wake up suddenly, saying: “Yes, go kill Suo Mo, go kill Suo Mo …”

Then, Ninian ran out like crazy.

She is going to call people and call all the experts of the tribe. No matter what the price is, she will kill Suo Mo, so that she can shed her hatred.

At this time, no words can describe her inner hatred and resentment.

She wants to take revenge, she wants to take crazy revenge on Lan Ling, the most vicious revenge.

Suo Mo is the only relative of Lan Ling. This revenge starts with killing Suo Mo!

Constantine took a deep breath, take a blood gas medicine, and then copied Great Sword.

He wants to kill Suo Mo by himself.

There has been no hands for almost ten years. Now everyone should see that the first expert within a few hundred miles is only one person, that is his Constantine.

Copy Great Sword, step by step out of the camp.

He is going to kill Suo Mo, and he will crush Suo Mo.


However …

When Constantine walked out of the camp, he saw a split eyes.

The tall figure of Suo Mo stands on the hillside, the gorgeous Ninian falls in his hand, and the Great Sword of Suo Mo lies across her neck.

“Admiral, I should have gone without a trace. I will not give you a chance to kill me.” Suo Mo said loudly: “But I think I should say goodbye to you before I leave, after all I have been loyal to you for nearly two decades. “

His voice was so loud that all the Chimera Tribe and Ankara Tribe soldiers could hear clearly.

More than 10,000 pairs of eyes were fixed on Suo Mo.

“I could have taken your daughter hostage.” Suo Mo said loudly: “However, I never bother to do such a thing.”

“Go back.” Then, as soon as his Great Sword was received, he pushed Ninian back.

Ninian fell in awkwardness, then climbed up, and ran quickly towards Constantine.

“Yes, Lan Ling led the External Clan Armed Force rebellion. I know it clearly.” Suo Mo said: “When Ge Lu pushed him off the magma in order to grab his daughter, he wanted to rebel. When I wanted to rebel When the daughter of Lan Ling was spit out in public by Gou Fu and trampled and humiliated by the people of Chimera Tribe, when Constantine blackmailed him for his daughter with Griffin Beast, Lan Ling had already decided to rebel.

Hearing this, Constantine‘s face twitched.

Sure enough, Lan Ling decided to rebel almost as soon as he entered the tribe.

Suo Mo said: “But I don’t agree, I firmly rejected his idea, and scolded him. I don’t think I should betray the chief, nor should I bring External Clan Armed Force to the dead.”

Everyone was silent, looking up and listening to Suo Mo.

Suo Mo said: “Constantine, I know you have been buying my righteous son Du Yan, trying to get him to replace me. I have always known this, but I don’t care at all.”

“If Du Yan is fighting for myself, I would have given him the position of the External Clan Armed Force leader. This position is not a power at all, but a heavy burden, which makes me breathless.”

“But you don’t know, the reason why I work hard to maintain the independence and dignity of External Clan Armed Force is because only in this way can this group survive. If Du Yan is allowed to lead External Clan Armed Force, he will throw away justice and fairness. External Clan Armed Force will split in an instant, some people desperately please the upper tribe for their power, sell their robes to gain status, and become your faithful running dogs, just like Ge Lu. But most people can only become slaves of Chimera Tribe, completely lost Combat effectiveness, and as a group and organization, External Clan Armed Force will be extinguished. “

“However, you do not understand this in Constantine, just thinking of holding all the power in your hands, and wishing to personally command every External Clan Armed Force soldier.” Suo Mo said sadly: “Is it necessary? don’t tell me used to be more than a dozen Am I still not loyal enough? Have I disobeyed any of your orders? “

“Return to the Truth!” Suo Mo said: “How have you dealt with External Clan Armed Force in these years? Every time we fight, our weapons are the worst, but we have the most meritorious service. Every time we hunt, we have the most dead people and killed. Wild Beast is the most. However, our every day ration is only one third of the people of Chimera Tribe, and the meat we get is only one fifth. We ca n’t even eat enough, day after day, year after year. Selling your life, but you are regarded as slaves, pigs and dogs are not as good. Living in a damp and cold cave, each of you spit. “

“Even so, I never thought about rebellion.” Suo Mo said: “But … Lan Ling is my nephew, and is my only bloodline relative in this world. Because of his battle with Wild Horse Tribe It was too good, and made a terrifying battle. Just because he practiced for a month, he won Du Yan. Just because he is a genius, you will kill him, and you will kill him on vital point . “

Constantine, I never thought about rebellion, but you let me have no choice, because you want to kill my loved ones.” Suo Mo shouted suddenly: “If you kill me, I will not rebel. But if you kill my loved ones, it will not work. “

“I am a useless person, until it is almost pedantic, bound by too many rules and regulations. However, Lan Ling is different, he is a genius, a genius like a lunatic, he is not as useless as me.” Suo Mo stared at Constantine with a sneer: “If there is no rebellion, he will be dead, if so … then rebel!”

