Summoning the Holy Sword Chapter 605: Uneasy crisis

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Rhodes whizzed across the sky, and beside him, the dazzling sword light formed a perfect circle to wrap him in. Looking at the battlefield in front of him, his complexion was a little serious. To be honest, for Kingdom of Light soldier Destroyed, Rhodes didn’t feel anything strange at all, if they Blood War did not retreat, it would make Rhodes feel surprised. And the quality of these soldier is also very problematic, so from the beginning, Rhodes did not give too high expectations here, but now ……… This line of defense cannot be lost, it is currently just a prelude. If you lose any layer of defense at this time, it is a very unstable factor for their plan.

So this line of defense must still be guarded.

Thinking about this, Rhodes converged his thoughts. He raised his head and withdrew his eyes from the body of the fallen Bone Dragon, looking at the obstacles in front of him. There were about five or six Bone Dragons impacting this line of defense. gloomy‘s dim faint blue spirit fire erupted, and turbid black mist wrapped around their bodies. Although they don’t know what Chaos did to these Bone Dragon, but from their scarlet, frantic eyes, they are now I completely lost my mind and became a mad wild beast. Seeing Rhodes kill one of them, the remaining Bone Dragon also turned around baring fangs and brandishing claws and rushed towards Rhodes.

& quot; Hu… ………… & quot;

Looking at the Bone Dragon, Rhodes took a deep breath in front of him, and then flipping his right hand, soon, a stack of card emerged from the Rhodes’ hand finger, and then he eyes narrowed aimed at the Bone Dragon in front of him, and then saw Rhodes’ right hand flicked forward, the next moment, A bright brilliance flew out of ——— from in Rhodes’ hand. That is a sharp blade formed by pure light condensation.

light blade edge forward.

& quot; ——— ——! ! & quot;

In the face of the Rhodes’ attack, Bone Dragon also made an angry roar. It raised its head and grew its mouth, the next moment, and the roaring soul torrent just sprayed out of its large mouth. Towards the light blade edge .

& quot; 困 ——— ! ! & quot;

And at the moment when the dragon breath of Bone Dragon collided with light blade edge, I saw that the light blade edge was suddenly scattered. At first glance, it seemed that it was completely smashed by the dragon breath of Bone Dragon, but the fact But this is not the case. ——— was at the moment when light blade edge collided with Dragon’s Breath. The blade of light was divided into five moments and spread out in all directions. Then a circle was formed to surround Bone Dragon. Seeing this scene, Rhodes‘s expression remained the same. On the contrary, his right hand extended forward was empty and gripped, and then made a hacking action.

& quot; Whoosh! ! & quot;

At the moment when Rhodes made this action, an light blade edge behind Bone Dragon suddenly jumped up and became bigger, but in the blink of an eye, Holy Sword shining Sacred Radiance jumped like this, and then heavily was cut on the body of Bone Dragon. Accompanied by a heavy collision sound. The Bone Dragon‘s figure suddenly twisted, and the continuous Sacred Power bombarded its body like this, completely smashing the dark mist surrounding the Bone Dragon body. While feeling the burning of Sacred Strength, Bone Dragon also issued Painful anger, it instinctively extended its claws. Waving towards the rear, trying to fly the long sword. However, while Bone Dragon started, on its side, another huge bright red sword edge whistled and rotated Suddenly flew out, heavily was chopped on the claw of Bone Dragon. I only heard a sound of & quot; kacha & quot ;, and the claws swayed by Bone Dragon were completely broken under the bombardment of Chilos. The huge, firm bone condensed into At the moment, the claws are broken like pieces of fragile glass, and they are scattered apart.It is just an instant effort to see the dragon claws together, the right front claw of the Bone Dragon and the half dragon arm. It shattered and collapsed. I felt this violent pain. The body of Bone Dragon began to tremble violently, its head began to sway and shake, trying to struggle to get rid of the attack of Holy Sword in front of it. But the resistance of ——— was in vain. The moment Bone Dragon turned his head. His head shuddered suddenly, the next moment, the neck connecting the head and the body was so staggered by the two, almost undetectable bright cut, the smooth and smooth cut was so clear Its neck appeared, and then, accompanied by a shining thunder, a huge sharp blade full of saw teeth and looking like a chainsaw just roared like this heavily stabbed in the wound.

