Summoning the Holy Sword Chapter 158: Second stage

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The beautiful golden flower/spend flower blooms on the body of the octopus like a dreamlike scenery, but for the octopus monster, it seems to be the pain of deep into the bone marrow, enough to make people dizzy The screams suddenly erupted and echoed throughout the space, and the originally soft body of Serasgue suddenly became stiff at this moment, and then I saw that the originally soft, corrupt blood flesh quickly began to solidify from the bottom up, changed by the original software It became a hard solid. And the tentacles, which was waving because of the pain, also stopped at this moment and quickly solidified.

And seeing this scene in front of me, Rhodes‘s eyes flashed with a smug smile.

It ’s not you who caused this result, nor the Spirit/Elf that summoned Holy Sword, but the super-conventional weapons used by his subordinate/hand magical weapons unit. For this action, Rhodes made a thorough preparation. Of course, he did n’t want his subordinate/hand to be a cheerleader who would only cheer in the back when he was fighting. Even if they could n’t do the same degree as player, For native, can’t it be too wasteful?

Because of this, after consulting with Labise, Rhodes has created a special magical Order Bomb suit that is suitable for the current magical weaponry. Shaped with the highest purity magic crystal, the interior is Order protective shield made by Labise with Belhems‘s unique alchemy technique release formation, that is to say, after launch, these magic crystal can instantly release a powerful strength comparable to Rhodes’ Order Protective Barrier, and Under such Power of Order rolling, as long as it is not too powerful, Chaos Demon will basically disappear in an instant. This is also the trump card prepared by Rhodes for this trip. In the beginning of the journey to ignite Fire Seed, the outbreak of Calamity of Chaos is terrifying or even unimaginable. At the last moment, these things can be used to suppress the progress of Chaos Demon. In other words, in Land of Chaos, for Chaos Demon, these things can be regarded as a small equivalent of strategic nuclear weapons.

And there is no pollution, clean and effective.

If it is the body of Serasgue, this level of attack is nothing more than a mosquito bite. But the problem is that now in Main Material Plane is only a projection of Serasgue. From the first battle just now, Rhodes has judged that the strength of the other party should be the Chaos Elite template between level 75 and level 80, but it is the biggest one with Chaos Demon The advantage is that you are not afraid of being dragged to ghost places like Order Source. From this point of view, as Order people and Chaos battle is quite good, this is a complete and pure duel between strength and strength. And as a projection, Serasgue is not so resistant to Power of Order, and because of this, it is a hit.

But it ’s enough for flower/spend … ……

A Order Bomb has enough magic power to excite the Order formation above because it needs the magic crystal with the highest purity of high level. The cost is also very expensive, just this round of bombing. flower/spend has already dropped the total of five million gold coins equivalent to Rhodes, which is already a huge sum of money.

“Attack with all strength !!”

As Chaos projection but eroded by Power of Order, the current Serasgue becomes weak as if the impurities are mixed into the blood vessels, and this is the best opportunity to deal with the other party. So Rhodes gave the order without hesitation, then he clenched the short sword in his hand and opened [Self-Cognition] again.

[Talent Characteristics: Self-Cognition (LV1) starts]

[Please specify the enhanced attribute level]

Order hurts +10086!

【After the change, the damage of Order increases by 13020】

The soul light attached to the two Spirit/Elf short sword radiates a sun-like brilliance at this moment, and Rhodes frowns. The dual swords in his hand was staggered, and it was at this moment. Countless bright torrents of light roared down, violently tearing the ugly body of monster in front of him. The purest and strongest Power of Order invaded the body of Serasgue that had been solidified just like poison. The body of the right half of the body suddenly began to break down, turning into particles scattered around and collapsed. But soon. Accompanied by the painful howl, Serasgue‘s body shuddered suddenly, and then the appearance of originally split away suddenly exploded, and then saw countless tentacles split from its body, madly spreading in all directions.

But at the moment. The attacks of Celia and Celestina have also arrived.

The roaring black flame covers the body of Octopus Head like a pouring waterfall. The flame of fierce burning is not as violent as Rhodes, but it slowly erodes the monster and the black fire originally It is to devour the flame of burning magic power. Don’t worry about changing the body’s Serasgue, but now it is a large-scale active gas station in the eyes of Celestina. Whether it is diesel or gasoline, can it burn in case of fire anyway?

But monster is not easy to be knocked down.


A burst of screaming enough to make people dizzy burst out in the whole space, even in the middle of the air Rhodes The body also flicked and almost fell to the ground. And with this scream, originally Floating in the air, most of which have been broken up Octopus Head suddenly heavily Fell to the ground, but soon his whole body began to sink. With this action, the sky and the earth in all directions are no longer maintained original Gestures, but began to tumble like boiling water. Soon, except Order Barrier The land inside remains original In addition to the posture, the rest has completely changed its appearance, one by one tentacles It sprang up from the ground like a mushroom, waving and releasing a disgusting stench.

