One Sword to Immortality: 804, Hengwu God (2)

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Xu also wondered why there are golden races in Taihuangtian, golden demon races in big demon days, and gods and humans in Taiqing days, but there is no realm of heaven, and let these races enter the flood. Later, the soaring of the Six Realms in the heavens directly abandoned the humanitarian nations, which also greatly increased Xu’s doubts.

It was not until Xu Xu became one of the three humanes that he realized that the humanitarian parliaments were protected by Heaven, but the Six Realms of Heaven were destined to break with Heaven.

So the six worlds of the heavens walked simply, even in their minds, the humane nations wishing to arbitrarily arrange them were destroyed.

However, the big brothers of the Six Realms in the Heavens should also know that Heavenly Dao will inevitably give birth to humanity, and it will inevitably give birth to three humanes, and protect humanity. They have arranged so many in advance, in fact, in order to suppress humanity.

According to the calculations of the big brothers of the Six Heavens and the Six Realms, when the Six Heavens and the Six Realms return, the humanity will certainly be very weak, and they can be subverted easily, even if they are kept in captivity, it will not cause them any trouble. trouble.

It’s just that no one thought that Xu actually actually left a battle avatar in the flood, and even this battle avatar has become one of the three humanes, and is the head of the three humanes-too empty!

The three humane figures today are indeed as weak as the calculations of several bigwigs in the Six Realms of the Heavens. They are still weak, and they are all Taoist realms. They are still far away from breaking through the real people, and they ca n’t be caused to them at all. Obstacles, but no one thought of it, Xu Xu’s supernatural powers turned around this situation.

Just the Daxianhan reincarnation of the **** sea array, as well as the Jade Xu and Qingxu people who taught the Dao three in advance, spurred the Dao of the Dao, and each of them cultivated a Dao of the Dao, which is far beyond the six The calculation of the world.

Hengwu God also did not expect that the Great Ahan Reincarnation Blood Squadron has such power, but he can recognize the blood gods in the blood reincarnation, and each blood **** is a demon **** series.

After all, Hengwu God spent a long time in Wanxianhui. Not only did he learn countless mysteries, but he was also influenced by the fighting style of Wanxianhui, which is many times stronger than Honghuang Demon. Not only is the magic spells refined, the combat experience and skills are rich, and even the IQ has made a universe.

Hengwu God, after detecting his invincibility, immediately pressed his hand and pushed Xuanwu Luoguang ’s divine light out. After twisting his way, he caught up with his team, a sleeve robe, and enveloped thousands of monsters , Turned into streamers and went straight to the flood.

Hengwu God ’s demon god, but he has practiced and practiced. There are many kinds of skills, which are different from Honghuang Demon ’s talents. At this time, if he wants to escape, he will escape immediately, and he will also escape in front of the blood cycle. Just leave.

Qingxu did not expect that this person was slightly invincible, and immediately went without a trace. Such an enemy, he had never seen it before. Before the enemy, Xu used to cover the enemy with the blood of the big reincarnation, so that he could not escape, but he did not give him the opportunity to face the Hengwu God. The Hengwu God did not give him the opportunity to attack first and let Qing Xu can only resist, with a slight upper hand, Hengwu God immediately escapes, and he has no time to cover his opponent.

Although Yuxu sacrificed Ziqiong Yuxu Baguang Tower, it was too far away. Although there was a way to evade the void, how could he take the initiative to avenge Wanxian?

Xu Xie just greeted him, united Yuxun with Yuxu, met Qingxu, the three looked at each other, and finally said Xu: “This enemy is different from before, more cunning and more proficient in Xuan Gong. The secret method is not comparable to the wild demon. We need to be more careful in the future. The two younger brothers will be protected by the mountain of God in order to be worry-free. “

Although the Great Reincarnation Formation is of great power, it is not a method of defense, nor is there no way to break it, but the previous wild demon does not understand it.

Therefore, this large formation can only Behave Recklessly, kill countless wild demon.

But the God of Hengwu was born in the Longhua Club, and even in the Wanxian Club for many years, he might be able to figure out the method of cracking, threatening the Jade and Qingxu, but the 28 Shenshan Mountains are the most defensive treasures. True treasure series, but Hengwu God absolutely cannot sneak in.

Yuxu and Qingxu promised together that the two also saw the magic of the God of Hengwu. Although they are not as good as the Honghuang monster, they are very changeable, especially when they are adapting very quickly. Sitting in the **** formation of the Great Ahan Reincarnation, Qingxu has only a slight upper hand. There is no chance to completely suppress this great enemy. It is always Hengwu God who has taken the initiative.

Xu and Hexu, and Qingxu returned to the humane nations. Both Yuxu and Qingxu asked him to temporarily live in his own mountain, Xu Xu smiled and refused, and still returned to his own Daofeng.

Hengwu God didn’t expect it, but he was only a few enemies of the Taoist realm, so he had to retreat. After he landed in the flood, he thought about it and released all the monsters, shouting: “Where you are searching around, there are countless treasures in the wilderness, and there are countless good things. Whoever finds it is a chance. But no one can travel for the sake of chance, or no one can save you, Honghuang … Nowadays there are countless dangers. “

Hengwu Shen also knows that although he has a high status and a high level of cultivation, he ca n’t suppress the low-level monsters of these police departments. He is also very curious. After leaving the Wanxianhui, he took his old ministry to the East Emperor Heaven, leaving all the waste wood.

Since it cannot be effectively controlled, Hengwu God does not need to let these monsters do their own thing, as long as there is a part to follow him.

Anyway, he is the cultivation of demon gods. If these monsters want to survive, they must follow him.

After the Hengwu God landed in the wilderness, the monsters immediately brought out their various tools of “scientific and technological” and “modernization”, including various flying equipment and various materials to enjoy life.

The monsters from the Wanxianhui, but not the turtles, are all the monsters who have lived in the Wanxianhui for many years and have enjoyed the monster technology. Soon they built a base on the spot. Thousands of buildings of various colors rose from the ground. There were even monsters coming out of the hypermarket. I did n’t know that these thousands of people were ready to sell their stuff.

Many monsters have built their own residences and started to explore around, but there are also closed-door dive repairs and want to adapt to the wild environment first. Today, many monsters have not returned to the wilderness in nearly a thousand years, and the demon power in their bodies is too pure to adapt to this environment. Especially, the wilderness is separated from the original, and it is also different from the original.

Hengwu God didn’t go anywhere, just with a divine thought, swept in all directions, want to check the situation of thousands of miles nearby.

This advance team of the Six Heavens and Six Realms was settled down temporarily, tens of thousands of miles away from the humanitarian countries.

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