Constantine, I do n’t know what Lan Ling did to you? Maybe it was the person who slaughtered you, maybe the wife who raped you?” Suo Mo said coldly: “But here I will not apologize for him because The moment I promised him to rebel, he was my leader. “

Constantine, you have today, it’s entirely due to self-sufficiency, it’s your narrow-minded, jealous, virtuous, and vicious privacy.”

“Do you want to kill me? Sorry, impossible, impossible at this distance …”

meet again/ goodbye, my chief, there will be a period in the future, I believe that in the near future, we will face meet again/ goodbye.”

Then, Suo Mo turned and left.

“Catch up, kill him, kill him …” Ninian shouted desperately.

Constantine doesn’t move at all. If Suo Mo is not prepared, he will lead a dozen expert kills in an instant, which may be successful.

And Suo Mo has been prepared for a long time, and is far away from 100 meters, it is impossible to kill him.

Even if the Martial Arts of Suo Mo only recovered 80% or 90% at this time, but such a great expert, a distance of 100 meters, want to kill him? Idiot said dreams.

It’s like being at this distance, anyone who wants to kill him Constantine is also a fool’s dream.

Unexpectedly, Suo Mo folded back and looked back at Du Yan.

Take out the dagger and cut off the corner of the garment.

Du Yan, from now on you and I will have no problems, you can do it yourself.” Suo Mo said: “I will not kill you, but Lan Ling will kill you later.”

Then Suo Mo officially disappeared without a trace.

Du Yan is standing still, trembling all over, freezing all over!

Even to Uncle Suo Mo, he lost his response.

After hearing the news of the Lan Ling rebellion, he was completely stunned.

After hearing that Lan Ling succeeded in rebellion, and raped the chieftain, shot Constantine II blindly, and killed thousands of Chimera Tribe.

Du Yan is like a lightning strike. I ca n’t believe my ears.

He has always looked down on Lan Ling, hated Lan Ling, and felt that he grabbed his place.

Moreover, he doesn’t think that Lan Ling is any great.

Even if Lan Ling made a terrific battle on the battlefield, even if Lan Ling defeated him in the duel.

Du Yan didn’t think Lan Ling was great, he still couldn’t look down on Lan Ling.

In Wild World, force is respected, Du Yan feels that Lan Ling ’s Martial Arts is too far behind him, so Du Yan does n’t like him.

Even if they lose in the duel, Du Yan feels that they are underestimating themselves. Martial Arts is still much stronger than Lan Ling.

As far as ten First Level is exceeded in a month, Du Yan is unbelievable at all. He feels that Lan Ling has been hiding forces and intentionally creating blockbuster effects.

Moreover, what he most dislikes is the crazy appearance of Lan Ling, which is not suitable for being a leader at all.

The reason why he can compete with himself as the leader of External Clan Armed Force is not because he is the nephew of Uncle Suo Mo?

But now …

Du Yan suddenly feels that he is very different from Lan Ling.

He suddenly realized that Lan Ling didn’t even have the character Du Yan in his eyes.

Lead External Clan Armed Force to rebellion; slaughter Chimera Tribe; plan to turn Constantine around and shoot Young Chief blindly!

Especially the strong wife of the chieftain, wearing a green hat for Constantine.

Du Yan did not dare to think about these things, but Lan Ling did it.

Too … too **** amazing!

He Du Yan every day just wants to please the chief, pursue Ninian, rely on flattery and even sell External Clan Armed Force to climb up desperately.

The choice of Lan Ling is …

Fuck the wife and daughter of Constantine, slaughter your people of Chimera Tribe, and then crack your face on your Constantine.

So no words at this time can describe the shock in Du Yan‘s heart.

Really, really **** good!


Note: The first more than 4,000 words are sent, please ask for support, thank you great family! (To be continued.)

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