After that, the roaring lightning, the erupting flame, the cold frost and the cracked air flow spread out in the body of Bone Dragon in an instant, and then everyone saw the huge body of Bone Dragon just like a ball. After a swell, the the next moment was completely rotten by the sparsely blown scum, and the black mist of the beard was also torn into pieces in this roaring and cracking airflow.Soon, this head has been completely tossed into a sparse Bone Dragon Whistling and falling to the ground, I went with my colleagues in the front.

It still seems wrong.

Looking at the dark mist that dissipated in front of him, Rhodes moved his wrist. His attack is not just about eliminating the enemy. Rhodes also needs to determine which attributes are more threatening, and how he can make them cooperate. Get up to get the strongest gain. But now two consecutive attacks, he does n’t feel very satisfied. This time he used five Holy Sword, first used Sacred Power of Celia to defeat undead strength on Bone Dragon, and then cooperated with Chilos Graciel and Madaras launched an attack on Bone Dragon, and finally used Donna to complete the fatal blow. But this combination does not seem to be very effective now. In fact, this is no wonder, because Rhodes has not even had the attribute attack effect of this wedge card so far. To get it through, he is most familiar with Celia, Celestina, Graciel and Madaras, and few other Holy Sword Card Rhodes are not used much, and they have many differences from the human form when the sword form ——— when they become the Spirit/Elf form At that time, Rhodes can cooperate with them and fight. But when they change back to sword form After the body. [,! ], More need to rely on Rhodes’ manipulation to be able to re-play their own strength. This feeling is also very new for Rhodes. ——— because as an Summoner Swordsman he does not have experience in this direction, Summoner Swordsman itself is a Summoned Spirit with sword technique to perform In order to be able to exert its power, profession. And it is rare for Rhodes to require full manipulation of Swordsman like now.

You need to practice again.

Thinking about this, Rhodes turned his head and turned his gaze to the front, where several other Bone Dragons had also rushed over. While seeing the sounds of these Bone Dragons, the corners of the mouth of Rhodes raised slightly, revealing a smile.

There is still time.

Fight. After Rhodes came to the battlefield, the result has been determined.

Although the escape of Kingdom of Light soldier put the defense line in a precarious danger, but after the Rhodes simply eliminated those Bone Dragons, Lydia did not lose the opportunity to order Magical Fleet and Battle Angel Legion together to re-power Chaos Demon Monsters. Resistance, and after suffering resistance, this Xu Chao Demon Monster did not struggle and persevere anymore, but soon turned around and left the battlefield. In the end, this line of defense still guaranteed its safety.

However, although the victory was finally won, no one showed a relaxed expression.On the contrary, everyone including Rhodes and Lydia, complexion is very dignified.

& quot; Thanks to you, Your Majesty Rhodes, otherwise, the first line of defense is likely to be lost. & quot;

Looking at the Rhodes in front of her, Lydia also showed a helpless and relieved expression. In fact, she also knows that if Rhodes does not appear here, then in the end, I am afraid that I can only fight it myself. But this is for Lydia is not a very good idea, but more importantly ……… Actually, the situation of Lydia is not good now.

Rhodes did not know. Although Lydia did get the Kingdom of Light’s **** under the appointment of Lilian, it does not mean that she won the heart and recognition of the Kingdom of Light people. Let ’s not mention Kingdom of Light black Moon black for so many years, Lydia image It has been deeply rooted in people’s hearts. After that, the connection between Kingdom of Light and Moon, Kingdom of Light and Territory of the Void makes the Devil image of Rhodes and Lydia more popular in the heart of Kingdom of Light. This makes those Kingdom of Light up and down. Min has some resistance to Rhodes and Lydia.

Before they were willing to accept the rule of Lilian. It ’s because Lilian is anyway born of Kingdom of Light. It ’s her own, and she believes that she will make the decision for them. But what about Lydia? She is Moon Dukedom ’s Archangel Leader, now Kingdom of Light. After falling into her hands, can you eat good fruit?

Also, Kingdom of Light also knows that he had black out Lydia out of eight streets ……… Now he starts to feel timid.

Because of this, the Kingdom of Light people’s **** and management of Lydia. In fact, they are quite wary. They were so happy when they were black Lydia, now they are good, and they have become their own bosses. And according to rumors This Archangel Leader is also a murderous one that does n’t blink, and it ’s hard to guarantee that she wo n’t settle the bill after the fall. In case she is using the excuse of getting herself to the front line, she is actually letting herself go to death? Is this kind of thing that Archangel Leader ca n’t do? This … … it’s hard to say.

