Eight Desolate Sword God Chapter 1856: Force Palace

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“Stop, this is the Golden Dragon Palace, you are not allowed to enter without the permission of His Majesty Dragon Sovereign!”

Bai Heavenly Ancestor and others brought the old Dragon Clan Clan Head under control. When the tribe came to the magnificent Jinbi Palace, the Loudai Palace was immediately stopped by a large number of gold Dragon Clan guards and shouted loudly.

“Why, ca n’t I even enter?”

Wearing a black robe with a burly figure and a black beard around his mouth, the black dragon Clan Head with strong dragon power came slowly and came overbearingly.


The loyal gold Dragon Clan guard gritted his teeth and endured the terrifying pressure released by the Black Dragon Clan Head, said stiffly.

“Find death!”

The black dragon Clan Head has a killing masterpiece in his eyes. His right hand quickly reaches out and instantly transforms into a sharp dragon claw, grabbing the chest of the golden dragon guard, trying to kill him Liwei.

Looking at the Golden Dragon Guard ’s dragon claw hole transformed by the black dragon Clan Head, suddenly, a golden light was reflected in the Golden Dragon Palace, bombarded on the dragon claw that was extremely sharp and grabbed the space, smashed the dragon claw, and saved the Golden Dragon. guard.

“Open the palace door and let them in!”

The Black Dragon Clan Head‘s face sank, and when he was about to continue his attack, the majestic voice of Dragon Sovereign rang, wafting in the void, shaking the entire space with buzzing sounds.

“Your Majesty Dragon Sovereign!”

The Golden Dragon guard said respectfully and quickly gave way, allowing the arrogant White Heavenly Ancestor, Black Dragon Clan Head and others to break into the Golden Dragon Palace.

Outside the Golden Dragon Hall circling like a divine dragon, white Heavenly Ancestor, black dragon Clan Head and others saw Dragon Sovereign sitting in a golden dragon chair, wearing golden dragon robes, not angry and a crowd of gold Dragon Clan expert.

Although Gold Dragon Clan is the first group of Dragon Clan, the overall strength is far better than other groups, but Heaven Clan, Monster Clan control other families except Ying Dragon Clan, the overall strength far exceeds the gold Dragon Clan.

However, in the face of today ’s situation, Dragon Sovereign ’s cold and proud face is still very calm, as if everything today is under his control.

“You are here today, are you here to force the palace!”

Dragon Sovereign‘s deep eyes burst out of the road, looking at familiar faces, and said slowly.

“Yes, Long Xingfeng, you are not worthy of being the emperor of Dragon Clan. We came here today to let you hand over Dragon Sovereign.” Black Dragon Clan Head first stood up, staring at Dragon Sovereign coldly and said aloud .

“I don’t deserve to be the emperor of Dragon Clan, could it be are you a traitor for the seller to seek honor?” Dragon Sovereign looked at the Black Dragon Clan Head with contempt.

“Long Xingfeng, I have rules for Dragon Clan. If the joint names of the major Clan Head let you abdicate, you must obey, and you must not disobey!” Black Dragon Clan Head moved out of the ancestral rules of Dragon Clan.

“Yes, my Dragon Clan does have this ancestor rule? But Yinglong Clan Head does not seem to agree with your decision!” Dragon Sovereign said slowly.

“I should always support His Majesty Dragon Sovereign and defend Dragon Clan by Dragon Clan!”

Rescued by Ye Chenfeng, Yinglong Clan Head who came to the Golden Dragon City early came out of the Golden Dragon Hall to support Dragon Sovereign.

“Huh, Ying Dragon Clan is just a small family, what use is he to support you alone?” Black Dragon Clan Head frowned slightly, staring at Ying Long Clan Head coldly, humming coldly.

“What if the old man also supports His Majesty Dragon Sovereign?”

Tianlong Clan Head Long Kun took a group of days Dragon Clan expert, broke away from the hostile forces, and stood on the side of Dragon Sovereign, saying.

“Long Kun, do you want to die?”

Black Luan Monster Ancestor did not expect that Long Kun would suddenly betray his face, and his face suddenly became somber, and the sound of sound warned.