The second phase begins.

Bow Knight changes its target, dispels tentacles close to Order Barrier, Healers temporarily withdraws Protective Barrier, and immediately takes time to rest and take medicine! Wait until the other party ’s tentacles begins to attack the barrier and reapply protection! Anne, Mafa leads other mercenary to pay attention to those tentacles, current Order Barrier is very unstable. If it is forcibly broken, destroy them immediately. Pay attention to protecting others, lìjie, what about Ling? “

“I am working hard, Mr. Rhodes!”

“Hurry up!”

Hearing lìjie’s answer, Rhodes rarely gave anxious orders, although he has now increased his Order attack power through [Self-Cognition]. At present, it is not a problem to deal with Serasgue, but [Self-Cognition] can only last for half an hour. Now I can only pray that this **** projection will not be the third stage of dishonest like the body!

Thinking of this, Rhodes reached out in a hurry, and soon followed his actions. Two of the same dark shadows as Rhodes split from his left and right, and then took a half step forward in the tacit air together with the body, and then only saw six lanes of sword light flashing across the earth, Along with the action of Rhodes’, the earth exploded like a rotten skin, and the powerful Power of Order roared down. heavily hit the ground where Serasgue fell into. For a time, the fragments of tentacles scattered, and tentacles within hundreds of meters around Order Barrier So swept away. But soon. The dark and muddy undercurrent once again covered the cracked ground of originally. At this time, Bow Knights was also ready, and soon saw the soul arrow light, those tentacles that started to regenerate were interrupted one by one, temporarily slowing their attack speed.

Master, still escaped by it!”

At this time, with the roaring sound of the wind, Celia. The figures of Celestina and Chilos appeared in at Rhodes’ side, in which Sei Liya looked serious. Celestina was dissatisfied with the pit that originally was bombarded by Rhodes with clone. Although Celestina also took the opportunity to instill all the black fire while Rhodes was attacking, it was still a step slower, which naturally made Celestina Is unhappy. But now, in addition to her dissatisfaction, more is the helpless Chilos black chain of the strong clenching the teeth. I don’t know when it penetrated the wings of Celestina. At this moment, it was leisurely falling not far below Celestina. Although her body was trembling everywhere, shocking scars and stench, but Chilos in front of her was still tilting her head, with a pair of weirdness ‘S smile shook in the air. While looking at the dense tentacles below.

“Do n’t worry, pay attention to the surroundings.”

Rhodes looked at the dark sky all around, while both hands clenched the sword, remembering the second stage of Serasgue. If you remember correctly, then the second stage of Serasgue is from outside to inside. Space transforms into the inside of his body, and then begins to digest player, and during this time player needs to avoid the attack with defense‘s large-scale AOE acid and countless tentacles, but for Rhodes, he also has a once and for all Way ……………

Put it together.

“Selia, Celestina, Chilos, listen to me.”

Rhodes said, taking time to look down and saw that those tentacless are getting closer and closer to Order Barrier. Although Bow Knights is working hard, and those Elf Ranger have also summoned the wall of thorns, but in this place, only It’s just that defense is useless. Currently Serasgue is assimilating the entire space. When it is assimilated, it means the beginning of the second phase.

“Now Serasgue is about to enter the second stage. I want you to obey the order. I will attack the two directions in a few moments, and all you have to do is fly over the first time, and then all strength will erupt. Kill all obstacles that dare to stop you in front of you, and kill eyes in front of you. Don’t avoid it, let alone entanglement, be sure to play all strength to kill in one blow! After strength is used up, it will flash away immediately, if appropriate I will take the opportunity to give the other party a fatal blow. If successful, then this monster will be finished immediately, understand? “

“What if it fails?”


Rhodes glanced helplessly at a bitter face, which has completely transformed into a Celestina humanoid transport helicopter.

“Relax, you ca n’t die even if you fail.”

After a short conversation, the three surrounded by at Rhodes’ side, and Rhodes held the two short sword tightly in his hands. To be honest, he did n’t want to use Graciel and Madaras for this level of BOSS fight if he could. Like a full-time assassination of a thief in a weapon war, it is not very easy. But for now, the two Spirit/Elf queens are not too threatened in front of this huge figure BOSS, so they can only make up for it.

There is only one chance.

Rhodes raised his head and gazed quietly at the dark sky all around. The biggest weakness of Serasgue was its two eyess, just like in all games, no matter how the final BOSS and transform have a core, the Lord of Infinite Abyss itself is the strongest The big strength comes from its eyes. Then projection naturally also relies on magic power of eyes. As long as the eyes is destroyed, it is equivalent to destroying the strength source of its projection core. The lost Serasgue projection will naturally die immediately.