These thoughts are above, and the thoughts of soldier below are even more. No one wants to be someone else ’s surrogate, nor to let others take themselves to be buried together. It was the joy you shouted outside, we It’s just ordinary soldier, why do the contradictions between high-level people want us to die?

In fact, Lydia is also very aware of these things, so when she saw Rhodes’, her expression was still a bit embarrassing. But to be honest, this thing itself can not blame Lydia, life is selfish, even now, even This has something to do with the survival of the entire continent? Can you expect everyone to have such a high level of consciousness to work hard for Dragon Soul Continent? Hahaha, how is that possible? Not to mention that in order to avoid panic, Rhodes and others did not Tell the truth to ordinary person, after all, this is a single choice, either succeed or die. Imagine if any scientist on earth suddenly published a message to the entire earth claiming that he found that the sun would explode destruction the entire Solar System in the near future, and Humans will either choose to move the earth out of Solar System or choose to die, what do you think other people will react?

There may be people who admit their lives, but panic and riots are definitely indispensable. This kind of thing is inevitable on the earth where the technology level is more developed and the per capita education is higher. You also expect this other than the magic civilization. What kind of consciousness can most Dragon Soul Continents that are similar to the Middle Ages? Not to mention this is not a natural disaster, but **. Rhodes is not willing to send troops to fight Chaos, but also consume strength to deal with possible internal riots What.

So these soldier do n’t actually know what they are facing, and the consequences, which is why these soldiers have no pressure to escape.

To tell the truth, even if Lydia tells them the truth, they may wonder whether this is a lie and an excuse made by Lydia, so that they can die well ………

The generals are different, and their hearts are not uniform. Also expect them to fight well? Is n’t that a joke?

Rhodes did n’t think so much. After all, as Moon Dukedom player, he was tired of seeing Kingdom of Light becoming a deserter, so he was the same as other player. For Kingdom of Light soldier ’s escape, he did n’t particularly go into ——— to look at Rhodes. Before leaving, this is also considered the Kingdom of Light’s race talent.

But the expression of Rhodes’ is still very dignified. This is not because of the problem on the Kingdom of Light side, but because he found that he carefully crafted a line of defense. [,! ] Under Chaos‘s attack, it seems difficult to hold on for too long.

Before that, according to the Rhodes’ expectation, anyway, the first three lines of defense were enough to insist that all Beacon Tower was built, and the attack of Chaos should not cross the line of defense so quickly. Of course. At that time Only the ground is considered, Rhodes does not consider the existence of Bone Dragon. After all, this thing is too out of specification. Although the strength of Bone Dragon is not as good as Irene, but these Bone Dragon themselves are the ancestors of Dark Lesser Dragon, the strength will not be too bad, then Coupled with the invasion of Chaos. It will definitely be stronger. So it needs to bring in additional staff.

But now, the lack of high-end manpower is not a new thing for Dragon Soul Continent … or Rhodes will not disperse his strength to summon tens of thousands of player. But even so, let ’s look at the number now Still not enough, but Rhodes has no more strength used to make high-end player, he can only hope in quality. Use quality to offset the quantity, anyway Chaos Demon Monster is difficult to deal with in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of high-end player except Lord Rank Other than monster. Others are still very tidy.

But with the addition of Bone Dragon ……… it is different.

Rhodes can easily clean up Bone Dragon, because of the Holy Sword Card bonus, if there is no Holy Sword Card, at least he also needs to form a five-person squad to deal with these Bone Dragon. player is only at the 85th level, and it is not invincible. Although these Bone Dragons are not particularly powerful because they are eroded by Chaos. But as dragons, they are enough to become a considerable threat. Together with the Xu Chao Demon Monster on the ground, it is even more difficult to parry.

And it is still just a trial period. If there is no Bone Dragon, then Rhodes is still confident to resist the attack of Chaos Demon Monster. But he did not expect the appearance of Bone Dragon. The defense line that originally can still maintain on his side immediately changes It became the swaying straw in the rain, and the fragile seems to be completely broken at once. This makes Rhodes feel very dissatisfied, this is only the outpost, now if you ca n’t stand the outpost here, then wait until What should I do if Chaos is really a big attack? Bone Dragon is not the standard of Chaos, Chaos Lord is. Now that Chaos Lord has not played yet, it will look like this on my own …………… Let Rhodes be quite uncomfortable. This is all Can’t resist, then when Chaos Lord comes, isn’t it a poke?

