Marquis of Grand Xia Chapter 587: End of war

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Ice and Snow Hell, the only Pure Land, Knowing Heaven’s Will, Phoenix Yuan, Demon Qi, and cold eyes, no human emotion.

“You are demon!” Chao Tianxi looked at the person in front of him, shocked.

“What am I, does it matter, Heavenly Residence Star Venerable, you, lose” Ning Chen said indifferently.

called a king if successful, a bandit if defeated, Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis, you shouldn’t keep my life.” Chao Tianxi coughed violently, and the blood in the corner of his mouth kept dripping and weak.

Seeing that the surrounding Space gradually stabilized, Ning Chen converged around Aura, calmly said, “I do n’t want to face a crazy Heavenly Form, you die, this war will only be more terrible, a living Heavenly Residence Star Venerable, more valuable”

“You want to threaten Heavenly Form with me” Chao Tianxi said.

“Threats? You are too small to see Knowing Heaven’s Will, Star Venerable, it’s time to tell why Heavenly Residence is going to start this war, and then hide it, it doesn’t make any sense” Ning Chen indifferently says.

“For survival”

A bit of exhaustion flashed through the eyes of Chao Tianxi, said slowly, “The Heavenly Residence star will be destroyed soon, Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis, no matter how I end, this war will not stop, even if I lose Star Venerable, Heavenly Residence and Heavenly Form, the strength is still not lost to the unpopular Five Territories alliance, and my situation will not be defeated, nor can I be defeated “

“It turns out that something happened to Heavenly Residence

Ning Chen‘s eyes narrowed, and before he felt something was wrong, Heavenly Residence invaded Five Territories, the price he had to pay was too great to be worth the loss.

This is not good news, it indicates that this war, Heavenly Residence is absolutely impossible to admit defeat, in order to survive, will definitely fight to the end.

Chao Tianxi is right. Heavenly Residence has lost Star Venerable, Heavenly Form, and one-star power. Interior Boundary still has no advantage.

Weighed for a long time, Ning Chen looked down, seriously said, “Star Venerable, Heavenly Residence withdraw troops, I promise to give Heavenly Residence people a place to live”

Chao Tianxi was shocked, looking at the former, said, “Can you represent the Five Territories alliance, although the number of Heavenly Residence is not less than Interior Boundary, but at least one region is needed to accommodate the many people of Heavenly Residence

“It is absolutely impossible to surrender a domain. After the Heavenly Residence people are transferred to Interior Boundary, they will be dispersed on each piece of land of Five Territories. In addition, Heavenly Residence Army will also be demobilized and divided equally among Five Territories, whether it is you or the Heavenly Form. Neither can interfere, nor can we convene “Ning Chen indifferently says again for any reason.”

“Impossible, if you do this, you are going to die inheritance of Heavenly Residence

Chao Tianxi heard the words, and looked down, and refused directly. According to this arrangement, Heavenly Residence will be completely assimilated by Interior Boundary, and the name of Heavenly Residence will survive.

“Master Star Venerable, you have to think about it. Heavenly Residence is running out of time. Although Interior Boundary is not dominant in this war, it will not necessarily lose. In addition, it is not necessary to send Heavenly Residence people to Interior Boundary. It ’s easy. It ’s not necessarily enough for three years or five years. Star Venerable wants to save more people, or stick to the so-called Heavenly Residence inheritance. Think carefully. ”Ning Chen said indifferently.

After listening to the former, the appearance of Chao Tianxi has changed and changed, solemnly says, “How can you guarantee that after I dismissed Heavenly Residence Army, the Five Territories alliance and the various Large Sect(s) factions will not wantonly slaughter or make trouble for my people”

Ning Chen smiled faintly and said, “Master Star(s)/Xingchen, this is your business, not my business, as long as you can deter various sects, Heavenly Residence natural safety Wuyou/without worries

Chao Tianxi is silent. After a long time, he raises his head and his eyes are burning, “As long as Interior Boundary promises to accommodate Heavenly Residence people peacefully, I promise retreat

Star Venerable, you have no proof, your existence, after all, is too dangerous, the consequences of putting the tiger back to the mountain, you and I are all clear, and please take an oath to prove it” Ning Chen calmly said.

