Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: Little Murong

The vocational training center in Vietnam ’s main city is significantly more shabby than Yinyue City. If it ’s not the occupation signs hanging at the door, I would think it is just a small shop!

When I rushed into the vocational training institute, I was immediately besieged by many professional mentors. The hatred value between me and the Vietnamese was too high, and they already regarded me as a dead enemy.

However, I do n’t really care about the 110-level attack. I waved a sword and cut off the weak mage mentor. Tianma was also very acquainted with a lightning that killed the priest mentor. The remaining few professional mentors ca n’t count. What is almost a sword, only the knight professional instructor raised a huge shield to defend, but also failed to resist my second sword.

When the Vietnamese players were around here, all of them were stunned. The admiring mentors usually lay straight on the ground at this moment, and they would not be refreshed again after 24 hours. In other words, within 24 hours, the Vietnamese players here are unable to learn skills and advance careers normally.

I saw them pile up again at the door of the house, and I was so happy that I just gave them a laser sword that I have n’t used for a long time!

Gorgeous laser, low-key departure.

After finishing the vocational training institute, I turned my direction to the pharmacy again, but I did n’t know where the pharmacy was, so I ran a long distance, and finally found a large pharmacy in the corner that deviated from Chengtianzi No. 1 with only one dispenser and Two guys, this is the easiest for this non-combat type, after the three swords, leave! The Vietnamese players behind couldn’t keep up with me.

It ’s not too far from the city, it ’s about the same as Hurricane City, it ’s a second-class main city, so after I slaughtered the adventurer ’s union, equipment shop, repair shop, grocery store, and teleportation point, I felt Some of the world is invincible, but I still have n’t seen the Murong Shanshan figure. Even, I have already met with Little Wolf 001. Little Wolf 001 has not found the target, but it has blood washed half of the street, and the patrol guards in the city have been killed. It’s a mess, but the wolf is not too bad. Only one third of the tens of thousands of qi and blood are less than one. I’m afraid it will hang up, so I go back to the pet space and slowly return to the blood.

There are more and more players around, which makes me ca n’t help but dispel the crazy idea of ​​going to the palace to kill the king. If I go, it is estimated that the guards in the palace are enough for me, maybe I ca n’t get out. , Half of the whole body equipment exploded, that is not the result I want!

So, I wielded a sword and directed Tianma to kill a **** road from the East Gate. The surrounding Vietnamese players rushed up and down, and then fell down in pieces, vowing to defend the dignity of the main city. I gradually felt my own Some supplies are not enough. The magic of other people’s mage is still very sensational. Tianma was also hit with white hair in the rain of bullets.

“Xiaobai, we should withdraw!”

As soon as I finished speaking, Tianma ran out of the gate with his hooves, and the speed was amazing. It seemed that it was more eager to escape than me!

When they came outside the city, Vietnamese players in the city came out violently, vowing to let out this bad breath. I do n’t think it ’s possible to stay here, so I drove Tianma all the way into the forest, and I could n’t see the chasing soldiers in the back. Then I stopped and released the little wolf 001, and the little wolf has some fur. Not soft enough, the hair hit by the sword magic of others was scorched.

Going a little further, you can actually hear the sound of running water, so you urge the horse to pass, and it turns out to be a clear stream.

I laughed immediately: “Little wolf, little white, go take a bath, I should take a break!”

Tianma and the little wolf immediately ran into the stream happily. I watched the time. The whole slaughter process lasted for several hours. Now it ’s time for dinner, so I went off the line, Tianma and the little wolf The two pets also went back to the pet space with my offline.

After going offline, Xinyu came back from the office building in front and said angrily: “The fat king in the marketing department dare to tease my aunt. If the company needs him now, I will immediately scrap him!”

I was surprised and asked: “Xin Yu, what’s wrong?”

Xin Yu said angrily: “The fat man in the marketing department said that my face has turned rosy these days and asked me what happened.”

I frowned, and the photo incident that day should not be disclosed to anyone. The people who were present at that time later talked about Xu Lin separately, but it was difficult to ensure that the wind would not be leaked.

Think about it, forget it. This kind of thing cares what other people think, so he patted Xin Yu on the shoulder and said, “You are the boss now, bear with me, if you can’t do it, you will drive him away, and you have money to be afraid Can’t you hire talent? The most important thing in China in the 21st century is talent! “

Xin Yu smiled slightly and said, “Well, yes, I heard Xue Han say, you went to the massacre this afternoon, how is it going?”

“Smooth, it is estimated that this red name brush may not be able to brush back for half a year.”

“Oh, it does n’t matter. After the red name, our own station is still unobstructed ~”


I opened the official forum and found the mirror image of Vietnam. Sure enough, it was already hot. The first main city was arrogantly slaughtered by others. The pot in Vietnam has been blasted. Numerous photos of the city on the back of Tianma have been posted When it came out, the Vietnamese players hated me as an uninvited guest, but they also showed some awe. After all, being able to kill seven players in a main city alone is definitely not an ordinary person.