However, this weakness is naturally not so easy to hit. From the beginning, both Rhodes and others regarded eyes of Serasgue as the target of attack, and even the first blow after Rhodes started [Self-Cognition] was also directed The other party’s eyes went, but obviously Serasgue is also familiar with this. Therefore, even if it is hit elsewhere, it will not hurt its eyes. But even so, Rhodes can be sure that the monster‘s eyes must have been hurt, otherwise it will not enter the second stage so quickly.

And now, all he has to do is take an adventure according to the “Cheats.” summarized in the game as player. After the second evolution is complete, Serasgue will scan the entire space by eyes opened to determine the opponent’s position, and then will attack again. And what player has to do. It was at this moment that they were aware of the direction of the two eyes, and then tried their best to focus on the other party’s eyes. Because the conversion has just been completed, the eyes protection of Serasgue is the most vulnerable at this time. If the fire can be successfully collected, then insta-kill is not a problem in an instant. But if it is not successful, there will be no such opportunities in the future.

Although there is no group player under Rhodes’ hand, he is not facing the body of Serasgue, for a projection. The Rhodes that specifies Order damage of more than 10,000 should still have the power of a hit insta-kill.


Rhodes both hands held short sword, and the two eyes kept patrolling around the dark sky all the time. soul power has completely condensed and is ready to go. At this moment, Rhodes has no longer paid attention to the surroundings and the leisure below. He just concentrated his entire attention and searched for the most likely vision in the sky.

At this moment, on the ground, legion composed of tentacles finally broke through the guard of Order Barrier.

“Bang !!”

A tentacles, which is more than one meter thick, whistled and smashed on Order Barrier. Then I saw the top of Order Barrier shattered and split like a smashed glass, and then tentacles quickly slid from the gap like a viper, rushing towards the prey in front of me.

Hah !!!”

With Anne’s anger, the heavy gold shield in her hand suddenly waved forward. The violent hurricane rose to the ground, forming a series of sharp Wind Blade to cut all the influx of tentacles into pieces, but the roots of the severed tentacles actually grew again in a moment, and then it was high. Soaring up, lightning down like a venomous snake, entangled a Healer that was too late to avoid, and at this time, Mafa, who had already waited for it, also immediately lifted his long sword and slammed down. I saw A glorious soul shining past, the tentacles was cut into two pieces again, and this time it finally disappeared into a shrivelled dust. And that Healer, who had finally escaped a death, hurriedly took a bottle of potion from her arms and drank it. Then she raised both hands, and soon, a golden rune barrier emerged, forcibly blocking those tentacles out.

“Lì clean, how long will it take Little Ling!”

Waving the shield again, a hurricane erupted to sweep away the surrounding tentacles, Anne can’t help asking. And hearing her inquiry, Lì Jie frowned, clenched the teeth.

“I am working hard, but this time Little Ling consumes too much strength, I am afraid it will be longer than before.”

“Calm, clean.”

Marlene and Chris support Ling in a comatose state, although their complexion is also very nervous, but at this time, they can still remain calm.

Caster must keep heart calm to be able to cast spells‘s maximum strength, lì clean, don’t worry, Rhodes will handle everything.”

As he said, Marlene raised his head and glanced at Rhodes floating a short distance above.

The situation is not optimistic.

Nearly hundreds of thousands of tentacles have completely repressed the shooting of Bow Knights, and now all Elf Bow Knights have given up shooting with long bows, instead pulling out the long swords from the waist tentacles approached to fight. Behind them, other mercenaries has also restrained his nausea at the moment, brandishing his weapon and starting to assist Bow Knights to block the further invasion of tentacles. Although the Half-Devil and Battle Mage of the magical weapon legion still use their Magical Construct to sweep a large number of enemies, for now, it is almost a cup of water, and it wo n’t do much.

Where! ?

Rhodes frowned, and he did n’t need to look at him to know that the following situation is getting worse, but it is still within controllable range. As long as Ling can wake up, then she can strengthen the Power of Order stable barrier. But for now, it seems too difficult, or rely on your own experience to be more accurate ………


Just for a moment.

Rhodes’‘s corners of the eyes quickly captured a faint glimmer of light, which looked like the light reflected by the battle underneath, but it was only unremarkable for the Rhodes that had been waiting Child traces are enough.


Rhodes shouted, raised his hand and waved hard, and then saw two white and dazzling sword light so quickly with a series of trajectories blasted towards the depths of the dark, and here At the same time, Celia, Celestina and Chilos also flickered, following behind the two golden lights, rushing forward quickly.

Aoooooooooohhh !!!”

As sword light disappeared in the dark, a scream of mad screams came, and then, the dark and dim space of originally suddenly became brighter at this time! (To be continued

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