Chao Tianxi sighed, and immediately took the vow as a proof.

The vow is integrated into Heaven and Earth, the sky witnessed, a smile appeared on Ning Chen‘s face, and said, “I will arrange the formal peace talks as soon as possible. Ten days later, before the two militia, we are waiting for Star Venerable

Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis, now I can no longer shoot you, can you tell me, is Mujin dead or alive?” Chao Tianxi said softly.

Xi Mujin? Star Venerable rest assured that she is still alive, maybe, it will not be long before Star Venerable will see her” Ning Chen said faithfully.

“Thank you” Chao Tianxi sighed lightly.

Star Venerable, leave the next time, be careful on the way back, I think, after the peace talks, there will be a lot of things to be said between us”

Ning Chen smiled, said something, and immediately turned away.

Chao Tianxi sighed again, coughing a few times, the figure gradually dissipated in the ice and snow.

A hundred miles away, the sound of the sword was harsh, and Luo Xingchen hurried to stop the two from fighting.

Sword Two, Mu Qianshang, you fight again, you are ready to collect the corpse for Knowing Heaven’s WillLuo Xingchen shouted angrily.

“Keep off”

Mu Qianshang slammed the Sword Two with a sword and rushed straight ahead into the ice hell.

Sword Two, Luo Xingchen followed up and fell into the snow.

At this moment, in the depth of Bingxue World, a Red Clothes figure walked out and looked at the three people who were passing by, softly, “Everyone, where are you going”

The Mu Qianshang stops, the eyes are unbelievable.

“Friend, what is your eyes, I’m fine, shouldn’t I be happy?” Ning Chen chuckled lightly.

“Sure enough, good people don’t live long, the scourge is thousands of years old, Knowing Heaven’s Will, your life is really not ordinary” Luo Xingchen depressed the heart and rejoiced, mouth as before unforgiving says.

Sword Two does n’t have much to say “it ’s better to stay alive”, simply said a word, and then did n’t say anything.

“Let’s go, say something on the road” Ning Chen laughed.

The three nodded and walked together, looting towards Competition City.

Competition City, the hall of deliberations, Venerables has been back for a long time, be patient.

When Ning Chen entered the hall, a pair of eyes immediately looked over, looking forward to the desired answer.

Heavenly Residence Star Venerable is not dead, but Heavenly Residence will soon retreat” ​​Ning Chen said calmly.

In a word, Venerables in the hall shook simultaneously, regret, shock, and puzzled.

Military Strategist, what’s going on?” Zhao Liusu asked.

Heavenly Residence Star Venerable has agreed to peace talks”

Ning Chen did n’t mention the specific combat situation, but just talked about the agreement he reached with Heavenly Residence Star Venerable. Immediately, he looked forward to various Venerables and calmly said, “You guys Venerable, this is the best result for Five Territories, I do n’t want to See anyone destroying this peace talk “

“There is no problem in accommodating Heavenly Residence people, but the existence of Heavenly Residence Star Venerable will be the biggest threat to Interior Boundary. She will not die and suffer endlessly.” Venerable Qing Yu got up, solemnly says.

“She has vowed that as long as you do not target the Heavenly Residence subjects, she will not appear in front of you again, nor will she convene a soldier and a general” Ning Chen indifferently says.

various Venerables heard the words, frowning slightly, and quite dissatisfied and uneasy.

Ning Chen didn’t pay attention to everyone’s thoughts any more, and walked towards the outside of the hall, saying, “You guys Venerable, Heavenly Residence Star Venerable agreed to retreat, just because she wanted to save more people, don’t think that she will let others do it, I I think she knows better than anyone. Only if she is alive can the Heavenly Residence people live better. With all that is said, everyone think about it “

Knowing Heaven’s Will is gone, Supremacy is present, you look at you, I look at me, and I think about each other.