In finding personal information, Xiao Murong did not give me back information, but in the public sector, she posted a post explaining why she did not go to the massacre in the afternoon. The reason is very simple: take a nap, forget …

However, Xiao Murong said that he felt very happy after learning that the departure city was still being slaughtered.

I’m really depressed, I don’t know if she is Murong Shanshan, and she doesn’t reply text messages, just like I don’t know where to read text messages.

There is nothing about the whereabouts of Murong Shanshan in the newly posted post in the afternoon that departs from the city. It seems that she may really take a nap.

Xin Yu stood behind me and smiled and asked, “Why didn’t I see Shanshan?”

I said: “She seems to say she has a nap in the afternoon.”

“A nap?”

Xin Yu frowned at Xiu Mei, and suddenly woke up: “Lin Fan! Shanshan said she was taking a nap in the afternoon?”

“Yeah, what’s wrong with Xinyu?” I wonder why Xinyu is so surprised.

Xin Yu was excited and said, “Lin Fan, have you ever thought about the jet lag problem? She took a nap in the afternoon, indicating that the jet lag is similar to ours, and how many countries are on the longitude of our planet ? Mongolia, Russia and Australia! “

I am a little confused: “What’s the matter?”

Xin Yu smiled and said, “You think, Shanshan will definitely not go to Mongolia for hair blowing because of her tender skin. Russia is too cold and she can’t stand it anymore. As for Australia, I once heard Shanshan say The country she wants to go to most is France, and she wants to see the Seine. The country she does n’t want to go to is Australia, because she does n’t like kangaroos! So, Shanshan is likely to be in China now, or even in Suzhou! “

I woke up like a dream, immediately stood up and hugged Xinyu, praised: “Xinyu you are so smart!”

Xin Yu smiled and said, “I ’m just a preliminary guess. I do n’t know if this is the case. You may go to Shanshan ’s mother ’s company again. Do n’t say anything this time, ask. Her mother should know that two months have passed, maybe she has returned to the company? “

I thought about it, and it was true, so I said, “Then I will pass by now!”

“Do n’t worry!” Xin Yu grabbed me and smiled: “Look at you, I’m happy when I hear Shanshan’s news. I think it’s more appropriate for you to go tomorrow, otherwise, It ’s not good to go to the air at night. “

So at night, I was still online. I still did n’t hear about Murong Shanshan around the main city of Vietnam. I also went in the direction and had to wander in the forest near the city, looking forward to meeting Murong Shanshan unexpectedly. Encounter.

The monsters in the deep forest are mostly level 120, which requires Vietnamese players to team up to practice, but they seem to rarely come here, so I will do it for myself. Looking at the durability of the equipment, the durability of the flying feather sword is only 57%. By the way, the durability of the defensive equipment is still 82%. Those players can rarely break through my defense, so the defensive equipment has a relatively long lasting consumption.

As for the potions in the parcels, the people who picked them up outside the city have used seven, seven, eight, eight, and they killed too much. The potions have almost never stopped pouring. Anyway, it ’s night time anyway, and there is nothing to do.

So, I released Tianma and the little wolf, and then ordered: “Little wolf, little white, you kill monsters around here!”

Originally, I just tried this command tentatively, but I did n’t expect the two pets to quickly understand what I meant. The little wolf went into battle with a roar, and the horse screamed and rushed into it. After a lightning chain attack in the monster pile, I secretly rejoiced that Tianma turned out to be so easy to use, it can be used for riding and can be used to help the master level like the little wolf 001.

There are two super powerful pets to level up, so I do n’t have to do it myself, just follow their **** and pick the equipment and blood bottles that the monsters dropped on the ground. The whole body equipment is also online without fighting. Under the circumstances, slowly restore this durability, especially Feiyu Sword. As a mid-level artifact, Feiyu Sword’s long-lasting recovery speed is almost 4% in one hour. I stayed until 12 o’clock now, and I can recover almost 20%. , And enough to kill for a while.

As a result, I practiced until 11 o’clock in the middle of the night, the weapon lasted to 75%, and the medicine was added to most of the packages, all of which were large blood bottles with 2400 blood. The monster level here is relatively high, but I can only Collected so much, after all, the chance of monsters bursting the bleeding bottle is not as high as the player.

One night of leveling, the experience bar has also increased a little, although it is small, but I can see it after all, so I am still satisfied.

Offline, open the Vietnam forum, I have set this forum as the browser homepage …

At this time, the forum in Vietnam is still hot, everyone is discussing the massacre incident in the afternoon, and I saw Xiao Murong again, and she shamefully clamored for one after another Tu Guang to depart from several small cities under the jurisdiction of the city. Town, I can be almost 100% sure that this little Murong is Murong Shanshan, and only she would make me feel so arrogant and funny.

Xiao Murong still ignores me, it seems that she is still angry with me. How can I remedy? I have slaughtered her main city in the afternoon, and I don’t know what to do next time.