There seems to be something wrong with this adjective ………… Forget it, who cares so much, now the important issue is to stay on guard. This time, on my own, it is finally guarded. But the line of defense is weathered like this. It is very unexpected from Rhodes’.If you come a few more times, it is difficult to guarantee that the back two layers of defense will also float. ——— strategically shifts in and out.Although sometimes it is completely the same thing, but the nature of the words is different. Not the same.

You have to say that we are strategically needed, so if you give up the defense and move in, it will definitely look tall, and there is a sense of superiority that Kong Zhizhu holds.

You have to say that our defense line was broken, and we had to retreat to the rear defense line ———. When we said this, the morale must have been severe. How serious and serious it was. By that time, if people ’s hearts were floating, maybe The last two layers of defense can’t support it for too long.At that time, even if Rhodes supports Holy Sword Barrier, how long it can last is unknown.

So this problem must be solved.

& quot; We need more manpower. & quot;

Rhodes was dissatisfied with the map in his hand. There was a report after the end of the battle. ——— This time the defense line on the Kingdom of Light side almost lost one-fifth of the manpower (of course, player is excluded), almost all The most consumed in the defense line. This is not surprising, although the Rhodes introduced the resurrect rule, but the premise of this rule is to require the other party to have a religious belief in Dragon Soul. Only a religious belief in Dragon Soul can be resurrect. So this is a good Circulation, seeing people resurrect from death, then naturally feel awe at Dragon Soul Power, and thus produce faith …

But it is not necessarily that things will definitely move in this direction. There is a worse situation, that is, when people see that they have not been resurrected, then they will doubt the belief from the depths of their hearts, thus denying, In this way, it is even more impossible to resurrect, and then doubt again, and again deny ———. Now Kingdom of Light has entered this vicious circle.Because they did not have much awe for the Dragon of Light, then the benefits of Grand Resurrection Spell are most popular after death. If you ca n’t enjoy it, then they will really die.

This is why this battlefront has more losses than other battlefront.

& quot; But we do n’t have enough manpower, Your Majesty Rhodes. & quot;

This is also very helpless for Lydia. In fact, it is indeed the case. It is now considered to have recruited all those who can be summoned within Kingdom of Light. As for the remaining ones, there is no way to form combat power in a short time after training They really don’t have the fighting strength.

Although Lydia did not think of sending soldier of Moon to defend, but this battlefront is so long, how is soldier of only depends on Moon enough?

& quot; ……………… This is indeed a problem. & quot;

Rhodes bites his lip and frowns, this is an unavoidable problem, and at present he has not thought of any good way. However, when Rhodes and Lydia are distressed, suddenly, a voice from the side Here comes.

& quot; Your Majesty, could it be ca n’t summon Devil? I remember there ’s nothing wrong, in the fight to eliminate Casablanca, did n’t you ever open Hell’s Gate, summon Devil Army to come to fight? If there are them, then this should not be What’s the problem. & Quot;

I heard here that Rhodes and Lydia were both in a daze, and then they looked at the Gaya standing quietly beside. ] The woman does not seem to be very embarrassed and uneasy about her problems. Perhaps Lydia is embarrassed to request the assistance of Devil, but as a human being, she has no pressure to request the assistance of Devil. And, from the current situation, this is indeed true It’s a method, but ……………

& quot; I did think about it, but I wo n’t do it until the last minute. & quot;

In the face of Gaya ’s proposal, Rhodes shook his head. To be honest, from the beginning, Rhodes never thought of relying on **** ’s strength. To put it bluntly, in this transmission, **** has been determined by Rhodes. The part to give up. After all, this time they are going to Solar System, which is the earth. Although Rhodes is not sure whether there will be any problems between Dragon Soul Continent and the earth, but he can be sure that if Hell Plane is also brought to Solar System, then Those Devil will definitely not let go of the earth. Rhodes does not intend to harm their hometown … at least it is also their hometown.

So this plan Rhodes did not tell Devil, he is strictly confidential with Devil. This is why Rhodes did not tell the truth about this matter. Now that he really knows the plan of Rhodes, all he can trust, It is also a person who will not inform Devil. But if you ask for the assistance of Devil, then with the cunning of Devil, you may be able to see through the idea of ​​Rhodes’. By then, ——— will be a lot of trouble.

After hearing Rhodes’‘s answer, Gaya fell into silence again, and then she seemed to think of something like started talking.

& quot; Your Majesty, I think, maybe I have a way ……… & quot;

(.) RU

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