On the main seat, Zhao Liusu sighed lightly. In fact, as long as Interior Boundary is not embarrassed by Heavenly Residence subjects, Heavenly Residence Star Venerable will not have any threats. All the Venerables are so dissatisfied.

If Heavenly Residence Star Venerable died, Heavenly Residence Army was laid off again, the fate of Heavenly Residence people can be imagined.

Wenxuan Palace, Ning Chen came back, Yin’er was the first to run up to meet, left to look, and then to see, after finding no missing arms and legs, he ran to the side to play again.

A smile flickered in Ning Chen‘s eyes. The time for this girl to come out was not short, and she should take her home when she has time.

“How is the injury?” Qing Ning stepped forward and asked softly.

“No problem, it will be fine to recuperate for a while” Ning Chen replied.

“I heard Mu Qianshang at the beginning and end of today’s war. I don’t understand. Why did you keep Heavenly Residence Star Venerable?” Qing Ning couldn’t understand.

“Check and balance”

Ning Chen calmly said, “It is both Interior Boundary various sects and Heavenly Residence various Venerables

“The current situation is actually very clear. In addition to the combat power of Heavenly Residence Star Venerable, Heavenly Residence Army and Interior Boundary basically form a stalemate, and continue to fight, no one can take advantage of it. For Heavenly Residence to survive, it is absolutely impossible for retreat, Interior Boundary various sects to To protect their own interests, it will not be easily withdrawn. The biggest loser of this war is undoubtedly the civilian population of Heavenly Residence and Interior Boundary

“In the end of this war, it is likely that Central Province divided the territory, and then the two sides temporarily ceased the truce. This is the most undesirable result and the final result with the greatest hidden danger. Once Heavenly Residence or Interior Boundary starts again, the war will last forever. No rest “

“What Chao Tianxi wants is that the people of Heavenly Residence can have a place of survival. For this, they are willing to make all sacrifices, and this is the best opportunity for peace”

“Among the terms of the peace talks I have proposed, the one with the greatest loss of interest is Heavenly Residence various sects. The root cause is that Heavenly Residence Army is composed of Heavenly Residence various sects. The demobilization of Heavenly Residence Army means the demobilization of Heavenly Residence Large Sect(s), Chao Tianxi is Heavenly Residence sentient beings, rather than Venerable of a Star. Identity, but not all Heavenly Residence Supremacy are willing to make such a sacrifice, a Heavenly Form is not enough to facilitate this peace talk, the force of Chao Tianxi is the biggest guarantee “

“In addition, after the peace talks, Heavenly Residence various Venerables also needs a person to deter, otherwise it will be a lot of trouble”

“Finally, I left Chao Tianxi, and hung a sword on the head of Central Province and various sects of other domains. Chao Tianxi is life or death. It has no impact on the civilian population of Interior Boundary. The real impact is only on the Large Sect(s) of Five Territories. Ambition “

“In the beginning, Zi Tiangong and Monster Buddha took advantage of Divine Province Expert and died in Nether King Great Tribulation, and took the opportunity to seize the lessons of Divine Province Source. So far, I do n’t want to see similar things happening. In the process of Heavenly Residence subjects being integrated into Interior Boundary, if anyone else Taking the opportunity to make an angry and resentful act, you have to carefully consider whether you have the life to endure the anger of a Treading Immortal Boundary Expert

After hearing the words of Ning Chen, Qing Ning remained silent for a long time, and sighed softly, saying, “Leaving a stand, Heavenly Residence Star Venerable, is really respectable, and deserves the name of a star. If one day, Interior Boundary will also face the threat of destruction, Interior Boundary Of these Supremacy, how many people are willing to sacrifice for the Five Territories people to this point “

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