“Haha, black luan, do you really think that your little means can control me? You are too naive!” Long Kun laughed, and the soul moved, directly smashing the soul mark weakened to the extreme by Devouring God Brain, recovering Freedom.

“You, how did you do it?”

Feeling that the soul mark in Long Kun ’s soul sea suddenly disappeared. Black Luan Monster Ancestor‘s eyes widened, revealing unbelievable colors. I do n’t believe that Long Kun actually had the means to break the soul mark.

“Long Batian, what do you say now?”

One day Dragon Clan and Ying Dragon Clan support, the situation immediately reversed, Dragon Clan ancestral rules are useless, Dragon Sovereign said with a proud smile.

“Hum, Dragon Wind, is it useful to support you with their two wastes? If you don’t hand over the Dragon Sovereign position, you are destined to perish!” Black Dragon Clan Head Long Batian said with a somber face.

“Long Batian, do you really think you have won?” Dragon Sovereign said in a domineering manner: “Today the emperor is sitting here. If you want Dragon Sovereign, come here, if you can kill me, this Dragon Sovereign The place is yours. “

“You you …”

Long Batian ’s strength is already weaker than that of Dragon ’s Wind, and Dragon ’s Wind still holds the Dragon Clan town treasure Ancestral Dragon Sword. Even with Heaven Clan and Monster Clan ’s Ancestor Realm, he has no courage to challenge Dragon Sovereign.

“Why are you afraid?” Dragon Sovereign said disdainfully while looking at the long-faced Dragon Tyrant, “Dragon Tyrant, just because of your guts and courage, and want to be my respect for Dragon Clan? You still obediently do Monster Clan, Heaven Clan dogs are better. “

“You …”

I heard Dragon Sovereign‘s public Clan Head ridicule myself, and Longba weather was trembling, and his lungs almost exploded.

“Long Hong, and you, if it is not too late for you to change your mind now, and I assure you that no matter what restrictions they impose on you, I will keep you safe.” Dragon Sovereign turned his gaze to his eyes The complex Silver Dragon Clan Head Long Hong and others promised in public.


Long Hong et al.’s eyes lit up and looked at Dragon Sovereign in unison.

They are different from the Black Dragon Clan Head. They do not want to betray Dragon Clan and Dragon Sovereign in their hearts. They are all controlled by Heaven Clan and Monster Clan by means of help.

“Well, the emperor said a word, since the emperor dared to make a promise, he will naturally protect you!” Dragon Sovereign nodded and promised.

Dragon Sovereign, we are willing to defend the enemy with you, and swear to defend Dragon Clan.”

Hearing Dragon Sovereign guarantees, the people of Heaven Clan and Monster Clan suddenly changed their faces, while the Dragon Clan headed by Long Hong showed a surprise color and came to the trenches of Dragon Sovereign one after another.

“You are looking for death!”

White Heavenly Ancestor, Black Luan Monster Ancestor and others saw that after Dragon Sovereign a few words, they made Long Hong and others take their hearts, revealing a terrible color, and wanted to find the prohibition that detonated them and killed them to warn other Dragon Clan expert .

“The power of Ancestral Land, the seal!”

When Bai Heavenly Ancestor and others detonated the ban, the prepared Dragon Sovereign had launched the power of Ancestral Land, releasing a strong ancestor to cover Long Hong and others, cutting off their contact with the outside world, and making Bai Heavenly Ancestor and others basically Unable to detonate the prohibition in them.

“Why, how could this happen!”

Long Batian, who looked at Long Hong and others intact and shrouded in ancestors, changed his face instantly, and felt a strong anxiety in his heart.

“Long Xingfeng, I underestimate your means, but even if they return to their heart is useless, you Dragon Clan still can not escape the fate of being destroyed!”

When the situation reversed, the space above the Golden Dragon Palace suddenly ruptured and opened a huge crack, wearing a dark golden robe, with a golden crown, and golden light flowing underneath, Golden Peng Monster Ancestor exuding the powerful Ancestor Power appeared.

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