Open the forum in China, it’s still hot here. In the Hall of Fame of the server forum, both Murong Shanshan and I have a section. In the Murong Shanshan section, many of her admirers are asking where Murong Shanshan went. Some people replied that Going to the Green Veggie Tofu Soup version may find the answer.

As a result, my original cold plate suddenly became hot. A large number of Murong Shanshan FANS came to me to ask me where to get the little beauty, but soon they found out that there were already enthusiasts in my plate forwarding Xiao Murong ’s arrogant declaration of slaughtering the family city, the following is the picture I took when I slaughtered the city. At a glance, everyone understood that no wonder these two people disappeared together. It turned out that they went to the people ’s site to kill and set fire … /

Only I know how hard it is.

After looking at the time, I found something in the refrigerator, and then I cooked a soup with a rice cooker and poured a lot of seasonings, so it tasted good. The soup contains beef, seafood, and noodles. , Because I put a pack of Master Kang. In addition, a lot of things like shrimps were added. Anyway, the taste came out quickly, much like, when we were there, everyone used a rice cooker to supper at night, basically the same.

After I was ready, I went to Xinyu and Lu Xuehan’s room to call them out and said that they were having supper together.

As a result, Xin Yu grew my mouth after seeing this pot of soup and muttered: “Good guy, this pot of soup is really a hodgepodge ~”

Lu Xuehan smiled sweetly and said, “Xin Yu, it is rare that Lin Fan will cook for us, Sister Lin has no such blessing ~”

Xin Yu thought deeply and smiled happily. Then three people sat down and drank this spicy soup. Two months later, the sky is getting colder. In winter, you should eat more of this kind of thing, although it is still early.

After eating supper, the two MM smiled and went back to rest. I also went to bed. I decided to go to Shanghai tomorrow. This time I must ask for the specific location of Murong Shanshan!


I was speechless overnight, and in the early morning, I was awakened by the alarm of the mobile phone, and it was still the sweet voice of Murong Shanshan. I felt that I was a little bit mean.

Get up and accompany Xinyu and Lu Xuehan after breakfast, Xinyu asked me: “Go to Shanghai, do you want me to go with you?”

I shook my head: “No, it ’s not good for you to go. Shanshan ’s mother has a cold for girls outside Shanshan beside me.”

Xin Yu smiled slightly: “A good old lady, I do n’t know if it ’s a lucky one. Okay, you go, well, do n’t turn your face against the future mother-in-law.”

I laughed bitterly. Whether I can see Murong Shanshan in the future will be a problem. What else do I need to mention?

Go downstairs and take out my cheap Buick from the garage. Suddenly remembered that Xu Lin, who bought this car for me, had not heard from her for two days, and the phone was disconnected because she was not Global Connect I didn’t give her the money for the car, even if I gave her, I’m afraid she wouldn’t want it.

Going through the company ’s inner door, Fengshen smiled and said, “Boss, go out and find Shanshan?”

“No, find Shanshan’s mother.”



Shanghai is adjacent to Suzhou, and it does n’t take long to arrive, so I came to the suburbs of Shanghai before someone else went to work, but there was a traffic jam. The traffic jam was just over an hour. When I entered the city, the office workers Almost all have sat in the office.

When I came downstairs to Murongxuan Company, I took an applicant ’s wallet from the trunk of the car and walked up.

“Sir, please register!” the guard shouted at me.

I wrote the reason for the application. The guard looked at me puzzledly and asked, “Is there any application for the company today? Which department do you apply for?”

I am busy laughing: “Design Department, I am in direct contact with the general manager of Murong.”

The guards are relieved: “Oh, that ’s no wonder, the general manager wo n’t come once every ten days and a half month. She happened to be here this morning. She came to the company very early and your luck is so good.”

I could n’t help but feel secretly glad that it turned out that Murong Xuan did n’t really go abroad, so Shanshan must have been with her and must be found.

On the 12th floor, after opening the elevator, I walked into the office area, and the front desk immediately asked, “Sir, what are you doing?”

At this time I was wearing the clothing of Yufan Company Manager ~ ~ There is also the emblem of Yufan Company on my chest, so I said, “Come and ask your general manager Murong Xuan to talk about something, which office she is in ? “

“Oh? Would you please ask me for advice.”

I was busy saying, “No, you can tell me where the manager room is.”

The MM at the front desk glanced at me, probably thinking that I was selling, so he said: “Go forward, the last room is.”

So I walked in immediately and a group of people in the company looked at me in surprise.

“Boom ~!” I knocked on the door.

“Come in!” Muran Xuan’s voice was impressive.

I immediately pushed in the door, and Murong Xuan was looking down at the documents on the table without looking up. “Mary, just put things on my desk. I will call you again later.”

She must have misunderstood me as someone else, so I called out: “Auntie, it’s me …”

Murong Xuan looked up in surprise: “Why … is it you?”

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